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Well, hello and welcome to this English lesson where I'm going to help you learn how to describe a windy day in English.
It certainly is windy out here today in Ontario, Canada,
and I thought this would be a great day to do a lesson just like this one.
[How to Describe a Windy Day in English.]
Well, hello and welcome to this English lesson about how to talk about a windy day in English.
Before we get started, though, if this is your first time here, don't forget to click that red subscribe button over there,
and give me a thumbs up if this video helps you learn just a little bit more English.
Well, it certainly is a windy day.
So, let's start with the basics.
When it's windy, you say, "It's windy outside," or you say, "It's a windy day."
風が強いときは、"It's windy outside "と言います。"It's a windy day "と言うこともあります。
Those are the basic phrases that we would use to describe a day when the wind is blowing like this.
It's certainly more than a breeze today.
今日は確かに「"breeze" そよ風」に違いです。
A "breeze" is a nice, gentle wind that's very pleasant, and it's nice when there's a breeze on a hot summer day.
"breeze" とは、とても心地よい優しい風のことで、夏の暑い日にそよ風が吹いていると気持ちいいですよね。
But right now it's so windy that I needed "to get out of the wind."
でも今は風が強いので、"to get out of the wind." ことが必要でした。
I'm actually sitting in a place right now beside my shed so that the wind can't hit me.
So I needed "to get out of the wind" because it's definitely more than a "breeze."
だから、"breeze "よりも断然 "to get out of the wind "が必要だったんです。
Even though we have high winds today, though, I wouldn't call this a "windstorm."
今日は強風とはいえ、これを "windstorm." とは言いませんね。
I don't expect there to be any "wind damage" later today.
今日はこの後、「"windstorm." 風害」はないでしょう。
It's simply a really, really windy day.
If it was a "windstorm," the wind would be so strong that it would cause damage to buildings,
「"windstorm." 風害」であれば、建物に被害が出るほどの強い風が吹くことでしょう、
or it might even make trees fall over or "topple" over.
また、木が倒れるとか、「"topple" 転倒」させることもあるかもしれませんね。
If we see wind damage from the wind, it's usually because we've had a windstorm,
a time when the wind is so strong that it causes lots of damage.
Here in Ontario, Canada, we measure wind speed in kilometers per hour.
I'm guessing that the wind is blowing at about 30 or 40 kilometers per hour right now,
but let's look at the weather forecast.
The weather forecast for today says this: "Wind southwest 30 kilometers per hour gusting to 70 kilometers per hour."
今日の天気予報ではこうなっています: "風速30キロメートル/時、突風70キロメートル/時 "とあります。
A 30 kilometer per hour wind isn't too bad.
At 70 kilometers per hour, things start to move quite a bit in the wind.
If the wind speed was over 100 kilometers per hour, we would start to see wind damage and we would probably call it a windstorm.
風速が100km/hを超えると、風害が出始めるので、windstorm と呼ぶのでしょうね。
But there were two other things I wanted to mention about this weather forecast.
When the wind is southwest, it means it's coming from the southwest.
When we say that the wind is "gusting" to 70 kilometers per hour, it means that the wind is a fairly constant 30 kilometers per hour.
時速70キロの風が "gusting" 「突風」のように吹いているということは、時速30キロの風がかなり一定に吹いているということです。
But every once in a while, the wind goes fast for a little bit.
It goes faster, up to 70 kilometers per hour.
Wind gusts are what can really do damage.
In fact, my camera almost fell over earlier because there was a gust of wind when I was out by the wheat field.
That was a little scary.
When we talk about "wind direction," we of course use north, east, south, and west,
「"wind direction" 風向き」というと、もちろん北、東、南、西を使います、
but we also use the words "northerly," "easterly," "southerly," and "westerly."
ですが、"northerly"、"easternly"、"southerly"、"westerly "という単語も使っています。
So in the winter, we have a lot of north winds.
We have a lot of northerly winds.
We have a lot of winds that come from the north, and that's one of the reasons why Canada is so cold.
So, when we talk about the direction of the wind, when you read it in a weather forecast,
they're talking about where the wind is coming from.
So today, when it says that the wind is southwest, it means the wind is coming from the southwest.
And definitely in the winter, when the north wind blows, when we have a northerly wind, it is extremely cold here.
One thing I like to do on a windy day is I like to watch the trees "sway" in the wind.
In English, the verb "sway" means to kind of move back and forth in a gentle way.
Certainly on a windy day, we see a lot of trees "swaying" in the wind.
確かに風の強い日には、たくさんの木々が風に "揺れる "のを目にします。
One of the things I don't like about a windy day, especially a windy night, is when the wind whistles.
When the wind is very, very strong, sometimes you can hear the wind whistle, and that could make it really hard to sleep at night.
I certainly don't like it when the wind is strong at night and you can hear the wind whistling.
Another thing interesting about the wind is that when you walk into the wind, when you are walking into a "headwind," it's very, very difficult to walk.
もうひとつ、風について面白いのは、風に向かって歩くとき、「"headwind" 向かい風」のときは、とても、歩きにくいということです。
When you ride a bicycle into the wind, into a "headwind," a wind that's coming towards you, it's very, very difficult to pedal.
自転車で風に向かって走ると、「"headwind" 向かい風」、つまり自分に向かってくる風に向かって、ペダルをこぐのはとてもとても大変なことです。
But when you are walking with the wind, when you "have the wind at your back," sometimes you go a lot faster and it's a lot easier.
でも、風と一緒に歩いているとき、「"have the wind at your back," 風を背中に受けている」ときは、もっと速く、もっと楽なときもあるんです。
Certainly, when you are on a bicycle and you "have a wind at your back" or when "the wind is at your back,"
確かに、自転車に乗っていて 「"have the wind at your back," 風を背中に受けている」ときや「 "the wind is at your back,"風が背中にある」とき、
when you have a tailwind, it's a lot easier to pedal when you're going down the road.
Well, thank you for watching this English lesson on how to describe a windy day in English.
I certainly hope the wind "dies down" later.
確かに、この後、風が 「"dies down" 弱まる」ことを願っています。
That's the last phrase I wanted to teach you.
On a windy day, um, at some point, the wind will "die down."
風の強い日は、うーん、ある時点で、風が 「"dies down" 弱まる」
The wind will blow a little more softly, a little more slowly,
and it will just become a lot easier to do things outside, like make English lessons.
By the way, if this is your first time here, don't forget to click that red subscribe button over there,
and give me a thumbs up if this video helped you learn just a little bit more English.
And if you have a bit more time, why don't you stick around and watch another English lesson?
そして まだもうちょっと時間があるなら このまま もう一本 英語のレッスンをご覧になってはいかがですか?