字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント This is a day in the life of a Japanese homebuilder 今回は大和ハウス社員の1日に密着すっぞ [Intro Music Playing] 彼の名はユウヤ、東京に住む25歳だ [ Mobile alarm goes off ] 出勤準備をするために 起きたとこだぞ This is Yuya ユウヤはこの1Kの部屋で一人暮らししてる 25 years old living in Tokyo and he's just waking up for work 広さは約25㎡ he lives in this 1k apartment 東京の一人暮らしの住まいの平均は27.4㎡だから ちょうど平均くらいの広さだな which is about 25 square meters つまり、295平方フィートくらいの広さだ just around the average for a single residence Tokyo apartment 近年では、割りと珍しいんだけど 27.4 square meters or about 295 square feet 彼の場合、家賃の一部を会社が負担してるんだ although becoming less common these days in Japan 日本語では「住宅手当」 英語ではHouse Allowanceだ his apartment rent is partially covered by his company 日本の住宅手当の平均月額金額はおよそ150USDだ a system called Jutaku Teate いつも朝メシは食うのか? House Allowance 身支度にはどのくれーかかるんだ? The average housing allowance in Japan being about $150 per month ユウヤは施工管理者として今働いてて That said 大学では建築を勉強したんだって It does help that his company constructed the apartment building he is living in 実は、小学生の頃すでに建築に興味があって Do you always eat breakfast ? 文集にも建築関係の仕事がしたいって書いたくらいだ! How long does it take you to get ready ? 東京の平均と比べると、ユウヤの家は駅から遠め Yuya works as a home construction site manager だから、まずバスに乗って最寄駅に行くんだ graduating from a four-year university focused in architecture それから、電車で職場に向かうぞ In fact he's been interested in architecture since he was in elementary school 今日はオフィスじゃなくて、施工現場に直接向かうんだ so much so that he wrote it in his yearbook こういうケースは普段から多いから [ Speaks Japanese ] 担当現場によって通勤時間が違ってくるんだって Yuya's apartment is relatively far from the train station by Tokyo standards おっす、みんな!今日は1日密着の日だ so he usually takes a bus first to get to the train station 今日は家を建てに行くぞ and then rides a train to work もうすぐユウヤが到着するはずだ so this morning instead of going to the office 今朝の調子はどうか、聞いてみようぜ he commutes directly to the construction site おはよー! which is often the case and why it's commute times 昨日はよく眠れた? varies depending on the project ユウヤは大和ハウスで働いてんだ Good Morning everyone !! 日本トップのハウスメーカーの一つだ! I'm back with another day in the life 年間約7千棟の戸建て住宅を建設していて and today we are building a house 全国に約17,000人の社員がいるんだ Yuya should be coming on the next train それは何だ? let's see how he's doing this morning KYは危険予知の略 Good Morning !! 日本の工事現場ではよく使われていて How do you sleep last night ? ヒューマンエラーが原因の危険予防をするためのものだ Yuya works at Daiwa House 例えば、コミュニケーションミスや疲労とか one of the top home builders in Japan 健全な労働環境を整えるためにも役立つぞ building 7000 homes each year あ、現場スタッフが出勤し始めたぞ with a total of about 17000 employees throughout Japan スタッフは全員顔認知でチェックイン後、 What's that ? 体温を測して健康であることを証明するんだ KY stands for Kiken Yochi スタッフが出勤したら、朝礼の時間だ! Danger & Foresight 日本の会社でよく見る、ラジオ体操からスタートすっぞ This form is commonly used on Japanese construction work sites 準備運動して、業務中の事故がないようにするんだな to help prevent human errors like miscommunication 一つ、他の会社と違うのはさ or over exhaustion 朝礼を本社や他の工事現場と繋げて行うんだ as well as to promote a healthy and safe working environment 日本全国のスタッフと同時に運動してるって、すげーよな! Oh it seems like more of the construction workers are arriving on site 朝礼では、成功の心得も唱和するぞ They're all required to check in via facial recognition その後、目を閉じて家族や大切なことを思い浮かべて 1日安全に作業をするリマインドをするんだ as well as to take their body temperature 制服チェックもするぞ to verify that they're healthy enough to work 工事現場では、協力会社と一緒に作業することが多いから Now that all the workers have arrived 其々と建物の条件などについて コミュニケーションを取るのも施工管理者であるユウヤの仕事 it's time for chore, their daily morning meeting そうすることで、どの建物もきっちり要望通りに建てられる Like many other traditional Japanese companies この担当物件は三階建てで、大家さんが最上階に 住むように作られた賃貸マンションだ the construction workers also have morning exercises called Radio Taiso 1〜3階の住居スペースは380㎡ to warm up and prevent injury before their physical work day ahead それが132㎡の土地に建ってる a little different than many companies though 4ヶ月で建て終わるスケジュールなんだって is that this meeting is connected to the headquarters 朝礼が終わったら、ユウヤ含めて全スタッフ10分の清掃をするぞ as well as other construction sites ゴミはどうすんだ? so the Daiwa workers can exercise at the same time 日本の廃棄物管理は元々かなり厳しいんだけど all throughout Japan ユウヤの会社はさらにその一歩先を歩いてる as a part of the meeting 例えば、19種類別に分けてリサイクルしてるんだ workers recite the company's philosophy 朝一番の作業は、KY用紙を使った巡回 then they silently close their eyes and think about their family スタッフの健康状態や ヘルメットなどの安全器具が正しく使われているか、 and important things in their life as a reminder to work safely today さらに、道具や素材の管理がきちんとされているかを しっかり点検していくぞ followed up by uniform inspection そりゃなんだ!? At the construction site 今日はスタッフが足場を使うから there are also workers from other co-operative companies 安全に使用できるかを事前にユウヤが点検をすんだ so as a construction site manager 現場の事故はユウヤの責任になってくるからな it's Yuya's responsibility to guide and communicate building plan requirements 因みに、ユウヤは二級建築士 to each party so the house is built to specification each and every time 戸建ての施工管理ができる国家資格だ This current project is a three-story home 一級建築士の場合は、大きな建築物も建てられるようになる designed to be a tenant occupied rental 例えば、オリンピックスタジアムとかな! with the owner living on the top floor でもそれには難関の国家試験に通らなきゃなんねぇ 380 square meters of total living space 合格率10%なんだって on a 132 square meters of land 今、何してんだ? all scheduled to complete within four months ユウヤは、1日を通して「巡回」をするぞ after the morning meeting 規定に沿って作業がなされているかを点検すんだ the workers including Yuya start with a 10 minute cleaning 高品質な戸建てを作るために 大和ハウスの規定はすっげー厳しくなってる What about all the garbage ? しかも、3段階の点検を通るようになってる Japan is already fairly strict on waste management ユウヤが日々の点検をして、定期的に上司が点検する but Yuya's company takes it one step further さらに、完成後の品質保証部の点検に入るんだ for example they sort their waste into 19 recyclable categories あ、なんか印つけた!どうかしたのか? At the beginning of the day he performs a walkthrough ユウヤのここでの仕事ってなんなんだ? with the KY form QCDSEMは、Quality(質) Cost(コスト)Delivery(納期・物流) Environment(環境)Safety(安全) Moral(モラル)だ paying careful attention to the workers health condition どこに行くんだ? helmets and safety equipment are being properly used ナイス!みんなにも差し入れするんだ! and tools and materials are properly kept 他のスタッフと一緒に30分休憩を取るぞ What's that ? 日本の建設現場ってさ、昔から 過酷な労働環境で知られてるんだ since the workers will be using the scaffolding today 過労するまで働かされたりとか he inspects it beforehand to ensure it's safe to use だから、 自分の管理下で働くスタッフがみんなしっかり 休憩を取れてるかを把握するのもユウヤの大切な 仕事だ as he's responsible for injuries that occur on site 夏は暑くない? So Yuya is a Ni-Kyu Kenchikushi 扇風機使わねーのか? a prefecture license certified second-class architect さぁ、作業再開だ! which allows him to manage small housing construction 今、何の確認をしてんだ? A first class license would allow for larger construction projects すっげー!この建物の図面200ページもあんぞ such as Olympic stadiums 担当してる建物の図面は詳細まで しっかり頭に入れておくのもユウヤの仕事の一つ but would require passing a national qualifying exam 作業員からの質問にちゃんと答える必要があるからな where only about 10% of the applicants are able to pass これ、何? What are you doing now ? 大和ハウスの家には、このX形のブレースが設置してあるんだ Throughout the day Yuya performs Junkai 日本は、地震の多い国 世界第4位の地震大国だからな which is a regular site walkthrough 1924年に耐震基準法が作られて、 今まで度々の改正を重ねてきた to ensure all of the workers are completing each task to specification 一番最新なのは「新耐震基準法」 apparently his company has strict and precise guidelines 震度6程度の大規模地震でも倒壊・崩壊しない 検証を行うことが法律で定められてるんだ to produce high quality homes 今、地震が起きたらどうなるんだ? and each one undergoes three levels of inspection それから、日本では 家がびっちりスペースなく建てられてるから one by him every day 耐火にまつわる法律ってのもあるんだ then by his supervisor and finally by the quality assurance team 例えば、火災が発生しても1時間は 崩れることなく、耐えられなきゃなんねぇ Oh he marked something !! さらに、中からの火は外に出ないようになってる その逆も同様だ What was wrong ? 配管から火が移動しないように 特別な防火断熱材でコーティングしてあるんだ So, What your main responsibility ? 点火したら溶けて、配管の穴を詰まらせて 炎を通さないようにデザインされてる QCDSEM stands for Quality Cost Delivery Safety Environment & Morale ユウヤはもう少し点検に時間がかかるみてぇだ Where are you going now ? オラはここを探検でもすっかな Nice he's picking up drinks for everyone ここはガレージっぺーな Now he takes a 30 minute break with the workers 建物の素材を保管する一時的な倉庫みたいだ! so construction work in Japan 質問してもいいか? also has a dark history where many are overworked to the point of exhaustion 今、何してんだ? so it's his responsibility to ensure that everyone under his supervision 模様が特徴的だから、繊細な仕事なんだ gets enough rest 慎重に作業しなきゃいけねーんだって Isn't it hot in the summer ? おっす!何してんだ? you guys don't use a fan ? やったー!昼メシだ! now back to work 今日は近所にある蕎麦屋で食うことにしたぞ What are you guys checking right now ? 今日は鳥南蛮そばを注文したみてぇだぞ WOW !! This building plan has over 200 pages いつも一人で食うのか? It's also Yuya's responsibility 日本はどこもまだこんな感じだからしょーがねぇ! to know every detail about the building plan この後は? so he can clarify any questions from the construction workers 他のスタッフが戻る前に、「作業間連絡調整」を用意すっぞ What's this ? この用紙を使って、 明日の作業内容や作業人数を共有するんだ This X-shaped structural brace is installed in all of their homes ユウヤは入社して短い方だから as Japan is ranked fourth in the world for having earthquakes 今、一度に持てる担当物件は一つ so earthquake resistant building laws have been in place since 1924 つまり、年に約3棟くらい担当することになるな and have been updated over the years 何棟も同時に担当できるようになる為に 今、一生懸命経験を積んでるところなんだ! such as the Shin-Taishin standard この仕事の好きなところは? requiring that all buildings must be able to withstand a stage six seismic event そうそう、大和ハウスはプレハブ工法だから on Japan's seven stage seismic scale 事前に工場でカットした素材が ぴったりの数量で届くんだぞ so what would happen if there was an earthquake right now ? そして、それを現場で組み立てるんだ Also Japanese homes are often built right next to each other このおかげで、常に質の高い家が 短い日数で建てられるってわけ! so they must adhere 廃棄物も最小限に抑えられるしな to Japanese fireproofing laws これ、なんだ? for example they must be able to tolerate fire なるほどな!普段は壁の中に入ってるから見えねーのか! for at least one hour without collapsing これは? as well as contain inside fires from breaching outer walls and vice versa ユウヤは東京本社に戻るみてーだ even pipes traveling between floors 駅から遠いのか? must be wrapped in a special fire retardant material 大和ハウス工業の東京本社ビルを自社で 建設したっていうのはなるほどな!って感じだよな designed to melt during a fire ここはフリーアドレスになってんのか effectively sealing the hole and trapping the fire ここでは何をするんだ? so it looks like Yuya is going to be doing his inspection for a little bit longer ユウヤは、最近は週一でしか会社に行かねーんだ so while he's doing that let's do our own inspection 出社時は、会社から許可をもらう必要さえある Okay look at this area テレワーク推奨はコロナ対策で始まったんだけど looks like the garage 今は働き方改革の一環として続いてるんだって I guess they're using it as a temporary storage spot for building materials ここでは施工会社に電話したり、 施工関連の用紙の印刷、請求書処理とか Can I ask you a question ? デスクワークをすっぞ What are you doing now ? 次はデザイナーとのミーティング Apparently it's fairly detailed construction 今日の施工で確認事項が出てきたからだ since the pattern is a bit complicated 何だ、それ!? so he has to be careful 「上棟」は、日本の家を建てる時に開かれる伝統的な式典で 棟上げのタイミングで行われるんだ Hi what are you doing ? 建物の四隅の柱に、 水、塩、米、酒をまいて建物を清めて Yay !! Lunchtime 安全に建つように祈願するんだ Today he's decided to eat at a soba shop in the area あ、先輩に今担当してる物件について アドバイスをもらってるみたいだぞ it looks like he's having one of their specialties ユウヤは、もうちょっとオフィスワークがあるみてぇだ chicken nanban soba この間にオラはもっかい探検してくるぞ do you always eat alone ? おっす!質問していいか? I guess this is how life in Japan is these days 今、何してたんだ What's next after this ? デザイナーなのか? before workers come back he prepares the Sagyokan Renraku Chosei 入社して何年目なんだ? a specific form workers need to fill out これは? to indicate what work needs to be done tomorrow デザインするのにどのくらいかかるんだ? including the number of workers 一年に何棟デザインするんだ? Yuya is relatively young in the company この部屋はなんだろう? so he manages one project at a time おっす! meaning he builds about three houses a year この部屋はなんだ? but he continues to work hard 何台くらいあるんだ? and builds his skills with goals to be able to manage several buildings at a time スマートコントロールセンターって 名前がついてるのは理解できるな What's your favorite part of your job ? 建設中の建物に全部カメラがついてるんだから By the way 360度カメラで現場をチェックできるし Yuya's company uses a prefabricated style of construction 映像が保存してあるから、戻って確認もできるようになってる where the raw materials such as board and planks are pre-cut at the factory いつもこの部屋は一人しかいねーのか? and delivered in exact quantities and then constructed all on-site 実は、朝礼はここの部屋から行われてたんだ this allows them to build consistent リビングサロンって書いてある 何があるか気になるな! and high-quality homes in relatively shorter times おっす!ここは何なんだ? with minimal waste ここのショールームでは、新築を考えてる客が 動く壁を使ってスペースの確認ができるだ What's that ? 日本はスペースが限られてるから 数センチでも大きな違いが出てくるんだ I get your flow 他にも、建物の素材や仕上げを見ることができるぞ It's usually hidden behind the wall so you don't get to see it ミニトイレもある! What's that ? 同じフロアの屋外には、デモガーデンを自然光で見ることができるショールームがあるんだ Oh I guess Yuya is leaving for the office 便利だな! How far is the office from the station ? まだ仕事が残ってんのか? and it's probably no surprise that his company even built their own office building やったー!今日はこれで終わりだ! [Speaking in Japanese] お気に入りの唐揚げ屋さんで弁当を買って帰るぞ Nice. His office works on a free desk system 晩めしは唐揚げか! so what do you need to do here ? めっちゃ美味そうじゃねーか! These days he goes to the office only once a week この弁当屋でよく買うのか? and when he does he needs to get approval from the company コロナの前は同僚と仕事終わりにメシに よく行ってたんだけど apparently this system started as part of their COVID prevention 今は、代わりにオンライン飲み会をしてるんだって but now it's become part of their labor reform initiative 今夜もする予定なんだけど so while in the office he also talks to vendors fills out building forms それまで、まだ時間があるから invoices reviews change requests basically taking care of general admin work 趣味に時間を使うことにしたみてーだ now he has a meeting with the designer to double check some items 趣味は写真! brought to light from today's site work スッゲーいい写真!どこで撮影したんだ? What's that ? どうやら、同僚がそろったみてーだ Joutou is a traditional Japanese ceremony この後、ユウヤは10時くらいまで飲んで held when the framework of a house is completed 11時には寝るってさ sake salt and rice are spread at the corners of the house to pray for safe construction これで、1日密着は終わり! as well as to cleanse and purify it どう思ったかコメント欄で教えてくれよな oh it looks like he's getting advice from a senior co-worker about his current project 楽しんでもらえたら、いいねボタンで教えてくれ so it looks like Yuya has a little bit more office work チャンネルサポートは、グッズ購入からお願いな so while he does that let's go do what we do and explore this place オラの日常はインスタで見れるぞ Hi can I ask you a question ? 今回みたいな動画や日本関連の動画に興味があったら What are you doing right now ? チャンネル登録してくれよな! Oh ! You are a designer ? じゃ、またな! How long have you been with the company ? What's this ? How long did it take you to design and plan ? How many houses do you design in a year ? Look at this room I wonder what they do here ? Excuse me What's this room? How many are there? I can see why they call this smart control center as it monitors all of their houses and buildings under construction using 360 degree cameras on-site video is even archived so they can go back at any point in time Are you always alone in this room ? In fact the morning meeting was held from this room Its says living salon I wonder what this is !! Hello !! What's this place ? so in their showroom customers planning to build new homes can physically check their space requirements using these moving walls In Japan space is generally tight so every centimeter counts At the same time this space allows customers to preview building materials configurations and finishes they've even got mini toilets On the same floor but outside their showroom has demo garden configurations so customers can experience it in natural sunlight that's convenient Do you still need to do something ? Yay !! Finally done for the day On the way back home he stops by his favorite Bento shop Whoa !! I guess he's having Karaage for dinner That looks amazing !! Do you always buy Bento's at the shop ? Yuya says that before COVID he often went out to dinner with his co-workers but now he meets them online for a drink which is scheduled for later tonight so he has a bit more time before everyone gets online so he works on one of his hobbies photography Oh wow !! That looks so cool Where did you take that ? Nice. I guess his work classmates are online now all right it looks like Yuya's going to be drinking until maybe 10 o'clock tonight and then after that probably go to sleep at 11 but this is pretty much a day in the life of a Japanese homebuilder let me know what you thought in the comments if you guys like this video like always help me out and hit that like button if you guys want to help support the channel then definitely check out the Japan merch if you guys want to see what I'm doing on the daily then check out my Instagram account and if you guys want to see more videos like this or anything related to Japan hit that subscribe button and the bell button and I'll catch you guys in the next one
B1 中級 日本語 日本 現場 建築 住宅 建設 会社 日本の住宅メーカーの一日 (Day in the Life of a Japanese Home Builder) 15 2 Summer に公開 2021 年 11 月 07 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語