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Last year, when the Fed lowered interest rates, everyone knew that inflation is coming, but the Fed said that we should not worry because inflation is just a little above 2%.
昨年、政府が金利の引き下げを行った時、誰もがインフレが起こると思いました。でも FED (連邦準備制度) はその心配はしなくて良いと述べました。その理由はインフレの上昇率が わずか 2.4% を上回るくらいだからだというもの。
But if we take a look at what's happening, prices have risen dramatically since then.
I don't just mean asset prices like houses, stocks, etc., but rather, consumer prices as well.
Inflation in the US has jumped to the highest rate since 2008 because, as the economy is recovering from the pandemic, people are getting back to work, which means people are spending more than ever.
アメリカのインフレの上昇率は 2008年以降 最も高くなっています。その訳は コロナ禍からの経済の回復に伴い、人々が仕事に復帰しているから、それは 多くの人がこれまで以上にお金を使っているということです。
The consumer prices index rose at an annual rate of 5% in May, up from 4.2% in April, and the highest since August, 2008.
5 月の消費者物価指数の年間上昇率は 5%、4 月の 4.2% から増加していて、2008 年以降 最も高くなっているのです。
While most people are getting hurt as a result of inflation, some people are making money out of it because every problem presents an opportunity.
インフレによって ほとんどの人が大変な思いをしている一方で、その恩恵を受けている人もいます。何事にもチャンスはつきものですからね。
The question is, is there a way to profit out of this inflation?
The answer is... yes!
その答えは … あるんです!
So, let's take a look at different ways rich people are making millions out of this inflation.
But before we get into that, make sure to give this video a thumbs up for the YouTube algorithm.
By the way, this is not financial advice, and everything that's said in this video is for educational and entertainment purposes.
Number One: Hold Real Assets
What most people don't understand about currency is that, that it's another commodity in the market, and its prices is determined by demand and supply, among many different factors, of course.
貨幣について、ほとんどの人が理解していないこと、それは貨幣も市場で取引される商品だということです。そしてその価格は需要・供給、そしてもちろん そのほか多くの要因によって決まります。
Imagine a hypothetical example where you have 10 dollars in the entire economy on one side and 10 houses on the other.
こんな仮説を立ててみましょう。経済システム全体に存在するお金は 10 ドルだけ、そして 10 軒の家があります。
In this hypothetical example, a single house will cost 1 dollar.
この仮説では 1 軒の家が 1 ドルということになります。
But if we pour extra 10 dollars into this market, there will be 20 dollars, but still 10 houses, which would raise house prices where a single house will cost 2 dollars.
ですが、この市場にもう 10 ドル投入すると、お金は 20 ドルになりますが、10 軒の家の価格も上がります。1 軒あたり 2 ドルですね。
That's a simple way to understand inflation.
Last year, when the economy was on the brink of collapse, the Fed decided to throw trillions of dollars into the economy to prevent a depression by distributing stimulus checks and buying corporate bonds.
昨年、経済が崩壊の危機に瀕した際、FED 数兆ドルをアメリカ経済に投入することにしました。給付金の支給・社債の買取によって景気の落ち込みを防ごうとしたのです。
22% of the US dollars that are in the market currently have been printed in 2020.
現在、市場で流通しているアメリカドルの 22% は 2020 年に発行されたもの。
Anyone with a basic degree in economics understood that inflation is on its way.
That's why whoever could afford a house back then immediately invested in real estate instead of holding cash, especially since interest rates were at their lowest point.
It doesn't matter what's the real rate of inflation⏤whether it's 2.4% or 3.4%⏤because house prices grew by 15%, and by some estimates, even by 18 to 20%.
実質インフレ率が 2.4% だろうと、3.4% だろうと関係ありません住宅価格は 15% 上昇しているし、18% 、20% まで上昇すると予測されてもいます。
This means real estate investors didn't just beat inflation, but rather, also profited enormously.
But the smartest investors didn't just buy houses but took mortgages because leverage turns good deals into great deals, especially since interest rates were at rock bottom.
ただし、誰よりも賢明だった投資者は ただ家を買っただけではなく、住宅ローンを組んでいるんです。なぜなら、借入がものすごくお得になるから、金利がどん底の時は特にそうです。
Number Two: Debt
その2: 借金をする。
Many of you might have a really negative opinion about debt, but debt can be really good, especially when there is inflation.
If a dollar today (is) worth more than a dollar tomorrow, that means if I borrow a dollar today and return it tomorrow, I have made a profit.
今日の 1 ドルが明日 1ドル以上の価値を持つとしたら、それは今日 1 ドルを借りて、明日その 1 ドルを返せば、僕が得をするということです。
The median house price today is around 350,000 dollars, but 20 years ago, it was less than half of that, at around 150,000 dollars.
現在、住宅価格の中央値は 35 万ドル ( 約3,800万円 ) ほどです。でも 20 年前はその半分以下の 15 万(約1,700万円)ドルほどでした。
Because every year, the real value of the dollar falls, which means the same 150,000 dollars 20 years ago, today worth 350,000 dollars.
その訳は、ドルの実質価値が毎年下がっているからです。つまり、20 年前の 15 万ドルが現在の 35 万ドルと同じ価値だということです。
That's why when the Fed lowered interest rates and started buying corporate bonds, guess who started borrowing all that money?
だから FED が金利を下げて社債の買い取りを始めた時、そのお金の借り入れをし始めたのは誰だと思いますか?
World's largest companies, such as Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, and so on⏤although these companies don't need that money at all.
Apple is sitting on a pile of cash worth over 200 billion dollars.
アップルは、2 千億ドルを超える現金を保有しています。
But it's still borrowed money because why use your own money when you can just throw your money into the S&P 500, for example, and get at least a 10% return and borrow money at just 1%?
それでもお金を借りたんです。だって、例えば S&P 500 にお金を捨てているだけになっている時に 自分のお金を使うわけがありません。それに最低でも 10% の収益率で、たった 1% の金利で借りられるんです。
Even if you make a 5% rate on that borrowed money by investing it into your operations, you're still making a 4% profit.
たとえその借入金の金利が 5% だとしても、運営に投資することで、4% の収益率になります。
On top of that, when you borrow money, you get all of these tax benefits.
So you will also save on taxes.
If interest rate is lower than inflation, any money you borrow is theoretically a profit.
Number Three: Gold
その3: 金(ゴールド)。
What makes gold unique is that it has always been that asset that preserves wealth, especially during crises.
Here is how it works.
The moment the future seems unpredictable, gold prices rise.
In 2007, gold prices rose from around 600 dollars to 1,000 dollars because of the 2008 crash.
2007年、金の価格は600ドル(当時約10万円)から1,000ドル(当時約18万円)まで上昇しました。原因は 2008年の金融危機です。
Investors panicked and immediately started buying gold.
The US dollar might lose its value and even become worthless one day, but not the gold.
アメリカドルの価値は下がる可能性があります。1 日で価値がなくなるかもしれません。でも金は違います。
While the US dollar has lost over 90% of its value in the last 100 years, gold has kept its value since the beginning of civilization.
アメリカドルは、この 100 年でその価値が 90% 以上も下がりましたが、金は 文明が生まれてからずっとその価値を保っているんです。
In 2010, investors panicked again and started buying gold aggressively to the point where gold prices hit a record 1,900 dollars.
2010 年、投資家たちは またもパニクに陥って 金を買いあさることに、金の価格は 1,900 ドル (当時約 17 万円) にまで上昇しました。
But since then, the economy has stabilized, and the gold bubble burst.
When the economy seems like it's going to grow, investors usually don't buy gold and invest in assets such as stocks.
That's why during predictable, stable times, gold prices often fall.
But in 2019, when the US started a trade war with China, gold prices started rising again, and the pandemic made it worse.
ですが 2019 年、アメリカが中国と貿易戦争を始めたことで、金の価格は再び上昇します。そして新型コロナの流行が追い打ちをかけました。
Gold prices crossed 2,000 dollars for the first time.
金の価格は初めて 2,000 ドル(当時約 21 万円)を超えます。
If you take a look at history, gold has always been a great way to take advantage out of inflation.
In 1973, a single US dollar was a lot of money, but today, it barely can get you even a candy, but gold prices have risen from around 100 dollars in 1973 to 1,800 dollars.
1973 年、アメリカドルで1ドルは なかなかの金額でしたが、現在は お菓子すら買えるかどうかというところ。でも、金の価格は 1973 年の 100 ドル (当時約 3 万円) から 1800 ドル (約 20 万円) まで上昇しています。
But I am not a big fan of gold because it's a passive asset.
It just sits there and shines while stocks or real estate produce something like rental income.
It's an active asset that actually provides a service or a product.
But why do stocks keep rising?
Because the companies behind them keep growing.
Apple sells much more iPhones today than it did 10 years ago.
アップルは 10 年前より iPhone の販売台数をぐんと伸ばしています。
That's why it (is) worth a lot more today than it did 10 years ago.
Number Four: Crypto
I was skeptical about including it in this list.
However, since a lot of people have profited from inflation by buying crypto, I had to talk about it, but it's very, very risky.
If you're a long-term subscriber, you know my opinion on crypto.
The technology behind it is undoubtedly great, and it has great potential, but because it is still at its early stage, it's very risky and unpredictable in the short run.
暗号通貨の背景にあるテクノロジーは間違いなく素晴らしいものです。それに大きな将来性も秘めています。ただ、まだ黎明期にあるため かなりリスクが高く、短期的な予測はできません。
One reason Bitcoin rose so dramatically in the last 12 months is because the Fed started printing trillions of dollars, as we have mentioned before.
ビットコインがこの 12か 月で劇的に伸びた理由の一つは 先ほど述べた FED が発行した数兆ドルもの貨幣です。
After buying stocks, houses, investors were like, Bitcoin is like digital gold, so let's try to buy Bitcoin as well.
株や家を買って、投資家たちはこんな気持ちだったでしょう。ビットコインはデジタルの金 (ゴールド)みたいなものです。ビットコインも買っておきましょう。
A lot of people who were not interested in Bitcoin prior to the pandemic don't really remember that the price of Bitcoin was just around 8,000 dollars.
新型コロナが流行する前は、ビットコインに関心がなかったという人の多くはよく覚えていないでしょう。ビットコインの価格はわずか 8,000ドル (当時約80万円) ほどだったんです。
Before the trade war, the Bitcoin price was just 3,600 dollars.
(米中)貿易戦争の前は、ビットコインは たったの 3,600ドル (当時約40万円ほど) でした。
If you were interested in Bitcoin when most people didn't care, you could have earned a fortune, but people usually get excited about something when it's all over the news.
But the smartest people got into it before the masses and have grown their wealth by 10 to 20 times since then.
ただし、賢明な人は大衆が飛びつく前にビットコインを始め、それから自分の財産を 10~20 倍ほどまでに増やしてきたんです。
Number Five: Stocks
This is my favorite option.
Stock prices might not have risen as much as crypto⏤by a few thousand percent, but they're much more stable and less risky.
From July, 2020 to July, 2021, the S&P 500 grew by 40%.
2020 年 7 月から 2021 年の 7 月で、S&P 500 は 40% 成長しています。
That's an astronomical return, especially since you are investing in the entire US economy.
When you buy a stock, you are buying a share in a business.
That's why they are also called "shares".
だから 株式は「share (分配)」と言うんです。
Whenever there is too much cash in the economy, the value of these businesses grow(s), so you're growing together with inflation.
On top of that, that money is usually spent on basic needs and wants, which means businesses grow faster, so you're not just beating inflation but rather profiting from it.
Just imagine for a moment how much of that stimulus checks were spent on Amazon or Apple products.
If you also count the fact that these companies have taken billions of dollars in loans for almost for free and grew exponentially, you are making a real fortune.
And now people are getting back to work, the economy is reopening, people are spending even more, and these businesses are about to grow faster.
The key is to keep your money invested in assets that are hedged against inflation.
Wealthy people don't usually hold much cash.
Usually, they keep a tiny percentage of their net worth liquid for emergency cases.
Take the world's richest people.
They're so rich because they own a certain percentage of the businesses they have built.
As their businesses grow, so does their wealth.
Even if you have a few thousand dollars, you still can profit from inflation by following one of the ways we have discussed in this video.
If you have enjoyed this video, you will most definitely enjoy this custom playlist that I have created specifically for you that has our most popular videos on business, investing, and the stock market that could potentially change your life.
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