字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Hey, who's ready for Yamanakako? 山中湖に行くよ Sarah Bear is ready? Mama's ready. Mama Bear is ready. - サラは準備良い? - ママは準備万端! [Life in Japan Theme Song] 遂に届きました! Something special just came in. これです! A FEW DAYS EARLIER ガッカリさせたらごめんなさい 我が家の好物です Here it is! これです! Not what you were expecting. Some popcorn. That is important for us. ドローンはこのチャンネルに 欠かせません Boy, oh boy, oh boy! この DJI Air 2S は 小型で扱いやすいです I've been flying drones for years, putting footage in Life in Japan videos. ポーチ付きです So I'm super excited about this new, small and easy to fly package from DJI Air 2S. バッテリーを入れて 完成です It comes in a nice little pouch. 出発! Here it is. Getting it together. It needs a battery. Boy, this is a light little guy. 教会のキャンプで 奥多摩に出掛けます Lets go? Yay! 豊かな自然の中で リフレッシュします This weekend I'm headed to the beautiful mountain town of Okutama for men's retreat sponsored by our church. 奥多摩に来ました 早朝の山でドローンの初飛行です There's something so refreshing about getting out into nature for a weekend like this. 息を呑む景色です So I'm out in Okutama. And I got up early. Its a beautiful morning to try the drone for the very first time. 私たちのキャンプ場です The footage is just gorgeous. Oh my goodness. 想像以上の性能です 着陸させましょう That's a cool view of where we are staying. 初飛行は大成功! This is fantastic. I think I'm going to bring it in for a landing. Here we go. 迷彩柄で景色に溶け込んでいるかも First flight done. 多摩川の橋に向かいます I'm heading down this trail in my camo so I can't be seen. 近所の多摩川の上流です So that I can get to the bridge down here that goes across the Tama River 山奥まで来ると美しいです ラフティングやカヌーも楽しめます That's right. This is the same Tama River that goes right by our house. 素晴らしい景色です Way up in the mountains. Its just beautiful up here. Its rapid so actually this is a very popular place to go white water rafting and canoeing. 見て下さい What a cool view out here in the middle. Oh my goodness. コーヒーを飲んで 初飛行をお祝いします Look at that. 楽しみです I think I can celebrate the first flight by going to get a coffee. 綺麗な山々です That sure sounds good. I haven't had one yet. セブンイレブン Look at this view here, just gorgeous. コーヒーで初飛行をお祝いしました キャンプに戻りましょう Its the 7 Eleven 綺麗なチャペルです これからピアノを弾きます I have my coffee. I got a good drone flight in. Now its time to head back to the camp. いいね! The men's retreat. There's this beautiful chapel here and I get to play this beautiful piano. 夏といえば教会のキャンプです 学校の夏休みは日本では8月です Oh yes. - 何しているの? - 日記 Camps and retreats certainly belong to the summer, but in Japan the actual summer break for the schools doesn't start when summer does, but only in August. 日記?どう纏めてるの? Whatcha working on Anna? My journal. 絵を描いたり色々書く Your journal? How do you do your journal? 日記に漫画みたいな絵も描くの? I'm drawing a manga and doing my journal. - そう - 何か見せて You're drawing a manga. So each day you draw a manga, a cartoon, and that is like your journal? これがお気に入り Yep. Ok, can you show me some of the other ones you've done? ボールが木に引っかかった日 Um, my favorite one is this. 先生は? When our ball got stuck in the tree. 無事に取れた? I wonder if my friends will come to the park today? どうかな Yes! They came! 最高の日記だね! [While playing soccer...] 今日は何を書く? Rebecca and Anna's ball - 動画撮影の事かな - 出来たら見せて It's stuck in the tree! What do we do?! ベッカの宿題は? I can't see it! They'll be mad at us! 短歌をつくるの What did the teacher say? - 5文字 - た・の・し・み・は Did you get it? 5文字と7文字の組み合わせだね Did you take it? Well, did you? 5文字を書いて Lets, see. 7文字だけど "楽しみは" で始めるの [While heading to school...] それが5文字で 最後は "時" で締めるの Where is it? Ahh!! お気に入りは? [After school] I found it! 見せて My cousin's dad found it. そう! YES!!!! - 6つ目のは? - パパのこと Becca & Anna's ball 読んでみて Thank you! なるほど That's so cool. What an awesome way to do your journal. それもいいね! What are you gonna write today? 何してるの? Uhh, right now, what your doing to me in your video. Oh, alright. I want to see it when you're done. ビデオを見てるの? So Becca, what was your homework today? アナ 終わった? We needed to make a 5-7-5-7-7. 夏を頼みに 家族で山中湖に行きます It's 5 letters. 5 like ta-no-shi-mi-wa. どうした? Na-na-na-na-na-na-na. - 山中湖に行くの - 山中湖だね! Na-na-na-na-na. 娘達の帰宅を待ってます Na-na-na-na-na-na-na So 5 letters of one, 7 letters of another. 車で山中湖に移動して 友達と過ごします 5 letters, then 7, 7. 旅行の時はいつもこう 荷物がぎゅうぎゅうです 7, 7 but we need to start with tanoshimiwa. 服とコーヒーメーカー ポップコーンメーカー So that means its 5 and we need to end with toki, so blah, blah, blah toki. カメラ一式もあります What were some of your favorites that you did? ジョシュアもいます Ok, lets see. 山中湖に行くよ Fun is when we go to cram school - サラは準備良い? - ママは準備万端! And with my little sister we split a Coca Cola 学校の荷物を置いたら 出発です! and drink it. 出発するよ! Ha! Yeah. マリオが聖書を持ってる? Who did number 6? Daddy, almost all. 到着です Ok, read it. 雨模様です Fun is a day that's not raining 荷卸しです and we play soccer with friends, 少し雨模様ですが バーベキューです! Oh yeah. 休暇といえばこれです Oh, that's good too. Cool. Yay. ママはパズルとウノをしてます What is happening in here? 寝る準備だね Are we watching some videos here? Oh my. ママが直したね Ok Anna, you finished it? 小さな灯りがあるね OK, it's done. 一晩中豪雨でした [door creaks open] 夜は良く寝れた? Who is it?! - 雨が聞こえた? - サウンドマシンがあったから Daddy! サウンドマシン Good job! おはよう! Nothing says “summer” like a family vacation, so we're taking a couple of days to spend at one of our favorite getaways close to the base of Mt Fuji. ジョシュア!おはよう! What's going on dude? We're going to Yamanakako. We're going to Yamanakako! 雨の日のパズル So Joshua and I are just waiting for the girls to get back from school, right? 雨ね So we can take off in the car and head to Yamanakako. We're gonna meet up with some of our friends and have a good ol' time. ジョシュアはママの手伝い? When packing for a trip like this, with the family, let me tell you, things fill up fast. ピースを見つけられる? Clothes, we got our coffee maker, got our popcorn maker in there. - どれくらい? - 少し I got my camera gear. All kinds of stuff. ママにあげて We got Joshua in here ピンクのレンガは? Hey, who's ready for Yamanakako? 雨の中やってきました Sarah Bear is ready? Mama's ready. Mama Bear is ready. - 雨止んだ? - やっとね A real quick pit stop to drop off school things, get everything they need, then we're leaving. 外に出よう! Everybody's getting buckled in and ready to go. 雨が上がったので 外出できます Ahh! Mario's got his Bible with him? Oh very good. 子供達は泳ぐのを楽しみにしてました Here we are. 行こう! We made it and its raining. Raining! 雲が低くて触れられそうです Unload time. 楽しそうだね! Well, it may be slightly raining but... We got it! We still got the grill going. That's right! That's good. 小雨で寒いのですが Here's the true sign of vacation. ジョシュアを見て下さい! Mommy has a puzzle started, and over here, Uno. ジョシュア 天気はどう? Awww, everybody's getting ready for bed. 寒い?タオルを用意してあるよ Mommy fixed it. 秘密基地が出来たようです You have your little light there. That's so cool, huh? すごいな! It literally rained all night long. Hard rain, all night long. 雨のお陰で完成しそうです Hey girls, how'd you sleep last night? Good. Good. Life in Japan の配信です Did you hear the rain? No. No? There was a sound machine on. アイゼンマン家もやってきました Sound machine. KKも一緒です Look who's up. 山中湖にいる間ずっと雨でした Big J. Hey Big J. Can I get a Big J good morning hug. 夏の準備は出来ましたか? Good thing you have a puzzle for this rainy day. 公式ショップでは夏にぴったりの Tシャツを販売しています! It's a rainy day. 帽子やバッグもありますので 是非チェックしてみて下さい Hey Big J, are you mommy's helper? Yeah. この夏は特別な事をするので チャンネル登録を是非お願いします! You find some pieces for her? Yeah. インスタグラムでも毎日発信しています! What kind of pieces have you found so far? A little bit. お楽しみに! There, use that piece Mommy. 日本語で "2羽の鶏が庭にいる" は? I need pink bricks, huh? 最後に次週予告をご覧下さい! Awe, here come some visitors! Braving through the water there. Oh my goodness. - どうしたの? - ジョシュアの七夕 It stopped raining right? It stopped raining. Let's take advantage of it and go outside. ジョシュアの七夕! ちゃんと洋服も着るの? Well, it finally stopped raining long enough to even just get outside and see what everything looks like. The kids wanted to go swimming, so... Let's go swimming! Look how low those clouds are. My goodness. You can almost touch them. Look at you dude! Oh my goodness. It has been cold and rainy out but check this out. Look who's in the water. How's the weather Joshua? Cold? Yeah, I bet! We've got a towel ready for you when you're done. The kids have built a fort. This is crazy! Wow. All the rain has produced a puzzle that is almost done. Life in Japan is about to start. We're in a different place tonight huh dude? Eisenmann boys just came over to watch the premiere with us. Oh yea. KK is here watching with me. Hi KK! It rained the whole time we were in Yamanakako. From beginning to the end. There was probably 15 min when it didn't rain. Well, are you ready for summer? I'll tell you what, we sure are. In fact we have a bunch of great new designs for T-shirts at our online shop. Not only that, we have some great hats, bags and some other things so if you haven't checked it out, go check it out. This summer we have some big plans coming up so make sure that not only you subscribe here to our channel, but also check us out on instagram because there you'll see the stories, the little snippets of things that are happening each day And you'll have an idea of what's coming up. Rebecca, how do you say there are 2 chickens in the garden in Japanese. And now before we go, we want to leave you with a little taste of what's gonna happen next week. What's going on Sarah? Joshua's Tanabata. Joshua's Tanabata! Are you going to get all dressed up for it? Nice!
A2 初級 日本語 ジョシュア na 日記 ママ 文字 準備 夏の始まり|日本での生活|第116話 (Summer Begins | Life in Japan Episode 116) 38 2 Summer に公開 2021 年 07 月 16 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語