字幕表 動画を再生する
Hey guys, it's Shane from English Understood here, and this is part three of the, 'What Would You Say If ...' series.
English Understood のシェーンです。今回は、「こういう場合、何と言う?」シリーズの3つ目です。
What's going on? What's going on?
What's going on?(どうしたの?)
This is how native speakers say, 'What's going on?'
ネイティブスピーカーは、このように 'What's going on?' と言います。
'What's going on?'
'What's going on?'
When we say this really, really quickly, we don't say 'what's', we say 'woss'.
すごく速く言う時には、'what's' ではなく、'woss'と言います。
We don't actually say that T sound.
And we don't say 'going', we say 'goin'.
そして、'going' ではなく、'goin'です。
And then we join the 'goin' and the 'on' together.
'Woss goin' on?' 'Woss goin' on?' Now you try.
'Woss goin' on?' 'Woss goin' on?' 言ってみてください。
'Woss goin' on?'
'Woss goin' on?'
'What's going on' is a very informal greeting, and it does not mean how are you.
'What's going on'というのは、すごくインフォーマルな挨拶で、'how are you'という意味ではありません。
So if someone says this to you, please don't say, 'I'm good.'
'What's going on?'と聞かれても、'I'm good.'とは言わないでください。
'What's going on' can have many meanings, but the main meaning is normally 'what's happening?'.
'What's going on?'にはたくさんの意味がありますが、主要な意味は、通常、「何が起きているの?」です。
'What is happening?'
'What is happening?'
So, some common answers could be 'Not much, you?'
一般的な答え方としては、'Not much, you?'(特に何も。あなたは?)と言えます。
'Not much, you?'
'Not much, you?'
This is saying that not much is happening.
Another common response could be, 'I just finished work. What about you?'
もう1つ一般的な答え方は、 'I just finished work. What about you?'(仕事が終わったところだよ。あなたは?)
'I just finished work. What about you?'
'I just finished work. What about you?'
What's happening is that I just finished work.
Another common response could be, 'I'm just studying for my exam next week.'
また、'I'm just studying for my exam next week.'(来週の試験に向けて勉強しているよ。)もよくある答え方です。
'I'm just studying for my exam next week.'
'I'm just studying for my exam next week.'
So what's happening is that I am studying now for my exam next week.
And sometimes if somebody says 'What's going on' to you, you don't even have to answer this question.
誰かに'What's going on'と言われても、その質問に答える必要がない場合もあります。
You could reply by saying, 'Hey, how are you' or just start by talking about a different topic.
返事として、'Hey, how are you'とか、違うトピックについて話し始めても良いです。
So let's pretend someone says to me, 'Hey Shane, what's going on'?
誰かが、'Hey Shane, what's going on?'と言ったとしましょう。
I could say to them, 'Hey, did you see the movie last night?'
その人に対し、'Hey, did you see the movie last night?'(やあ、昨晩の映画、見た?)と返せます。
So the next time someone says 'woss goin' on' to you, you will know how to answer this correctly.
今度、誰かに'woss going'on'と言われたら、正しい答え方が分かりますね。