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  • Hi everyone it's jennifer with Tarle speech with  your two for Tuesday - this is a homophone lesson  


  • the words are pronounced exactly the same  way; the words are just spelled differently  


  • and have different meanings. So our words  today are stare which means to hold a gaze  


  • or a vacant look and stair a step.


  • So to say these words correctly we're going  to start with that s t cluster to do this  


  • your tongue is going to be behind your top front  teeth or slightly pointed down towards the bottom  


  • of your mouth and the air is going to move over  your tongue and out of your mouth continuously;  


  • then you're going to move that tongue to the back  of the top front teeth and touch it for that t.


  • Then we're going to move to that air  vowel and to do that open your mouth wide  


  • air. Keep your tongue and about the  same place when your mouth is open.  


  • It's going to be low - tip of the tongue is  going to be low, back of the tongue is going  


  • to be pulled way high up, keep the tongue in  that position as you move to square tense lips.


  • air air air let's put it all together


  • stare stare stare stare stare stare stare stare

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  • And now for a sentence The dog on the stair likes to stare at the cat.

    そして、次は文章です。 The dog on the stair likes to stare at the cat.

  • Give it a try i know people are going to notice  the difference if you found this helpful please  


  • share us with your friends and give us a like  don't forget to subscribe we have lots of  


  • products and class options at Tarle speech dot  com thanks so much everyone have a great week!

    の製品やクラスのオプションをTarle speech dot comで紹介しています。皆さん、今週もよろしくお願いします。

Hi everyone it's jennifer with Tarle speech with  your two for Tuesday - this is a homophone lesson  


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