字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント We've spent 3 amazing weeks with family in the States, and now the time has come for the long road back to Japan. 楽しかった一時帰国ですが 日本に帰る時が来ました We'll spend the last 2 weeks we have with my parents in Illinois, 帰国前をイリノイの実家で過ごし visiting with many friends and family there before passing our COVID tests and boarding a plane for Japan. 日本に帰国する前に 再度コロナの検査を受けます Well guys, welcome to Ohio. オハイオへようこそ! We're in Ohio! オハイオよ! Ohayogozaimasu. "オハイオ" うございます! [Life in Japan Theme Song] ホテルです Green light to our hotel. ジャンプ! 3...Jump! Jump, jump. プール付のホテルは 子連れには助かります For happy kids on a road trip, just look for a hotel with a pool, and you're set! 翌日 巨大なアトラクションを訪ねました The next day we went by an attraction so enormous, we just had to stop and take a look for ourselves. 方舟だよ! Ark Encounter! すごいです! Whoa, look at this. This is awesome. 聖書の創世記に出てくる 方舟を再現したアトラクションです So we're about to the ark. This ark if from the story of Genesis, a Biblical story about the flood that covered the whole earth. 神様がノアに造らせました And God spoke to his man Noah, told him to build an ark. 聖書の記載に近い 大きさだそうです And it's in these proportions. We don't know if it was exactly like this, but it was these proportions. 見学します! And we're going to tour this thing now. 動物のケージです They had all kinds of cages for the animals. ポテチ!ペプシも! Whoa, chips! And pepsi. 方舟にもあったかな? I didn't know they had Pepsi and chips on an ark. ノアもコーヒー飲んだかしら I'm sure Noah had coffee on the ark. 見てごらん! Come over here and look up. ノアさん いますか? Noah, are you up there? デッキに行きます We're heading up the deck. 登るよ! Up, up, up and away! 子供達と方舟に来ています! Ok, the kids are walking up the ark. 見て下さい! Look, at the ark. すごいです It's amazing inside. ノアの作業場かな? Maybe his wood work shop looked a lot like this, huh? こんな感じだったかな? What would it have been like back then? ノアの箱舟について 色んな展示があります We spent the morning seeing how Noah and his family could have survived on the ark with the technology and animals from ancient times. 楽しめる内容ですが 幼児は疲れるかもしれません For the adults and older kids it was fascinating, but the limited stamina of the younger kids kept us moving along. ハーブが沢山! Look at all the herbs. 織機で編み上げたんだね That's a loom. That's where they would weave things together. 食事だね Eating and meeting. 子供も楽しめるものを見つけました But even on the ark, we were able to find a few thrills for the kids. 子供限定? Kids only. Go. Oh, kids only area? 見つけたね! It got you! Whoa!! - いいね! - このマグネット買うわ Very cool. I think I'm going to get this magnet for the fridge. 地震が起きたら分かるね So cool. Now you can tell if there's an earthquake. Just look at the ark. 外に出てきたら 何と雨です! When we came out, wouldn't you know it, it's raining! Oh my goodness. 雨でも方舟は迫力があります! What a rainy day but what a huge ark! びしょ濡れ! We're a wet, wet, wet picture. Wet picture! 方舟だけに 洪水みたいだったわ I wasn't expecting a flood when I visited the ark. みんなびしょ濡れね! We all got soaked, huh guys? 次の目的地は僕の実家です We were soon on our way again, the next step this time would be Grandma and Grandpa's house, and we could hardly wait to arrive! イリノイ州シャンペーンです We're coming up on Champaign, IL, 大学卒業後 1年間住んでいました This is my old stomping ground where I lived for 1 year after college カウンセラーをしてました And I worked at a psychological testing agency. あれが職場よ! That's where I worked folks. 懐かしい There it was. There it went. 家の周りは トウモロコシ畑 And I lived out that way, in the middle of the corn fields. あと1時間だよ We only have 1 more hour left. もうすぐ! Yeah!! We made it! 何が楽しみ? What are you so excited for? - ボールを投げるゲーム - バスケットボール? For the game that you throw the ball in. Oh, basketball? 最高の運転手です Got the most beautiful chauffeur in the world. 優しいわね You're too kind. イリノイの大草原での ドライブは格別です There's something so relaxing about driving through the expansive prairies and fields of Illinois. I love it! ピオリアが見えてきたよ Well kids, look. There's Peoria. See all the buildings up there? - 荷卸しを手伝ってね! - うん! I'm going to need lots of help to get everything out of the car. EVERYTHING. Yes Mommy!! Yes Mommy! おじいちゃんが待ってる Uh, there's grandpa. Sitting in the driveway. Alright! お帰り! Oh my goodness! - 子供が大喜びです - 長旅だったろう Hey, big girl! Hey! ショートヘア? There's some kids very happy to be out of the car. I'll don't blame them, it's been a long, long trip. すごく変な感じ! You look so different with short hair! 上手! I know! I look so bad with short hair. ジョシュアがおじいちゃんと バスケをしてます Oh yeah. パンダエクスプレス! パパとママも大好きです Big J is shooting baskets with Grandpa. - "王子と乞食" よ - 昔の映画だね It's Panda Express for dinner tonight. It's one of daddy and mommy's favorites. - 古い! - 古くない! We're watching the Prince and the Pauper. My goodness, this looks old, doesn't it. たった50年前の映画だよ? It is old! No it's not. おばあちゃんにとって 特別な2週間です It's only like 50 years old. Oh, really? 何するの? Now Grandma was ready to squeeze a year's worth of fun into 2 weeks. 乗馬だよ What are you getting ready for? リボンは後ろ?前かな? Like the horseback riding. Horseback riding? サラ 可愛いね! The bow in the back? I thought the bow goes in the front? Oh, ok, sure. どこで見つけたの? Ohhh, how cute Sarah! 牧場へようこそ! What happened? Where did this come from? - いいよ! - 見て! Hello everybody. Please welcome to the ranch. - ベッカはどう? - 楽しい! Here we go. Look at that! 手を振って How is it up there Becca? Amazing. 子供達の乗馬の間 ルースと買い物です Whoa. Becca you want to wave? Ok. 良い時計 So while the kids are all out having fun horseback riding, Ruth and I are shopping. アップルウォッチ欲しかったの Oh, that is a beautiful watch, honey. I always wanted an Apple Watch - here we go. 大きな画面! Giant screen on that. 笑って Can you smile? ハーイ! Hi! アナ 上手ね Look at that. Good job Anna. しっかり握って Ok, well hold on for your life. 笑わない? Can you do a smile for me? 買うわ! We got it! アメリカのサイズはこれです Let's talk about the insane size of things in America. ハニー! コーヒーがもう無いよ! Honey, we ran out of coffee. Again! ハイ! Hi. アナは慣れたみたい ベッカも上手です Oh, there's Anna. She feels very comfortable on the horse. And Becca. お馬さんにキスする? There you go. Now, are you going to give her a kiss? Give him a kiss? OK Ok. こうして Hold it flat like this. 私もしたい! Can I, can I? I want to do it. Ok, good. 準備はいい? I'm going to throw you up there, ok? カウボーイです! Whoa buddy! He knows how to be a cowboy. カッコいいわよ!楽しい? Look at you. Hi. How is it? Good? ママ ここに座って Mommy, mommy? Can you sit here. What? 朝食はピザ 卵とベーコンにチーズ Breakfast pizza. Eggs, bacon, cheese. バースデーガールです! And the birthday girl. 誕生日おめでとう! Happy birthday to you. - 誕生日おめでとう! - "42歳 おめでとう! Happy birthday. Happy birthday. 42 years old, thumbs up! 誕生日おめでとう! Happy birthday. Oh wow. It's so beautiful. It's a sunflower. - 綺麗! - ひまわりだよ Ruth is going to be 42. Joshua. I love you. Joshua. ”42歳 おめでとう ジョシュア 愛してます” Awe, did you draw all those hearts? That's so good. Give me a big hug. このハート描いてくれたの? 素敵だわ! One more. もう1つ Awe. - ワーオ! - 最後は僕から Whoa! I need to work on my presentation a little bit, but. これから1時間 Today's trip is a little over an hour. まあまあだね Not too bad. 誕生日のお祝いの後 私達最初の家と 旧友を訪ねます We celebrated Ruth's birthday and then took a trip down memory lane, going to see our first house and friends that go way, way back. 可愛い家だね Some pretty houses along the way. 芝生も広い With absolutely ginormous lawns. 着きました There it is, waiting for us. 素敵なホテル! Whoa, this is a nice hotel. No way! 見て下さい!いい感じです! Look at this. How nice. ママとパパの最初の家だよ! Oh my goodness. That was mommy and daddy's first house. - あれを見て - 桜の木が無いわね There it is. Look. They took down the cherry tree. そうだね Oh yeah, the cherry tree isn't there anymore. さあ行こう Alright, let's head on in guys. Yay. ”お座り” って言ってみて Tell him, say Buddy sit. Buddy sit. まだあげないで お座り! Don't give it to him yet. Buddy sit. Sit! Buddy sit. あげて Ok, you can give it to him. シェイク! Shake. Shake! Shake. 色んなゲームだね Whoa! Wow. 美味しそうなスイカ! We got all kinds of backyard games going on. 気持ちいい? Oh, yum! Watermelon. 友達との再会は格別です Oh, is this nice then? 長年の友情は宝物です We don't get much time with our friends when we're back, but the time we have is meaningful and precious. 熱中してるね 帰りたくなさそう We value lifelong relationships with others. - 帰らないの? - ジョシュアがドア開けてる Watching a video. Doesn't look like they want to go at all. - さよなら - 運転できる? They don't want to go! Joshua's out the door. Joshua! Bye Joshua! 友達のジムとリタは 地元の公園の動画を配信しています Bye. Later Gator. Bye. He's like "I'm going to drive". 彼らのお気に入り ミシシッピ川沿いのエンパイアパークに来ました Inspired by our Life in Japan videos, good friends of our Jim and Rita started looking for parks around them to explore, あれはチョコレート? こっちはプレーン? and they asked us to meet them on the banks of the Mississippi River at Empire Park to see one of their favorites. - ケーレブ 美味しい? - うん Looks like there's chocolate, is that chocolate? And then plain. ビビアンは? How is that Caleb? Is it good? Awe man. Yeah. みんなは? And Viviane? You like it too? - ドーナツ美味しかった! - 口の周りについてるよ! How is it there girls? Yes? あっという間に食べたね! The donut was so yummy. Yes, I see it. It's all over your face. 楽しんで! You ate it too fast for me to even get a video. 運動して! Ok, have fun. 楽しそうです! Go work that sugar out! すごく速いね! This is an awesome park. 難しいね Let's see. Oh my goodness you're fast. Holy cow. 上手! Oh, that's the tough part. Awesome. ビビアンもすごい! Whoa. Oh Viviane. Way to go. 最高の公園です ドローンも楽しみました The park was a blast, and we even had time to get in a couple of flight lessons… ケーレブが操縦しています どう? Caleb's trying a drone. How is it? - 楽しい - 動画で使わせてもらうよ Fun. It's fun? Maybe we can use one of your videos アメリカには 公共のゴミ箱が沢山あります So one thing I absolutely love America, just about anywhere you go, you can find a garbage can. 川のほとりにもあります Down by the river, if you need to throw something away, there it is. "降りたい" って聞こえたわ Ok I want off, someone said. - ビビアン それは? - ぬいぐるみ What do you got there Viviane? Stuffed animals. 優しいね Whoa, that's so nice of you guys. - お礼は? - ありがとう! Awe, what do you say? Now we have our own version of Oliver [the dog]. Our own omiyage, souvenir. 素敵なお土産だね Back at the hotel, there was something that had yet to be done. ホテルに戻ったらプールです! If our hotel has a pool, we will be at it. We will be at it. The kids must swim. - ホテルにプールがあったら - 子供は絶対遊ぶわ So you may be wondering where's Becca and Anna, I didn't see them swimming. ベッカとアナはどうしているかというと Becca ベッカ Anna アナ Are you guys chill-laxing? 休憩? Chill-laxing to the maxin. ゆっくりしてるね In previous trips, we've left chargers before, we've left toothbrushes, we've left, what other things have we left? この前は充電器と 歯ブラシを忘れてしまいました Not much because Mommy's usually pretty good. Mommy's usually pretty good about checking, - ママはだいたい忘れない - そうだね So it was a huge surprise that she left her pillow. 枕を忘れた時は驚いたよ Actually I forgot my pillow in another hotel, about made me cry, because I love my pillow. I brought it from Japan. 日本から持って来た お気に入りの枕だったのに But I am looking for another pillow, 新しい枕を探します But they only make big, fat pillows, I can't find a super thin pillow. なかなかいい大きさの物がありません But anyway, today we are going to be visiting a couple different churches and driving a whole lot. 今日はいくつかの教会を訪れます So we just finished our second church today. We had a great time. 今日 2つ目の教会です Meeting with everybody, talking with everybody. We had to race here. It took us 3 hours to get here and now we have one more visit to do. 色んな人と会って 次の教会まで 3時間かかります This is Cissna Park. The little city where my father grew up. シスナパーク 父の出身地です A city of about 800 people in the middle of the fields of Illinois. イリノイの中心部 人口は約800人 We're coming up on the town square, and up here was the one place you could go to a playground, and they had a slide. 唯一の広場に公園もあります That's where Grandpa grew up? おじいちゃんが育った街? Yes, this the town where Grandpa grew up! そうだよ! After more visits with good friends, it was time to move on again. ここでも友達と再会できました That was our last visit of the day and now we are on our way back home to Peoria. これからピオリアに戻ります We had to get back to Peoria for our last week in the States, and Grandma Reutter had some big fun planned. 一時帰国 最後の週 おばあちゃんが何やら計画しているようです Wait, can somebody tell me what's happening here first? どうしたの? So, we're going to put these mentos into this. Wait, wait, wait. - メントスを入れるの! - まだよ! My mother was a school teacher for years and did the most amazing science experiments with us growing up and now she does it with our kids. 母は学校の先生でした これから実験の時間です 3, 2, 1... Oh no. 3・2・1! Whoa. That was quite a volcano. 火山みたい! It was a Coca Cola volcano. コカコーラ火山! The mentos are a candy, did you know that? メントスはキャンディーだね Did you want to eat it? Yes. - 食べたかった? - うん Grandma said no though. No eating. Right. It's for the volcano. - おばあちゃんがダメって - そうだね 実験用だね The Coca Cola 'cano. コカコーラ火山 3, 2, 1 3・2・1 3, 2, 1.. 3・2・1 My mom waits until the diet cola goes on sale and then buys it for these experiments. And saves it for when her grandkids come. 孫たちの為に セールのコーラを買ってきたそうです Here comes Anna Cakes. The last one. Let's see if it can be the best one yet. アナが来ました 最後の実験です! That's how it should work. I want to do it again! すごかったね! Wow! That's how it should work there. My goodness! メントスが残っています Look at all the mentos, the mints, at the bottom of that. My goodness. 掃除するよ! Cleanup time. ドカーン! Blast off! A blast off? ボトルが空を飛ぶの! Yeah, and the bottle is just going to fly up in the air. 水ロケットの実験です The bottle's going to fly up in the air? They fill it with some water and compress some air in there and then let it go 'toosh'. 押して! Hit the compressor! Here it goes! 画角の外まで飛んでいきました! My camera lens was not wide enough to capture how high these bottles went! すごい! Whoa! Oh my goodness! おばあちゃんの家で 退屈な時間はありません It is never a dull moment at grandma's house. ロケットが思い出させてくれました 帰国の時が迫っています The rockets taking off just reminded us of something else taking off in less than a week — our plane back to Japan. いよいよだね 荷造りしないと And so it has begun. It has. Packing, but I have to unpack first. 何を買う? So what do we shop for when we get ready to go? シリアル Cereal. Cereal, hahaha. 日本はラーメンが豊富ですが アメリカではシリアルが沢山あります In Japan you have rows of ramen, but here its whole rows of cereal. サングラスです Look at the girls, trying on the glasses. 買っていい? Can we buy these? Oh my goodness. すごいでしょ! It keeps going at the end. アイスクリームだよ! Alright, who's excited for ice cream? Yay!! おじいちゃんが連れて行ってくれます Grandpa's taking us to his new favorite place. 着きました Oh my. アイスクリームです Here we go. Uncle Bob's. バターフィンガークランチ We're at Uncle Bobs getting ice cream. Look at these flavors, butterfinger crunch, Sweet Georgia peach, oh my goodness. スウィートジョージアピーチ Chocolate, chocolate, Sweet Georgia peach and turtle sundae, a 1/2 of each. チョコレート Wow, and Sarah? Cotton candy スウィートジョージアピーチと タートルサンデー I got butterfinger crunch and Joshua? Chocolate. Chocolate of course. - サラは? - 綿あめ What does it say Sarah? Honk if you like ice cream. Do you guys like it? パパはバターフィンガークランチ Blah, blah, blah.... Bow, shake, begin! - ジョシュアは? - チョコレート You can't do that way. That's cheating! 何て書いてある? And make silly sounds like, oh no, oh no, here it comes. ”美味しかったら鳴らして!” [making silly sounds] お辞儀してシェイク! We've come out to my Aunt Joy's house. She is my father's youngest sister. ずるいよ! And her husband, Uncle G, they're farmers out here in the country and it's so fun to come out here and spend the evening with them. そして奇妙な音を立て始めました And the girls are going to spend the night tonight. It should be a blast. ジョイおばさんの家にきました Whoa, there you go. 彼女と夫のジーおじさんは農家です 今夜はここで過ごします It's pretty hot in there. It's green! It's hot out here! 娘たちも一緒に過ごします Turn the wheel. 乗れたね! You have like planters, and tillers that breaks up the earth. 暑いと思うよ And a combine that harvests all the corn. 回してごらん Which one would you like to use? That one? The combine. プランターや耕作機です The girls noticed the horses. 収穫用のコンバイン For my girls, the only thing as cool as swimming may be horses. どっちを使いたい? After they got to greet the horses, it was back to the house for a very special dinner. コンバイン? Uncle G is famous for his pies which we are going to get to eat in just a little bit. 馬がいます Getting it Nate? Oh, I'm getting it. Look at that. What kind of pie is that Uncle G? 水泳と同じくらい 馬が好きかもしれません That's blueberry and peach. 馬と遊んだ後は 特別な夕食です And look at this over here, we are shucking corn. ジーおじさんのパイは絶品です Illinois corn. Illinois sweet corn. I may be biased, but this is the best in the world. - どうだい? - 何のパイ? Look at it! It smells so good! ブルーベリーとピーチ There we go, the burgers are going on! 採れたてのトウモロコシです Burgers and corn! イリノイ・コーン Oh look at those eggs, they look yummy! 僕の中では世界一です! How is it Sarah? Very good? Oh good. 見て下さい!いい匂い! It's also really good. Yours is also really good? You're eating that corn on the cob like a champ. ハンバーガーです! Daddy's plate is ready. This is a good ol' down home meal right here. ハンバーガーとトウモロコシ! Look at that! That is a burger! That is a burger! 玉子も美味しそう! Here comes Sarah. Hey Sarah! サラ 美味しい? After dinner, the kids got to pick out a pumpkin of their choosing. The choice was not an easy one. - 美味しい! - コーンにかぶりついているね! If you see one you like, pick it out and I'll cut it for you. パパの分です 昔ながらの一皿です! Can I pick one? Absolutely. これぞハンバーガー! You like that little one Anna? Yeah, its cute. サラです! That's the one you want? Yep. 夕食後 かぼちゃを収穫しました Ok, that's yours! 気に入ったのを採ってごらん Ok, that one there? That's a beautiful pumpkin. 一つ選ぶの? That's a tiny little guy. A tiny little one. - その小さいのにする? - 可愛い Now that one is yours to keep. これにする? Zoom it in a little bit. Ok, I'll zoom it in. Look at that pumpkin. That's awesome. さあ ジョシュアのだよ Right here is spiky, so don't touch right here. Ok. これ?綺麗なかぼちゃだね Look how pretty this is. You got a white and an orange. 小さなかぼちゃ Did everyone say thank you Uncle G. Thank you! You're welcome. さあ どうぞ It was a perfect evening for a visit. - 拡大して! - いいよ!いいかぼちゃだね! We got some pictures outside before heading back in — we couldn't leave before having some pie! 尖ってるから気を付けて The moment has come. Ok, let's go right down the center here. - 見て - 白とオレンジだね Oh yeah. Oh yeah, this is looking really good. - ジーおじさんにお礼は? - ありがとう! It sure smells good. 最高の夜でした This is a double effort, right? The ice cream with the pie. How about you eat some of mommy's pie. 記念写真の後は 絶品のパイを堪能します Here we go! Ruth has chosen hers. All right! - いよいよです! - 切るよ No more video, it is time to eat some pie. 最高に美味しそうだ! Getting ready for the sleepover. いい匂い The girls modeling their new pillowcases that Aunt Joy made for them. 最高の組み合わせ アイスクリームとパイ! The pie for the road. Thank you Uncle G. You're more than welcome. All right! ルースが選んだお皿です Thank you Aunt Joy. You're welcome. カメラは置いて パイを楽しみます! Oh my goodness, he dropped a pumpkin. Are you ready to go big guy? お泊り会だね I think he is having a tough time opening the door. Ok, let me help. ジョイおばさんが作ってくれた枕 And big guy emerges. パイのお土産 本当にありがとう! Go Becca. ジョイおばさん ありがとう! Here's Sarah. Working through the ropes. - ジョシュアがかぼちゃ落としてる - 準備できた? Oh, go, go, go, go. Way to go Anna! - ドアが開かないのね - ちょっと待って And slide on down. ジョシュアです! There it is. Way to go. ベッカ! Beckster. サラも上手です! What do you think dude? You gonna try it? Let's just see how high you get. 行け!アナ! Ha! Splat. 降りてきます This is the Iron Coyote in Bloomington and the kids are having a blast here. そうだ!すごい! And pretty soon they are going to go up on this high part where they can walk around. They are harnessed in just in case they fall. ベッカ! While you are out there on that course, you want both of these clips on the cable as often as you can. ジョシュアはどこまで行けそう? There you go. One cable to another. ドーン Look what Becca is about to do. Oh my goodness. このジムは子供達のお気に入りです Way to go honey. ハーネスを着けて スカイウォークにも挑戦できます Wow, Becca. ケーブルにクリップを両方着けて That's not bad. Ohh, its shaking. It's scary if you fall. やってみて 次のケーブルへ It didn't take long and they were cruising around the top layers of Iron Coyote, having a blast. ベッカが挑戦します! You did it! Way to go. 頑張れ! What 's it feel like? ベッカ! A little cary but fun! 悪くないよ Its fun for you to watch, but it's not fun for me. It's scary. It's not fun? It looks fun. すぐに慣れて 歩き回っていました It's fun! But scary. すごいね! Joshua made a friend over here and is playing baseball with him. 気持ちは何?(どんな気持ち?) Whoa dude! That was a huge hit dude! - 本当は怖い! - 楽しんでそうだよ! There goes Sarah up the climb wall. 楽しい!でも怖い! You're like a spider on a wall. ジョシュアの新しい友達です Sarah's getting some good coaching tips there how to get up. おっと!ヒットだね! Wow Sarah. サラがクライミングに挑戦しています You did it! All the way to the top. Awesome, look at that. クモみたい! Ok, now you just... yes! Awesome. Look at that! いいコーチがいます You look like a pro. サラ! Look at that. No problem. 登り切ったね!すごいよ! Anna, how was it up there? Fun, you get used to it, it is fun. あとは… いいね! Oh, that looks scary. まるでプロだ! There it is, awesome. Way to go. 慣れた様子です We're about to see some really American shopping. - アン どうだった? - 慣れたら楽しい It's pretty awesome, huh guys? 怖そう! Dude, those are big fish. Look how big those are. すごいね! Did you see up there? Look. It's a bear. Oh my goodness. アメリカでの買い物は スケールが違います Mamma-chan got a purchase. We gotta find the kids. Ok, let's go find them. すごい大きさだね The kids are camping out with Grandma tonight in a teepee she built in their back yard. 大きな魚! Let's go check on them. クマ見た? Is this the teepee here? Oh wow. - 会計を済ませました - 子供たちは? Joshua, you're in here too? 子供たちは おばあちゃんと裏庭でキャンプです It's really, really hot in this tent. 見てみましょう It's hot in the tent? Well don't pull -- take the blanket off! これがテント?すごいな! No, I want it on. ジョシュアもいる? Well, I'm not sure how long that will last, but us adults, will be sleeping in beds inside. 中は暑いよ Yes, in an air condioned room. - 中は暑い? - 引っ張らないで!毛布取ったら? As far as I can tell, they're all still in there, so they must of slept there the whole night. 毛布は欲しい Becca, you're awake. How was it? Good, Joshua was kicking me in my tummy 一晩寝れるかな? 大人は家でくつろぎます Hey dude, did you sleep in the tent? クーラーがあるしね Yeah? How was it? Fun. 本当に一晩テントで過ごしたようです It was a lot of fun? - ベッカ どうだった? - ジョシュアが私のおなか蹴った We're getting ready for our last road trip in America, going up to visit a church this weekend, テントで寝れた? And then we are going to go to my Mom's side of the family, out to the farm. The family farm. - どうだった? - 楽しい Where we are going to end our huge trip here in America. とても? Contact. Contact. この旅 最後のロードトリップです They remember the words. 母方の親戚の農場に行きます Are you guys next? 旅もフィナーレです Well you guys got a really good ride in. Look asparagus. Oh, purple asparagus. コンタクト! Hey dude, did you drive? You did! 覚えてね Life on a farm in Illinois and life in Japan near Tokyo is about as different as you can imagine, but wherever you live, family is important. 順番待ち? In fact, farming is in my family, and my mom grew up on this farm where my uncle lives, so it's great my kids have this experience before going back to Japan. - 楽しかった? - アスパラガスよ! Ok Sarah. Here she goes. ジョシュア!運転した? We had such a good time with family at the farm where my mom grew up, イリノイの農場と東京での生活は 大きく違います but in the back of our minds was the big trip that was only a day away — the big trip back to Japan. 農場は我が家のルーツです 子供達に知ってもらえて良かったです No adults allowed. No adults allowed? サラ!行くよ! Ok, how about a camera? Yeah, its ok. 母が育った農園を満喫し The camera ok? Yeah, I guess. You guess? いよいよ 私達の "我が家" 日本へ帰る時です! There was still a lot to do and little time to do it. 大人はダメ! Well, we got back to my parents place, and there's deer in the neighbors yard and we can see it really well. - カメラは? - いいよ So this is it. Our last day here. - カメラはOK? - うん There's the PCR test we gotta get, we're going to do some last moment shopping, packing the bags, 帰国は慌ただしいです Having the last meals we want to have before heading out early tomorrow for our flight back to Japan. 実家に戻りました 隣の家に鹿がいます Ok, the double doors on the left. Ok, sounds great, we'll be right in. Thank you. いよいよ最終日です Alright guys, lets go get our tests so we can fly. PCR検査に 買い物と荷造り The tests are done. Are done! 最後の夕食を囲んで 明朝 帰国便に乗ります Oh, everyone's eyes are watering. 左側のドアですね? 分かりました What is the treat today, Joshua? Donuts. Donuts. 検査に行くよ! Look at all those donuts. Oh my goodness. 検査完了! Whoa! Here it comes. 涙目だね Do you like playing baseball with grandpa? Yeah. - ご褒美は? - ドーナツ With the kids entertained, we finalized our packing. ドーナツが沢山あります Packing for international trips is a fine art, one which Ruth has perfected over the years. ワーオ! This is a big part of the process, weighing the bags before you go. They need to be under 23 kilos each. - おじいちゃんと野球をするの好き? - うん Here we go. 最後の荷造りです Look at that. 22.2 kilos. ルースは荷造りの天才です What do you got there? 航空会社の制限に納まるように 重さを量ります We have our negative covid tests. That's right! どうかな Now that the covid tests are taken care of, we can finish up the shopping, the packing, and then it's time to go. 22.2キロ There's just a couple more bags to go and then we're all packed and ready. どうだった? Oh yes, it's dinner time. 全員陰性よ Oh, hey dude, you sitting by daddy? 検査が終わったので 後は買い出しと荷造りです As we meet around the dinner table one last time, I'm so thankful for my roots. あと2、3個 積みます The values that were instilled in me from my youth continue to guide our family, and we're so happy to be able to share this back where we live, in Japan. 夕食です It still doesn't make saying “Goodbye” any easier though. And that's a big price you pay, living abroad. ジョシュアはパパの隣? Do I want to taste it? Yes. 自分のルーツに改めて感謝します Munch, munch, munch. Umm, so good. 私が育った家族と価値観が 日本生活を支えてくれています Grandma wanted to squeeze one more project in before we left. 海外生活の宿命ですが 別れは寂しいです Oh my goodness. Are these pictures of our time here? 味見していい? Just a few that Grandma had. モグモグ! Oh, cool. There are a lot of pictures at the end. What fun memories from this summer. 美味しい! These are my two favorite ones. Favorite experiences in this trip. おばあちゃんから 最後のサプライズです Oh, you guys on the couch playing phones at the reunion. Yeah. この夏の写真? This is Sarah's American Adventure 2021, huh? ほんの一部よ! Oh cool! すごい Oh my goodness, so nice! - 沢山写真がある - この夏の思い出だね It's early- we've got an early flight to catch... 私のお気に入りの2枚! We're going to get the kids up, going to get a cup of coffee, ソファでくつろいでるね And going to be on our way. サラのアメリカ冒険記2021だね I'm going to start a clock right when we get going カッコいい! To see how long it takes from this doorstep all the way until we get to our doorstep — we'll see! とても素敵だね! You ready to go? Let's buckle you in? 早朝のフライトです It's a long flight from America back to Japan. 子供を起こして コーヒーを準備し It is a long flight back to Japan, that is right. 出発します Alright, so here we go 自宅までどれ位かかるか I'm starting a clock... 時計で計ってみる事にします Start 準備いい? We will see how long it takes from one door to the next 日本への長いフライト How many seconds until we get home? 長距離便だね
B1 中級 日本語 ジョシュア ちゃん ベッカ サラ 子供 パイ アメリカから東京へ|Life in Japan Episode 125 (Leaving America for Tokyo | Life in Japan Episode 125) 6 1 Summer に公開 2021 年 09 月 17 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語