字幕表 動画を再生する
Hi everyone! It's Jennifer from Tarle Speech with your Two for Tuesday.
皆さん、こんにちは。Tarle speechのjenniferです。皆さんの火曜日の2曲をお届けします。これは同音異義語です。
This is a homophone lesson. The words are pronounced exactly the same way, the only difference is the spelling and the definition.
Our words today are "made", which is the past and past participle of "to make", and "maid", a domestic servant or a young unmarried woman.
と定義されています。今日の私たちの言葉はmadeはto makeの過去・過去分詞であり 家政婦や若い未婚の女性を
So to say these words correctly, let's think of three little sounds. The "M" sound will start.
To say this sound, lips are together, and air is moving out of your nose.
Move to that long "A"—open your mouth wide to get that tongue tip low, and then the tongue moves to behind the top, to the back of the top front teeth,
then after that, your tongue is there, so then, just touch the back of your teeth for that "D" sound.
Made, made, made. Made, made, made.
作った 作った 作った
And now for a sentence! The maid made the bed.
そして、次は文章です。 The maid made the bed.
Give it a try! I know people are going to notice the difference.
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Thanks everyone, have a great week!