I lovethepeople I workwith, they'reallverylikemindedpeople.
Somyworkdaysgobyreallyquick, they'reenjoyableand I get a skateatwork, I am a proskater, sousuallymyincomecomesfromcontestevents, butsinceeverything's canceledrightnow, thisiswhat I gotand I'm notgonnalie, I loveit.
So I'vebrokendownthisvideointofivenightsofshootingeverydayafterwork.
I'llcomeinhereandtryandgetatleastthreetricks a nighttostayoncourse I needtoland a trayflipand a backsidefliponthehip, a tailslideto 70 shove a smithonthebumptoledge, a backside 50 50 bigspinout.
A fakeybigspindisaster, revertout a backsidetail, a frontsideflip, a fullcabflip, a frontsideblunt, a wallybackside 1 80 a kickflipbackside 50 50 a feebledowntherailand a nosemanual 1 80 outmmNightone.
Notonlywas I abletogetthreetricksbut I gotfourandsothatwas a reallybigconfidenceboosterand I feltlikethefirstdaywasofftosuch a greatstartshoutouttothemostamazingboyfriendever.
I wenthometorelax a littlebitbeforewestartedfilmingNightfour, I needthelandofFakey.
BigSpindisasterrevertout, Fakihisridingbackwardsinyouroriginalstance, letyourboarddo a 3 60 asyoudo 1 80 puttinganother 1 80 backintotransitionandrollingaway a frontsideblunt.
Big Spin disaster revert out, Fakih is riding backwards in your original stance, let your board do a 3 60 as you do 1 80, putting another 1 80 back into transition and rolling away front side blunt.
The 3rdtrickis a frontsideflip.
Mhm A frontsideflipis a kickflipwith a 180 goingyourfrontsidewayandnext a fullcapflip.
Goodmorning, everyonehappyfriday, itis 10 a.m. And I wokeupabout 30 minutesago, I'vebeenpushing a lotforthisprojectand I'm gonnatake a lotoftimetostretchthismorning, I needit.
Ifnot, I don't thinkit's gonnagowell, hopefullyitwillandeverything's gonnabefine.
Happyfriday, it's gonnabegoodfridaydoingthisprojectin a week, wasactuallyreallystrainingintomybodysince I feellike I have a lotonmymind, I think I'm gonnacallitanearlydayfromwork, gohome, take a nap, eatsomegoodfoodandreplenishmyenergyso I canbeonmy a gametonightNightfive, ourlastdayoffilming, I wasreallynervous.
Happy Friday, it's gonna be good friday このプロジェクトを1週間でこなしていると、実際に体に負担がかかっていましたが、心の中ではたくさんのことを考えていました。
I wasstillthreetricksawayfrommygoal.
Umandoneofthesethreetrickswas a verytechnicaltrick.