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Seventy-seven Benevolent Elephants
I can't do this one. Why practice tongue twisters? My students who have problems
with some of the sounds in American English need to train their mind to guide their mouth,
to effortlessly go through the positions for these sounds. Tongue twisters can help with
this. they can help build the brain connection: This is a T-H thhhh so that your body can do it
これは、脳のつながりを作ってくれるのです。 これは、あなたの体ができるように、T-H thhhh
on its own, without thinking of it, without the mind having to guide the tongue through the position. And
that's what we want of course. We want the habit. We want to take the sounds that are hardest,
もちろん、それが私たちの望みです。私たちは習慣を求めています。 一番難しい音を取るようにしたいのです。
and make them effortless. So today we're going to go over some tongue twisters to untwist
そして、それらを楽にすることができます。そこで今日は、tongue twister to untwistをご紹介します。
your tongue and help you master some of the trickiest consonant sounds of American English.
As always, if you like this video or you learn something new, please give it a thumbs
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Today we're training 3 super-tricky tongue twisters. First, Seventy-seven benevolent
今日は3つの超トリッキーな tongue twister をトレーニングします。まずは、「七十七人の篤志家」。
elephants. This is going to help with your V. My students from India and Germany tend to sometimes
switch V and W, and these can be tricky sounds for other language groups as well.
Mastering this tongue twister will help your brain really get that V is vvv.
このtongue twisterをマスターすれば、脳がV is vvvを真に受けてくれます。
We're also to do “which wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches?” Hitting the W hard, also the
R. That's because the W is silent in the word 'wrist'. Look out, this one is really tricky.
And I'm not going to forget that ever important TH.
“He threw three free throws” – you'll get to work on R with that one too.
"He thrown free throws" - これもRに取り組んでもらいます。
What other tongue twisters do you know? Put them in the comments below.
他にどんなtongue twisterを知っていますか? 下のコメント欄に書き込んでください。
Let's look at our first one, seventy-seven benevolent elephants. That's a lot of elephants.
Benevolent means kind, expressing goodwill, helping others. You usually don't think of
an elephant as being benevolent, but it does make a good tongue twister. This one is tricky. Too fast,
and it even native speakers mess it up. This is my friend Ginny and her daughter Natalie.
Seventy-seven Benevolent Elephants
And this is my sister-in-law Audrey.
Seventy-seven Benevolent Elephants
We'll focus on the word 'benevolent'. First,
it helps so much with a longer words to focus on stress. The second syllable here is stressed,
let's practice just that. Nev. Nev. It's like a hill. Nev. Nev. It has our tricky V sound. V,
not a W, no lip rounding. Nev, vvv. Next, unstressed. The first syllable is just 'be,be'.
not a W, no lip rounding.ネブ、ヴヴヴ。次はアンストレス。第1音節はただの「be,be」です。
Very simple, very fast. Let's put it with the stressed syllable. Benev. Benev.
Remember, these two syllables should feel totally different. One is stressed, one is unstressed.
The first one is very fast, the second one is longer, it has that hill shape. Benev. Benev.
Our other two syllables, -olent, -olent.
All three of our unstressed syllables here have the schwa, pronounced like this 'uh'.
Can you believe that? Almost no jaw drop, totally relaxed face. It almost doesn't even look like
I'm not even talking. -olent, -olent, -olent. Benev - -olent. Benevolent.
喋ってもいないのに。-olent, -olent, -olent.Benev - -olentBenevolent(ベネボレント)。
Put them together but don't slow down those fast syllables. Keep them fast, keep
it simple. Benevolent. Seventy-seven benevolent elephants, Seventy-seven benevolent elephants.
The next word, elephants,that first syllable has the hill shape, the stress. Practice with me. El-.
El-. The other two syllables, schwas, said more quickly. Ephant. Ephant. Ephant. Put it together,
elephant. The PH makes an F sound. Did you know F and V have the same mouth position? F is unvoiced,
meaning just air makes the sound, ffff, and V Is voiced, meaning your vocal cords are engaged,
making a sound. Vvvv. I'll alternate. See that nothing in my mouth changes. Ff, vv, ff, vv.
音を出すヴヴヴ、交互にする。口の中が何も変わらないことを確認する。ff, vv, ff, vv.
Let's put the two words together. It's going to be common to make the ending T a stop T.
Stop the air in your throat, but don't release tt, the T sound. Benevolent,
benevolent. Benevolent elephants. Move your arm on those stressed syllables. Benevolent, benevolent,
benevolent elephants. Okay, move your arm on those stressed syllables. Benevolent
elephants, Benevolent elephants. Benevolent elephants. Do it as slowly as you need to,
elephants, Benevolent elephants.慈悲深い象さんたち。必要なだけゆっくりやってください。
to make sure you're doing it correctly. Remember, we want to train the right positions.
Seventy-seven. This is going to help us train that V sound some more. Both parts
of the word have first syllable stress. Seventy-seven. Seventy-seven. Notice I'm
の単語は、第一音節が強調されています。 Seventy-seven.Seventy-sevenです。気がつくと私は
making that T more of a D, or a Flap T sound. This is an exception. Usually after N it's
Tの音がDになったり、フラップTになったりします。 これは例外です。通常、Nの後は
either dropped or a True T. But here it's a Flap T. Seventy-seven (flap). Seventy.
Seventy-seven. Seventy-seven. Okay I'm going to try it now. Seventy-seven benevolent elephants.
Seventy-seven benevolent elephants. If V is at all tricky sound for you,
77匹の善良な象。 Vが少しでもトリッキーな音であれば
do this over and over. Slowly. Get it down good. This will help. Don't go so fast that
you're doing it incorrectly. You want to practice doing it right, then you can speed it up.
Our second tongue twister today is “which wristwatches are swiss wristwatches”.
This one is so hard.
“which wristwatches are swiss wristwatches”.
"which wristwatches are swiss wristwatches"。
I cannot do it quickly at all. Look at all these W and R sounds. W are in red, R in blue.
Beginning R and W actually look a lot a like from the outside. Watch: rrrrrr, wwwww.
Lots of lip rounding. But what's happening inside is pretty different.
For R, the middle part of the tongue lifts towards the roof of the mouth, the tip is back and up,
not touching anything. For the W, the tongue tip touches the back of the bottom front teeth,
then the back stretches up, and we have a little something extra in the throat. Wwww, just a little
bit of a narrowing here. Wwww, Wwww wRrrrrist wwwwwatch. If R is at all a problem for you, or W,
then nailing the tongue twister, slowing it down, getting it right, is going to help you out.
Let's do just the first two words: which wrist, which wrist. Both have the IH as in SIT vowel.
最初の2つの単語、which wrist, which wristだけをやってみましょう。どちらもIH as in SITの母音があります。
Which wrist, and the both have that hill shape, they're both stressed. Which wrist,
which wrist, which wrist, which wrist. Do that with me slowly: which
wrist, which wrist. Let's put in the second half of our compound word,
wrist, which wrist.複合語の後半部分を入れてみましょう。
'watches'. IN a compound word, the first word is stressed. So Watches is unstressed, watches,
'watches' です。複合語の場合、最初の単語が強調されます。ですから、Watchesはストレスのないwatchesです。
watches, watches. It doesn't have that hill shape, it's flatter. Wrist watches. Wrist watches.
Say that with me. Wrist watches, wrist watches. Which wrist watches, which wristwatches.
私と一緒に言ってください。リストウォッチ、リストウォッチ。 どのリストウォッチ、どのリストウォッチ。
By the way, this reminds me
of another terribly hard tongue twister, “I wish to wash my Irish wristwatch.”
また、"I wish to wash my Irish wristwatch"(アイルランド製の腕時計を洗いたい)という、ひどく難しい舌打ちもありました。
I made my nieces and my niece's fiancée try that one a couple of years ago, it was not pretty.
But this one, I think, is slightly easier. By the way, I'll put the link to that other tongue
twister video in my video description. Our next word is 'are'. This word won't
twisterのビデオは、私のビデオの説明にあります。 次の単語は「are」です。この単語はウォンツ
be stressed. In fact in lots of sentences a native speaker would just say 'er'. “Where
are the kids?” Where are, er, er, er. For example, let's try that. Just 'er' on the end of 'watches.
are the kids?"Where are, er, er, er.例えば、それを試してみましょう。watches」の最後に「er」をつけるだけ。
Which wrist watches are. Which wrist watches are. Watches are, watches are, watches are. Reducing
どのリストウォッチがどのような腕時計ですか? 腕時計は、腕時計は、腕時計は。削減
are. Next, Swiss, we have another W. Lip rounding. Swiss, swiss. This is also
stressed with that hill shape. A little bit longer. Swiss. Which wrist watches are Swiss.
Do it slowly and accurately. Which wristwatches are Swiss. Notice even when I'm going slowly,
I'm still connecting all the words in that line. We want that. No breaks, no separation.
All smoothly linked. That's something we just love in English. Which wristwatches are Swiss.
Now all we need is 'wristwatches' again. Which wristwatches are Swiss wrist watches?
あとは、また「腕時計」だけですね。 スイス製の腕時計はどれ?
Which wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches? Have you got that? Take your time, do it daily.
Okay, our third and final tongue twister that we're practicing today
is pretty tough. My sister-in-law and niece could not get it.
He threw three free throws.
He threw three free throws. Natalie couldn't get it either.
フリースローを3本投げた。 ナタリーも取れなかった。
He threw three free throws.
Not quite. Julia, nope.
He threw three free throws.
Let's give Ginny a try.
He threw three free throws.
(lauging) I'm so sorry.
(笑) 申し訳ありません。
She says no, she can't do it. But you can do it. We can do it if we slow it down,
get it good, and then speed up. And if you master this,
your TH is going to be a lot clearer and THR would be way less intimidating.
This one is extra tough because we're dealing not just with TH and F,
but with clusters with R. THREE, FREE. A lot of little kids can't even say TH
しかし、Rの付いたクラスターでは、THREE、FREE。 多くの小さな子供たちは、THを言うことさえできません。
actually. They say F instead. I remember when my son Stoney did that.
So you're going Marf. You're using your lip but we want to use your tongue.
No almost. Bring your tongue.
He wasn't very interested in learning that day. Was he? To make the unvoiced TH like threw,
その日、彼はあまり勉強に興味がなかった。 そうですか?unvoiced THをthrewのようにするために。
three, and throws, your tongue tip has to come through the teeth. Th, th,
three, and throws, 舌先が歯を通過しなければなりません。ス、ス。
just air. No tension, no holding, no stopping,
th. Easy sound. Let's alternate between three and free. I'll zoom in.
thです。簡単な音。スリーとフリーを交互に使ってみよう。 ズームインしてみる。
Three, free, three, free,
three, free. You can do it. It takes practice, but you can get it. He threw. Let's just do that.
Threw is stressed. He threw, he threw. Three is also stressed, another THR cluster. So for the
THR, you go from the tongue tip being out, th to being pulled back and up a little bit. Thr, thr.
Slow it down, feel that movement at the tip of your tongue.
He threw three. He threw three. He threw three. Free is also stressed.
Here you do want to use your bottom lip. Th, th, three. And then throws, unstressed.
ここでは、下唇を使います。 Th、Th、3。そして、ストレスのないThrows。
Free throws, free throws, free throws. Do that with me slowly. Free throws. You can hold out
the consonant, really make sure you're getting the right mouth position. He threw three free throws.
Practicing slowly gives your mind time to guide your tongue into the right position. And once your
brain does that enough, you won't have to think about it anymore. The habit will be made.
Our three tongue twisters today are all training problem consonant sounds in English
今日の3つのtongue twisterは、すべて英語の問題となる子音のトレーニングです。
for non-native speakers. Take your time. Get it right. Form the right pathway in the brain.
You can do it. Seventy-seven benevolent elephants. Which wrist watches are Swiss wristwatches?
あなたならできる。七福神の象さん。 スイス製の腕時計はどれ?
He threw three free throws. And as you get more comfortable, you can increase your speed. Tongue
twisters are actually kind of fun, aren't they? Huge thanks to my friends and family for helping
ツイスターは本当に楽しいものですよね。 協力してくれた友人や家族に大感謝
me out with this video, they're not afraid of a few tongue twisters! Audrey, Emily, Molly,
Taylor, Ginny, Natalie, and Julia, thank you. Keep your learning going now with this video,
テイラーさん、ジニーさん、ナタリーさん、ジュリアさん、ありがとうございました。 このビデオで、今の学習を続けてください。
and don't forget to subscribe. I make new videos every Tuesday and I love being
your English teacher. That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.