字幕表 動画を再生する
This is the most secure location that we could find in the building.
You notice we have plenty of security down here.
There’s a degree of excitement around electric vehicles we haven’t seen before.
But somebody’s got to be the first one out there.
We need a lot of people trying a lot of different things. And then we see what emerges.
多くの人が様々なことを試してみる必要があります。 そして、何が出てくるかを見るのです。
It’s a race. It’s a total race.
それはレースです。 完全にレースです。
Until we see every car on the road being electric we will not stop.
Oh, Elon’s going to lose his shirt. Elon’s going to get crushed!
エロンがシャツを脱いでしまう エロンが潰れる!
God damn it, we’ve got to get these cars out.
Things keep coming along from people outside the car business and they all fall on their butts.
You didn’t get the message: give us the cars that we want.
I got a flood of emails saying “you sold out to the oil companies and you killed my grandchildren. I hope you rot in hell.”
石油会社に売り渡して孫を殺した」というメールが殺到した。 地獄に落ちろ」とのメールが殺到した。
They based their whole company strategy on it. If it fails, there might not be a Nissan.
彼らは会社全体の戦略をそれに基づいています。 失敗したら日産はないかもしれない。
We need to predict the future, prepare for it, if it happens, we’ll be ready.
These are people who are not going to wait around to have the solution delivered to them.
I want to show the world that it’s really possible.
This is the future, and it’s attainable.