字幕表 動画を再生する
In this lesson, we are going to focus on 'should' 'have to' 'had better'.
今回のレッスンでは、「should」「have to」「had better」に焦点を当てます。
Modals are words like 'should' 'can' 'could' and 'might'.
modals は、「should」「can」「could」「might」などの言葉です。
Phrasal modals are similar but use two or more words like 'have to' and 'had better'.
Phrasal modals も同様ですが、「have to」や「had better」など2つ以上の言葉を使います。
You can use modals and phrasal modals to talk about obligations, things we need to do,
義務ややらなければならないことを話すときには、 modals や phrasal modals を使うことができます。
and to give advice.
Obligation is something necessary: don't walk on the grass
Advice is a suggestion: you should take an umbrella
In this lesson we discuss two ways of talking about an obligation
and two ways of giving a suggestion.
In Episode 4 of Fortune Blue we have a couple of examples to look at together.
Fortune Blue のエピソード4で、いくつかの例を挙げて一緒に見ていきましょう。
Can you hear the modal or phrasal modal used?
使われている modal や modal phrasal が聞こえますか?
I wanted to say thank you. To say thanks,
感謝の気持ちを伝えるために 。お礼を言いたかったです
you should buy flowers. Or chocolates.
In this example, Susie uses the modal 'should' for a suggestion.
Another way to give suggestions is to say 'had better'.
もう一つの提案の仕方は「had better」です。
For example, Susie could say 'you'd better buy chocolates'.
例えば、スージーは 'you'd better buy chocolates'(チョコレートを買った方がいいですよ)と言うことができます。
To me, this sounds stronger than you should buy chocolates.
私には、you should buy chocolates(チョコレートを買うべき)というよりも強く聞こえます。
Now, for the next example listen for the phrasal modal in the scene.
さて、次の例ではシーンの中の phrasal modal を聞いてみましょう。
I'm serious, you have to take care of yourself. And now this drunk guy...
In this example, Susie uses the phrasal modal 'have to' for an obligation.
この例では、スージーは義務を表す「have to」を使っています。
Another way to say this is 'you should take care of yourself'.
別の言い方をすれば、'you should take care of yourself'(自分を大切にしてください)です。
Remember, you can use 'should' to talk about obligations and to make suggestions'
For obligations, you can also use 'have to'.
義務の場合は「have to」も使えます。
For suggestions don't use 'have to', use 'had better'.
提案には「have to」は使わず、「had better」を使います。
I hope you enjoyed this grammar lesson. See you next time.