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  • Our first guest is beyond adorable every time he’s here

  • Please welcome 5-year-old Kai Langer

  • Hi, Kai. I’ve missed you. -Hi

  • I haven’t seen you in a long time -Thank you

  • What have you been doing with your cute little outfit?

  • I’ve been well and I... I...

  • and I missed you and I missed your face

  • So I hear you have big news. Youre gonna be a big brother

  • Youre gonna have a little sister

  • Yeah. -That’s exciting

  • Yeah, I can’t wait. – I bet.

  • What do you think? Do you have ideas on what you would name her if you could?

  • Yeah, I’ll name herDad

  • Dad? I think that’s a fantastic name.

  • I actually think I should get another dog to name it Dad.

  • So that’s what you’d name her, as Dad.

  • Yeah. –Do you think theyll go along with that, your mommy and daddy?

  • Yeah, they said okay.

  • They said okay?

  • So now theyll have a little girl named Dad.

  • And what if it was a boy? Do you have a good name for a boy?

  • Zoo.

  • Zoo?

  • These are all really good names. Why Zoo?

  • Because I know how to spell Z-O-O.

  • Oh.

  • And so youve turned five

  • And it seems to me, I don’t know if I’m making this up

  • But it seems like youre taller than the last time you were here?

  • Uh-huh, and my head’s 21 inches

  • and daddy’s 23

  • And his is only 2 inches bigger

  • You all just sit around measuring your heads?

  • Yeah

  • So your head is 21 inches around,

  • and your dad’s is 23 inches? -Yeah

  • That means youre as smart as your dad, almost, right? -Yeah

  • Cause your heads are the -I’m super smart

  • Youre super smart? Well, I actually think you are super smart

  • They think youre super smart, too.

  • The last time you were here, youve been singing Bruno Marssongs

  • cause youre a big Bruno Mars fan -Yeah, uh-huh.

  • Today, youre not gonna sing Bruno Mars? -NO.

  • What are you singing? -Katy Perry.

  • Which song by Katy Perry?

  • Roar. -Roar?

  • Oh, I can’t wait to hear it. Okay, you want to sing for us now?

  • Yeah. - Okay, great.

  • I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath,

  • scared to rock the boat and make a mess.

  • So I sat quietly,

  • agreed politely.

  • I guess that I forgot I had a choice.

  • I let you push me past the breaking point.

  • I stood for nothing,

  • so I fell for everything.

  • You held me down, but I got up.

  • Already brushing off the dust.

  • You hear my voice. You hear that sound.

  • Like thunder gonna shake the ground.

  • You held me down, but I got up.

  • Get ready 'cause I’ve had enough.

  • I see it all, I see it now

  • I got the eye of the tiger, the fighter,

  • dancing through the fire

  • 'Cause I am a champion

  • and youre gonna hear me

  • ROAR

  • Louder, louder than a lion.

  • 'Cause I am a champion and youre gonna hear me

  • ROAR

  • Oh oh oh oh oh oh

  • Youre gonna hear me

  • ROAR

  • Now I’m floating like a butterfly.

  • Ah, you have the whole song.

  • Youre so good

  • And I understand that youre

  • trying to learn how to play the drums, is that right?

  • Cause you like the drums? -Yeah.

  • And do you have a drum set? -Not yet.

  • Okay, well, you do now

  • Because our friends at Guitar Center want to give you a drum set.

  • Look at your brand new drum set.

  • Thank you. - Youre welcome. - I love you

  • How about that? Youre gonna play the drums

  • Sorry, folks. Your parents....

  • Your parents are backstage going, “Oh, no!”

  • Youre gonna be so good at this, aren’t you?

  • Look how fun thatll be?

  • And then play a little something for me.

  • Yep. Yep. Yep. Excellent

Our first guest is beyond adorable every time he’s here


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

カイは「轟」を歌う (Kai Sings 'Roar')

  • 12056 717
    Go Tutor に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日