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  • In 2017, construction on Apple's new headquarters, called Apple Park, was finally completed.

    2017年、ついに Apple Park と呼ばれる Apple の新しい本社が竣工しました。

  • It took four years to build and cost Apple over five billion dollarsthat makes it one of the most expensive buildings on earth.

    建設には4年にわたり、Apple 社は50億ドル以上を投じ、地球上で最も高価な建物のひとつとなったのです。

  • And many people have wondered what exactly Apple got for their money.

    多くの人が、Apple はいったい何を手に入れたのだろう、と考えてきました。

  • So, in this video, we're gonna take a look inside Apple Park and discover the buildings and facilities that make the headquarters so special.

    そこで、この動画では、Apple Park の内部に潜入し、本社を特別なものにしている建物や施設を発見していきましょう。

  • This is Greg with Apple Explained, and this topic came in second place in the last voting poll.

    Apple Explained の Greg です。このトピックは、前回の投票では2位でした。

  • If you didn't get a chance to vote, make sure you're subscribed so future polls can begin appearing in your mobile activity feed.


  • All right, now, let's start off with the main building on Apple's campus, which is officially called "The Ring".

    さて、それではまず、Apple 社のキャンパスのメインビル、正式には「The Ring」と呼ばれる建物から見ていきましょう。

  • It features four stories of office space for over 12,000 employees.


  • A walkway lines the inner and outer perimeter of the building, which means it'd take about 7.5 minutes to reach the opposite side or about 15 minutes to walk all the way around.


  • But you may not mind the long walk, considering the view you'd have while taking it.


  • The Ring's exterior is made up of 36- to 47-foot-long curved glass panels, resulting in an open, seamless panoramic view of the outdoor landscape.

    「The Ring」の外観は、36~47フィートの長さの曲面ガラスパネルで構成されており、屋外の景観をシームレスに見渡せる開放的なものとなっています。

  • In fact, Apple Park was designed to be as open as possible in order to encourage the free flow of ideas through chance meetings between employees.

    実は、Apple Park は、社員同士の偶然の出会いによってアイデアが自由に行き交うよう、可能な限りオープンに設計されています。

  • That's why office spaces are formed into pods, where a worker could be in deep concentration one minute, then bump into a colleague the next.


  • But not everyone was enthusiastic about this approach, with many employees writing in to tech journalist John Gruber, criticizing the open floor plan.


  • Even more complained about the glass walls and doors, which were easy to run into when distracted.


  • In fact, two workers were actually injured and required hospitalization after walking into the building's translucent walls and doors.


  • This prompted employees to stick post-it notes on the glass to make sure the obstacles were more noticeable, but they were quickly removed because they detracted from the building's design.


  • Another way The Ring encourages employee interaction is with one big restaurant instead of several small ones located throughout the building.


  • That means employees have to walk further to reach the cafe and increases the likelihood of interactions while eating since everyone is forced into the same 58,000-square-foot eating area.


  • The restaurant itself is called Caffe Macs and features four-story glass sliding doorsthe largest in the worldthat open to the courtyard on nice days.

    レストランは Caffe Macs と呼ばれ、世界最大の4階建てのガラスのスライドドアがあり、天気の良い日には中庭に面して開放されます。

  • And to prove just how much Apple cares about every detail, they actually patented their own pizza box that prevents the crust from getting soggy.

    また、Apple がいかに細部にまでこだわっているかを証明するために、クラストがベチャベチャにならないようなピザボックスの特許を独自に取得しています。

  • But there's more to The Ring than meets the eye because hidden underneath the four-story behemoth is a two-story parking garage finished with reflective white tile, domed ceilings, and traffic lights seamlessly integrated into the street signs.


  • This allows workers to drive in and out of Apple Park without obstructing the beautiful view.

    これにより、美しい景色を邪魔することなく、Apple Park に車で出入りすることができるようになりました。

  • Speaking of which, the landscaping at Apple Park is one of its most important features.

    そういえば、Apple Park の景観は、その大きな特徴のひとつです。

  • Jobs loved the foliage work done on Stanford's campus, and he tracked down one of the arborists responsible, Dave Muffly, who oversaw the planting of 9,000 indigenous trees at Apple Park.


  • Handpicked not only for their appealing structure but also for their resistance to drought, which has only become more common.


  • The courtyard area consists mainly of apricot, olive, and apple orchards, plus an herb garden near the cafe.


  • But there's more than just foliage.


  • Apple added an artificial pond that, just like The Ring building, also happens to be a perfect circle.

    Apple は、The Ring の建物と同じように、真円を描く人工池を追加しました。

  • There's also a rectangular field with a rainbow structure that actually serves as a stage for speakers or performances.


  • The stage was actually co-designed by Jonathan Ive and Foster and Partners, and it uses the same rainbow colors as the early Apple logo and features rounded arches that can be fitted with lighting equipment.


  • But it's important to point out that The Ring is just one of several buildings at Apple Park.

    しかし、ここで重要なのは、The Ring は Apple Park にあるいくつかの建物のひとつに過ぎないということです。

  • If you travel to the northwest area, which you can reach by using one of the gray Apple bicycles, you'll find a building that may look a bit out of place.

    グレーの Apple 社製の自転車に乗って北西のエリアに行くと、ちょっと場違いな建物があります。

  • It's called the Glendenning Barn, and it wasn't part of Apple's original plans.

    グレンデニング納屋と呼ばれるもので、Apple の当初の計画にはなかったものです。

  • The barn was built in 1916 and happened to be on the land Apple purchased for their new headquarters.

    この納屋は1916年に建てられたもので、偶然にも Apple 社が新本社建設のために購入した土地にありました。

  • They wanted to demolish it completely, but it had already been declared a historical site in 2004 by the city of Cupertino.


  • So, after some discussion, Apple agreed to keep the barn and use it to store maintenance tools and other landscaping materials.

    そこで、話し合いの結果、Apple 社は納屋を残し、メンテナンス用の道具やその他の造園資材を保管するために使用することに同意したのです。

  • Beside Glendenning Barn is a much larger building that was part of Apple's plans.

    グレンデニング納屋の横には、Apple 社の計画の一部であったもっと大きな建物があります。

  • It's a 100,000-square-foot fitness and wellness center, complete with changing rooms, showers, laundry services, group workout rooms, and a two-story yoga room covered in stonebut not just any stone.


  • Jobs made sure it was sourced from a specific quarry in Kansas and carefully distressed to make it look like the stone from his favorite hotel in Yosemite.


  • Moving further south, you'll find the sports fields where workers can enjoy a game of basketball or tennis.


  • And even further south is the Apple Park Central Plant, which is attached to the southern parking garage.


  • The Central Plant houses utility equipment like fuel cells, back-up generators, chillers, condenser water storage, hot water storage, an electrical substation, and water and fire pumps,


  • while the parking garage allows for an additional 9,000 spaces for workers, for a total of 14,200 parking spaces at Apple Park.


  • Heading east from the southern garage, you'll find my personal favorite building, the Steve Jobs Theater.


  • It's a circular building made up of curved glass panels, topped with the largest carbon-fiber roof in the world.


  • There's so many amazing details about this building that I'll probably make an entire video dedicated to it, so make sure you're subscribed for that.


  • But long story short, the glass panels actually act as support beams for the roof, so no columns are necessary.


  • And if you're wondering where the actual theater is, it's all underground.


  • You can reach it by either taking the beautifully-crafted curved staircase or by walking into a glass elevator that slowly rotates as it descends, allowing it to have just one door instead of two.


  • The theater itself holds 921 people, about three times more than Apple's previous Town Hall, while still retaining an imitate feel.

    劇場自体は、イミテーション感を残しつつも、Apple 社の従来のタウンホールの約3倍となる921人を収容することができます。

  • And while much of the Steve Jobs Theater is underground, it was placed on the highest hillside in all of Apple Park as a symbolic gesture of respect to the man it was named after.

    スティーブ・ジョブズ・シアターの大部分は地下にありますが、Apple Park の中で最も高い丘の中腹に設置されたのは、その名の由来となった人物への敬意を表す象徴的なものです。

  • Heading northeast from the theater is the Visitor Center, which is the only part of Apple Park open to the public.

    劇場から北東に向かうと、Apple Parkで唯一一般公開されているビジターセンターがあります。

  • It's a two-story building with four main areas: An Apple store featuring exclusive merchandise like t-shirts, hats, tote bags, and postcards, a 2,300-square-foot cafe,


  • an exhibition area that features a 3D model of Apple Park that visitors can explore in detail using augmented reality, and a rooftop terrace that overlooks the entire campus.

    AR(拡張現実)を使って Apple Park を詳細に探索できる3Dモデルの展示エリアや、キャンパス全体を見渡せるルーフトップテラスも備えています。

  • The Visitor Center also has an underground parking garage, with almost 700 spaces.


  • Now, this five-billion-dollar headquarters has received its fair share of criticism for being too extravagant and its construction too perfectionist.


  • But I think those words describe precisely the type of campus Steve Jobs wanted for Apple.


  • In the words of Tim Cook, "Steve's vision is reflected all around us at Apple Park."

    ティム・クックの言葉を借りれば、「スティーブのビジョンは Apple Park のあちこちに反映されている 」ということです。

  • "He would have loved it here, in this place he dreamed upthe home and inspiration for Apple's future innovations.”

    「彼はここ、彼が夢見たこの場所⏤Apple の将来の革新のための家であり、インスピレーションを与える場所 」を愛するでしょう。

  • All right, guys, I hope you enjoyed that peek inside Apple Park.

    じゃ、皆さん、Apple Park の中を覗いて楽しんでいただけたでしょうか。スティーブ・ジョブズ・シアターについてのより詳しい動画を見るために、また、私が取り上げるトピックを決めるために、登録をお忘れなく。

  • Don't forget to subscribe to see a more detailed video about the Steve Jobs Theater and to help decide which topics I'd cover, and I'll see you in the next video.

In 2017, construction on Apple's new headquarters, called Apple Park, was finally completed.

2017年、ついに Apple Park と呼ばれる Apple の新しい本社が竣工しました。

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