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Hi there. Welcome to Harry's World of Words and Phrases and English in a Minute.
Today, we're looking at the use of 'as soon as'.
今日は、as soon as の使い方について見てみましょう。
'As soon as' is a conjunction, and it's used when something happens immediately after some other event.
"As soon as"は接続詞であり、他のイベントの直後に何かが発生したときに使われています。
'As soon as I get home, I will give you a call.'
'As soon as your father gets home, he will talk to you.'
As soon as I get to work, I will finish the report.'
Okay, so something happened immediately after something else.
It's really important when you use 'as soon as' to use it with the present tense, the present simple, okay?
as soon as を使うとき、現在形と一緒に使うことが非常に重要です。
'As soon as I get to work' - so present tense.
'As soon as your father comes home' - present tense.
You can then follow it with future.
'As soon as your father comes home, he will talk to you.'
'As soon as I get to work, I will call you', but when you use 'as soon as', always with the present tense.
「仕事に行くとすぐに電話します」ただし、「as soon as」を使用する場合は、常に現在形で使用します。
It does have a past format, and when you use it in the past or refer to something that happened in the past, do please use the past simple or the past perfect.
For example, 'As soon as he had called me' - so past perfect.
'As soon as he got to work' - past simple.
Okay, so you can use it in the past, and you can use it in the present.
So, that's the conjunction 'as soon as'.
以上が接続詞のas soon asです。
And as always, uh, subscribe to our channel and join us at www.englishlessonviaskype.com, and we'll catch up with you very soon.