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everybody welcome to what the flick gameofthrones is done Mad Men is done we
move on
to the newsroom Witcher it's not the same category why I'm
welcome to the dog yeah in any way
but it's an interesting show jack we have a a lot that are all the Giro look
thank you for Ben maggots jack on the current show last year we we did that
highest-rated segments of the current room I
when we at we talk about newsroom because for whatever reason even the
last season was one of the worst seasons have
love dramatic television I've ever seen in my entire life we couldn't
stop watching it there was something there was something glorious
mixed in with all this just insufferable
narcissism comments about the musical numbers that's right with you
so here we so here we are now at season 2
and I mean will turn it over first although Alonso but as absolute first
thing we do let's kill all the lawyers
obviously that's room 106 arm II
good media obviously on john looked it up whatever
um by I thought that this
was versatile markedly different
and better much better
but I fear just enough better to make this a waste of time
I a lot it's really a weird like before and I mean the season 1 I've vacillated
between moment I thought were just brilliant and ones that I just would
kinda roll my eyes at
and this was an almost all are rolling up azaleas everywhere for this
last night's episode would have been the one to make me go up camp I'm out
I'm really yeah I just I don't know why because it's sorta dwelled on all the
things that I care the least about like that love triangle Business which I
never have found interesting are well
by the World Trade no one in america cares about that I
everyone in America hates all those people yeah all the actors involved
there are interested at this point
yeah you know theirs and it was one of those episode lotsa
dudgeon you know lots of my principles a movable good just here
Agni II really very clean I thought there was less than that
yeah because but here we're seeing will the care more about
how much the audience loves him and he feels burned today
that he's lost a part of the answer seen American Taliban right any seems less
aggressive but that was
that and that was a big problem for me I've heard American tell been thrown
fairly willy nilly on the left and nobody cared and on this show they make
out like who he said this
taboo phrase and you know repercussions going all the way to the counter
levying this like after a full episode iv: laying it out saying you're the
American Taliban or was it
a blogger something we savored it also means that you don't really hear it from
brian williams also I'm I'm saying those moment but I mean I purpose heard on
MSNBC let's say which is for the anodyne love this show
that I've that network and in hand and no nobody stop the presses like nobody
cared it was just a
phrase I was afraid the other night and this show they make it out to be
you know I was talking to %uh to Brett who said that it was the same thing on
studio 60 where
you they made a big deal about this sketch that was gonna get all the
trouble and i wanna been called crazy Christians
right you know I think studio 60 on the Sunset Strip the first
I'll horrible unwatchable were show history television and I watched all 22
yeah look be that that's what makes this show little interest email because
and in a lil and unrealistic at the same time in a good way in a bad way here's
what I mean by that
but on MSNBC back like win
in the day they would never imagine saying that either
okay now they get to a point where they would say but in this show it's not
for CNN right you see what I'm saying I graphics packages CNN
ok expression that i rly of Vienna a right hand so
it's supposed to be a neutral source and that's why how they all act executives
actor reporters acted center-right
and so yeah I am with Ben a Brian Williams or anderson cooper et cetera
merican Taliban
there would have been outrage CNN would have been banned from the browser
quite but they it's also unrealistic and that's the whole point the show but
because Anderson Cooper Brian Williams would never say that
in a million years cuz in fact none of them have the principal
will mcevoy and that's why the show is in some ways
both maddening cuz that's never going to happen I V view
and at the same time great because hey that's what we want to happen I mean you
guys are the pros to you
you can parse this better than i do as far as it now to see the inside baseball
the show
my takeaway from season one was this was the lost season have Countdown with
Keith Olbermann
II he was much more baby shoot from the hip saying controversial stuff
injecting himself in his opinions into things so
will mcevoy saying American Taliban to me was well if Overman said American
nobody would blink because that's the sort of thing he would say all the time
weird what what what you're right about over men and and there are many perhaps
even O'Brien self who thinks the world mcevoy persona was lifted from over man
there is unquestionably a great deal with Keith Olbermann
I in that but it is as if Keith Olbermann
were at CBS yeah exactly
its unquestionable base on over me but whatever you write fiction you take
something that might might happen in your personal experience
and then you change in and change and change it and change it so
its loosely based on him probably about 30 percent remains
a seventy percent is a different context that he rode into it I just wanna feel
the shock
in the moment I love this thing in the context the show so that I
to the repercussions make sense and over like becoming an Oreo is gonna lose out
on some that shock so long as there's there covering stories there two years
old by the time we watch as I think
but also one of the reasons I like that interesting device knows it seems is
always active on it yeah exactly although some people say that that's why
certain comes office so
is so the full of himself because yeah of course everybody is in great
hindsight two years after the story broke
what I like about the reaction to the American Taliban comment is
wanna my problems with the will mcevoy character in the first season is
he's just to confident too perfect into invincible like
he always has that become back nothing bad happens except for drinks being
thrown in his face
but now is actually facing consequences for what he did and you can see it
the way he's reacting to stories later on I think that makes the character much
more interesting
yeah I agree he became heey he showed some
some authentic vulnerability the vulnerability showed last year was the
nonsense with the love life where you're like
she's you lover she loves you she really three years ago she want you back
but don't like to get over record or donor go out with other girls but stop
talking about this this is
and seeking a religious seminary disagree with Alonso again
because hear that at least they took the Mackenzie love thing
out at least for the purpose of this episode it was national see finger
which seems so unrealistic not only for will McElroy but for Mackenzie sources
top competent awesome executive producer should be bumbling instrument over stuff
so at least the first episode in now that's how I felt like I was fifty
percent when
and I like that they IIIi like think that they showed her being super
competent in the mail creation the show all I have to say watching that moment I
I'm love this when Holly 125 years ago in broadcasting truly
this could have all that never happens right by you I have a tape this offer
when there's so many things that are wonderfully unrealistic about this rain
like if he caught that they had the wrong thing with the I don't know what
CNN this
allies agree with you on that they were they'd fix it they'd me it personal
maybe not right now but there was a long era where they unquestionably what
effect that they would never last but said the French stories are charge the
one they haven't charged in the death
they would switch that and I love that that was a
I wish they'd play with the voice more cuz I wanna sounded different but I
her attempting to her attempting to fix it and I think that
that was as dramatic ash a moment
I've reaction to criticism from a season
that our producer talk like I've made these women
bumbling yes and a joke and so I were right off the bat I'm gonna show you
low per capita they are greatest cruiser you've ever seen you
that was the second half were there when the the board goes down unnecessary and
them executive producer knows how to solve a technical issue it's incredibly
come we know it is what it is all the technical issues she came up with a
solution that use the remaining resources they still had one camera
angle in graphics
hard wired directly to the monitor like it's not that she knows how to fix the
tech problems that she fully understands what they're capable doing with roads
may be over you're still a dork
I go through a window when the doors close thats
yeah out with our seen it the thing that's great and I love the show and
executive producer doesn't know how to do it a few
anonymous was hacking them or something I got ugly
yeah act like it but I totally got their act but it doesn't
Lake it just it was a moment have like we did the first one
like we got it we don't need the other one right after your
yell over it though knows exactly what ever reason for the second are you
so this is that he's trying to respond to some other criticism the females
basically are just bumbling fools even if they're supposed to be like fully for
themselves and well-educated
but I love it he couldn't help with the money scare comment its long sabbath
that like she is just you know she's the girl mister I can also
I couldn't hear one line that those people said to each other I tried re
whatever the conversation on this time sorry enough to bruise captioning
yeah I without but also the intern comes in and she had that great moment at the
end to the season where is like a year what makes America great know that I
love that moment
but what you doing now she's looking at musicals and stuff like he still can't
give women consistent respect the entire episode
I thought that I took that is as she's an intern and these are his quirks he
loves musical theatre
it's like you know if I did enter and I was like I nominate show you the ropes
like I would be in that position but you gotta tell me who's yeah the last 30
National League Most Valuable Player really 11 reason I think that scene
might make sense is that sort of struck me as possible like a Karate Kid sort of
where it's not that she's researching musicals that you're gonna do five
minutes the research and understand all of these facts right it could be like a
wax on wax off for a second that
that there's going to be a payoff to the manner in which the stranger
and of course eggs clearly been set up now the big archive this season is to
find out
what happened Alison pill's hair I
so I'm on the edge of my seat for that one non-computer sonar to hear something
is so
number one address all the things years all brought up I
you know the minor the fixes might have heard it in in that sense because
day while I had a great line and on Twitter about this
today price for slate he said a can't wait to get everybody in the room and do
some hate watch
okay it might not work right but if you don't he did now you don't love it and
it becomes
in the middle then you might be coming deposit thing I'm writing i mean lol
Dave while she feel good because he shares my pic I don't care it's rather
I they'll my initial fear really almost dead following our conversation 20
minutes before we started here was that
I liked it much better but I don't know that I liked it enough
to where I actually find to be great drama horror drama like Breaking Bad Mad
Men and then game Thrones and so many others raising
so feel talked me into staying tonight live like that if you remove
that they won't remove all the sanctimony but if they remove eighty-two
percent %uh sanctimony
om and then it just becomes maybe a show that doesn't
consistently the lever and and and a and then there in a very dangerous
dangerous place but obviously I get full you literally like season 1
so here's the thing I E I liked it more than both the average american but also
more than the people who serve
love hate it like understand that again I was texting you know this still sucks
I like to know them that got closer um now I will admit I'm not like a total
fanboy like the more you look closely at any part of it the more it doesn't
really hold up like
I loved like Mac Mac voice for speech was talking about what america used to
be like everything
but man the more you analyze that speech the more ridiculous it seems
like oh you're back in the fifties america had no problems and everything
so they're definitely problems with it but it's an exciting show it's got
interesting dialogue it's occasionally funny there are little twists and things
like that
so I do I do enjoy I look forward to know no no and no
ok but never cooked before I get into my main criticism over it
let's not over local why we're watching in the first place is something great
that it does that by not no one else did
right it gives us that the fantasy 0
principal journalists writing television principled activist
attentive right journalist interested in truth not fair
right and not interested in partisanship but interested in challenging
the government the poor Republican Party is status quo the
and and would need be the democratic way remember Womack was a republican
and like me I get the sense from the show he doesn't care at all about the
democrats nor
about to get into clearly a long season long conversation about drones and the
Obama administration ran to keep my
at Occupy right and so so and possibly by the way true about mark
the time frame I believe is going new cap sleeve nothing right bring it up
so the fact that they're doing what always wanted CNN to do
and never did in and ends do it in a over-the-top brilliant way
you know it Mike so we'll make it was unrealistic you see
every character's unrealistic example snappy comebacks they talk a million
miles an hour and everything they say is brilliant unless he was in the pure dumb
in which case they say mediately switch over to be incredibly stupid I get that
but at least he wanted CNN to say hey wait a minute should we call other
Republican Party
if they're doing this should we call the government if they're doing that
so that's what's great about the show it let us fantasize about what should a bit
right and so I still enjoy that I still like Allegri now
now the thing is on the critique what's fascinating is that the I don't think
the show changes much is
I changed and and I think the world around us change in the year
says up so the one episode I'm sorry season 1 and season two
okay because before I when I was watching Season one I thought
this is really relevant I wish the people with CNN would watch this
and and learn something from it because this could be the most important show
on television if the way people watch it and got
all I she says there right there was why didn't we do that
why didn't we do that why are we charging both parties
right it is unrealistic as the dialogue okay
it's like they weren't monday-morning quarterbacking they were 2013
quarterbacking which is you know you've got tons a perspective a point right
so now I in that year what's changed is a thought I
one I came to the realization pour might kidding an hour
the sea no no they probably are rather
they're glued to it yeah about them exactly what he said
CNN is never going to change the network news
is never gonna change they're just go look at this %uh find a way to criticize
it and dismiss it
and do their own rationalizations it is inconceivable or Smith you know if only
we could do that but of course we can of course when and why did you get anything
else responder feels like your job
it can't be done or that it some liberal fantasy right exactly
so I gave up on meh a between the two seasons I give up on the hope the CNN
learns anything from
I Fox News actually called the show liberal fantasy and I tweeted that
the liberal fantasy is on HBO in conservative fantasy is on Fox News
that's right
I put on 1 review at least that was saying that like go he said he was going
to the show or it's just about the facts and everything but it ends up being
exactly the same thing is Rachel mad or any other
insert any other liberal no I don't think that's really true I think that's
just another way to marginalize and I don't remember which review that was
but and so that this the industry's at writ large will do that and has started
to get
real quick cycle and I you gotta finish but that that's a review
that wants to just say that what MSNBC and worker does is just the antidote to
find it and they're both as wrong
we know neither of them had that there's no truth in any other yeah exactly
now the second thing they change for me is who gives a shit what CNN fix
like I before CNN knife I've YouTube you really relevant because they were
gender setting the worse large they had this big
audience but they also were a media multiplier what happened I CNN effected
local news and local radio et cetera
so is that still true yes of course largely so true but its waning and
waning in waning
and I think you know what if that doesn't if CNN doesn't get fixed
and I you CNN as mainstream media you know overall
in 10 years it is again a matter because they're there on a sinking ship they
already hit the iceberg what the
I CNN don't change doesn't matter you to go under because you're not going to
so all this like grandiosity pa pa city about like all
knows I love who cares you alright yeah
I just keep giving me Jane Fonda and Marcia Gay Harden and power suits at
boardroom tables and I'm im so
you like I gave on demand you just you get a moment like I don't know whether
you guys
get this as much as mean a lot to do but like
Jane Fonda like that scene is 78 times better
that if that were some veteran television actress it's just different
it has more power
exchange I such a fun amazing actors and the the added bonus that she's the
former missus ted turner
right I think religious right no gets all its a full packet with a question or
to bring up so obviously what another stylistic change they made was the the
slightly different music but also the the drug dramatically different intro
I'll get what you call it was published credits from season one thank god those
are gone said
because I was so like bold move so important earnings
and now it smells like no we're at a job and we're doing our thing in Memphis
is all the pieces fit together and yeah exactly yeah long as I know you're
talking about I could buy a smoke a little bit
and that's the moments like that is well I
think answer can watch is the address okay
II in exams their Patel right and he usually does if you don't come get some
how much the number to use on the outer yeah
one billion $71 million or so
what Aaron Sorkin's now one of the few Kiley Boster
right because not only did he take that the Dev Patel thing where
I once was started by like Bigfoot could be real right
this whole thing right so I was QC were laughing about that
and of course alarms are very similar arguments we make it were nonpartisan we
don't like either one other party idea all the service than but in this
occupy the criticism occupy not
though pro on whoever the criticism that Patel those above argued by
is almost word for word from the actors I why don't you just stick with money in
politics why do you just have a clear message
you know all this like horizontal management is a go to work
it's like somebody walks all over shows and then goes back two years it is like
news and advice you wish somebody had given them right when they first started
not Keith Olbermann I
okay is so Wow my nephew's wife who was 22 years old cities like
Dutchess a CEO Mike except for the fact that it's clearly not
me yeah in 128 every way except I'm
yeah I know it was good a proper they've all had been stolen in a hacer beverly
was it will probably don't know them rather than
no I mean that though the I think the listener act-up that occupy never
learned is that non-hierarchical can only take you so far
and then whoever shouts the loudest wins in its right
that right yes you could dismiss that coulda we believe in Orlando structure
go on why do you think that will work you can just restate it with a cool
sounding title is there anybody out by Wall Street Dec you
I could still use my name so it's a very good way to know what a recent goes on
up all the time you choose to work on Wall Street nash's occupying three
up by the SEC she's super rainy and very television go back in. watcher at that
was on it
there are some beautiful girls there including one that was doing nude body
so you might wanna check it out on Rogers covers this in a hurry if they s
organ that technique that he's going to use this year all that sorta frame
through a deposition
%uh that was social at work right yes that's right for you %ah
so a and I think something else to do but to I feel like it was something else
but anyway
I it's a very effective storytelling method I think that seems like a better
he did write a few good men to do with Rosie Romero
Butler so then we have a so I like that part is that I think that'll be
interesting I were and I'm interested to know what
Genoa was i did some reading it sounds like it's based on
a time magazine did some stories about sorts
something that the government had alleged to die and Laos during the
Vietnam War and this may be taken from that
that right there when things look better you look that up there on
so that when they're taking a nap no did was to it was tellin totally discredited
did you go that far do we now believe it was totally describe it was also a very
similar to what they're so far describing the
should serve as getting that we use and gas in Pakistan or something but that
by but again that it won't be true at all that it's totally untrue and that's
like so again a mistake I gotta be up
you know a big mistake an important step yeah so
one reason Aki watching news from one reason to keep watching these reviews
yeah I i'm for one reason ok you watching newsroom is
look if you could ban come on it's over the top by
you can't handle the truth come on rape jack nicholson Tom Cruise
less was circa knows he does voters with the glasses right yeah
facepalm iraq you're a great film tonight and West Wing over the top in so
many different ways in so many different scene see I serve at the pleasure the
president right
I'll but if you missed a few good men
you have to go back and rewatch rate you can't miss a few good men
no and if you use will not work right exactly
so you're gonna have to watch newsroom because even if it's over the top
even if he does the BB watchers the romances et cetera
because there's some chance you to look Bango i cant believe I missed that
your IBM already is like it or not this is the zeitgeist so you have there been
any and all that
that you get out your chair about your vest and that doesn't happen in mostar
and hope that doesn't happen in most over leaping to pump your fist it
doesn't look as awkward as when Olivia Munn
did it in a weird little way professor but I do love her and miss out on
Flagler is my favorite character on the show because he has a volver a up
realistic credible vulnerability that that nobody else s
a real seems not the walking into doors but I mean and not blood related
tapped again that's just like gotta go with the romance that three way that
that love triangle
it's just its americanisms I'm least interest love triangle by the way
that guy like that you thought get know that your public affairs I
if only a you didn't do it consistently for Two and a Half Men
I was a little crazy mistake credibility there but yes
22 conclude the reason why she's reviews we've got
the best expert I gave a throws and the best expert on mad men.
they're in the same review and then I have had him living newsroom at this
rate I mean if you're gonna wash your hair newsroom as I yeah
further you're alright really quick prediction that I i think is gonna make
you guys hate the show on
I think that the chance that seas of honor on the bus
he is so gonna meet some other staff for something sprang to conservative
and because they're they're broken up back in New York something has to be
brought in
of course but I love triangles are you from Largo matalin's I don't hang in
there are people
has sex ever again I lesson to be a mod
and with you totally different story yeah
alright thanks everybody be back next week for episode two
I love for get where was it the news for you