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In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English phrase "squared away".
今回の英語レッスンでは、"squared away "という英語のフレーズを教えたいと思います。
If I say that something is squared away in English, it means that it's properly organized; it means everything is in its place.
英語で Squared away と言えば、きちんと整理されているという意味です。 それはすべてのものがあるべき場所にあるということです。
If I had something squared away, it would mean that I'm ready for something.
squared away (片付いている)とは、それは何かの準備ができているということになります。
I spent the last few days getting squared away for the new school year.
I spent the last few days getting squared away for the new school year.「ここ数日は、新学期に向けての整理をしていました。」
I have everything squared away for the school year, which starts two weeks from today actually.
I have everything squared away for the school year, which starts two weeks from today actually.「今日から2週間後に始まる新学期に向けて、すべての準備が整いました。」
So I'm really happy because I have everything squared away.
So I'm really happy because I have everything squared away.「すべてが整理できたので、本当に嬉しいです。」
Notice you can use this two ways.
I can say, "I'm squared away," or I can say, "I have everything squared away," or, "Things are all squared away for the start of the new school year."
"I'm squared away" とか、"I have everything squared away" とか、"Things are all squared away for the start of new school year" と言うことができます。
I'm pretty happy about that.
I'm glad that I could take this little break to get ready because being ready for the new school year just makes me a little more relaxed.
The second phrase I wanted to teach you today is the phrase "ready to roll".
今日お教えしたい2つ目のフレーズは、"ready to roll "というフレーズです。
Now, I couldn't remember if I've already taught you this phrase, but I am ready to roll.
In English, we use this phrase, somewhat informally, to just say we're ready for something.
When it comes to the new school year, I'm ready to roll.
When it comes to the new school year, I'm ready to roll.「新学期になったら、私はもう準備万端です。」
If my boss said to me, "Bob, are you ready for the first day of school?"
I would say, "I'm ready to roll."
私は I'm ready to roll.「もう準備はできている」と言います。
Um, it's kind of a funny phrase; I think it's related to⏤we use the word roll when we're talking about driving, like when I'm driving down the road, you could say I'm rolling down the road.
なんだか面白いフレーズですね。それは、運転の話をするときに使う roll という言葉と関係があると思います。私が道路を運転しているとき、I'm rolling down the road.「運転しています」と言えます。
Uh, I don't actually say that; younger people might.
But, uh, when you say that you are ready to roll, it means that you are prepared; it means that you are all ready to do something.
あなたが you are ready to roll.という時は「準備ができている」ということで、何かをするための準備が整っていることを意味します。
So let's review.
If you have everything squared away or if you say, "I'm squared away," it means that everything is in its proper place.
あなたが have everything squared away または I'm squared away と言えば、それはすべてが適切な場所にあることを意味します。
You are organized and ready for something.
I have everything squared away and I'm ready for the new school year.
And when you say that you are ready to roll, it means that you are just completely and totally ready to do something.
そしてあなたが you are ready to roll というのは、何かをするための完全な準備ができているということです。
But hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video.
This comment is from Maritza and the comment is this:
"Hi, Bob. Lisianthus are really beautiful flowers, but I wonder if you have any fruit trees on your farm? So far, I haven't seen any. By the way, I'm a cheap person too. I love to drive a hard bargain. Have a good day."
「ボブさん、こんにちは。トルコギキョウは本当に美しい花ですが、あなたの農場には果樹はあるのでしょうか?」今のところ、何も見ていません。 ちなみに私もケチな人です。値切るのが大好きです。では、良い1日を。
And my response was this: "We do not have any fruit trees. There used to be a pear tree at the bottom of the hill behind my house, but it died years ago. We've thought about getting an apple tree someday."
そして私が返したのがこちら。私達は果樹はありません。かつては梨の木が家の裏にありましたが、 無くなってしまいました。 いつかはりんごの木を買おうと思っていました。
So one of the things that's unique about fruit⏤and not everybody knows this⏤is that you need a certain kind of soil to grow certain kinds of fruit trees.
Where I live here in Ontario, Canada, we have very hard clay soil, and so the only two types of fruit trees we can grow...
Uh, we can grow apples and we can grow pears in this soil.
I'm not sure if you can see it, but way down the hill, there is a dead tree and that is the tree that, uh, used to have pears on it.
When I was a kid, we would go down the hill and we would pick pears off the ground.
And we would feed them to some of our animals, but we would also keep all the good ones.
And we would put them in the fruit cellar in the basement and then we would eat them during the winter.
They were quite yummy actually.
We've thought about getting an apple tree; we've just never quite committed to getting one, but that would be really fun to have⏤an apple tree⏤here on the farm as well.
リンゴの木を買おうと思ったこともあります。今まではなかなか手に入れることができませんでしたが、 ここの農場にもリンゴの木があったらとても楽しいでしょうね。
But, hey, I wanted to talk about being ready for the school year and I wanted to thank you for being patient while I took a bit of a break on this channel and my other one.
でもね、新学期に向けての準備について話したかったしこのチャンネルを少しお休みしていた間、 我慢してくれたことに感謝したかったんだ。
I was able to go into work.
I was able to look over my class lists.
I was able to start to think about how I want to organize my classroom.
I put all my desks in the spots I wanted them.
Um, I got to see how big my classes were⏤I have about 20 to 25 students in each class, so not big, but not small either.
自分のクラスの大きさを知ることができました。1つのクラスには20~25人ほどの生徒がいて、 大きくはないが、小さくもないです。
So, anyways, thanks for being patient during the break.
I'll be back in a couple of days with another short English lesson.