字幕表 動画を再生する
This is North Korean state media footage of leader Kim, Jong-un from July last year.
And this is him about a year later, where he appears to look thinner.
Kim's weight loss has gotten a lot of people alarmed.
From citizens.
[Korean] We were most heartbroken when we saw our dear General Secretary had become emaciated.
And some North Korean experts have raised questions about his weight loss and what that means for the Kim regime.
We don't know precisely why Kim, Jong-un has shed some pounds, but what's clear is how Kim, Jong-un's thinner figure is being used as propaganda inside North Korea.
金正恩がなぜ体重を減らしたのか、正確な理由はわかりませんが、しかし、明らかなのは、金正恩の痩せた姿が北朝鮮内部の 心理戦として利用されていることだ。
South Korean Spy Agency estimates believe that Kim, Jong-un has gained about 14 pounds a year since taking over as the country's leader nearly a decade ago.
This weight gain is intentional.
North Koreans like their leaders to be plump.
Also, Kim, Jong-un has tried to style himself, both literally and figuratively, like his grandfather, Kim, Il-sung, who is revered across North Korea.
But these are tough times for the Kim regime.
They're battling with the pandemic, but the regime has decided to seal off its borders, and that's created economic strife.
Certainly, sanctions still exist, so Kim, Jong-un, at various meetings, has been urging his citizens to sacrifice more, to tighten their belts.
Kim, Jong-un has mentioned, uh, potential food shortages.
So the fact that Kim, Jong-un himself looks, by his own standards, more gaunt, this as a propaganda point can be used to project to North Koreans that Kim, Jong-un is alongside with the shared sacrifice, that times are difficult for him, too.
つまり金正恩氏自身の基準では、より痩せて見えるという事実は、北朝鮮の人々に心理戦のポイントとして 金正恩が犠牲を共にしていること、彼にとっても困難な時期であることを利用することができます。
There is no topic that's more off-limits inside North Korea than the leader's health.
Experts say the fact that state media, which is heavily curated and orchestrated, chose to run interviews articulating concern for Kim, Jong-un because of his weight loss shows that this is not a grave health concern but rather, perhaps a rallying call.
専門家によると、国営メディアは、大きく編成されているという事実があり、金正恩氏の体重減少を心配するインタビュー記事を選んだのは、 これが健康上の重大な問題ではなく、むしろ集会の呼び物であることを示しています。
Experts say this is more of a message to bolster spirits and to really reinforce that Kim, Jong-un is a person for the people, a leader for the people, more so than an outward message.
専門家によると、これはむしろ精神を強化するためのメッセージであり、本当の意味での強化であり金正恩は人民のための人間であり、人民のためのリーダーであると、 外側からのメッセージです。
But to the outside world, this is yet another reminder of where Kim, Jong-un's attention is at the moment.