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  • Lesson 7

  • Susan hires Bob to run her business

  • Susan stays up all night thinking about her cookie business.

  • In the morning she discusses it with Bob.

  • Bob agrees to work for her.

  • You're up bright and early this morning, Susan.

  • I didn't sleep a wink.

  • I was awake all night thinking about the new business.

  • Running your own business is lots of work.

  • Are you prepared to work like a dog?

  • No. But I am prepared to hire you to run the business.

  • You want me to run a cookie business?Fat Chance!

  • Why not?

  • I don't have a clue about making cookies.

  • I don't even know how to turn the oven on!

  • I'll give you a crash course.

  • Do I have to do the baking?

  • No you'll just manage the business side.

  • Needless to say ,I have mixed feelings about working for you.

  • I'll be nice. I promise you'll be a happy camper.

  • Okay.Let's give it a shot boss!

Lesson 7


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B1 中級

07 Lesson 07 Susan Hires Bob To Run Her Business

  • 71 13
    taddysu に公開 2021 年 08 月 07 日