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The Avebury World Heritage Site is a unique complex of prehistoric monuments. Today we're going to be visiting some of the lesser-known prehistoric monuments in the Avebury landscape.
Most of these monuments are accessible and you can walk between them, and that gives you a really good sense of the whole landscape and how these monuments are connected together and the different fascinating stories that each monument has to tell.
これらのモニュメントのほとんどはアクセス可能で、それらの間を歩いて移動することができます。景観全体や、これらのモニュメントがどのようにつながっているのか、とてもよくわかります。 また、それぞれのモニュメントが持つ様々な魅力的なストーリーを紹介しています。
Silbury Hill is the largest prehistoric monument in the whole of Europe, and it's a pretty dominant place here in the Avebury landscape. You can't really miss it when you drive past on the A4.
Many people have thought, what on Earth is inside this enormous mound? Is it a burial mound? Is there somebody rich inside buried with grave goods? And in the past, people have been tunnelling into the mound to find out what was inside.
And Although they found out a lot about the different phases of the mound and how it had been constructed, there is no central burial: it's not a burial mound; it's a mound built for other purposes.
塚の中に何があるのかを知るために、トンネルを掘っていました。を発見したものの墳丘のさまざまな段階とその構築方法について、多くのことを知ることができます。 no central burial: it's not a burial mound.他の目的のために作られたマウンドなのです。
Silbury Hill is one of the final monuments to be built in this landscape in the Neolithic period, and it's built in this cluster of already existing monuments, but it's located in a really interesting place:
シルベリー・ヒルは、新石器時代にこの景観の中に建設された最後のモニュメントの一つである時代に、既存のモニュメント群の中に建てられていますが、その場所は本当に 興味深いのは、ケネット川が湧く場所に位置していることです。 が出てきたので、川の上流に塚が作られたのではないかと考えています。 は、本当に重要で、おそらく聖なる場所です。
It's located just at the point just where the River Kennet springs out, and we think that the mound was built at the head of the river because this was a really important and perhaps sacred place.
We've just walked up to West Kennet Long Barrow which is one of the earliest monuments in the Avebury landscape.
It's a long barrow which is a funerary monument, it's where people buried their dead and it's been fully excavated which means that it's fully restored and you can go inside it and see the chambers today.
When archaeologists excavated the Long Barrow, they found the remains of about 36 individuals in here, a whole community of people, but they seem to have been brought into the space and then moved around.
Sometimes some of the skulls had been moved over to one side of the chamber or the long bones all put together
And there seem to have been different people placed in the different chambers. Some of them seem to have been specially for older people, some of them specially for children so there's some sort of division based on age and gender inside the space.
彼らは空間に持ち込まれ、移動しているように見えます。時には、いくつかの頭蓋骨が部屋の片側に移動していたり、長い骨がまとめられていたりと と、それぞれの部屋に配置された人が違っていたようです。中にはその中には、高齢者向けのものや、子供向けのものもあったようです。 というように、空間の中では年齢や性別である程度の区分けがされています。
The long barrow that we see today has this really impressive stone facade at the front, but it's actually slightly misleading.
The largest stones that stand in the middle of that facade are blocking stones, so these were added to the monument right at the end of its use when the chambers had been filled up, around about 1000 years after it was first constructed.
が、実は少し誤解があるようです。の真ん中に立っている一番大きな石はそのファサードにはブロックストーンがあるので、これらの石をモニュメントに加えたのは、ちょうど 使われていたのは、部屋が使い尽くされた後、約1000年後のことでした。 を構築しました。
This big windswept grassy hill is called Windmill Hill, and it might not look very much today but it's actually the site of one of the oldest monuments and most important monuments in the Avebury landscape. It's the site of what we call a causewayed enclosure.
There are three circuits of ditches creating a special space, and we think these monuments were places where people gathered together in large numbers.
At this time, people were probably quite dispersed in the landscape and they may have come here to exchange goods, to find marriage partners, to exchange cattle, perhaps to conduct rituals and ceremonies including some funerary rituals.
多くの人が集まる場所。この時代、人々はかなり分散していたと思われるの風景の中で、物を交換したり、結婚相手を探しに来たのかもしれません。 牛を交換したり、葬儀などの儀式を行ったりしていました。
So it's a really important site for us understanding early Neolithic life and for also understanding how archaeological ideas have changed over the 20th century.
To fully understand the monument, so it's a good idea to go and visit the Alexander Keiller Museum in the middle of Avebury where they have quite a lot of the finds from this site on display including the Windmill Hill pottery.
20世紀の間に考古学の考え方がどのように変化したかをを完全に理解するにはmonument 真ん中のAlexander Keiller Museumに行ってみるのもいいかもしれませんね。 のAveburyでは、この遺跡からの出土品の多くが展示されています。 ウィンドミルヒルの窯元
We're standing at the Sanctuary which is a really lovely little monument but not many people know about.
Originally, the Sanctuary would have been two stone circles, one set within the other, and then around them and inside them were standing timber posts.
We don't know exactly what those posts would have looked like because of course they've rotted away, but we think they would have been standing quite tall and possibly with a linteled linked top, horizontal timbers linking the circular settings of posts.
そして、その周りや内側には立木の柱がありました。私たちはは、その投稿がどのようなものであったかを正確に知ることはできません。 朽ち果ててしまいましたが、かなりの高さがあったと思われますし、おそらくリンテルの
After the site was excavated in 1930 they marked out the post holes and the stone holes with these concrete blocks. The red ones show timber posts and the blue rectangular ones show where stones once stood.
リンクされたトップ、円形に設定された支柱をつなぐ水平材。サイトの後1930年に発掘されたとき、彼らはポストの穴と石の穴にこれらのマークをつけた。 コンクリートブロック。赤いものは木材の柱、青い長方形のものはどこにあるかを示しています。
And in the middle of the monument is quite a complicated layout but it almost looks like there are four avenues of posts basically directed on the cardinal directions.
So they're almost spaces that people were coming into and processing into the centre of the monument and it would have been quite a special inner sanctuary from the wider landscape.
の方向性を示しています。つまり、人々が入ってきて処理をしていた空間に近いのです。モニュメントの中央に位置しており、そこは特別な内側の聖域であったことでしょう。 広くなった風景の中で
We think that The Sanctuary was built at around the same time as Avebury henge and stone circles, and it's actually linked to that monument by an avenue.
The avenue is made up of two parallel rows of stones, which lead off down into the valley behind me, and skirt around Waden Hil and approach the henge, about a mile and a half away.
So we think this monument was part of the ceremonial complex of Avebury, and people might have processed up and down the avenue to reach it.
Waden Hilと約1.5km離れたヘンジに近づく。だから私たちはこのモニュメントがは、Aveburyの儀式施設の一部であり、人々は上下に移動したかもしれません。 それを実現するための道筋。
All of the sites we've explored today are free and publicly accessible, so it's worth spending a bit of time and coming out and exploring some of the lesser known prehistoric monuments in the Avebury World Heritage site.
本日ご紹介したサイトはすべて無料で公開されています。時間をかけて、あまり知られていない先史時代を探索してみました。 世界遺産エイブベリーのモニュメント。