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  • China is waging a genocide on Muslims

  • So why has Turkey Abandoned the Uyghurs?

  • It could be big investments from China

  • Welcome to China Uncensored, I'm Chris Chappell.

  • The Chinese Communist Party  is waging a brutal genocide  

  • against the Uyghur ethnic minoirity in Xinjiang.

  • Uyghurs are shaved bald, chainedand sent to concentration camps.

  • Rape is a common form of  torture, for men and women.

  • Now the strange thing is,  

  • even though the Uyghurs are Muslim, most Muslim  countries have been silent about this genocide.

  • That includes Turkey. The Uyghurs  are an ethnically turkic people,  

  • but the Turkish government has said  very little about the genocide. In fact,  

  • they've cracked down on Uyghur protesters  inside Turkey because China asked them to.

  • I wonder why?

  • Joining me today is Cem Toker. He's  the former president of the Liberal  

  • Democratic Party in TurkeyThanks for joining me today.

  • Thank you.

  • So the Turkish government is eager  to support Muslims in Palestine,  

  • but has seldom raised the issue of Muslims  in China? Why do you think that is?

  • I think economic interests these days outweigh  the political issues. So they've been kind of  

  • quiet about the alleged violations  in China, human rights violations.  

  • I think they want to maintain great  economic relations with China.  

  • So that's why they keeping quietthen they're not making it an issue.

  • Even though the opposition is trying to bring  it to the political agenda. The suppression  

  • in the press in Turkey is preventing  this. So the government has its own way.

  • How do the people feel?

  • Well, people aren't fully aware of the issue  because like I said, you can't speak of a  

  • free press in Turkey. So there are some  efforts from the opposition. For example,  

  • they brought the issue to the parliament for  investigative resolution as to what's going on in  

  • to the Uyghurs, but it was rejected by  the so-called Nationalist Coalition. But  

  • the public opinion paid very little attention  to it because they're not aware of this,  

  • and it doesn't stay on the agenda too long.

  • Well, in 2017, Turkey's foreign minister said,  

  • "We see China's security equivalent  to our own country's security,"  

  • and prompts to crack down on activities in Turkey  that could harm China. What kind of action has  

  • the Turkish government taken domestically  to crush anti-China descent in Turkey?

  • I think symbolic, they have been extraditing some  dissidents to third countries, as far as I know,  

  • rather than directly extradite them to ChinaAlso they have prevented some opposition  

  • demonstrations when the Chinese officials visit  Turkey. So it's been just lip service locally,  

  • but to maintain good relations and they  just received about $400 million of credit  

  • from a Chinese bank. That is more important  than keeping the human rights issue  

  • on the agenda of the people. As you  know, 39 nations signed the declaration  

  • condemning Chinese actions in Xinjiangbut Turkey wasn't one of them.  

  • Even though it was many Muslim nations  signed the declaration in the United Nations.

  • Yeah, that seemed strange to me because  of the Uyghurs are a Turkic people.

  • True. If Turkey was at least a halfway democratic  country, the opposition would make this an issue,  

  • but opposition's power is limited also to bring  issues to the agenda. So it's open field for the  

  • government, what to bring to the agenda, what to  avoid, and what to bring to people's attention. So  

  • they dictate what's going to be  on the agenda, not the opposition.

  • So the Chinese Communist Party is  obviously putting a lot of money  

  • into Turkey's economy. What kind of  political influence does that buy?

  • So far, I don't see any, but the political  influence of China will depend on the relations  

  • with Turkey and NATO, Turkey and  the United States. The upcoming  

  • rulings on the sanctions on Turkey due  to S400 missiles or the banking scandal,  

  • the trial that's still going on in New YorkSo the outcome of those issues would kind of  

  • determine the political relations, which  way they will go between China and Turkey.

  • Is that why Turkey seems to be shifting  alliances from the US to China?

  • I don't know if Turkey is shifting alliances or  just seems to be shifting alliances of just a  

  • bluff. Like I said, they're  waiting for the outcome  

  • of those issues. Also, the President Erdoğan  will meet with Biden, if they do meet at all,  

  • in Brussels next month. And Erdoğan was making  statements, very positive statements regarding  

  • the relations with Turkey and the United StatesIn the next few months, we will know which way the  

  • Turkish US relations are headed, and we can take  a more clear look on Turkish Chinese relations

  • Well, how have Turkey China  relations changed since COVID-19?

  • Well, regarding COVID-19, the issue was all  around the vaccines, and there are rumors in  

  • the public and in the press that China did not  keep its promise to deliver as many vaccines as  

  • they would have due to the extradition of  some proponents and an extradition agreement,  

  • and that hasn't been ratified  by the Turkish Parliament yet.  

  • So I think it has to become a political  game rather than a public health issue.  

  • So then Turkey shifted to the west  to other alternative vaccination  

  • sources. So, Turkish government is betweenrock and a hard place regarding how to handle  

  • human rights violations in China, against  the Turkic minority, Muslim minority.

  • And so China withholding access  to vaccines or protective gear  

  • for COVID-19 could be part of how they're  manipulating [inaudible 00:07:28] politics.

  • That is what we've been told here in Turkeyand that's what the press coverage says. Yes.

  • So where do you see the future of  Turkey's relationship with China going?

  • Like I said, it will all depend on the  relations with Turkey and the United States,  

  • and Turkey and NATO. It is a historic allianceIt has decades of history. So it's not going to  

  • be an overnight shift, but if there's a shift  that all, political, military, economic shift,  

  • that's going to take some time, but it will  all depend on Turkish American relations, and  

  • Turkish NATO, and Turkish EU relations. Turkish  is one of the five countries in the world that is  

  • subject to possible sanctions by  the EU and by the United States.  

  • So of course, Turkish government is looking at  different alternatives, but it's going to take  

  • some time if there's going to be a real  shift in policy or international ties. Maybe  

  • cooperation in Africa, there's a  lot of Chinese investment in Africa,  

  • and there's also a relatively large Turkish  investment in Africa. Maybe they will begin  

  • by cooperating with the Chinese in Africaand then that will lead to a more political  

  • and economic tie between china and Turkey, but  it will all depend on relations with the west.

  • Very interesting. I could also see the  Chinese Communist Party in Turkey coming to  

  • butt heads over competing interests in Africa.

  • Yes, that is a possibility toobut I think China would rather  

  • become adversaries economically  adversaries in Africa, they would try to  

  • cooperate with Turkey so that they can make  some headway in Africa, economic investments.

  • Well, thanks so much for joining us  today and sharing the information.

  • All right, you're welcome. Have a great day.

  • You too.

  • And thank you for watching.

  • And I also want to announce, we havenew China Uncensored channel in Turkish.  

  • So if you or people you know speak Turkishsubscribe to that channel. The link is below.

  • Once again I'm Chris Chappell, see you next time.

China is waging a genocide on Muslims


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Why Turkey ABANDONED Uyghurs for China

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    zijun su に公開 2021 年 06 月 17 日