字幕表 動画を再生する
Shh, shh, shh.
Okay, so say hi to my friend and tell him you like my hat.
よし じゃ 俺の友達にひと言お願いします 俺の帽子いいと思うって
Okay, so, um, what's your friend's name?
分かった それで お友達の名前は?
Oh, Chandler.
あぁ チャンドラーです
So, hi, Chandler.
どうも チャンドラー
- That, that was.. - Oh.
- これ この人って… - あぁ
- Oh, my God. - That's Fergie, baby!
- わ~っ! - ファーギー (公爵夫人) だよ!
Joey says you don't really like his hat, but I think it's kinda dashing.
ジョーイは あなたがこの帽子をすごく嫌がってるって言うけど 私は粋な感じだと思うな
When did you? How? How?
いつ? どうして? どうやって?
Well, I was trying to figure out how to get to Buckingham Palace, right?
えと バッキンガム宮殿への行き方を考えてたんだ
So, I'm in my map, and-and..
で 地図の上に立ってて…で、で
- Hey. - Hey.
- ロス - モニカ
I understand you had a little talk with Emily.
お前さ エミリーとちょっと話したんだよね
Yes, I did.
And you are welcome.
Am I?
そ~お !?
And was it your idea to postpone the wedding?
ほんで 式を延期するってのは モニカの思いつき?
- I'm gonna go to the bathroom. - Wait up.
- 俺ちょっとトイレ - 待って
Hey, hey, since you're the fix-it lady, here's a pickle.
ねぇねぇ 解決屋さん 困ったことがあるんです
What do you do when the bride says she doesn't wanna have the wedding at all?
花嫁が式を まったくやりたくないって言ったらどうします?
-She said that? -Yeah.
- エミリーがそう言ったの? - そう
-Why? -I don't know.
- なんで? - 分かんないよ
I told her it was stupid to put off the wedding just because the hall was gone, and she, like, flipped out.
式を延期させるのはどうかしてるって言ったんだ ただ式場がダメになったからってさ そしたら なんか激怒しちゃって
Oh my God.
あ~ もう!
You're even dumber than I am.
ロスって あたしより 鈍いわ
Excuse me?
Ross, how long, have you planning this wedding?
ロス どれくらいの期間 この結婚式の計画を立ててきた?
I don't know. A month?
どうだろ 1 か月かな?
Emily has probably been planning it since she was five.
エミリーは たぶん 5 歳くらいから考えてきたと思う
Ever since the first time she took a pillowcase and hung it off the back of her head.
That's what we did.
We dreamed about the perfect wedding...
… in the perfect place...
… with the perfect four-tiered wedding cake...
… 4 段重ねの最高のウェディングケーキと…
… with the little people on top.
…てっぺんに あの小ちゃい人が乗ってるやつ
But the most important part is that we had the perfect guy who understood just how important all that other stuff was.
でも一番大事なのは そういうことがどれくらい重要かってことを ちゃんと理解してくれる相手がいること
I had no idea.
And that-that pillowcase thing?
それに あの枕カバーのやつ?
I thought you guys were just doing the flying nun.
ただ みんなで空飛ぶ修道女ごっこをしてるんだと思ってた
Sometimes we were.
Come on.
You're gonna help me figure out what to do.
- All right. - Come on.
- いいよ - よし行こ
Oh, pretty intense, huh?
Hey, I hope Ross didn't think we just went in there because we were uncomfortable being out here.
な、俺たちがトイレにこもってたのが この場にいるのが気まずかったからだって ロスが思ってなかったらいいんだけど
I hope he did.