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How to Stop Being a Helicopter Parent. Do you hover over your children, trying to anticipate
and fulfill their every need? Do them a favor and learn how to ground yourself. You will
need Self-control and safety warnings. Step 1. Don't try to fix all their problems. Children
need to feel challenged and disappointed once in a while; otherwise, they'll never learn
how to handle emergencies or deal with defeats on their own. Step 2. If they complain about
being bored, don’t rush in to amuse them. Let them plumb their own imaginations for
fun. Step 3. Let them take reasonable risks. Their future will be more fulfilling if they
venture outside their comfort zone and take chances. One study indicates that children
who are allowed the freedom to go out on their own to shop and visit friends are more physically
active than kids who are more restricted. Step 4. Warn them about potential dangers
and how to avoid them, but don't frighten them unnecessarily. Step 5. Don't constantly
run interference for them. Let them learn how to stand up for themselves. Step 6. Be
complimentary when deserved, but don't overdo it: Children who are led to believe they're
perfect find themselves in for a rude awakening when they grow up. Did you know An Italian
boy's mother and grandparents were charged with child abuse for being so overprotective
that at age 12 he had the motor skills of a toddler.