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  • Hey guys what's up?

  • Today it's time for another prank

  • but today we're not going to prank each other

  • we're waiting for a special guest who has been on this channel a few times.

  • My parents came to visit us for a week

  • and since my dad really loves to be in our videos

  • we thought it's a good opportunity to prank him.

  • So Dongin will leave the room and I will have a little chat with my dad,

  • telling him that I just can't deal with my boyfriend anymore.

  • This will be really weird for me because it's so far from reality.

  • But with dedication we can do it.

  • Let's go!

  • This one is perfect for vlogging.

  • I'm ordering this one.

  • You can see if you like it,

  • since we'll be staying here for a while.

  • It's supposed to arrive on Tuesday.

  • What's awesome is that this one has an ND filter.

  • Looks good!

  • That means if you got a bright light or something

  • you can work really well with it.

  • You don't need to attach anything to the camera.

  • Is this the camera you want to buy?

  • Yes, already ordered it. If I'm lucky it'll arrive on Tuesday.

  • And then the three of us can test it out!

  • Yeah definitely!

  • Looks really good!

  • And the price... -Can I get you a coffee?

  • Coffee is always a good idea! (That's my son!)

  • Anyways, let's test it together and if it's good...

  • Maybe you can get one as well. (now it's up to you, Farina)

  • Definitely. I think it's worth it.

  • Definitely, also the price-performance ratio is really good.

  • (now it's my turn!)

  • (sighs)

  • What's wrong?

  • I don't know... -Not good?

  • It's not about the camera. -Okay...

  • I don't know if I can keep doing this...

  • What do you mean?

  • Can't keep doing what?

  • The whole thing with us...

  • With Dongin?? -Yes, the whole relationship.

  • What does that mean?

  • I don't know... lately he just gets on my nerves.

  • Dongin gets on your nerves? -Yea.

  • Why?

  • I don't know... -But he's such a fine guy.

  • Yes but...

  • He's so empathic!

  • Yes but that's the problem!

  • He doesn't make mistakes.

  • He's too perfect. -But isn't that good?

  • But I mean you've built up so much together.

  • I don't know... it makes me look stupid.

  • He's so perfect and it makes me seem stupid.

  • I don't know... -Hmm... perfect...

  • And you mean you're only playing the second fiddle?

  • Yea!

  • I gotta say that's pretty intense...

  • That's really...

  • I've always seen you both like... and your Mom as well...

  • you seemed like the perfect couple.

  • And everything you've done and accomplished together

  • Well... did you already talk to him about it?

  • Noo...

  • Not at all? -Not yet.

  • When are you going to tell him?

  • I don't know yet.

  • I just wanted you and Mom to know as well.

  • Because I'll have to look for a new apartment and...

  • There's a lot attached to this. You know that.

  • I mean, you also built up something together.

  • Saved up together and invested.

  • For me it was always like...

  • Farina is now in good hands...

  • she's on the right path and everything's well...

  • I just thought it's safe now, you know?

  • So, here's your coffee. (uncomfortable)

  • Thank you Dongin.

  • You need any milk with that?

  • No everything's good.

  • Let's plan what we're gonna do next week!

  • (next week?)

  • When the camera arrives?

  • Exactly! We've already had something in mind.

  • We could show you around the area.

  • And since Farina has her driver's license now she can drive us around a bit.

  • Come on Maddie! (let's go for a walk)

  • Now he's planning for the next week, thinking everything is fine!

  • When are you planning to tell him? I mean...

  • You have to someday.

  • Maybe I can tell him now. Now that you're here...

  • Now that I'm here??!

  • Yes, so I have some support.

  • No no no... keep me out of this please.

  • I need to talk to Mom about this first and I also need to process this for myself.

  • So again... I'd rather do it today with you than never,

  • because I might be too scared to do it alone.

  • Let me be honest with you.

  • Before you destroy something now that you might regret later

  • I would rather...

  • really think this through.

  • It's really difficult for me to give you advice on this

  • Because like I said... think about...

  • What you've built and...

  • I know he's kind, like...

  • he's like a robot.

  • What else do you want?

  • Someone who keeps messing up?

  • I think I would like a badboy.

  • A 'badboy'??

  • An adventure!

  • Did you miss out on something in life?

  • Well I already have someone in mind...

  • (are you serious?)

  • I met him at a photoshoot back then.

  • Back then? -Yeah...

  • We stayed friends. His name is Alejandro.

  • And this has been on your mind for weeks? Months?

  • And you never talked to him about it?

  • Yes.

  • And Dongin thinks everything's good between the two of you?

  • Probably...

  • And you think that's alright?!

  • Is that fair??

  • What if he would do the same to you? How would you feel?

  • Woah... well, that's really intense stuff Farina...

  • I mean, you're our daughter

  • and you'll always be, but...

  • I think that's...

  • well if you're aksing for my opinion...

  • I don't think it's good.

  • In the end it's your decision

  • but honestly, I personally...

  • I think it's such a waste.

  • Dongin really doesn't deserve that.

  • Yes I understand...

  • Such a great person.. such a...

  • But it's your... -I made my decision

  • I think he should be back by now.

  • Let me call him in.

  • What do you mean? And I'm staying here or what?

  • I think I need you here for that.

  • As my support.

  • Can you come for a second?

  • (I wanna go home...)

  • What's going on?

  • Sit down here.

  • I just talked to Dad about something.

  • I think I can't do this anymore.

  • Do what?

  • Us...

  • Us?

  • Us!

  • What?

  • But why?

  • There is...

  • There's someone else in my life.

  • (hold on...)

  • Who is it? Is it...

  • Is it Alejandro??!

  • It is Alejandro.

  • NO!!

  • I KNEW IT!

  • (dubious) (confused)

  • (you got me!)

  • Is there a hidden cam or something??

  • You're messing with me!

  • You're such jerks!

  • Oh man! -I'm sorry!

  • Come here Dongin, I need another coffee.

  • (relieved)

  • You're never doing this again! -Here is camera #1.

  • Wait a second. How did you hide this?

  • And you're her accomplice!

  • So how do you feel?

  • How do I feel? -I'm so sorry!

  • I'm still shaking.

  • That was pretty intense.

  • But I'm also really relieved. -That was horrible.

  • What you two got going is really great.

  • It's awesoem and I'm so happy for you.

  • Don't worry it will never happen!

  • That's good to hear.

  • Okay guys. I hope you liked this video. Leave a like if you did!

  • And we see you guys in the next video!

  • Bye bye!

Hey guys what's up?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

Breaking Up Prank On My DAD | Korean German Couple

  • 25 0
    蔡家瑜 に公開 2021 年 08 月 04 日