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  • If you've ever landed on the surgeon's slab, you're probably really grateful that

    手術を受けたことがあるなら あなたは大いに感謝していることでしょう

  • you won't remember or feel the operation.


  • Anesthesia is there to get you through it.


  • But what exactly happens when you go under?


  • Tens of thousands of people undergo anesthesia every day in the United States.


  • But here's the not so pleasant thought: surgery predates anesthetic drugs by thousands of

    しかしながら喜べない事実があります 手術は何千年もの間 麻酔薬なしで行われてきました

  • years.


  • Before the mid-1800s, surgeons turned to alcohol, narcotics, and even smacking their patients


  • upside in the head to induce unconsciousness.


  • That is not awesome bedside manner, so surgeries were often done when patients were totally


  • awake.

    患者が完全に目が覚めている状態で 手術されることがよくありました

  • Some historians believe that before the advent of anesthetics, about

    かなりの歴史家が 麻酔薬が世に出る以前では

  • half of patients in surgery died of shock.


  • That's why, in 1846, the first public demonstration of a surgery performed with general anesthesia

    だからこそ 1846年に全身麻酔で行われた 最初の公開手術が

  • took the medical world by storm.


  • Doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston administered the first-ever anesthetic:

    ボストンのマサチューセッツ総合病院の医師は 人類初の麻酔薬を投与しました

  • diethyl ether.


  • In fact, the theater where the surgery took place received this totally awesome name:

    実際に手術が行われた階段講堂には 大いなる名前がつけられました

  • the Ether Dome.

    エーテルドーム(The Ether Dome)と

  • The landmark event was heralded in the press as theend of pain.”

    画期的な出来事は「痛みの終わり」として 報道されました

  • But anesthetics don't just address pain; they also temporarily paralyze the body and

    しかし麻酔薬は 単に痛みに対処するだけではなく

  • induce amnesia.

    一時的に体を麻痺させ 記憶喪失をもたらします

  • Fortunately for you, that means you have no memories of the procedure.

    幸いなことに それは手術の記憶がないことを 意味します

  • Today, doctors usually give their patients combinations of different drugs to ensure

    今日 医師は異なる薬剤の組み合わせを患者に投与し

  • a balance of these effects throughout a procedure.

    手術中ずっと薬剤効果のバランスを 確実なものとしています

  • These include inhaled substances like sevoflurane and nitrous oxide, as well as intravenous


  • drugs like propofol and ketamine.


  • Scientists know that anesthesia works, but they haven't worked out all the details

    科学者は 麻酔が効くことを知っていますが その詳細は解明されていません。

  • of how it works, or even more broadly, how consciousness itself works.

    あるいはより広義には 意識そのものが どのようにして働くのかを解決できていません

  • The current thinking goes that these drugs work to create the perfect operating conditions

    これらの薬物が神経伝達物質に影響を与えて 完璧な手術条件を作るために働くと考えられています

  • by influencing neurotransmitters: those are the chemical messengers that transmit signals between nerve

    神経伝達物質とは 神経細胞の間で シグナルをやりとりするための化学伝達物質です

  • cells.

    00:01:56,410 --> 00:02:01,470 多くの麻酔薬はガンマアミノ酪酸(GABA)と呼ばれる神経伝達物質の

  • Specifically, many anesthetics are thought to cut off access to receptors of a neurotransmitter


  • called gamma-Aminobutyric acidor GABA.

    GABAは 大脳皮質からの反応性シグナルの伝達に 関与しています

  • GABA is involved in sending signals for responsiveness from the cerebral cortex

    大脳皮質は 感情や情緒そして より高いレベルの思考を担う脳の部分です

  • that's the part of the brain responsible for our emotions and higher-level thinking.


  • When this path is blocked by anesthetics, the connections for arousal signals are lost

    覚醒信号の接続が失われ 眠たくなってきます

  • and its sleepytime.

    想像に難くないように 脳をそのような低い活動性に持って行くことは

  • But as you might imagine, bringing the brain down to such a low level of activity can be


  • a little dangerous.

    薬剤が多すぎると 意識を制御する皮質だけでなく

  • Too much and the drugs could slow down activity not only in the consciousness-controlling


  • cortex but in the brainstem itself--which could stop a patient's heart and cause serious

    患者の心臓を止めるかもしれませんし 深刻な脳損傷や死さえ引き起こしかねません

  • brain damage or even death.

    薬剤が少なすぎると 患者は目覚めてしまいます

  • But too little drug and the patient could wake up.

    そのようなことを避けるためにこそ 麻酔科医と麻酔看護師がいるのです

  • Avoiding all that is where anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists come in.

    これら医療専門家は 患者の呼吸 心拍数 およびその他のバイタルサインを監視して

  • These medical professionals monitor a patient's breathing, heart rate, and other vital signs

    正確な量の麻酔薬が投与されていることを リアルタイムで確認しています

  • to make sure they're delivering just the right amounts of anesthetic drugs in real

    だから あなたは痛くもかゆくもないのです

  • time.

    たとえ熟練した外科医があなたの尺骨の端を 400ドルで取り除いた時でさえネ

  • That way you won't feel a thing as a skilled surgeon removes your funny bone for four hundred dollars.

    次の機会 あなたは麻酔科医をおごりたくなるかもしれません--子どもを助手として使わないとか

  • Although, maybe next time you'll want to spring for doctors who don't use children

    あなたの顔の上にタバコの灰を落とさない 麻酔科医師にならね

  • as assistants or, you know, drip cigarette ash on your face.

    でもね そういう医師はね、実は私だけなんです (^^)

  • But maybe that's just me.

If you've ever landed on the surgeon's slab, you're probably really grateful that

手術を受けたことがあるなら あなたは大いに感謝していることでしょう


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