字幕表 動画を再生する
hello and welcome to a new video today we're going to be showing you around the town of el calafate
こんにちは。今日は新しいビデオへようこそ。 前のエピソード でエルカラファテの町を紹介します。エルカラファテ
in the previous episodes we shared some of the most popular excursions you can do from town
で 1日過ごした 町から 、氷河を見学し た中で最も人気のある小旅行をいくつか
we spent the day at el calafate we toured the glaciers by boat and we hiked in los glaciar's
紹介しました。ボートで、 今日は、私たちは 、このエピソードでは、我々は に顔を来
national park however today we wanted to show you what you can do around town when you're craving
フラミンゴで満たさラグーンの周りに歩くだろうので、 あなたはときにしている渇望
a more relaxed day so in this episode we'll be walking around the lagoon filled with flamingos
よりリラックスした一日 町を周りに何ができるかをお見せしたかったしかし 、我々は、ロス・グラシアの
coming face to face with dinosaurs at a local museum and hitting up an ice bar while still
国立公園 内にハイキング 地元の博物館で恐竜と向き合い 、いくつかの異なるレストランを訪れ
visiting a few different restaurants so let's go explore el calafate patagonia
ながらアイスバーを叩き ましょう。エルカラファテパタゴニアを探索しましょう。おはようございます。
hey guys good morning and greetings from el calafate argentina yeah it's basically our
first full day here to uh to kind of explore independently on foot yeah and so we're quite
excited we're going to be visiting a reserve today wildlife reserve yeah so we're going to be
今日は保護区に行くことになります。野生動物保護区に行くので、 ラグーナニメスに
visiting laguna nimes it's this lagoon just north of the town it's also wetlands so you can see lots
行きます。 町のすぐ北にあるこのラグーンで、湿地帯でもあります。たくさん の鳥 を見ることができます
of birds yeah it's meant to be a beautiful area yeah so excited to check it out so after a lot of
busy excursions and waking up early and running around we thought we deserved a chill day today
and there's meant to be some great food in town yeah and so we're really excited to
have a nice meal and to show you that as well yeah so let's get started there's all
素敵な食事を する ことに 本当に興奮し て います、そしてそれを
this food in our video guys for good food of course let's go hello you look like so much
あなたに示すこともそうですそれで始めましょう 私たちのビデオの人たちにおいしい食べ物のためにこの すべての 食べ物がありますもちろんあなたがとても似ているようにこんにちは行きましょう
our first stop was laguna nimes which is a nature reserve
and bird sanctuary that sits on the shores of lago argentino just north of town
、それはあなたが LETの話ので、 鳥の愛好家
it's a really nice place to enjoy a leisurely stroll even more so if you're a bird enthusiast
は 、 ああ している場合はなおさら散歩を楽しむには本当に素敵な場所です
すぐ北の町のラーゴアルゼンチンのほとりに座っている 自然保護区
so let's talk about prices as we continue down this trail looking for birds so admission
と鳥の聖域 であるラグナニームました 鳥を探してこの道を進み続けると
for foreigners is 500 pesos per person which right now is almost eight dollars and then for
、外国人の 入場料 は1人あたり500ペソで、現在はほぼ8ドルです。その後、
national residents it is 300 pesos so about five dollars and they also have an info point with like
lots of different brochures you get a map in there plus like a little pamphlet with photos of the
ます。のdiffそこに地図があり、 ここで見つけることができるさまざまな鳥の
different birds you can find here so that you have an easier time identifying them once here you know
写真が入った小さなパンフレットのような誤ったパンフレットがあるので、 ここで知っ
out and about on the trail going around the lagoon so yeah let's see what kind of birds we find i'm
てラグーンを回るトレイルで それらを簡単に識別できる ので、見てみましょうどんな種類の鳥を見つけるの
really looking forward to seeing some flamingos i'd say those are at the top of my list and yeah
sam's just behind me he's got the zoom lens so i'm sure he's already seeing some lovely creatures
サム は私 のすぐ後ろにズームレンズを持っているので彼はすでにいくつかの素敵な生き物を見ていると確信しています さて、 この場所は言及する価値がありますそれは
well well this place is worth mentioning it is called
エルパンターノデシュレック と呼ばれてい ますあなた
el pantano de shrek you know what that means shrek shrek it means shrek swamp it's direction
はそれが シュレックシュレックを意味することを知っていますそれはシュレック沼を意味
we are visiting shrek swamp how do you feel about that i'm i'm hopeful that we're gonna
します私たちが訪問している 方向シュレック沼それ
see shrek pop out at any moment or or are you the shreks secrets revealed secrets revealed
についてどう思いますか shreksの秘密は秘密が LETのいくつかの鳥がこそこそ私たちは あなた が外を見るには少し視点を少しスリットがあることを見ることができ、ここで
、この 小さな建物の
中に冷却されている場合のは、説明させて探しに行く ん です
let's go find some birds sneakily let's explain where are we so so cool in this
little building here you can see that there's little viewpoints little slits to look out
i feel like i'm a spy in here it's basically like a little hut
yeah where you can spy on the birds quietly and we're bird watching guys
ここパタゴニアでは天気が常に変化している ので 、 風と雨が降っています。これらの小鳥観察小屋の1つに隠れるようになりました。
well as is to be expected here in patagonia the weather is ever changing we are now getting some
ここに いるのは私たちだけ で、鳥は 少し 離れているので、この時点ではささやくつもりはありませんが、
wind and rain so we've come to hide in one of these little bird viewing huts we're the only
これはとても美しいハイキング でし た。とても簡単なので、
ones here and the birds are kind of far away so we're not trying to whisper at this point but yeah
エルカラファテとエルチャルテンの周りで たくさんの重い トレッキング
this has been such a beautiful hike and so so easy so if you've been doing you know lots of heavy
を知っていて 、ちょっと疲れていると感じていますが 、一日中何もし
trekking around el calafate and el chalten and you're feeling kind of tired but you don't want to
たく ないのであれば、これは間違いなく考慮すべきことですラグーンに来て
not do anything for a whole day this is definitely something to consider to just come to the lagoon
walk around do some bird watching i also wanted to mention the lookout over lago argentino is
素晴らしいですが、今日 は水 の色 がこれをしていない ように感じるので、できれば晴れた日に訪問してみてください
just stunning but try to visit on a sunny day if you can because i feel like today the color
of the water doesn't do this place justice it's kind of gray and overcast so you're not really
得て いません 私 湖のようにロス氷河国立公園に車で出かけたこの2日間の
getting that intensity of the turquoise milky waters that you do get on a sunny day like these
ような晴れた日にあなたが得るターコイズブルーの乳白色の水の強さは、 私たちが それを通過するたびに
past two days when we've been driving out to los glaciates national park like the lake looks unreal
非現実的 に 見え ます晴れた 日に 訪れることができれば、これはそうかもしれません。
every time we've gone past it we're like whoa how can this be so yeah if you can visit on a sunny
ラゴアルジェンティーノは魔法のようでフラミンゴでいっぱいですが、これは 私たちがここを旅行しているときの
day lago argentino is just magical and full of flamingos it is but this has also been realistic
現実 で も あります。雨の 日、晴れの日 、雨の 日、晴れの日が続いたので、もう1つ
of our of our time traveling here i feel like we've had alternate day weather we've had a rainy
day followed by a sunny day followed by a rainy day or two followed by sunny day yeah so another
、さらに数日を費やす 必要があるということです。
thing to keep in mind is if you want to have those those beautiful sunny photos you're going to need
to spend some extra days here so that you can plan your your travels around the weather too
okay guys so not too far from the lagoon there is another attraction worth visiting it's a museum
あります。それは 博物館で あり、長い名前のエルカラファテの歴史の解釈の中心と呼ばれています。
and it is called the center of interpretation of the history of el calafate bit of a long name
but it is very very cool so admission was 400 pesos about six bucks per person and inside you
パタゴニアの巨大哺乳類を歩き回る恐竜を見たり、 ここ に住んでいた人々について学んだり
get to see the dinosaurs that roam patagonia giant mammals and also learn about the people who lived
here um but i think the the best part for me was being able to see the skeleton of a megatherium
because we've been hearing about these creatures for a while and they were basically giant sloths
高さ5〜6メートルの 巨大なナマケモノで 、パタゴニアを歩き回っていました。巨大で巨大
that were five to six meters tall and they roamed patagonia they were enormous they were huge
they were giants and they roamed this part of patagonia with humans so they existed up until
500 years ago when they went extinct and part of it is because they were very slow creatures they
、多くの捕食者を知らなかったためです。また、これらの哺乳類が成熟して 繁殖
hadn't known a lot of predators also it took these mammals a while to reach maturity and be able to
できるようになるまでにはしばらく時間がかかり ました。妊娠期間が長いので、基本的には
reproduce and once they did they had a really long gestation period so basically they were very
easy to hunt very easy to eat so they got to roam these lands with humans but then i mean they must
多くの努力なしにたくさんの肉を産ん だに違いありません ええ、彼らはそのよう なクールな生き物の ように見えます
have yielded a lot of meat a lot of meat without a lot of effort yeah so but yeah they they look like
such cool creatures and you can read more about them and other mammals that roamed patagonia it's
really really interesting so i like that museum a lot yeah and one of the coolest things is that we
が必ずしも行くことを計画し て
weren't necessarily planning to go there we just uh just saw it we just saw and we're like let's
go check it out yeah and uh that's one of the nice surprises about travel those random moments
その日の ランダムな瞬間に 、ミランジョというレストランで昼食をとったときの
that day we had lunch at a restaurant called miranjo i ordered the braised osobuko cooked
旅行の嬉しい驚きの1つです。 私は、煮込みおそぶこを注文しました。
in a clay oven with a yellow risotto that was a real delight meanwhile sam ordered
the lamb with a mushroom risotto and a sweet calafate berry sauce which was also very good
the meat is so tender and flavorful that sauce is so sweet this gourmet food this is hands down the
注文し まし た。肉はとても柔らかくて風味豊かなので、ソースはとても甘いです。このグルメ料理はこれです
best meal we've had in the city so far so glad we got to come here yes the food is outstanding
市内でこれまでに食べ た中で 最高の食事を
for dessert we tried the dulce de leche volcano with chocolate ice cream and wild forest berries
手 に入れました。ここに来てよかったです。はい、
we ate very well in el calafate and this was one of our favorite spots
デザートに は素晴らしい料理です。 チョコレートアイスクリームと野生の森のベリー
well guys forget vesuvius my favorite volcano volcano in the world is actually located in
を 添えたdulce deleche火山を エルカラでよく食べました。運命とこれは私たちのお気に入りのスポットの1つでした
argentina at the moment it's on my plate is a vulcan of chocolate and dulce de leche so when i
do this look at the lava of dulce de leche coming out amazing let's also come with ice cream
beautifully presented this has just been a great meal and i expect dessert to be good
what a great dessert and a great meal
が溶岩を見る とき dulce de lecheがすばらしく出てきて、アイスクリームも一緒に 美しく提示 しましょう。 これは素晴らしい食事 でした。 デザートは素晴らしいデザートであり、 全体的に 素晴らしい食事であると期待しています。
overall hello oh that was loud in my ear oh my gosh hi good afternoon we are back in the cottage
こんにちは、私たちは コテージに戻ってきました。 おやおやランチのみんな、この素晴らしいランチを
oh my gosh lunch guys we have this horrible routine of like having this wonderful lunch
家にシエスタを貼り付けて、将来の時間を更新する ような恐ろしいルーチンが あります。
waddling home sticking a siesta and then updating you hours in the future
this is another one of those instances what a fantastic meal our best meal in town
i would say so absolutely in my opinion yeah the place was called mirancho my ranch and yeah
本当においしい食べ物ええ男ええそれはちょうどそれが フルボトル であった すべてを含むと思うようなもの
just really good food yeah man yeah exactly it was like i think the including everything
でしたワインとデザートのメインなので、 ここではより高価な食事と見なされる
it was with the full bottle of wine and dessert the mains so it came to just under forty dollars
40ドル弱に なりましたが、それは私たちが町で食べた中で最も素晴らしい食事ですええそれは
which would be considered a pricier meal here but it's the nicest meal we've had in town yeah it was
really good and overall just a nice chill day in town yeah we needed that after some busy days here
yeah and so it just goes to show you that you can have a chill day in el calafate i know most people
come here to do tours and to do you know big full day things but if you do want to have a bit of a
静かな日が良い例ですはい小さな博物館が自然保護区 を 少し歩き回っ
quieter day should be a good example yes a little museum a little walk around in a nature reserve
and great food to me that's a perfect day so with that in mind i think we'll say goodbye and we will
もう1つのエピソードがあります翌日ここから明日、 エルカラファテ
have one more episode from here coming tomorrow the following day we continued our tour around
周辺のツアーを続けました。 まずは おいしい食事を楽しむ
el calafate starting with food you already know we can't start the day off without first
enjoying a good meal so we made our way to a restaurant called la cocina
パスタス というレストランに行きました。 おやおやサムと私は私を味わう2つの異なるものを注文しましたすべてのパスタをnusする
pastas have arrived oh my gosh so sam and i ordered two different tasting menus all pastas
so we technically have six different pasta dishes in front of us
what drew us to this place was their pasta tasting menu which allowed us to try
、ラビオリ とほうれん草の 森のマッシュルームソースの
a little bit of everything i ordered the tagliatelle with forest mushroom sauce
グノッチと タリアテルを注文したすべてを少し 試すことができました。
gnocchi with lamb ragu and spinach ravioli with a cream sauce featuring ham and chicken
meanwhile sam got the green noodles with a bacon cream sauce potato and spinach
サムはベーコンクリームソースのポテトと パスタのラビオリとボロネーゼ ミートソースのグリーンヌードル
ravioli with bolognese meat sauce and squash ravioli with a leek sauce overall a great meal
とスカッシュラビオリとリークソースの全体的な素晴らしい食事 でした。正直なところ、 6つの小さな料理を共有して、
well guys that was a deluxe lunch it was really really good it's so good honestly it was really
私たちのお気に入りのパスタが 何であるかを少しずつ試してみるの は本当に
nice having like six little dishes to share try a little bit of everything figure out what's
良かったです。 実際には3つ目のテイスティングメニューがあったので、技術的
our favorite pasta and there was actually a third tasting menu so technically if you go
には3人で 行く とそれぞれ1つ注文できます。さまざまなサンプラーパスタセットの
there with three people you can each order one of the different sampler pasta sets and you've
9つの料理が あります。これ は、古い小さなプライベートパスタビュッフェです。3つ目はすべて
got nine dishes to be like oh it's your old little private pasta buffet yeah and the third one is all
ベジタリアンなので、野菜に優しいオプションええと、合計は1900ペソでした。これ は私たちの訪問
vegetarian so they do have veggie friendly options um the total was 1900 pesos which right now at the
の 時点で30米ドルなので、それはかなりまともだと思います。私たちは本当に素晴らしい サービス を意味し
time of our visit is 30 us dollars so i think that's pretty decent i mean we really well great
service really cool restaurant it's called la cocina it means the kitchen so we would definitely
recommend that it's located right in the center of town like right on the main avenue so you can't
ます。見逃せ ない ように、今はこのgnomesの村を少し散歩しています。これは、
miss it and now we're taking a little walk through this village of gnomes is the translation of it
and it's kind of like this little area that's tucked away just off the main street and you
have a whole bunch of little souvenir shops but they're all like these tiny log homes very cute
and the roof it's it's sod like it's grass so it almost feels like you're in this enchanted
forest and you know little gnomes and elves are going to wander out any second now yeah so this
は あなたがたくさんあると想像できるものなら何でもあなたが ニットセータージャム職人の チョコレートスリッパメイトの
is the place to come and pick up your souvenirs you can buy like knit sweaters jams artisanal
ようにあなたが買うことができるあなたのお土産を拾うために来る場所 ですので、ここで様々な チェックアウトする
chocolates slippers mates whatever you can imagine there's a lot of variety here so definitely a
間違いなく、 涼しい場所 fを 私は一種別のアルパカセーターまたはウールのセーターや 、私たちは
cool place to check out i'm kind of shopping for another alpaca sweater or like a wool sweater or
私 が得た 何かを見つけた場合、我々が表示されますので、南に向かって続けて温める私をしておこう何か
something that'll keep me warm as we continue heading south so we'll see if i find anything
のように買い物のです これはアルゼンチン北部のサルタまたはフウイにありますが、とても素晴らしいです
i got this one in salta or huhui in northern argentina what a fine huh so yeah but we're
gonna take you guys for a little stroll along here because it's very cute and then on to the museum
that afternoon we visited the glacier also known as the patagonian ice museum
はタクシーで行きましたが、博物館は 、メインストリートから 1
we went by taxi but it turns out that the museum offers a free transfer from
ブロック の丘のすぐ上にある5月の最初の通りにある観光駐車場の秘書 から の
the secretary of tourism parking lot which is on first of may street just up the hill one
無料送迎を提供していることがわかり ました。博物館のバススケジュールを確認できます。
block from the main street you can check the bus schedule on the museum's website
パタゴニア氷博物館内の ウェブサイト では、この地域の氷河の起源
inside the patagonian ice museum we saw a model of the southern
である南 パタゴニア氷原の モデルを見ました。
patagonian ice field which is where the glaciers in this area originate
and we also learned about the life of the famous argentine explorer francisco pascasio moreno
オープンバーであることを忘れないでください。 私たちは 壁が氷で飲み物も 氷で
so remember it's open bar okay i will serve you the drinks in a nice okay
作られていたで提供していた眼鏡をカバーし 、さらにはそこにあっ た
at the end of our visit we went down to the ice bar which is located at basement level
the walls were covered in ice the glasses the drinks were served in were also made
大丈夫素敵であなたの飲み物を提供します そう実際にいくつかの氷の彫刻の素晴らしい写真オペアンプ 私たちは、あなたが それが10ドルので、一人あたり600ペソだったし、 他の一方で 博物館を訪問するために2つの別々のチケットの価格を
of ice and there were even some ice sculptures so really a great photo op
so we just finished visiting glaciarium which is both a glacier museum and ice bar so you have
バーを訪れるのは400400ペソで78ドルに なります。 それに
two separate ticket prices to visit the museum it was 600 pesos per person so ten dollars and then
on the other hand to visit the bar it was 400 400 pesos that would be like seven eight dollars plus
it includes a drink so that's kind of cool you can get beer cocktails and stuff like that
そのうちの一つ のカップルは、 氷河の声と呼ばれ、それは あなたがカラファテでなら超超クールあなたは私は3D 1のように
so yeah first we toured the museum learned all about glaciers we got to watch a couple of movies
、3Dだったことええ、ほとんどを 持っていること を
one of them was called the voice of the glacier and it was all about perito moreno
1つの氷河のようなものだという ペリト・モレノについてのすべてでした。
super super cool if you're in calafate that's like the one glacier that you have i like the 3d one
the most yeah that was a 3d movie it was really cool it was about how it advances every year
and then it blocks the flow of the water in coming to the lake and then this huge wall
氷の 壁 が形成されそしてそれは壊れますそしてそれはどこでも飛んでいる氷を爆発させるようなもの です それはとても
of ice is formed and then it breaks down and it's like exploding flying ice everywhere it was very
cool and yeah just different interactive exhibits so we had a good time i'd say you need about an
博物館を体験 するには約 1時間 必要です。 その後、アイスバーの場合は25分の体験な ので、クラブの音楽が点滅していることを知っています。ライトネオンあなた
hour to kind of experience the museum and then for the ice bar it's a 25 minute experience
が暖かいようにこれらの面白い小さな銀のスーツ を 着ることができるのはとても楽しいです私たちはほとんどの時間
so yeah you go down there the well club music going on you know flashing lights neon you get to
を写真やビデオを撮るのに 費やしました ええ彼らは氷の彫刻やイグルーのようなたくさんの楽しみを学び
wear these funny little silver suits like you're warm it is so much fun we spent most of the time
ましたええと、私たちはそこで食べたり飲んだりしませんでしたが、彼らは いくつかのクールなスペシャル
taking photos and videos yeah they learned lots of fun like ice sculptures and igloos
を持ってい ましたええ、あなたが 凍えそうに寒いならアイスバーで
should also mention they have a cafe as well we didn't we didn't eat or drink there but they had
some cool specials yeah and you can get cake and coffee so like after you've spent your half hour
ことができます彼らは あなたにミトンを 与え ます が、あなたの指を感じないで
in the ice bar if you're freezing cold and you can't feel your fingers although they do give
you mittens you can come upstairs to their cafe and you know warm up we should also mention about
がありますそれは時間にありますそしてそれはあなたを町からここに連れて来ます私たち は タクシーに乗ってしまいまし
transportation it's on the hour and um it brings you here in from town we ended up taking cab we
were there you know what i had read that there's free transportation there's a free shuttle and i
completely forgot so we took a taxi here yeah and then we saw the shuttle and we're like oh yeah
so we're gonna take it back into yeah on on the half hour it goes back on the half hour it leaves
we will enjoy our free ride back into town we sure will well that is that how does that
、今のところ私の髪に風が吹いているとどうなるのか、そして私たちがエルカラファテを持っていた素晴らしい時間は私たちが持っていた 単一のことを変え
with the wind blowing in my hair at the moment and what a great time we had an el calafate i wouldn't
なかっただろう ということです私たちがここにいる間ずっと、私たちは本当においしい食べ物を食べました
have changed the single thing that we did the whole time we were here we had really good food
obviously we came for the glaciers we got to see them twice it was amazing we got to do some hiking
we got to do a whole bunch of different things also visiting el calafate patagonia argentina just
overall a great time here and we hope you guys enjoyed the series because we are heading next
エルチャルテンの 隣 に
to el chalten basically the hiking capital of argentina in patagonia and we couldn't be more
excited so join us for tomorrow's episode as we show us leaving here and going to
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