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Yeah, that sounds good.
All right, I've gotta go now. I'll talk to you later.
Okay, bye.
I just used two phrases that native speakers use all the time.
What were they? Let's find out.
What's up guys? My name is Shane, and today we are talking about seven phrases native speakers use every day.
One of the best ways to learn English is to learn new phrases because when you learn a new phrase, you can use it to communicate with native speakers.
But if you learn new words, you might not know how to put them into a sentence, so you might not be able to use the words.
Learning new phrases also helps your listening skills because when native speakers use these phrases, and you hear them, you will know what is being said to you
So let's get started and look at the first phrase for today.
[Phrase #1.]
The first phrase today is, 'Hi, how are you going?' 'Hi, how are you going?'
今日の最初のフレーズは Hi, how are you going? (調子はどうですか?) です。
This is a very common phrase that you can use to start a conversation with anyone at any time. You can use it in informal situations
You can use it in informal situations with your friends and family and in formal situations with your boss and at work.
But when it's said really quickly, we say it like this, 'hi how ya goin?' 'Hi, how ya goin?'
でも本当に早く言う場合は次のように言います hi how ya goin? Hi, how ya goin?
We don't say 'are' and we change the 'u' to 'yuh', and we don't say 'going', we say 'goin''.
私たちは are とは言わず、uをyuhに変えます。また、going とは言わず goin' と言います。
'Hi, how ya goin'?' Now you try. 'Hi, how ya goin'?'
Hi, how ya goin'? さあ、やってみましょう Hi, how ya goin'? と誰かに言われたら、
And if someone says this to you, a very common response is, 'I'm good thanks, how are you?'
非常によくある答えは I'm good thanks, how are you?(私は元気です、ありがとう。) です
[Phrase #2.]
And the second phrase for today is, 'I would like to.' 'I would like to.'
そして、今日の2つ目のフレーズは、I would like to(私は~したい。)
This is a very formal phrase we use when we want to request something.
For example, maybe you are on the phone and you want to book a doctor's appointment or maybe you are talking to your boss and you want to request a day off.
You can say, 'I would like to request this Friday off, please.'
When we say it really, really quickly, it becomes, 'I'd like tuh.' 'I'd like tuh.'
これを本当に素早く言うと I'd like tuh, I'd like tuh となり、
We don't' say 'I would', we say 'I'd'.
I would とは言わず、I'd と言います。
And we don't say 'to', we say 'tuh'.
So it sounds like this: 'I'd like tuh,' 'I'd like tuh.'
だからこんな風に聞こえます I'd like tuh, I'd like tuh 。
Now you try. 'I'd like tuh.'
I'd like tuh と言ってみてください。
And if someone says this to you - maybe you work in an office and someone wants to book an appointment - a very common response is, 'Sure, no problem.'
誰かにこのように言われた場合、例えばあなたがオフィスで働いていて、誰かが予約をしたいと言ってきた場合、非常に一般的な答えは sure, no problem (もちろん、問題ありません)です.
And then you ask them some further information - For example, 'What day would you like to come in?'
そしてさらに詳しい情報を聞いてみるのです。 例えば何日目の来店を希望しますか?
[Phrase #3.]
And the third phrase is, 'What do you think?' 'What do you think?'
そして3つ目のフレーズは, What do you think? (あなたはどう思いますか?)これは本当に良いフレーズです
This is a really good phrase to ask people their opinions, their feelings.
It can be used formally and informally.
For example, let's say I want to go to the beach with my friend tomorrow, I can say, 'Let's go to the beach tomorrow, what do you think?'
And when we say it really, really quickly, it becomes 'woddayuhthink?' 'Woddayuhthink?' 'Woddayuhthink?'
またこれを本当に素早く言うと woddayuhthink? woddayuhthink?と言ってみてください。
Now you try. 'Woddayuhthink?'
言ってみてください。 woddayuhthink?
And if someone ever says this to you, a very common response is just, 'I think that ...'
そしてもし誰かにこのように言われたら、非常によくある答えは I think ... です
[Phrase #4.]
And the next phrase is, 'That sounds good.' That sounds good.'
で、次のフレーズは that sounds good (それは良いですね)です。
This is a very common phrase to agree with someone or to accept an invitation.
So, for example, if somebody says, 'Do you want to study English today?' and you want to study English, you can say, 'That sounds good.'
When it's said really fast, we don't say the 'that', we just say, 'Sounds good.' 'Sounds good.'
that sounds good と言えます。素早く言う時は the that とは言わないです、
Now you try. 'Sounds good.'
sounds good と言います。sounds good と言って見てください。
And if someone says this to you, you don't have to reply, but if you want to reply, you can say something like 'awesome' or 'great'.
そしてもし誰かにこのように言われたら返事をする必要はありませんが返事をしたければ、awesome や great のような言い方をします。
[Phrase 5.]
And the next phrase is, 'I'll be with you in a moment.' 'I'll be with you in a moment.'
そして、次のフレーズは I'll be with you in a moment (すぐに参ります、お待ちください)です。
This just means please wait.
I'll be with you in a moment これはただ、お待ちくださいという意味です。
It's a very formal phrase, and we don't normally use it with friends or family.
It's normally used at work or on the phone.
But when we say it really quickly, it sounds like this: 'I'll be with yuh ina moment.' 'I'll be with yuh ina moment.'
しかしそれを素早く言うと次のように聞こえます。 I'll be with yuh ina moment. I'll be with yuh ina moment.
Now you try. 'I'll be with yuh ina moment.'
今度はあなたがやってみてください - I'll be with yuh ina moment.
And if someone says this to you, you don't have to reply, but if you want to say something back, you can just say, 'no problem' or 'no worries'.
そして、もし誰かにこう言われたら返事はしなくてもいいですが、何か言い返したいことがあれば、no problem (大丈夫です) no worries(心配無用です)と言うことができます。
[Phrase #6.]
And the next phrase is, 'Actually, I think that ...'
そして次のフレーズは actually, I think that (であると本当に思っている)です。
This is a very polite way to disagree with someone.
So, let's pretend someone says to me, 'Shane English is so hard', but I actually think English is easy.
So I could say, 'Actually, I think that learning English is easy because ....', and if someone says this to you, a common response is, 'Oh okay, well I think that ...', and you give your reasons, you tell the person what you think.
そしたら私は英語を学ぶのは簡単だと思うなぜなら...と言えるのです、またこのように言われた場合、一般的な答えはoh okay, well I think that … (ええ、そうですか私はそう思います....) そして理由を述べて、自分の考えを相手に伝えます。
[Phrase #7.]
All right, and the last phrase for today is a very, very common phrase.
It's, 'All right, I've gotta go, I'll talk to you later.' All right, I've gotta go, I'll talk to you later.'
It's all right I've gotta go (もう行きますね)、 I'll talk to you later.(また後で)。
This phrase can be used in formal and informal situations, and we use it to end a conversation or when we want to say bye.
So if you're talking to your friend on the phone and you want to end the conversation, you can say, 'All right, I've gotta go now. I'll talk to you later.'
もしあなたが友人と電話で話しているときに会話を終わらせたいならば all right, I've gotta go now (わかった、もう行きますね)と言えばいです。
And when we say it really quickly, it sounds like this: 'All right, I've gotta go, I'll talk to yuh later.' 'All right, I've gotta go, I'll talk to yuh later.'
I'll talk to you later.(また後で)と言えばいです。素早く言うとこんな風に聞こえます。All right, I've gotta go (わかった、もう行きますね), I'll talk to yuh later(また後で)と。
One more time. 'All right, I've gotta go, I'll talk to yuh later.'
もう一回いきます。All right, I've gotta go (わかった、もう行きますね), I'll talk to yuh later(また後で)。
Now you try.
And if someone says this to you, a very common response is, 'Okay no problem, I'll talk to you later', or 'Okay, no problem, have a good day. Bye.'
もし誰かにこのように言われたら、ごく一般的な返事は okay no problem (はい、問題ないです)ですまた後で話しましょう。はい、問題ありません。良い一日をお過ごしください。
All right, that is it for today.
Make sure you practise the seven phrases we learned in today's video because they are very, very useful.
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And for more English, make sure you are following my Instagram and my Facebook and I will see you in the next video.