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Welcome! We are “A Guide For Your 20s” - A free online platform dedicated to providing real, educational, and professional guidance to young adults.
ようこそ! 私たちは A Guide For Your 20s です。若年層の方々に、本物の、教育的な、そして専門的なガイダンスを提供することを目的とした、無料のオンラインプラットフォームです。
To break it down, we connect you with experts.
Expert content. Expert videos. Expert…experts!
That's right, we take the time to find industry experts, and then bring them to your fingertips
through relevant unbiased content, quick insightful videos, and one-on-one personalized guidance.
Wondering what type of topics we cover? Life, Wealth, Health, Social, Career…
Why waste time at multiple websites, when we cover it for you?
WE are your digital one-stop-shop for figuring out life in your 20s.
Seems pretty great... but, of course, there's more!
Our members get special perks, like a customized dashboard, tailored content, and automatic
email updates when we post new content to categories they follow.
To get these features, simply go on the website and click through the sign-up process.
What are you waiting for? Create your guide today!