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  • I just watched 'Game of Thrones'.

    今さっき「Game of Thrones」を観てたんだけど。

  • And we need to talk about this word 'crazy', because sometimes it's not enough.


  • Okay, so we have the common adjectives: 'crazy'.


  • We also have 'mad'.


  • If you've seen 'Game of Thrones', you'll be familiar with this word: 'mad'.

    もし「Game of Thrones」観たことがある人なら、「mad」という言葉には馴染みがあると思うんだけど。

  • It means the same as 'crazy'.


  • But, here are some other adjectives you could use to describe a 'crazy person'.

    でも、「crazy person」の事を説明するのに使えるその他の形容詞もあるんだ。

  • What the hell!


  • So we can also say, 'nuts', 'bonkers', 'mental', 'insane'.


  • These ones are quick words you can use to say this person did something so ridiculous that this is the only thing you can say to them.


  • Pronunciation: 'nuts.'


  • These two are very British: 'bonkers', 'mental.'


  • You are bonkers.


  • 'You're absolutely bonkers.' Repeat after me.


  • 'You're absolutely bonkers.' 'You're mental.'


  • Notice the 'L' in mental because it's more British sounding will make that 'L' into an 'L'.

    ここでのポイントは、イギリス英語だから「mental 」のLは音がLの中に引き込まれる感じで。

  • 'Mental.' 'Mental.' 'You are mental.'


  • And of course, 'insane'. 'You're insane.'


  • These two are also adjectives, but more commonly, we use them to describe a situation more than a person.


  • You can use them to describe a person, but it would be more about their behavior.


  • Your behavior is 'ridiculous'. The way you're acting is 'ludicrous'.


  • These are just extreme adjectives (very, very crazy).

    これらは極端な表現の形容詞だね(とても crazy)。

  • Also, these are common when you respond, uh, out of surprise - it's really common to do that actually.


  • So, for example: 'Oh my god, I got fired from my job today.'


  • 'No, that's ridiculous.'


  • That kind of thing, it's very common to hear that way of speaking.


  • Okay, okay, we also have really fun expressions with this, so here are fun expressions you can use.


  • To 'be out of one's mind' or to 'be off of one's rocker'.

    「be out of one's mind」とか「be off of one's rocker」。

  • So, when we say 'one's thing', you change the pronoun there.


  • For example if it's a blonde dragon writing female, you might say: the female pronoun 'her'.


  • The full sentence: 'she' a version of 'be' whether it's present or past.


  • In this case, we'll use present: 'She is out of her mind.'

    ここでは現在形にしてみようか、「She is out of her mind」で。

  • You can modify this with the word 'damn', and this sounds really strong.


  • For example: 'She is out of her damn mind.'

    例えば:「She is out of her damn mind(あの娘はマジで狂ってるって)」

  • If you watch this series suits, they say this every episode.


  • 'You're out of your mind!'

    「You're out of your mind(アンタどうかしてるよ!)」

  • Every episode, trust me.


  • Again, this one: Let's use the male pronoun, so 'he' again present 'is off of his rocker'.

    もう一回、これね。男性名詞を使おっか。ここでも「he」が現在形で入って「is off of his rocker」と続く感じ。

  • 'He's off his rocker.'

    「He's off his rocker」

  • Often in pronunciation, you might notice that 'of' - we can just leave it - so, it sounds like this: 'He's off his rocker.'

    発音する時には、よく「of」を抜かしちゃうことがあるから、音的にはこんな感じ。「He's off his rocker.」

  • So we just say: 'He's off his rocker.'


  • 'He's off his rocker.'

    He's off his rocker

  • And then we have a few of these types of expressions to imply the person's brain is not complete, so they may be aggressive or violent, right?


  • So we could say to 'be a sandwich short of a picnic'.

    そういう時は、「be a sandwich short of a picnic」って言うんだけど、

  • Full sentence: 'I met this guy yesterday and he...' - Let's use past tense.

    センテンスにすると、「I met this guy yesterday and he...」過去形にしようか。

  • 'I met this guy yesterday, and he was a sandwich short of a picnic.'


  • He tried to steal my phone.'


  • Or be 'not playing with a full deck'.

    それか「not playing with a full deck」。

  • So, we use a negative here.


  • Let's use, um, uh: 'I met this crazy girl yesterday.' She...

    えっとね、じゃあ、「I met this crazy girl yesterday.' She...」

  • 'She wasn't playing with a full deck.'


  • 'Did you see that last episode of 'Game of Thrones?'

    「Game of Thronesの最終回観た?」

  • 'I don't think she's playing with a full deck.'


  • And finally, 'not all of one's dogs are barking'.

    そして最後に「not all of one's dogs are barking」

  • Again, we changed that pronoun, right? so, um, here's: 'That Trump idiot, he says some crazy things, I think not all his dogs are barking.'


  • Again. you might notice that that 'of' drops.


  • 'Not all his dogs are barking.' - That's, that's more how you'd say it.

    「Not all his dogs are barking.」って感じに言うわけ。

  • 'Not all his dogs are barking.'

    「Not all his dogs are barking」

  • Okay, so practice those.


  • Let me know in the comments, are these similar to something in your language?


  • Tell me how they translate to English from your language.


  • Also, like I said we need to talk, so let me know what you thought about that last episode of 'Game of Thrones'.

    それからさ、さっきも言ったけど、「Game of Thrones」の最終回についてどう思ったか教えて欲しいんだよね。

  • Or if you're watching this in the future, the final season episode 5, what the hell.


  • What the hell.


  • Thanks for watching, if you like this, subscribe if you want.


  • See you in the next class.


I just watched 'Game of Thrones'.

今さっき「Game of Thrones」を観てたんだけど。

審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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