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- Hey, what's up?
I am Muchelleb, and in this video I wanna share
with you six lists that you can make to feel more organized
and feel more in control of your life.
I haven't really been keeping you guys in the loop,
but I am at a point where I am organizing the hell
out of my life for my own sanity.
I am getting my routines in check.
I am rethinking my approach to my goals.
I am redesigning my space, and don't worry.
There will be videos on all of this stuff.
So if you're not subscribed, you should subscribe.
So in this video,
I am going to be talking about six lists
that you can make to organize your life.
And at the end of the video, I'm actually going to talk
about how you can store your lists
so that they're actually useful to you
because these lists are well and good,
but if you don't use them,
there's no point in making them.
So stick around for that.
So the first list that I have made is
my weekly review slash planning list.
So I may have mentioned before how much
of an impact doing a weekly a review has had on my life.
It's a practice that I've been doing for years now,
and honestly, it has made such a difference
in how I feel every week and how I feel overall.
I have a video on how I used to do my weekly reviews.
It has changed a little bit,
but that video will still be helpful to you.
If you're interested I'll link it down below
and on a card here.
Essentially, what a weekly review is,
is you sit down, you get intentional,
you brain dump all this stuff that is going on in your mind,
you take action on things that you need to take action on,
and you generally just get your life together
in a short period of one to two hours every week.
It can also be a time where you evaluate your goals,
how you did last week,
what you need to be doing more in the future,
and getting a little bit more purposeful
with the way that you're living your life.
Having a little checklist with munchable...
Munchable? (chuckles)
What a word.
Having a little weekly checklist
with really doable, easy, step-by-step tasks
that you can tick off as you go
will increase the likelihood
of you actually doing the weekly review,
and also it'll keep you on track
while you're doing you weekly review
because that's a hard one.
And I promise you, it will help you
to keep your life organized.
Oh, no, this has been opened the whole time!
I'm just gonna close that,
and we're gonna pretend that that has not been open.
Anything embarrassing?
Wicked, I trust you guys.
Having cleaning checklists helps you
to stop being so overwhelmed with cleaning.
And also, it helps you kind of 80/20 your cleaning.
If you're not familiar with 80/20-ing,
I'll have a link to a video here and down below.
But when you get intentional, sit down and write out:
OK, what do I need to clean every day
to feel comfortable and happy with my space?
What do I need to be cleaning every week
to feel comfortable and happy with my space?
There are actually a few lists that you can make
within this one topic, some bonus checklists if you will.
Firstly, a daily cleaning checklist.
There's a website called Unfuck Your Habitat.
They also have a book,
and they have this concept of a 20/10,
so 20 minutes of working on one specific space,
and then 10 minutes of resting.
So they recommend doing at least one 20/10 a day.
Then, there is a weekly cleaning checklist,
so that's vacuuming, mopping, doing the laundry,
that kind of normal stuff.
Then there is the: Someone is coming over.
What the hell do I do?
I need to get this place clean checklist.
I would create your list in order of importance.
That way, no matter how much time you have
until that individual comes over,
you can make sure
that your ticking off the high-priority first
and not concentrating on the little, weird things,
like scrubbing the bottom of a cabinet
that they're not going to see.
The next list is a packing list.
So a packing list is just a big ol' list
of things that you might need to take on a trip
because the worst thing in the world is
forgetting something important like your phone charger
when you go on a holiday.
Now, I have an awful memory.
So, for example, last year I went to a YouTube event,
and I left my phone in an Uber,
and then I left my iPad charger in my Airbnb.
When I went to Europe,
I left my drivers license in Turkey
and my iPad in Santorini.
Thank God, somehow I managed to get these things back,
thanks to the beautiful humans around the world,
but the summary of that story: terrible memory,
which is what led to a second type of packing list,
which is things to remember before you leave
because your memory sucks.
If you have a shocking memory
and leave your possessions all over the world like me,
then you will definitely find this list comes in handy.
The next lists that you should create are
stuff that you do regularly lists.
Someone should count how many times I've said list
in this video. (chuckles)
La-la-la-lists, starting not to sound like a real word.
You know when you say something too much?
So for me, I put together a big list of what I need to do
to get a video done from start to finish,
from the moment the idea comes into my head
to the clicking of the upload button.
For you, this might mean creating a big checklist
of how to put together an essay from start to finish
or how to put together a blog post from start to finish.
So for me, the reason that I do this is
about breaking a big task into baby steps
because we know I love baby steps on this channel.
I do videos all the time,
but I still might get to a point
in the middle of my video creation process
when I'm finished doing my video blabber,
I'm just like, OK, what next?
And you get that fuzzy feeling that's just like,
I don't know how to move forward with this.
And I think that everyone gets that,
no matter what type of project they're doing.
So having a checklist that you can go back to
that sorta takes away that fuzzy feeling
gives you a concrete step-by-step list
of what to do can really push you forward
and make sure that you're always moving
on your little projects in your life.
There is this thing called goal competition
that everyone struggles with.
So for example, I would love
to create a second channel based
on the beginners guide to politics.
I would also love to create a mindfulness course.
I'd love to deep dive
and start doing yoga three times a week.
I have this book that's great on sleeping smarter,
and I wanna go through every single item in that book
and implement all of those ideas into my life.
The point I'm trying to make is
if I actually try to focus on all of the things
that I wanted to do in my life,
I would not accomplish a single bloody thing.
A not to do list is a reminder of the stuff
that you should not be prioritizing,
the stuff that you need
to intentionally disregard in your life.
It's not a list of things
that you'll never devote your time and attention to.
It's the things that you shouldn't devote your time
and attention to right now.
Of course, a not to do list should complement a to do list
of the main priorities in your life at this point in time.
Next up is a before you leave the house list.
So you've probably heard of PKW, phone, keys, wallet,
but you probably haven't heard of PKWSTL,
which is my personal list of things
that I need before I leave the house:
phone, keys, wallet, snacks, tag, lunch.
Every day, I look in my bag,
and I make sure that I have all of those things
before I leave the house.
I literally go over those items.
I don't actually say PKWSTL, to be fair.
I just go: phone, keys, wallet.
Yep, snacks, tag, lunch because without those things,
I'd be screwed in one way or another.
Now, let's talk about how to store
and work with your lists so that you actually use them
because that's the most important thing
at the end of the day,
despite the internal satisfaction
that you get from writing your list initially.
Firstly, keep all of your lists together
in a folder, in a section, in a tag,
in a label depending on what you use.
You should only have to go to one place
to find all of these lists together.
There should never be any hesitation of like,
oh, where did I put that list again?
Because they're all in the same nice,
neat place for you to easily access.
Secondly, they should be easy to duplicate.
So if you are a bullet journaler, you love your paper,
make those lists as possible for you to duplicate
every time you need to use them.
Most of these lists are reusable.
they're things that you're going
to need again and again and again.
So for me, I have an app,
and I have all of my lists in the one place,
and all I do when I need to create a new video is
I will right-click, duplicate list,
retitle that checklist so that it's the name
of the video that I'm creating.
Then I will run through that list one by one.
Same with when I do my weekly cleaning
or when I am packing stuff to go on a trip.
So I use Things 3, which is a paid app,
but I frickin' love it, it is new.
I actually switched from Google Keep
when life just got a bit too much
and I was like, I need a genuine to do app;
however, Google Keep is great, as well as Wunderlist.
I use that for work, and it's awesome.
It has a lot of the functionalities
of Things 3 but it is free.
If you have any other app recommendations for to do lists,
chuck them in the comments below.
I'm sure everyone would want to hear them.
And my third tip for keeping your lists usable is
to now be afraid of changing your lists
because those lists exist to be changed.
I'm constantly changing my lists.
My new video list, when I'm like,
actually, no, I need to do this step over here,
or I need to decide on the thumbnail
before I even start planning the video.
I'm switching things around,
adding new steps all the time
because you're not gonna use lists
if you don't trust the contents of the list.
So you need to be keeping them up to date and relevant.
If you like this video,
you're probably going to like my video
on eight lists to write to make 2018 amazing.
I will have it linked on the screen and down below.
Those lists aren't all focused on organization,
but a few of them actually are.
So you're going to like it
if you're on this kind of organization kick with me.
If you're interested in more videos on living a better,
more simplified, more productive,
and more self-love filled life,
subscribe to my channel for regular videos.
Thank you so much for watching.
I appreciate you guys so very much,
and I will see you soon.