字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Sponsored by Squarespace ここがオラの東京隠れ家ホテルだ This is my secret hotel in the clouds in Tokyo 今回はちょっと嗜好を変えて [Music] 東京の隠れ家ホテルを紹介するぞ So we're going to do this video a little bit different. めちゃめちゃかっけーんだ I'm going to show you a hotel in the clouds in Tokyo. 今日は11ヶ月の息子ウルフィーも一緒で That's pretty freaking awesome, but what's different is 家以外で泊まるのは今日が初めてなんだ I'm going to bring my son Wolfie who's only 11 months. 楽しみだけど、正直実際どうなるかわかんねぇぞ It's gonna be his first time sleeping anywhere but our home, 大丈夫だといんだけど so it's gonna be kind of an interesting experience. いつも通りオラの日常は インスタでチェックしてくれ I don't know what's going to happen; チャンネルサポートはグッズ購入からお願いな! hopefully he takes to it. 日本のことや日本旅行について知りたい人は DISCORDコミュニティーをチェックしてくれ Like always, if you want to see what I'm doing on the daily, 早速チェックインすっぞ check out my Instagram account. よっしゃ、息子と一緒に初めてのお泊まりだぜ If you want to help support the channel, 今回宿泊するのはホテル椿山荘東京 check out the Tokyo merch. ホテルは東京の江戸川橋駅から徒歩10分のところだ And if you have any questions about Japan or your Japan travels, 日本の史跡と自然に囲まれたいいところだ check out my Discord community. 70年も前からゲストを迎えてるんだ That all said, let's check in! 今回泊まる部屋はこのすげーいい感じの和室スイート So here we go y'all, our first hotel experience ウルフィーが動き回って遊んでも十分に広い with our baby boy at hotel Chinzanso Tokyo. しかも雲海に浮かぶ日本庭園が見下ろせる The hotel is located in Tokyo, 招待してくれた時は喜んで受けたんだけど about a ten-minute walk away from Edogawabashi station. ギャラもらってPRのために動画にしたんじゃない ってことは言っておくな Surrounded by Japanese heritage and natural blessings, ただ家族の時間をみんなとシェアしたかったんだ the hotel has been welcoming guests for over 70 years. チェックインして部屋に来たところ They've got an amazing Japanese style room, 和式の部屋で spacious enough for Wolfie to play, 畳に茶セットに 日本らしいアメニティが備わってる all overlooking a real deal Japanese garden in the clouds. 誰かさんが来たみてぇだぞ So we gladly accepted when they invited us, ここに座るか? but to be clear, we weren't paid to make this video. この部屋オラたちの家より広い Just wanted to share with you some family love. 何もないオープンスペースがあっち側にある So we've just checked into the hotel, and, as you can see, it's pretty dope. ハイハイしたり遊んだりちょうどいいよな? ウルフィー? It's like your very very Japanese style room: めちゃ気に入ったみたいだぞ it has the tatami, it has tea sets, 父ちゃんと遊びたい? it has all of the Japanese amenities that you would want. ちょっと遊んでくっから、また後でな I think someone is coming. これってもらっていいのかな? Hey, you want to sit here? プレゼントだと思うよ This room is actually a lot more space than our apartment ほんとか? in terms of just free open space like that area over there ウルフィーが外に行きたそうだったから is just so open for him to crawl and, yeah, you can just play. 大都会の真ん中の雲海に浮かぶ日本庭園をチェックしに行くぞ Right, Wolfie? He really loves this place. この穏やかな風景の中を歩いてると Papa, yes you wanna play with papa. 世界で最も人口が密集している都市の一つに いることすっかり忘れちまうな All right, we're gonna go play for a little bit so, yeah, we'll be back. 東京にいるってことをな I wonder if you keep this? 庭園には史跡や文化財がいっぺーあるんだ I think it's meant to keep, it's a present. 伊藤若冲の羅漢石とかな Oh really? ウルフィーも気に入ってるぜ I think so. 歴史好きのために英語のガイドもあるからな I think Wolfie wants to get some fresh air, もちろん、オラたちみたいに 散歩をゆっくり楽しむのもありだぞ so it's probably the perfect time 桜シーズンが終わったばっかだったけど to check out the Japanese garden in the clouds. 秋の紅葉から、夏の新緑の蛍まで色々季節が楽しめる Damn, walking through this serene landscape, ほんと忙しい東京生活から抜け出したような感覚だ we quickly forgot that we are 触ってみてぇのか? in one of the most densely populated cities in the world, Tokyo. 樹齢500年を超える大木もあるんだぜ The garden itself hosts various historical sites, 国指定有形文化財に指定されてる 室町時代の三重塔まで見れるぞ like these Ito Jakuchu stone statues of Rakan, これは白玉稲荷神社だ which I think Wolfie has taken a liking to. 京都下鴨神社と伏見稲荷明神から 譲り受けて移築したらしいぞ And for guests who want more historical background information, 椿山荘ができた時からここを守ってきたんだって the garden offers an English audio tour いい景色の中を散歩したから ウルフィー部屋で遊びたいみたいだ or you can be just like us 今、布団準備してくれてるぞ and simply enjoy the surroundings. オラホテルで初めて見たんだけど 低反発のマットレスを敷いてくれるんだ And although we're in spring, 他のホテルであんま見たことねぇよな? just after the cherry blossom season, テンピュールのやつだ the garden changes with the seasons 何やらウルフィーが交渉してるみたいだぞ from colorful autumn foliage マットレス試してんのかな? to fireflies floating in the fresh green summer. 低反発の布団準備してくれてんのがマジでいい感じだ It's truly a nice escape from the busy Tokyo streets. マイコとオラが飯に行く前に ウルフィーの飯の時間だ We love touching all this stuff. ホテルが色んな歳の子供用に 食事を用意してくれてるから The garden even has a giant sacred tree that's over 500 years old. 離乳食後期の食事をオーダーしたぞ There's also a pagoda here ちなみに家以外の飯食うのも今日が初めてだ that's a national cultural asset 初めてにしてみたら悪くないよな? dating back to the Muromachi era. これから旅行するためのいい練習になったぞ And this is the Shiratama Inari Shrine 風呂はどうかな?? which was moved from the Shimogamo Shrine and Fushimi Shrine in Kyoto. これも初めての経験だ It's been the guardian of the hotel since it was built. 息子の可愛いシーン見逃してんぞ? After that scenic stroll, 子供用のアメニティーも揃ってるから I think Wolfie wants to play in the room a bit. 家からなんも持ってこなくても大丈夫だぜ So what's pretty cool is that they're setting up the futon right now, ここでこの動画のスポンサー SQUARE SPACEの宣伝だ and I've actually never seen it before, SQUARESPACEはオラが信頼を置いてる ウェブサイト制作をするサイトなんだ but they're setting up these memory foam mattresses オラのウェブサイト TOKYO ZEBRAも もちろんSQUARE SPACEを使ってる which you don't really ever see in a lot of Japanese hotels. SQUARE SPACEの良さはここだ I think it's made by the company Tempur. 新しいプロジェクトやビジネスを始めたばかりの人も プロみたいに洒落たサイトが作れるようになってる I think Wolfie is negotiating with them right now. 例えば、ポートフォリオ&ギャラリーデザインで カスタムしたり、パスワード機能もつけられる He's just testing out the mattress. パワーアップしたブログ機能は スレッドやコメント、いいねもできて Anyways, it's pretty cool that コミュニティの繋がりをもてる they're setting up these really cool memory foam futons. オラみたいな分析オタクにも嬉しい 統計機能もついてるぞ Before Maiko and I go to dinner, 閲覧者やユニークビジター、ページビューとか 期間別に確認できる we've got a first feed Wolfie. squarespace.comに アクセスしてまずは無料トライアル Luckily, the hotel offers a baby food in various stages, 準備が整ったら squarespace.com/paolofromtokyoにアクセス! so we went for the last stage. 最初のドメインかウェブサイトが10%オフになるぞ This is also his first meal outside of our house. スポンサーからのお知らせは以上だ! All things considered, that wasn't bad for his first time. 晩メシの時間だ At least it's good practice for future trips, 魔法にかかったような庭園を通って 木春堂に案内してもらったぞ but let's see how bath time goes. Also, another first. 富士山溶岩石の石焼会席を食いに行くだ You're missing how cute your son is. 庭園の日が落ちる直前の雰囲気はすげーいいぞ The room comes with a baby bath care package, 空気が変わってく様子が感じ取れる so we didn't need to bring everything from home. 元々は人が住んでた建物を改装して 個室の食事処にしてる Before I continue on, I want to give a quick shout out 誰かの家に来たみたいだ to our sponsor for this video - Squarespace. 200年前のな If you don't already know, Squarespace is the number one way 接客係が料理を作ってくれるんだ to build your online presence. 富士山の溶岩で作った石板で焼いてくれるらしい In fact, I use it for my site Tokyo Zebra. 目の前でだぞ Here are just some of the reasons why めちゃいい雰囲気だろ I love Squarespace so much. ウルフィー大丈夫かな? Whether you're starting your passion project or building a business, ベビーシッター頼んだんだ マイコとオラが晩飯食べてる間だけな Squarespace has all the tools to get it done, 東京にいるからベビーシッターに来てもらって while also looking ultra sleek and professional at the same time. ウルフィー見てもらってんだ 寝てると思うけどな They support numerous portfolios and gallery designs, すぐ戻るしな which you can customize and even password protect, いつもと違う環境だから 多分寝てないと思うけどなぁ so the right people see your work. ともかく、今んところいい感じだな Use its fully integrated blogging tools and commenting features, めちゃ綺麗だしな such as threaded comments, replies and likes to help engage your community. 私すっごくこのホテル好き! And my favorite, built-in analytics to see エリア全体が霧っつーかミストで包まれてて how your visits, unique visitors, and page views trend over time. 別世界に来たみてぇだよな So go to squarespace.com today for your free trial, ウルフィーはちょっとびっくりしちゃったけど and when you're ready to launch, 霧で真っ白になっちまったもんなー go to squarespace.com/paolofromtokyo 牛ヒレだぞ and get 10% off your first domain or website. おいし〜 Alright, let's get back to this. 食感がいいな All right, dinner time! ソースが4種類もあるのがいいな Tonight we're whisked away by our escort through this enchanted garden ピンクレモン、味噌、わさび、ステーキソースだ to enjoy an authentic Japanese stone grill Kaiseki course at Mokushundo. 黒毛和牛がやってきたぞ!見えるか? Just before sunset, it's a calming walk to the restaurant. めちゃやらけぇな 霜降りなのがわかるぜ You get a sense in the air that there's a transformation 噛むたびに霜降りの脂が溢れ出すぜ developing originally a lived-in traditional Japanese house. でも脂っこいわけじゃなくて 肉感もしっかり感じられる The interior has been transformed into a private dining space. オラこれ好きだぞ Just entering alone I feel like we've been invited 今日はいつもよりも巻きで食うぞ to someone's home from 200 years ago. ウルフィーが大丈夫か見に戻らねぇといけねぇからな Our host is also our chef tonight, だから晩メシ紹介はここまでにして 続きは部屋でな grilling all the food on real lava stones from mount Fuji, 今、食い終わって right in front of us. 部屋に戻ってんだけど、ミストがすごくで 雲の中にいるみてぇだぜ What an incredible dining experience! 前が見えない I hope Wolfy is doing all right. あ、見えた We had to get a babysitter すごい綺麗だね〜 for this portion of the video, so that Maiko and I could eat and enjoy. 部屋に戻ってきた ウルフィーはちゃんと寝てた But since we are in Tokyo, we were able to get a babysitter. ずっと寝てたみたいだぞ She's watching him right now, he should be sleeping ベビーシッターもさっき帰ったところ and then, you know, we'll be back in a couple hours. スパを紹介したいから行くぞ It's just like a very different environment for him. 温泉に向かってる所だぞ、ここだ Yeah, I'm kind of guessing that he's not going to be sleeping 後ろに見えるのが大浴場だ when we get there. 右側の椅子が並んでるところがシャワーで But, I mean, all in all, it's been good so far, 温泉に入る前の左側にサウナがある really beautiful here. 温泉の横にはプールとジェットバスもあるんだぜ Yeah, I love this place! ウルフィーが大きくなって一緒にプール入るの待てないぜ Like it just fills the entire area with smoke, and fog, and mist, めちゃ楽しみだ and you're just kind of engulfed in all of this でも今日は部屋に戻るぞ and you really feel like you are just like in a different world. 戻ってきたぜ。二人はどうしてるかな? It was a little bit too much for Wolfy at one point I think. 部屋覗いてみたら寝てる場所変わってるから It just got too foggy for him. オラがいない間にウルフィー起きたんだな - Paolo: Here is the beef fillet. - Maiko: So good. それでまた寝てる It's a good texture, I like the fact that they 今んところ大丈夫そうだ have four different sauces for you guys. 部屋が分かれてるからオラこっちで 何かしたりできるしいい感じだ - Paolo: They have pink lemon that's... - Maiko: I actually like that one. でも夜遅くなってきたからもう寝るかな They have miso, they have wasabi, また明日の朝な they have like a regular steak sauce. 起きちまった。。。 Kuroge wagyū [Japanese black beef] has just arrived. And look at that. また。。。 That's really tender. まただ。。。 You can taste how the meat was marbled and みんなおはよう!! every bite that has kind of this fat little pockets. 朝5時半だ All the juices explode, but it's not like oh it's so much fat, 動きたいんだな because you can also taste all the meat in there as well. どのくらい寝たのかな? オラが知ってるだけで2回は起きてるしな I'm quite satisfied with this. マイコが見てたから。。。 Alright, so I think we're gonna have to finish this off quicker than normal, いい感じのポーズだな because we want to see Wolfie and make sure he's doing okay. 景色がすげーいいぞ It's gonna close it right here and he'll see us next in the room. なんか配膳しようとしてんのか? All right, we have just finished dinner. ウルフィーどこだ? We just got through here and the mist is going, いた〜 we are literally in the clouds. 朝メシが来たぜ - Maiko: I cannot see. - Paolo: Yeah. オラたちの後ろにセットしてくれてて Oh, I can see now. 洋食と和食を頼んだ [whispering] Okay, so we just got backand Wolfie is sleeping. ウルフィーのやつもすぐくるぜ Looks like he slept this entire time. マイコ昨日寝てねぇから、今も寝てる The babysitter just left. オラとウルフィーは遊んでて I actually want to go show you the onsen, so let's do that right now. マイコが起きるまで朝メシ食えそうにねぇから So we're walking through, 先にウルフィーに食べさせとこ this just right here. マイコとオラは後から食べよ All right, just behind me you have the communal onsen, オラと二人きりだぞ and then just to the right you have the private stalls これがウルフィーの朝メシだ where you take a shower just before you go into the onsen. 腹減ってんな And then here, to my left, you have the sauna. 今、8時15分 ウルフィーはオラが寝かしつけた And just next to the onsen, they even have a swimming pool and a jet bath. マイコはまだ寝てるから朝メシはまだそのまま I can't wait until Wolfie is old enough もう冷めちまってるけど to be able to go in the pool with me. 赤ん坊とホテルきたらこうなるのもしょうがねぇよな It's gonna be so awesome, but for now I'm gonna go back upstairs. ウルフィーが起きるまで 1時間か1時間半やっとゆっくりできる [whispering] So I just got back, let's see how they're doing. 今のうちに朝メシ食うぞ [whispering] So looking into the room, it looks like they changed positions. 寝れたか? So maybe Wolfie woke up while I was gone, but ちょっと良くなった it looks like they're back to sleep again. コーヒーが必要だわ So I think we're okay for right now. カメラに映る前にメイクしたいけど One of the nice things is that we do have like a separate room, しょうがないからすっぴんで登場だわ so I can continue to work in here and do stuff, びっくりしないでね but anyway it is kind of getting late, 私、マイコだよ so I think I'm just gonna go hit the hay and then シャワー行ってくんな I'll catch y'all in the morning. 昨晩、ウルフィー大変だったの Oh, he's up. 11時と1時40分、2時40分、4時に起きて そのまま起きっぱなしでさ〜 Again... パオロが5時半からお世話を交代したの and again... てか、食べよ Good morning everyone, it is 5:30 in the morning スクランブルエッグおいしそ〜 and this guy, I think, he wants to play. %$g&@?%= Wolfie, he slept like... it's all right. おはよ〜 He woke up twice last night, at least that I know of. これ気に入ったの? Maiko took care of him. 名前つけてあげたら? It's a good pose, dude, I like your pose right now. ホテル椿山荘東京でもらったから、Mr.チンは? The view is just amazing from this room. Mr.チンで〜す Are you trying to serve? 元気? Where's Wolfie? 捨てられた〜 Oh, there he is. ダディのご飯食べてるの? So breakfast has just arrived. Behind us, set it all up, 今起きた? we've got the American breakfast and the Japanese breakfast and 日本ではこのしゃもじを使って茶碗に入れて食べるんだ then his breakfast is coming soon. 知ってた? Unfortunately, since Maiko had kind of a long night, she's still sleeping. ここで動画終わりにしようと思う Wolfie and I have been playing. 長くなってきたし、録画いっぱいしたしな I don't know if I'll be able to eat the breakfast until 撮影の裏側はセカンドチャンネルの Tokyo Zebraにアップするな Maiko's ready to go, so we'll try to feed him right now, 他に何が起こったか見たかったら and then maybe Maiko and I will have a breakfast later. (take2)他に何が起こったか見たかったら Just you and me, okay? Tokyo Zebraのチャンネルをチェックしてくれ So we have this food here. どこ行きたいの? Oh yeah, good job. それから、、カメラは触っちゃダメなんだ Okay? こっち、こっち行くんだ [whispering] All right, so it's about 8:15 right now. このホテルが気になったら概要欄からチェックしてくれ I've just got Wolfie to sleep, 日本のことや日本旅行について知りたい人は Maiko is still sleeping. チャンネル登録もお願いな Breakfast is still sitting there, probably already really really cold, また次の動画でな! but I guess that's how it goes when you have a baby at the hotel. Now a little bit of quiet time, maybe an hour, an hour and a half until he wakes up again, so let's just have breakfast. [whispering] How did you sleep? [whispering] I feel better now. I need a coffee. I wish I can wear makeup before I talk to you guys, but I guess it's nice I'll talk to you with no makeup. Don't get scared, it's still me, Maiko. I'm gonna take a shower, really quickly. We had a really rough night with Wolfie, Last night we woke up at 11.00, 1.40, 2.40, 4.00. He's up since then and he [Paolo] took over from 5.30. Let me just eat the scramble, it looks really good. Good morning, Wolfie. Oh you like the doll you got yesterday? You should give him a name. You got it from the hotel Chinzanso, so why don't you call him Mr.Chin? Hi, my name is Mr.Chin. How are you? Oh, no, you threw me. You're stealing Daddy's rice? Did you wake up, just now? In Japanese culture, you're supposed to take this, spoon it out and put it in the smaller dish and then eat it properly. Did you know that? All right, so we're gonna end the video here. It's just getting too long and there's just so much stuff that we recorded. We'll be posting more of the behind the scenes stuff on our second channel - Tokyo Zebra, so if you're interested in seeing what else happened on this trip, if you guys are interested in seeing what else happened on this trip, then definitely check out our Tokyo Zebra channel. Also if you want to - where are you going dude? Also you can... oh we can't touch the camera here. There you go. Also if you guys want to check out this hotel, I'll be sure to leave a link in the description. Finally, if you guys want to see more of these type of videos - anything related to Japan, hit that subscribe button and the bell button, and we'll catch you guys in the next one!
B1 中級 日本語 ホテル マイコ 東京 squarespace 日本 部屋 雲の上の東京で日本のホテルに泊まる (Staying at a Japanese Hotel in Tokyo above the Clouds) 16 1 Summer に公開 2021 年 07 月 05 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語