字幕表 動画を再生する
My name is Yosuke Suga
I'm a chef at the SUGOLABO, our laboratory in Tokyo
私がシェフをしております スガラボは -
Martina: We are flying out to Ehime Prefecture
M: We're following around Chef Suga and his team of awesome sou chefs
M: to go treasure-hunt for some of the greatest food ever.
須賀シェフと彼の最強アシスタント陣に同行させてもらって -
M: This is dekopon (デコポン) and oh my god guys, if you could smell this
M: It's like orange essence
M: I can honestly say,
M: This is the best orange I've had in my entire life. I cannot-
Simon: You haven't tried the kiyomi (清見) yet, have you? M: Really?
M: Oh my god, guys
M: *whispers* Dekopon
M: We expected to be only visiting farms and places that basically had produce
もう何なのこれ! デコポン!
M: but we're actually visiting places that do like pottery, that make paper,
行くのは農産物を作ってるところだけと思ってたけど -
M: and there's a lot things that go into running this restaurant.
実際は陶器とか和紙を作っているところにも来てて -
M: and the chef himself is coming out to look and to be inspired by these places
M:and I think that's really special.
シェフ自ら こういう所に出向いて アイデアを探しにきているの
M: This is something I wouldn't expect to find in a soy sauce factory
M: It's basically like a mad scientist's lab but working on blending flavors to actually get it perfect
この部屋は醤油の醸造所とは思えない -
M: You might think of like one ubiquitous soy sauce that you see on your table when you go for sushi
イカれた科学者の実験室みたいだけど -
M: But there are so many different kinds in Japan
M: This is incredible
醤油といえば お寿司を食べる時に出てくる普通の醤油を想像するけど -
S: So this is our last day in Ehime, I feel like I've learned so much just from visiting one prefecture
S: and I'm so excited to see what Suga comes up with back in Tokyo
M: So we're beginning our meal with what looks like the most adorable savory macaron on the entire planet
愛媛にいるのは今日で最後だけど -
M: Let me see
1つの県を訪れただけで沢山学んだ気がするし -
M: That was like a deviled egg, hidden inside of the outside of the shell of a macaron
東京で須賀さんが どんな料理を思いつくのか楽しみだ
M: It doesn't taste like a macaron at all
最初に出てきたのは 地球上で1番かわいい塩味のマカロンみたい
S: I am super excited about this right here
S: This is prosciutto that is only given to two restaurants in Tokyo
S: It's cured by a man in the mountains in Gifu
S: This is a very rare, very special prosciutto to get and it's served on rice
S: Are you ready?
東京の2つのレストランにしか卸していない生ハムで -
S: It's so creamy, it almost has like a-
S: almost tastes like a cheddar, in a way, it's got like a cheese to it
とても貴重で 特別な生ハムで -
S: It's- it's so delightful
S: We haven't even started the entrees yet
S: This is- we're in for a treat
すごくクリーミーで チェダーチーズに似てなくもない
S: This is going to be a good night
M: Beautiful puff pastry, I wish you guys could smell the butter on this
M: Locally grown asparagus and truffles are in season right now
M: This needs to be at least five times bigger?
M: Wow.. great, gotta eat it slowly
S: So we're having Tottori snow crab with Hokkaido sea urchin, with a vinegar jelly and tofu skin underneath
きれいなパイ生地 バターの匂いが伝わればいいのに
S: with some yuzu on top as well
S: I- I don't even
S: I can't even guess how this is going to taste
ワオ ゆっくり食べなきゃ
S: This- this hits all parts of your mouth in a wonderful happy way
鳥取産ズワイガニと北海道産ウニが -
S: You're smelling it as you bring it up to your mouth, the yuzu as well
湯葉の上にのっていて お酢のジュレに加えて 柚子の皮がアクセントになってて -
S: You have the creaminess of the sea urchin at the bottom
S: and the lovely taste and texture of the snow crab in between
S: This is Tottori crab
S: and it's "Tottori" delicious
ウニのクリーミーさが底にあって -
M: wah wahh..
M: Hokkaido abalone and on top of it, local organic lemon
M: Chef Sugo was saying that it's totally unique because the peel is not bitter like a normal lemon
M: I- I've never heard of that before so let's find out
須賀シェフによると 他にはない 皮が全然苦くないレモンだそうで
M: It's just bright, it's citrusy, but it doesn't have that horrible bitter flavor you get
そんなの聞いたことないから どんな味かな?
M: at the outside of the lemon when you're all like "ughh"
芳醇な柑橘そのものの味で 普通のレモンの皮の苦みは全然しない
M: It doesn't have that at all
M: It's like, essence of lemon
M: Beautiful, with the abalone
S: Every component of that dish is mindblowing
トマトは素晴らしかったし じゃが芋もすごく良かった
S: The tomato is fantastic
レモン自体も それぞれの材料がスーパースターなんだ
S: That was a d*** fine potato as well
こんなの... 本当に驚きなんだ
S: And the lemon itself
S: Every component in there is a superstar
本当に農作物を育てるのに力をいれている人のところに行って -
S: Nothing, it just.. it's so surprising
その情熱がお皿の上で感じられると 全く違う体験なんだ
S: I- I can't express to you how different produce is in Japan
S: If you go to somebody that really cares about how to grow food
もう一つ面白いのは よく高級レストランの厨房だと -
S: When you feel that on your plate, it's-
緊張感が漂っているけど ゴードン・ラムジーが怒鳴ってるみたいな
S: It's another experience
でも ここではみんな落ち着いていて -
S: It's just something totally different
すごくリラックスしてるんだ 友達と一緒にパーティーに来てるみたいだ
S: Oh my god
ストレスなんか無くて さらっと料理を作ってるんだ さらっとだけど最高の技術で
S: What's interesting also here is that when it comes to like really high level kitchens,
すごく心地いい 素晴らしい環境なんだ
S: you often see a lot of intensity with the chefs
これがすごく楽しみなんだ 秋田牛で
and like, you could always see with Gordon Ramsay yelling at everyone
前に秋田牛の動画を作ったけど -
S: But here, everyone is so calm, it's- it's very chill here
S: This feels like you're with your friends at a party, there's no stress here
S: He's just making you food casually,
S: Casually but exceptionally well
僕はカナダ出身の白人だぞ どれだけマカロニ・チーズを食べてきたと思う?
S: and this is such a comfortable, wonderful environment to be in
S: I am the most excited about this one right here
S: This is Akita beef
S: You saw that we did a video about Akita beef before
何したらいいかわからない 超越してる
S: and this has a special egg from Shikoku
もっと食べたい... わかった 貯金があるだろ?
S: Ultra-famous eggs, each egg is two dollars per egg
ここで毎日食べられるように 全部寄付しよう
S: Let's try this out
申込用紙はあるのか? どこに送ればいいんだ? どうしよう?
S: Oh my god
S: I'm a white boy from Canada
S: Do you know how much macaroni I've had?
S: Here we have macaroni with truffle cream
聞いたか? 信じられない程すごい
S: There's more truffle here than there is macaroni
S: I'm- *at lost for words*
記憶が鮮明に残ってるの 山肌を登ってたら 雨が降ってきて -
S: Oh.....
周りはみかんの木に囲まれてて -
S: I don't know where to look, I don't know what to do
初めてデコポンを食べた時で -
S: This is phenomenal *clears throat* Phenomenal
膝が痛くて痛くて みかんの木にたどり着くのもやっとで -
S: I- I want to eat, I'm-
アシスタントシェフが実を1つ取ってくれて その場で剥いたの
S: Okay, we have some money in savings. Let's just donate it all here so we could just eat here every day
雨が降り注ぐ中 周りの葉っぱと柑橘のにおいもしてて -
S: Is there an application form?
デコポンを頬張ってみたら 今までの中で1番最高のみかんだったの
S: How do I sign up to work here, what do I do?
この記憶が私の中にはあって -
S: This.. start to finish-
S: Haven't even gotten to the desserts yet
愛媛に行ってみかんを食べた私の記憶があって それで今 実際に食べられるの
S: This is- this is unbelievably great
私はこれを動画を通してみんなと共有してるけど -
S: Guys, this is unbelievably great
M: I am extremely excited about this dessert
観光で来日して ずっと東京にいるのは それはそれで面白いけど -
M: I have a very clear memory of it beginning to rain and we were climbing this hill with these oranges everywhere
東京から一歩出て 他の県に行ってみると -
M: and it was the first time ever that I tried a dekopon and my knees were killing me
M: and I could barely reach the actual orange tree and then one of the chefs handed me an orange
M: and we peeled it right there and the rain starting coming down
伝えたいのは 第一に このレストランが最高に素晴らしいことと -
M: and I could smell all the leaves and all the citrus and I bit into this orange
第二に 食べ物の裏側にある物語を知る努力をすること
M: and it was the most amazing orange I had ever had
食べ物をただ食べるだけじゃなく どこから来ているのかがわかれば -
M: and I have this memory in my heart and this is the dessert I can actually eat with my memory
もっと豊かで 美味しくて 幸せな経験ができると思う
M: It's like, my memory of being in Ehime and eating those oranges and now I actually get a chance to try it
M: *gasps in delight*
M: *silently wiggling* omg
M: and while I am able to share this with you guys through video,
M: Chef Suga is sharing that with you guys via his plates
S: So if you come to Japan and you just spend all your time in Tokyo, it's-
S: It's great, it's really interesting but I feel like if you step outside of Tokyo, go to the other prefectures,
S: You get so much more of a story of Japan and so much more of an idea of what it has to offer
S: So I hope we've convinced you
S: Number one, that this restaurant is absolutely amazing
S: and number two, that you should try to understand the story behind your food
S: Don't just eat it mindlessly
S: but know where it comes from
S: and you'll have a much richer, much more delicious, and much happier experience