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  • Mike, I'm glad you could make it! How are you?

  • Hi Julie. We're fine. Have you met my wife Susan?

  • Hi Suzan, nice to meet you!

  • Nice to meet you too. Thank you for inviting us!

  • You're welcome!

  • Please, come on in and enjoy the party.

  • Hi Gus, how are you doing?

  • This is my wife, Susan.

  • It's a pleasure to meet you, Susan.

  • Mike is always talking about you!

  • Pleased to meet you too.

  • Look who it is. Hey, Laura... I've missed you girl.

  • I've missed you too.

  • Long time no see! How have you been?

  • I'm good, and you?

  • Oh, I'm great too!

  • Sorry that I'm a little bit late to your party.

  • Traffic was really bad on my way here.

  • No problem. You're right on time.

  • Go in and meet everyone!

  • Hello everybody. I'm Laura.

  • Hi Laura! Good to meet you. I'm Gus.

  • Susan.

  • And my name is Mike.

  • Nice to meet you all. How's it going?

  • We're all good! We were just talking about work.

  • Oh, I used to work with Julie a long time ago.

  • Do you all work together?

  • Yes, most of us are co-workers with Julie except for Susan.

  • Oh really! Susan, what do you do?

  • Actually, I work at the mall selling watches.

  • And you? What do you do?

  • I used to work as a software engineer

  • but now I'm running my own small business.

  • How interesting. I'm sure it is very challenging.

  • Hi John. I'm glad you are here!

  • Good to see you, Julie.

  • Was it easy to find my address?

  • Very easy. I know this neighbourhood well.

  • Please, come on in and help yourself to snacks and drinks in the kitchen.

  • Thank you, I can see that your party is rocking!

  • I just need to go to the toilet first.

  • Where is your washroom?

  • Go straight ahead and it will be the first door on the right.

  • Great, thanks!

  • Hey guys, all good?

  • Great party, Julie! It's amazing!

  • All good, Julie. Thanks!

  • Definitely!

  • Have you got any more pretzels?

Mike, I'm glad you could make it! How are you?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

簡単な英会話| 初心者のための小さな話(Easy English conversations | Small talk for beginners)

  • 115 7
    面梟 に公開 2021 年 08 月 31 日