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  • Fun versus funny.


  • This is a very common mistake I hear with people that are trying to learn English.


  • I've heard people say, "I'm having a funny time learning English."

    「I'm having a funny time learning English.(英語を学ぶのが面白くて仕方がない)」というのを聞いたことがあります。

  • Whereas it should be, "I'm having a fun time learning English."

    しかし、「I'm having a fun time learning English 」が正解です。

  • So I just wanted to help you guys out, make a videofun versus funnysharing some differences as well as some examples.

    そこで、皆さんのお役に立てればと思い ーfun vs funnyー この動画を作って、いくつかの違いと例を紹介します。

  • So, with the word "fun", it's a noun, and it means "enjoyable".


  • I had a fun time at the beach.

    「I had a fun time at the beach.(ビーチでは楽しい時間を過ごしました)」。

  • I had an enjoyable time at the beach.

    「I had an enjoyable time at the beach.(ビーチでは楽しい時間を過ごしました)」。

  • Or you could say, "We had so much fun at the movies."

    あるいは、「We had so much fun at the movies.(映画はとても楽しかった)」と言うこともできます。

  • Yeah, we had an enjoyable time at the movies.

    「Yeah, we had an enjoyable time at the movies.(ええ、映画を見て楽しい時間を過ごすことができました)」。

  • I think where the confusion can come in is, with spoken English, fun can also be an adjective.

    混乱してしまうのは、口語では fun は形容詞にもなります。

  • It's very common for me to say to my friend, or to my sonhe's going to play withfriend, "Okay, bye! Have a fun time with your friend."

    私の友人や、息子が友人と遊びに行くときに、「Okay, bye! Have a fun time with your friend.(じゃあね、お友達と楽しんできてね)」と言うのはよくあることです。

  • In this case, fun time, fun is an adjective.

    この場合は fun time、fun は形容詞です。

  • So, the word "funny" is always used as an adjectiveand I'll give you some examples.


  • It means "amusing"; think of laughter, "That was so funny!"

    「おもしろい」という意味で、「That was so funny!」という笑いを思い浮かべてください。

  • The book I'm reading is really funny.

    「The book I'm reading is really funny.(私が読んでいる本は本当に面白い)」。

  • Or, "My dad is a very funny person."

    あるいは、「My dad is a very funny person.(私の父はとても面白い人です)」。

  • So, we're describing the object, the book, or we're describing the person, my dad, saying funny.


  • So, when you hear the word "fun", when you want to use it, think in your mind, "Could I substitute this with 'enjoyable'?"

    ですから、「fun」という言葉を聞いたとき、使いたいと思ったとき、心の中で 「これを『enjoyable』で代用できないか?」と考えてみてください。

  • If you can, you're probably using it correctly.


  • And then with the word "funny", think laughter, ha, ha, ha, like, are you able to laugh when you're using the word "funny" or substitute it with almost laughter?

    そして「funny」に関しては、笑う時の状況を考えましょう、hahaha っみたいな、「funny」を使っているときは笑っているのか、それとも「funny」を笑いで代えることができているのか考えましょう。

  • And if you are, you're probably using it correctly.


  • So a couple more examples, just to help you guys out.


  • It would be fun to go to Hawaii.

    「It would be fun to go to Hawaii.(ハワイに行けたら楽しいだろうな)」。

  • The campfire last night was so fun.

    「The campfire last night was so fun.(昨晩のキャンプファイヤーはとても楽しかったです)」。

  • Oh, another interesting thing we say in English, "He was making fun of me," which means, "He was teasing me."

    あと、もうひとつ面白いことがあって、英語では 「He was making fun of me 」というのは、「He was teasing me (彼は私を揶揄った)」"という意味になります。

  • She was making fun of me.

    「She was making fun of me.(彼女は私を揶揄っていた)」。

  • But it can be used in, like, a non-offensive way as well, like, he's... "Are you making fun of me right now?"

    しかし、それは攻撃的でない方法でも使うことができます、例えば、彼は... 「Are you making fun of me right now?(今、私をからかっているの?)」。

  • Kind of like in a fun... fun, teasing way.


  • And then funny... So... the TV series "Friends" is so funny; it makes me laugh all the time.


  • My husband told me a really funny joke last night.

    「My husband told me a really funny joke last night.(昨晩、夫がとても面白いジョークを話してくれました)」。

  • Oh, actually, yesterday, I was on a language call in Portuguese, and I said, "(speaks Portuguese)."


  • And I realizedactually, I didn't realize, my language partner was like, "Wait, what?"

    そして、私は実際に気づかなかったんですが、私の語学パートナーは 「Wait, what? (ちょっと待って?)」と言って

  • I had said⏤I wanted to say, like, "I charged my headphone," and instead I said, like, the word "caguei", which in the past tense in Portuguese, I believe, is "I pooped".

    私は、「ヘッドフォンを充電しました」と言いたかったのですが、間違えて「caguei」と言ってしまって、その言葉は過去形で「I pooped.(うんこした)」と言う意味だったんです。

  • And, so, it was really funny; we laughedlot.


  • Um... language learning is... it's funny!


  • And it's fun!


  • I hope this video helped you guys out. Don't forget to subscribe to my channelshare this with your friends; I will see you guys soon. Ciao, ciao.


Fun versus funny.


審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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