字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント did you miss that one oh no no no where have you taken us chris we're going to die tonight this is a found footage horror film in the making out here so much bad weekend bloody connor dog voice actor oh what am i doing to myself two months ago it was a time of celebration i'd visited all 47 of japan's prefectures and connor promised he'd take me to the best hotel in all of shikoku and what did he do he took me to the worst hotel a room filled with 28 kinds of mold a room that i'm still recovering from with all the ptsd and so it's time to return the favor to dear connor and take him to an abandoned hotel in the most bare infested territory in all of north japan under the guise of going to a nice hot spring onsen and then i'm gonna feed him to the bears gonna need a third hand witness though someone who can prove that i didn't murder him myself oh he'll do very nicely well here we are guys yet another wacky weekend with connor dog voice actor how you doing i'm doing good chris how are you doing i'm very good do you know what i'm good connor i'm not going to a love hotel today for the first time ever on wacky weekend there's not a single love hotel in sight which way for my next record for godzilla love hotels on a tiny island in japan today i've got a nice hot spring lined up one of the best in north japan out here in the countryside your mum is going to love it missed it conor's mom is a big fan of a broad i wouldn't say a big big fan cola did a video with his mum and at one point he's like oh mum what's your favorite thing and she's like alright so we're in japan so thank you carl what's your favorite thing she likes your videos chris chris you're going to see this he's going to get such a big eager boost they love chris i can't believe it this ego is inflating don't give me no room for me in the car in 10 minutes your mom's going to love this trip and uh especially going to love the first place we're going today do you like theme parks you'd be on roller coasters yeah just go to the home towers all those in the uk love theme parks love thrill rides i love scary places like that excellent well we're going to not just anything park but an abandoned thing park today okay how abandoned like like like the lines are short like it's it's it's not been open since 1987. i'm pretty sure my insurance doesn't cover this chris what's your mom going to say why didn't you get around a bad thing she'll quickly in the 1970s and 80s against the backdrop of japan's booming economy many new hotels and amusements were built across the country to cater for the growing middle classes this amusement park built in 1979 once welcomed 200 000 people through its doors every year then in the 1990s the good times came to an end and like many rural businesses in the leisure industry this place went bankrupt closing its doors in 2000 21 years of decay and a magnitude 9 earthquake later it's a miracle that the rusted ferris wheel still stands at all over the ghostly remains of the forgotten park when you told me we were going to a theme park chris this is not what i had in mind oh that looks like a fun ride isn't it what's that tire on a piece of wood is it it's like a welsh playground that's that's how my childhood was there's a lot of noises what keep an eye out for bears what there's a lot of bears around me serious genuinely oh seriously something actually in the bushes well it's been a good wacky weekend uh i'm gonna go back to the car now because i don't want to die in a bed what is this ride what was this like a swing off the rope and die what is this what i know i know fun when i see it and that looks like fun oh whoa whoa that is really cool there's a really small ferris wheel but then very rusty but wow look at that this one's been like the entrance or something because it's all paved and there's some tyres hearing a lot of noises though from bugs and oh my god it's getting more like look at this all right you have all the pavement there right and it cuts to just this i keep hearing things moving as well it's quite scary i know i joked about bears but uh there's been double the rates of bear attacks over the last five years in this in this area uh because the population is going down right the bears are getting a lot bolder yeah and they love welsh people they love the taste and the scent at least i know i could outrun you you know what they say you don't need to outrun the bear you should outrun your friend i used to be the fastest runner in my school don't laugh at me i was the fastest runner in my school 1996. yeah so you want to watch out for what school you went to let's check this out it's so creepy what do we do if the bear comes by the way uh i don't know wow look at that it's pretty cool yeah i don't want to die today so i'm not going to go near that because i just have a feeling that i might be the perfect way to just bring the whole thing down how do you think i feel yeah what do you mean chris you're in great shape it's a bit like um chernobyl pripyat yeah it's really strange i i how does this happen how does this just like get left i mean with the there's like speakers over there as well it kind of gives this kind of weird military-esque feeling is this your kind of ride connor this is something i would love to go on you know me and me and the boys always go on the thing that goes in a circle moderately fast ride i don't know what you call this such a [ __ ] how else would you describe it you just go in a circle as we wander deeper into the sprawling 50-acre park one of the saddest sites is the degraded merry-go-round seeing something that's typically associated with laughter and happiness now eroded and rusted away with the gaunt expression of the forgotten animals seeming both poignant and undeniably chilling it's hard to put it into words but fortunately to help capture the atmosphere we've got connor and his unmatched commentary oh [ __ ] the dragonfly hit me the [ __ ] thing it's really depressing isn't it is it sad i'm i'm gonna let me google synonyms of sad for a moment hey google what are synonyms of sad it's dismal dreary heartbreaking heart trending melancholic mournful it's very mournful you know seeing these these horses and i dare say it's quite dreary and slightly heartbreaking that's poisonous spider there as well the green one that's poisonous yeah be careful for spiders around here okay didn't tell me that could happen i don't think my insurance covers poison a spider out in an abandoned thing you never know your luck but like yeah be careful they're pretty bad that's massive i'm not going near that you can you can go and get the shot on the map oh [ __ ] did you miss that one there oh no no no do you like spiders i don't nobody likes spiders i don't i don't i'm not super scared of them but when you tell me they can kill me that's a whole kill that's a whole different really [ __ ] hurts and you might have to go to hospital if you get buggered oh yeah because that's how i want to spend my wednesday yeah of course if the wind blows one of the spiders on us you worry too much i don't think i do i don't think i'm wearing enough sorry that you take joey and everyone else apparently on earth to lovely wagyu a5 restaurants and onsens that are amazing although you did promise an onsen later so i better be good i'll make it up to you honestly it's been taking the piss now twice in a row now you've taken me to what seems to be the scariest and most dangerous places you could find in your bed i'd almost think that you'd probably filed a life insurance claim on me like if sea dog va dies i inherit the empire i want i want the twitch i want the youtube i want it all oh [ __ ] this is the restaurant oh my god look at that we can't even get in oh maybe we can we have to cross quite the treacherous bridge again maybe oh my god i thought that was a snake we should have brought heart rate monitors with us oh my god because i think both of us are constantly on the cusp of having a heart attack today connor thought this was a snake to be fair that scared the [ __ ] out of me what do you think this room was before like oh it was like a tourist center i think there's lots of like photos of the local area oh yeah maybe he's really eerie like just the echoes i mean i can't hear anything except myself i'm not going to karaoke with you anytime soon what oh my god can you sing you can sing about as good as chris well i'm good yeah i'll prove it to you later oh yeah sorry too much volcano for some reason all the glass has been smashed clearly someone's done that it could have been like an earthquake or something maybe like in the fukushima disaster zone the exclusion zone a lot of buildings are still destroyed from the earthquake itself right not just being abandoned eight nine ten years but the earthquake so if this building's been here i think 10 to 15 years i read online then um you know it's no surprise if it uh it's been affected by the shame really because it's a really nice looking traditional building and she's kind of rotting away oh it's golf you can do some golf here what does it say crazy golf i love the artwork what's the rager leisure leisure oh raja oh legend malaysia legend oh it's all boarded up an airplane that's an airplane it looks like that's really cool a real airplane as well yeah it does what's over here this is some horrifying graffiti we heard a uh worrying rattling noises coming from inside the building yeah no thank you i think i'm done i think i'm fine i think i'm fine yeah yeah let's go let's go let's go plane did we get in the plane are you satisfied connor do you want to get out the park miserable miserable cold and uh i brought you here to the top theme park in all of north japan and you feel miserable top theme park what [ __ ] theme park is a depression park why can't we just go and review five star hotels or emirates first class i'm doing that with joey next week all right well i'm glad to be going i don't really want to spend any more time here than i have to it's really cool but it's also kind of unnerving i i don't really want to be here with the spiders too much longer i've already got one snake with me don't need more dangerous animal get out wild if conor feels uncomfortable in the abandoned theme park wait until he experiences tonight's hotel which doesn't exist but having spent the afternoon in the theme parks struggling to access almost half of it due to the overgrown pathways and collapsed buildings we leave the park behind to go in rendezvous with natsuki well guys we're just here outside of 7-eleven in the middle of nowhere near our hot spring resort i'm going to go to tonight and we're waiting for the great natsuki who will be here legend himself 10 to 15 minutes how do you feel though this is your first time to meet natsuki right it's like meeting pewdiepie you know he's uh being a legend the titan of the youtube industry no it's weird i mean i've seen netsky for years essentially through your channel it's gonna be weird trying to communicate with him in my terrible japanese well he's a chopping itunes rapper now of course i hope he has something how are you gonna introduce yourself with japanese let's do a practice round do that i'm going to see what happens do that in a serious voice and he'll be like oh this is it he's got pocket talk sorry from the door this is a meeting of mine are you ready i'm ready are you my name is ready thank you for your time today hey nice to meet you nice to meet you too i've heard so much about you oh it's lovely to meet you natsuki i hope you uh have been well what was that japanese phrase you wanted to tell nats man i wish i wish i'm back he's back yay bad weekend bad weekend so much bad weekend sunday this is wacky weekend lucky weekend weekend bad weekend so much bad weekend no food so we'll buy the food here you want to eat for dinner and then we'll eat at the hotel get everything you want now beer food cigarettes get that now top things down shopping cart so get where you want get where you want go go go oh dear natsuki might be disappointed by the lack of a hotel dinner plan so wait till he finds out that there's no hotel either still wherever he ends up he certainly won't be sure on sandwiches now he's gonna make a sandwich in his hotel room with uh with bread and ham and butter cheese fat spread cheese cheese slice yeah and uh an egg egg oh my god just take everything now we're ready to the hotel yeah well guys we've got our 7-eleven food we do oh many food yeah he's bought like 500 sandwiches oh night on the picnic i'm well taken care of tonight by chef natsuki it's gonna be good i look forward to these sandwiches it's making my food absolutely in the hotel right let's go off to the hotel and so with natsuki in the car we begin the long hour drive out into the mountains and as we head deeper into the wilderness soon the absence of civilization starts to arouse suspicion amongst our earth's wild companions deep countryside where the [ __ ] are we doing mysterious unsaid sport i'm not smelling any sulfur chris you said onsen i did say onsen didn't i you did you took me to the worst hotel in japan so i'm going to take you to what was one of the best hotels in north japan and this whole world was it was such a beautiful hotel people came from far and wide for this hotel and then one day about 50 years ago where are we going it went out of business uh okay and the hotel it closed down where have you taken us chris we're going to die tonight here we go it's just in here guys oh very nice oh my god chris we're going to [ __ ] i can't see you guys can't see this there's nothing there where are we going this is it we're hiking in there chris i'm not dressed for this i got [ __ ] it's a hundred dollar jumper chris i will make sure that you pay and that your family tree and your lineage pays for this chris i will make sure you pay i will kill you promised me wag you and a real cam chris this is not what i signed up for you promised me a nice hotel to celebrate that was that was interesting right this is jovial fun as well dying in a forest that's so creepy mate that's not on wait look where are we going is it this way it's that way so connor's in charge of the massive light that we need to get to his his hotel how are you feeling connor i'm [ __ ] it i'm [ __ ] you can't see me i'm so white oh there's the hotel shine the light over there show the people where we're staying shedding you can buy me a new [ __ ] pair of shoes mate this is terrible these shoes are ruined as we trudge in the darkness through a muddy swamp even i begin to regret my own revenge plot this is really unpleasant guys this might be my least favorite thing i've ever done [ __ ] of breath shitty weekend shitty abroad in japan it looks like something out of texas chainsaw massacre oh my god no we can't go in there chris mate we can't go in there [ __ ] off this is a found footage horror film in the making welcome to jungle babies jurassic wow from this angle like just behind me it looks like a forest and then you look up and you realize that we're in a gigantic warehouse that has long since been destroyed and fallen apart but like it's uh a fantastic example of uh an abandoned building getting completely consumed by nature and it's also absolutely horrifying i must say i did have other plans tonight i had work to do chris videos to upload pretty fair connor i think i'd rather sleep here than the room that we went in full of poisonous air that triggered my aspect i think i i just have more chance of surviving in that room in this room this room is darwin the video game you're not going to survive the night my shoes are ruined chris i'm they're covered in all kinds of [ __ ] and bugs look what is this [ __ ] on my feet what's all this i've got white shoes chris white not anymore that would be brown when i leave as we make our way through what feels like a forest with a crumbling roof deeper in we stumble across a corridor filled with rooms straight out of a horror movie i don't like this you don't want it nice it's horrifying it's not i don't like being here oh god oh god no what the [ __ ] what is this this is a horror game this is a horror game set oh look at that we can get a free stem does it work it looks like something out of resident evil oh that's a key item right there i should grab that for the quest later on what is this it's a scale it's a challenge oh whoa you know what this is so these are like precise measurements of weights yeah so these are like perfect replicas of like kilograms so this is like perfect 50 grams perfect 200 grams and they're updated they're really expensive these are and so these are like weights that they would do with the perfect weights that's really cool well i don't like being here chris you don't like being i do not like it yeah i mean this is yeah i've been to some pretty unpleasant places in my time the abandoned love hotel uh connor's apartment and now here i love hearing noises man i don't want to stay here anymore you keep hearing noises yeah like creaking what i don't like is like look up there's a picture like a face what coming out like [ __ ] someone's been smelling look there's footprints all over here people have been here at last a valuable discovery cup ramen let's get out of here i don't stay here a minute longer than i need to chris i'll be this is your room for the night connor i'm leaving i'm not staying in here you can't play with this co-hangers for you i'm feeling itchy i'm feeling [ __ ] itchy all over man it's quite unnerving how you can almost feel like the the life that was once here and like the business that used to be here you can imagine where people used to sit and where they used to work talk it's kind of weird i've never been to an abandoned like office space or building like this before right so i i didn't really know what to expect but it feels quite uncomfortable i mean i've been to quite a few band of buildings you go through like different emotional states like the first one's terror and fear sort of walking in looking around at the ceiling the things sort of falling down the smell as well the sort of damp mouldy smell that uh fills the room although this is still better than the the hotel we stayed at the worst in japan the air here is still literally better even though this has been dead and decaying for like a decade or two rub it in rub it on it but then you yeah you do you do kind of get another emotion and that sort of sadness that uh whoever owned this business is probably dead and gone and uh you know they've had to leave it behind or you know the business went under you know there's a story here i'm not normally a sentimental guy but to think that people might have had some of the best times here it's quite i mean well yeah on the other hand it's just a business isn't it so don't make money cash money whoa that's so weird it looks exactly like a mouth it does isn't it mouse leaf isn't that weird it's weird that's not so [ __ ] weird [ __ ] you chris always a [ __ ] place every day a [ __ ] place i'm expected to be taken to such a place where was that jesus what was that what i saw something right there something like move the whole branch what what what what's that [ __ ] hit my leg get this guy i'm first [ __ ] leave let's leave now i'm getting out of here it was like a snake or something get the [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] leaving get the fight i want to get the [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] [ __ ] sandwich because get the [ __ ] out of here well guys we're uh we're leaving behind connor's new favorite hotel something trying to bite his leg off and that's he's got sandwiches so we're gonna oh my lord we're gonna head down to a nearby beach and have sandwiches so maybe this night won't be a taste of disaster sandwich goods i have to make a sandwich yeah in the midnight that sounds romantic dancing romantic sand of sandwich why do you have that with you they're dead i've killed them both only kidding we're here on the beach and we are about to have sandwiches cooked and prepared by natsuki himself i'm so cold why are we here on a beach perfect we just finished making you assembly what's in the sandwich oh man i want you to just just sandwich filled with mayonnaise fantastic cheese some salad oh that's a lot that's all right would you want to try chris you want the first bite uh you can have that one no no no no you're it's your car you should have the first bite extra salami get the ancient salami in there ham salami cheese macaroni i think please taste the new that's so [ __ ] hard more extra oh [ __ ] off it's like spicy or something [ __ ] off so he took a normal salad and then he put a [ __ ] ton of mayonnaise and mustard and mixed it let's spread it on the bread oh my god thank you for joining us on this journey i hope next time on wacky weekend promise me we're going to go somewhere good next time promise no more revenge gentleman's agreement all right me too sorry nasty thank you for coming yeah we'll see you again soon for the first time the first time conor natsuki have met and hopefully not the last time but see you next time check it out just bit my mouth in the middle of the big recording bit your mouth yeah you bit your tongue you'll see it in the video you play it back for now guys we'll see you next time right back here on the broad japan channel for more extra behind the scenes content check out the patreon probably going to be some some rather absurd outtakes there quite a lot already but for now guys we'll see you next time right back here have yourselves a good one where did you get this from i didn't what it's got in my ear i hate you so much what do you reckon then how was the abandoned theme park does it meet meech meet your expectations [ __ ] sake i you know i don't normally idolize anyone or anything but like you know it is kind of weird getting to meet someone who you've seen tan and heard so much about i'm not dying that's an outtake what was that i don't know what's in my throat we do it again