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  • In 2011, a group of researchers conducted a scientific study to find an impossible result: that listening to certain songs can make you younger.


  • Their study involved real people, truthfully reported data, and commonplace statistical analyses.


  • So, how did they do it?


  • The answer lies in a statistical method scientists often use to try to figure out whether their results mean something or if they're random noise.


  • In fact, the whole point of the music study was to point out ways this method can be misused.


  • A famous thought experiment explains the method.


  • There are eight cups of tea, four with the milk added first and four with the tea added first.

  • A participant must determine which are which according to taste.

  • There are 70 different ways the cups can be sorted into two groups of four and only one is correct.


  • So, can she taste the difference?

  • That's our research question.

  • To analyze her choices, we define what's called a null hypothesis, that she can't distinguish the teas.


  • If she can't distinguish the teas, she'll still get the right answer 1 in 70 times by chance.


  • 1 in 70 is roughly .014⏤that single number is called a p-value.

  • In many fields, a p-value of .05 or below is considered statistically significant, meaning there's enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis.


  • Based on a p-value of .014, they'd rule out the null hypothesis that she can't distinguish the teas.


  • Though p-values are commonly used by both researchers and journals to evaluate scientific results, they're really confusing, even for many scientists.


  • That's partly because all a p-value actually tells us is the probability of getting a certain result, assuming the null hypothesis is true.


  • So if she correctly sorts the teas, the p-value is the probability of her doing so assuming she can't tell the difference.


  • But the reverse isn't true: the p-value doesn't tell us the probability that she can taste the difference, which is what we're trying to find out.


  • So if a p-value doesn't answer the research question, why does the scientific community use it?


  • Well, because even though a p-value doesn't directly state the probability that the results are due to random chance, it usually gives a pretty reliable indication.


  • At least, it does when used correctly. And that's where many researchers, and even whole fields, have run into trouble.


  • Most real studies are more complex than the tea experiment. Scientists can test their research question in multiple ways, and some of these tests might produce a statistically significant result, while others don't.


  • It might seem like a good idea to test every possibility. But it's not, because with each additional test, the chance of a false positive increases.


  • Searching for a low p-value, and then presenting only that analysis, is often called p-hacking.

    低い p値を探して、その分析値だけを提示することを、しばしば p-hacking と呼びます。

  • It's like throwing darts until you hit a bullseye and then saying you only threw the dart that hit the bull's eye. This is exactly what the music researchers did.


  • They played three groups of participants each a different song and collected lots of information about them.


  • The analysis they published included only two out of the three groups.


  • Of all the information they collected, their analysis only used participants' fathers' ageto "control for variation in baseline age across participants".


  • They also paused their experiment after every ten participants, and continued if the p-value was above .05, but stopped when it dipped below .05.


  • They found that participants who heard one song were 1.5 years younger than those who heard the other song, with a p-value of .04.


  • Usually it's much tougher to spot p-hacking, because we don't know the results are impossible: the whole point of doing experiments is to learn something new.


  • Fortunately, there's a simple way to make p-values more reliable: pre-registering a detailed plan for the experiment and analysis beforehand that others can check, so researchers can't keep trying different analyses until they find a significant result.


  • And, in the true spirit of scientific inquiry, there's even a new field that's basically science doing science on itself: studying scientific practices in order to improve them.


  • This new field has emerged in response to a crisis in science, and p-hacking is just one part of that crisis. So, what's going on? And can we fix it? Learn more with this video.

    この新しい分野は、科学の危機に対応して登場したもので、P-Hacking はその危機の一端に過ぎません。では、何が起きているのでしょうか?そして、私たちはそれを解決することができるのでしょうか?このビデオで詳しくご紹介します。

In 2011, a group of researchers conducted a scientific study to find an impossible result: that listening to certain songs can make you younger.


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