字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Supported By: 奇跡はどこにでもある。暗闇にも、静寂にも.. Supported By: Protocol Labs 奇跡はどこにでもある。暗闇にも、静寂にも.. Helen Keller Protocol Labs 未来はどうなるのだろうか? Protocol Labs What does our future hold? 宇宙はどのように終わるのだろうか? Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence... 真実を知ることは無いかもしれない Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence... - Helen Keller しかし科学は未来の驚くべき行く末を描き始めた What does the future look like? 時間の終わりまでの旅にでてみよう How will the universe meet its end? この旅の速度は5秒毎に指数関数的に増加する We may never be truly certain. 新たな証拠が得られるごとに 未来像は間違いなく進化する、しかし一つ確かなのは But science has begun to paint a stunning picture of how the future might unfold. 私たちの宇宙は始まったばかりだという事 Let's take a journey to the end of time. 完新世は終わり、現在、そして今後数年間の私たちの行動は次の数千年に大きく影響するだろう We will travel through time exponentially, doubling our speed every 5 seconds. 近代の人類が知りえた唯一の環境は変化しつつある、それも急速に The vision of the future will surely evolve as we probe for more clues. But one thing is clear: この惑星に変わらぬものはない すべては変わる The universe has only just begun. 地球は先の見えない崖を再び跳ぼうとしている。結果はだれにもわからない 2019 [Anthrpocene era] 2877年 地磁気反転 2020 [Anthrpocene era] この地球は常に跳躍している。 2021 [Anthrpocene era] 3,500年 ヘール・ボップ彗星戻る 2021 The Holocene has ended. [Anthrpocene era] 5,000年 劇的海面上昇 2021 The Holocene has ended. [Anthrpocene era] 5,000年 劇的海面上昇 万物は流転し、とどまるものは無い! 2022 The Holocene has ended. [Anthrpocene era] 6,900年 直径30mの小惑星衝突 2023 The Holocene has ended. [Anthrpocene era] 10,000年 アンタレス 超新星爆発 2023 [Anthrpocene era] 14,300年 サハラ砂漠、熱帯となる What we do now, 22,490年 星座がさまよいはじめる What we do now, 39,000年 ボイジャー1号近隣恒星を通過 What we do now, 63,000年 間氷期終結 What we do now, 9万年 スーパー火山噴火 and in the next few years, 30万年 ハワイに新たな島誕生 will profoundly effect 45万年 新たな島々の連鎖 the next few thousand years. 90万年 アポロ計画の足跡が消える。 The only conditions modern humans 150万年 ベテルギウス 超新星となる。 have ever known so far, are changing. 260万年 石碑浸食 And changing fast. 830万年 致命的ガンマ線バースト Nothing stays the same on this planet. 1200万年 火星の月が砕け環になる Everything changes. 2500万年 土星の環消失 The Earth is going into one of these jumps 4000万年 南極融解 The Earth is going into one of these jumps 6800万年 大規模な小惑星地球衝突 and you don't know what is going 1億5000年 新たな超大陸誕生 to be on the other side of those jumps. 4億年 太陽光度増加 5.5億年 光合成が出来なくなる The Earth is always jumping. [Earth's magnetic field flips] 4億年 太陽光度増加 5.5億年 光合成が出来なくなる [Earth's magnetic field flips] 太陽を輝かす燃料が底をつき始めるが、太陽はそのまま静かに消滅することはない [Comet Hale-Bopp returns] 8億年 すべての惑星の寿命が尽きる 11億年 大洋蒸発 [Drastic sea level rise] コア崩壊で生じる膨大な熱で太陽外周は膨張 Things move on this planet [Drastic sea level rise] コア崩壊が発する膨大な熱で太陽外周膨張 28億年 すべての生命死滅 Things are not still! 34億年 太陽膨張 Everything is turning. [30 meter asteroid impact] 34億年 太陽膨張 50億年 太陽 赤色巨星となる [30 meter asteroid impact] 70億年 死にゆく太陽が地球を破壊 [Antares goes supernova] 100億年 太陽は白色矮星となる [Sahara becomes tropical] 太陽の死滅 [Constellations begin to wander] 深宇宙の極低温のなか徐々に冷えてゆく [Voyager I passes nearby star] すべての星は太陽と同じ運命をたどる [Interglacial period ends] いずれある日、死ぬことになる そして宇宙は永遠の夜に没する [Supervolcano eruption] 一兆年 星の死が始まる [New Hawaiian island appears] すべての星の燃料は最後には尽きる [New island chains] 宇宙の温度は下がり, 夜空の星は1つずつ姿を消す [Apollo footprints fade] 新たな星がつくられることは無い [Betelgeuse goes supernova] かくして宇宙は終わる。ビッグバンのような爆発ではなく、線香花火のように.. [Stone monuments erode] 35 兆年 最後の赤色矮星死滅 [Deadly gamma ray burst] 炎となって燃え尽きるのではなく、 氷の世界に消えてゆくのだ [Mars moon becomes a ring] 135 兆年 退化の時代 [Saturn's rings vanish] 最後の恒星の死とともに、星空の時代は終わる [Antarctica melts] 私たちの世界は星の骸が散らばった宇宙の墓場となる [Major asteroid impact] 我らが太陽は高温、高密度に縮退した星の死骸、 白色矮星となる [New supercontinent] その燃料が尽きる間際, [Sun increases luminosity] 火が消えた白色矮星の残熱が放つかすかな輝き As it begins to run out of fuel, [Sun increases luminosity] 今の地球の位置から眺めると、 As it begins to run out of fuel, [Photosynthesis ceases] 晴れた夜の満月ほどの明るさしかない the sun won't simply fade away to nothing. [Photosynthesis ceases] 死んだ星々とブラックホールが点在する暗い虚空の闇に唯一光るのは the sun won't simply fade away to nothing. [All plant life dies] 白色矮星の放つほのかな光のみ [All plant life dies] 廃墟と化した宇宙。しかし星の死骸、ゾンビたち、これがさらなる未来へと導く [Oceans evaporate] 時が経つと死んだ星や惑星は重力の作用で銀河から冷たい虚空へと押しやられる Its core will collapse, [Oceans evaporate] 偶然が重なると、褐色矮星が衝突し新たな星を生み出すこともあるだろう [Oceans evaporate] 中性子星衝突は漆黒の闇を超新星爆発の閃光で貫く and the extra heat this generates [Oceans evaporate] 中性子星衝突 6^21年(60垓年) will cause its outer layers to expand. [Oceans evaporate] 白色矮星は生物が命をつなぐ避難所となる will cause its outer layers to expand. [All life dies] しかし白色矮星もしだいに力を失い、死ぬ。 [All life dies] しかし白色矮星もしだいに力を失い、死ぬ。 1?年: 星は黒色矮星となる [Sun expands] こうして残った星々の最後の姿は黒色矮星。 2^24年(2?年) [Sun becomes red giant] 白色矮星はすっかり冷たくなり、もはや熱や光をほとんど放出しない。 [Earth destroyed by the dying Sun] 黒色矮星は暗く高密度な縮退物質の崩れ行く球体。 [Sun becomes a White Dwarf] 星の灰と言ってもよい。 The sun is now dead. [Sun becomes a White Dwarf] これを構成する原子同士は強烈に圧縮されたために Its remains slowly cooling [Sun becomes a White Dwarf] 黒色矮星の密度は太陽の百万倍に達する。 in the freezing temperatures of deep space. 星がこの段階にたどり着くまでにはとてつもない時間が必要なので The fate of the sun is the same as for all stars. 現在の宇宙にはまだ存在しないと考えられる One day, they must all eventually die, 銀河から脱出できなかったすべての物質は中心にある 超巨大ブラックホールに吸い込まれてゆく and the cosmos will be plunged ブラックホールが残存物質を飲み込む 12^28年(12穣年) into eternal night. 栄光の炎に輝く長い休眠から覚めたブラックホール All stars eventually will run out of fuel. [Stars begin to die off] 縮退の時代 [Stars begin to die off] この時期に生き残る異文明があるならばブラックホールの回転パワーが最後に頼るエネルギーとなる. The temperature of the universe drops. [Stars begin to die off] 私たちの生命の速度は現在手に入るエネルギーで決定されている。 [Stars begin to die off] そこで、遠い宇宙には全く異なる速度に基づいた、意識を持つ生命体もあると想像できる。 Stars, one by one, そうならば私たちの想像も及ばぬ広い領域を理解する生命体であるかもしれない。 in the night sky, 生命体が存在すること、 will turn off. たとえ10兆年に一度の出来事であるとしても 何の不思議もない。 And there will be no more new stars たとえ我々人類が絶滅したとしても、 created. 遠い未来のどこかで And so the universe will end 宇宙に変動が起き、再び知的生命体が 一瞬だけでも、存在できるかもしれない。 not with a bang, 知性体は時間の大海で孤島のように 隔絶されているのかもしれない。 but with the whimper. 宇宙時間の膨張 9^33年(90溝年) And not in fire, [Last Red Dwarf stars die] 宇宙の膨張速度が加速し、ついには光速を超えて 広がり始める [Last Red Dwarf stars die] この時点で、遠隔の銀河や星の後退速度はあまりに速く、観測不能となる but in ice. [Last Red Dwarf stars die] 宇宙の神秘は永遠の扉の向こうに秘蔵される [Last Red Dwarf stars die] 陽子崩壊 [Degenerate era] "With the death of the last sun, the age of starlight comes to an end." 最新科学の予測によれば原子自体も崩壊し宇宙の中に何の物質も残さず消える [Degenerate era] 私たちの世界を構築する原子の基本要素の一つ 陽子 [Degenerate era] "The universe becomes a cosmic boneyard, strewn with remnants of dead stars." これすら自然に崩壊してしまう "The universe becomes a cosmic boneyard, strewn with remnants of dead stars." ブラックホールの引力を逃れたどのような物質も "Our Sun becomes a White Dwarf - a hot, dense, shrunken stellar corpse." ついには陽子崩壊によって消滅する With no fuel left to burn, 陽子崩壊は未解明なので、未来旅行のこれからの章は新たな発見次第で全く別の内容となりうる a white dwarf's faint glow 黒色矮星内部の物質、宇宙最後の物質は comes from the last residual heat 最終的には消滅し、輻射となって虚空へ消え from its extinguished furnace. 後には全く何も残らない Looking at it from where the earth is now, 黒色矮星が消えると、宇宙にはただ一個の原子さえ残らない it would only generate the same amount of light かつて物質で溢れていた宇宙に残るのは光の粒子と ブラックホールのみ as the full moon ブラックホールの時代始まる 10^42年(100正年) on a clear night. 生命が寄りすがる惑星、恒星、星系は無い The faint glow of white dwarfs この段階でさえ宇宙はやっと時を刻みだしたばかり will provide the only illumination 人間の時間スケールでは子宮から頭が見えた頃 20^43年(2000正年) in a dark and empty void 熱も光もない空虚、宇宙はその生涯のほとんどをここで過ごす littered with dead stars 灼熱の誕生と極寒の死、そのはざまに生命が輝く安全な避難所を宇宙はほんの一瞬だけ与える and black holes. 突き進む宇宙の時間の青春期に明るい台風の目が現れ In some ways it's kind of a ghost universe 生命はここで可能となる it's the corpses, しかし、それは瞬く間に過ぎ去る the zombie stars, 誕生から最後のブラックホール消滅までの宇宙の生涯のほんの一部分でだけ that will take us into the future. 生命が可能となるが、その期間の割合は "Over time, gravity ejects dead stars and planets from their galaxies, sending them out into the freezing void." 10億分の1を9回乗じ、さらにそれの1000分の1パーセントにすぎない "By chance, some Brown Dwarfs collide and form accidental new stars." ブラックホールが宇宙構造の基本単位となる "Colliding neutron stars puncture the darkness with ultra bright supernova." 銀河系の姿。中心は超大質量ブラックホールに占められ、周囲に小さいブラックホールが軌道周回する。 [Neutron star collision] Colliding neutron stars puncture the darkness with ultra bright supernova." ブラックホールに満たされたゾンビ銀河の 進化は終わらない [Neutron star collision] 彼らは互いに食いあい巨大化し、超大質量ブラックホールに出会い飲み込まれ、それはさらに巨大化するだろう "Any surviving life forms may find refuge around aging White Dwarfs." 宇宙はまだ刺激的でダイナミックな場所だ "But in time, even the White Dwarfs will fade and die." これは数千年、数百万年程度ではなく数兆年規模で起きる物語 A black dwarf will be the final fate of those last stars [Stars become Black Dwarfs] この遥か遠い時代には、ブラックホール合体が 宇宙の主要な出来事となる White dwarfs that have become so cold, [Stars become Black Dwarfs] 私たちの太陽の数兆倍もの質量に達するものもあらわれるだろう that they barely emit any more heat or light. これらが合体する際に発せられる重力波は全宇宙にまで響き渡る Black dwarfs are dark, ブラックホールは太鼓の木槌のように 時空空間を強打し dense, 非常に特徴的な調べを奏でる decaying balls of degenerate matter. これまで長い間連れ添ってきた2つのブラックホールを想像してみよう Little more than the ashes of stars, 彼らの生涯の終り頃、互いを回転する速度はほんの一瞬で数千キロ移動するまでに達する their constituent atoms are so severely crushed このような回転の軌跡は空間の雷鳴を引き起こす、実際に時空の波動となる that black dwarfs are a million times 宇宙を強打するブラックホールが放つ波動は空間の縮小、拡大を引き起こす denser than our sun. これが重力波で、文字通り宇宙に響き渡る音である Stars take so long to reach this point ブラックホール同士の回転がやがて終わり静かに融合、停止するまで、この波動は光の速度で伝わってゆく we believe there are currently もしあなたが近くにいたとしたら no black dwarfs in the universe. 空間の縮小、拡大により耳が共鳴し "Any matter that fails to escape its galaxy is sucked into a supermassive black hole at the center." 実際にその音が聞こえるだろう [Black holes swallow stray matter] 非常に重いブラックホールに小さなブラックホールが落ちるのを想像してみよう [Black holes swallow stray matter] "Long dormant black holes flare up in a blaze of glory." 今聞いているのは小さなブラックホールが接近するごとに空間を叩く音です [Degenerate era] "The rotational energy of black holes becomes the last reliable source of power for any exotic future civilizations." 落下するにつれ速く音は大きくなる We have a pace of life that's based 科学者たちはかつてブラックホールは不滅と考えていたが, on the energy available to us now. いずれは死ぬだろう You could imagine living, これは想像を絶するほど先の未来 何千兆年先に起こりうることで conscious systems, そのような先の未来ではブラックホールさえも 消滅し始める which have a very different pace and therefore, 量子力学によると、空間は仮想粒子に満たされている can extend out, at least, それと常に対生成している反粒子で a lot farther than you'd imagine otherwise. 別れ、また一緒になり、そして互いを消滅させている。 You could have a living system where if, ブラックホールが存在する環境では it had a thought every 10 trillion years, 一対の仮想粒子の片方がブラックホールに落ちることがある that would seem normal. 対消滅に必要なパートナーを置き去りにして Ever if 見捨てられた粒子はブラックホールが発する 放射線としてあらわれる our life dies out, one could imagine それゆえ、ブラックホールは不死ではない at some time arbitrarily far in the future, 巨大爆発で完全に消滅するまで、消失速度はますます増加する a fluctuation occurs which allows intelligent life 量子力学は粒子と放射線がブラックホール の 究極の牢獄から脱出することを認めている to exist again, for a little while. 宇宙最後の大規模構造,ブラックホール消失が始まる So you might have islands in time of intelligence. 消失する度に暗黒世界を光が照らす "As the expansion of the universe accelerates, it begins to spread matter apart faster than the speed of light." [Expansion of spacetime] ブラックホールは徐々に消えてゆくが、我々が未だ知らない未知の力による宇宙の膨張は止まらない [Expansion of spacetime] この先は人類知識の未踏地帯 探求と発見の先陣争いの場 "By this point, distant galaxies and stars are receding do fast that their light has become undetectable." [Expansion of spacetime] 哲学者や詩人たちは尋ねた 「世界は炎で終わるのか、それとも氷か?」 "By this point, distant galaxies and stars are receding do fast that their light has become undetectable." 今,ひとつの答えを出すことができる "The secrets of the cosmos are locked away forever." 最新の検証によると、宇宙膨張は減速するどころかますます加速し制御不能になっている "Current theories predict that atoms themselves will begin to decay, destroying all remaining matter in the universe." それゆえ、宇宙は氷の中で死ぬと私たちは考える 今から数兆年の数兆倍先の未来に [Proton decay] "Current theories predict that atoms themselves will begin to decay, destroying all remaining matter in the universe." 空虚な空間それ自体がエネルギーを持つ [Proton decay] 全ての立法センチの空間には、 物質の有無にかかわらず、 A proton, one of the fundamental building blocks 粒子、物質、放射線その他の有無にかかわらず.... of atomic matter, what makes us up, エネルギーがある、空間それ自体にも can just spontaneously fall apart. アインシュタインによれば、このエネルギーは宇宙を押しやる力を持つ Any material that evades the pull of a black hole 宇宙を加速させる奇妙なものは何なのか? 私達はこれを「ダークエネルギー」と呼んでいる eventually dies away as its protons disintegrate. これが宇宙で最も優勢なもの "Proton decay is still unproven - and so this chapter of the future could look very different in light of new discoveries." 宇宙の物質エネルギー量のほぼ3/4が このダークエネルギー The matter inside black dwarf's, しかしその正体は不明だ the last matter in the universe, 物質や放射線とは異なり,ダークエネルギーは宇宙が 膨張しても希薄、消滅しない will eventually evaporate away, この性質が宇宙の未来に決定的な意味合いを持つ and be carried off into the void as radiation さて、宇宙の未来はどうなるのか。 leaving absolutely nothing behind. ダークエネルギーが今のように優性を保ち、斥力を行使続けるのなら [Black hole era] 宇宙は永遠に膨張するだろう With the black dwarfs gone, [Black hole era] 時とともにひたすらより速くなり続ける- 暴走宇宙 there won't be a single atom of matter left. [Black hole era] 宇宙エネルギーの70%は空虚な空間に存在するが、 その理由は理解されてない [Black hole era] 一方, 将来何が起こるのかわかっている All that will remain of our once-rich cosmos そのエネルギーが消えないのなら、 宇宙は冷たく、暗く、空虚になるだろうと will be particles of light and black holes. これがあり得る未来の姿 "The Black Hole Era begins." いや、違うかもしれない。 ダークエネルギーを理解していないのだから "No planets, no stars, no lingering stellar remnants for life to cling to." それが分かるまでは未来を知ることはできないし、 私たち自身の起源を知ることも出来ない "Yet even now, time has only begun to tick." それが知りたくてこの分野を研究しているのです "On the scale of a human lifetime, the universe has just emerged from the womb." ダークエネルギーの正体を知ると 未来のビジョンが劇的に変わるだろう "Cold, dark, and empty - this is how the cosmos will spend most of its life." 時間が経過とともにこのエネルギーが弱くなるのなら 宇宙は重力による崩壊 "ビッグ・クランチ"を起こす "Our universe gives life only a brief moment to shine - a haven in time, safe from its fiery birth and icy death." 強くなってゆくならば宇宙は "ビッグ・リップ"で引き裂かれる The arrow of time creates a bright window 物理学者はこの宇宙以外にそれぞれ固有物理法則を持った複数の宇宙"多元宇宙"があるのではと疑い始めている in the universe's adolescence 生命誕生に適した条件を持つ宇宙もあるだろうが、そうでなければその宇宙は崩壊するか引き裂かれるだろう during which life is possible. それとも我々の想像をはるかに超える異質な宇宙があるかもしれない But it's a window that doesn't stay open for long. この謎を解く鍵はどこかにあって 我々に発見されることを待っている As a fraction of the lifespan of the universe, 現在予測されているのはこれまで以上に冷たく空虚になってゆく宇宙。 as measured from its beginning しかし疑問が浮上する「この終わりは新たな始まりにつながるだろうか?」と to the evaporation of the last black hole, いろいろな考えがあり、宇宙の終わりはある意味では新たな宇宙の始まりそのものだという説 life, エントロピーがすべてを消し去る前にこの宇宙を脱出する方法があるかもしれないと考える者もいる life, as we know it, 仮想宇宙のシミュレートは可能で,又は充分なエネルギーがあれば別の宇宙を創り出すことも可能かもしれない life, as we know it, is only possible for 数学と方程式を駆使して導かれる答えは このようになる one (10^(0)) もし途方もないエネルギーを一点に閉じ込めている原子をこじ開けることが出来るとしたら one thousandth (10^(-3)) おそらく「ベービー宇宙」への戸口を 開くことが可能になる one thousandth of a (10^(-3)) ありとあらゆるものの死に直面した時 - これがおそらく唯一の逃避の可能性 one thousandth of a billion (10^(-12)) 全く憶測の域を出ないが、ここから非常に興味深い可能性が導き出される one thousandth of a billion billion (10^(-21)) 知的生命体が存在する宇宙があるならば, one thousandth of a billion billion billionth (10^(-30)) 彼らは「ベービー宇宙」と「救命艇」を創りだし、創造された宇宙を無数に増やすだろう one thousandth of a billion billion billionth, billion (10^(-39)) その多元宇宙のどこかで進化が起こるかもしれない one thousandth of a billion billion billionth, billion billion (10^(-48)) 適者生存の可能性がある one thousandth of a billion billion billionth, billion billion billionth (10^(-57)) 知的な生命が存在しない宇宙は子を持つことがない one thousandth of a billion billion billionth, billion billion billionth billion (10^(-66)) しかし、私たちが住む適度な温度と星を持つ宇宙では one thousandth of a billion billion billionth, billion billion billionth billion billion (10^(-75)) 新たな宇宙を創造出来る文明が生まれ、 そこからさらに繁殖することができるかもしれない one thousandth of a billion billion billionth, billion billion billion billion billion billionth, (10^(-84)) この宇宙を脱出する方法が無ければエントロピーは最後に残った超巨大ブラックホール破壊まで増大を続ける one thousandth of a billion billion billionth, billion billion billion billion billion billionth, of a percent. (10^(-84)%) 最後のブラックホール爆発と死、 これが宇宙を照らす最後の光となる Black holes become 想像もつかないほどの時を経て, ブラックホールさえも消滅してしまい, the fundamental building block of the universe. 今,宇宙には光子だけが海となって残るが A galaxy will basically be それも宇宙の膨張で絶対零度に向かい, それと同じ温度へと冷却される a supermassive black hole in the center, 最後の星の最後の残骸が崩壊し ついに何もなくなると with smaller black holes orbiting it. 全てがおなじ温度となり 宇宙の物語はついに終わる Zombie galaxies filled with black holes continue to evolve. 時間は無意味となる They'll eat each other, and they'll get bigger, 宇宙の生涯に初めて永遠と不変が訪れる and maybe they'll fall into エントロピーの増加は止まる、 宇宙にはもう無秩序がなくなるから the supermassive black hole and it'll get bigger. もう何も起こらない、 そしてそのままになる、永遠に... The universe will still be an exciting, dynamic place. 奇跡はどこにでもある。暗闇にも、静寂にも..そして学ぶ、どんな状況であれ、そこに満足を見出すと。 ヘレン ケラー it's just that the time scales we're talking about Amara.orgコミュニティによる字幕 are now trillions of years, instead of thousands or millions of years. [Black home mergers] "In this far flung age, black hole mergers become the main event." "Some grow to enormous sizes, possibly trillions of times the mass of our sun." "When they merge, they send out powerful gravity waves that resonate throughout the universe." Black holes can bang on space-time like mallets on a drum. And have a very characteristic song, Imagine two black holes that have lived a long life together At the end of their lives they're going around each other, crossing thousands of kilometers in a fraction of a second. As they do so, they leave behind in their wake a ringing of space an actual wave on space-time. Space squeezes and stretches as it emanates out from these black holes banging on the universe. Those are the gravitational waves and are literally the sounds of space ringing and they will travel out from these black holes at the speed of light as they ring down and coalesce into one, spinning, quiet, black hole. If you were standing near enough, your ear would resonate with the squeezing and stretching of space, you would literally hear the sound. Imagine a lighter black hole falling into a very heavy black hole. The sound you're hearing is a light black hole banging on space each time it gets close. As it falls in, it gets faster, and it gets louder. Scientists used to think black holes were immortal, but even these will one day die. Now we're talking about time scales of unimaginable length quadrillions of years into the future. On that time scale, even the black holes begin to evaporate. [Hawking radiation] [Hawking radiation] [Hawking radiation] [Hawking radiation] According to quantum mechanics, According to quantum mechanics, [Hawking radiation] According to quantum mechanics, space is filled with virtual particles [Hawking radiation] space is filled with virtual particles space is filled with virtual particles [Hawking radiation] and antiparticles that are constantly materializing in pairs, and antiparticles that are constantly materializing in pairs, [Hawking radiation] and antiparticles that are constantly materializing in pairs, [Hawking radiation] separating, coming together again, separating, coming together again, [Hawking radiation] separating, coming together again, [Hawking radiation] and annihilating each other. and annihilating each other. [Hawking radiation] and annihilating each other. [Hawking radiation] [Hawking radiation] In the presence of a black hole, one member of a pair of [Hawking radiation] one member of a pair of [Hawking radiation] virtual particles may fall into the hole, virtual particles may fall into the hole, [Hawking radiation] virtual particles may fall into the hole, virtual particles may fall into the hole, leaving the other member without a partner with which to annihilate. [Hawking radiation] without a partner with which to annihilate. without a partner with which to annihilate. [Hawking radiation] The forsaken particle appears to be radiation The forsaken particle appears to be radiation [Hawking radiation] The forsaken particle appears to be radiation The forsaken particle appears to be radiation emitted by the black hole. [Hawking radiation] emitted by the black hole. [Hawking radiation] [Hawking radiation] And so, black holes are not eternal. And so, black holes are not eternal. [Black hole evaporation] They evaporate away at an increasing rate, until they vanish in a gigantic explosion. Quantum mechanics has allowed particles and radiation [Black holes begin to die] to escape from the ultimate prison - A black hole. "Black holes begin to evaporate away, erasing the last large-scale structures in the universe." "As they die, they light up the darkness one by one." "As the black holes slowly die off, the universe continues to expand, driven by a mysterious force we don't yet understand." [Dark Energy inflates the universe] "As the black holes slowly die off, the universe continues to expand, driven by a mysterious force we don't yet understand." "This is the frontier of human knowledge - a frontier ripe for exploration and discovery." Philosophers and poets have asked the question, "Will the world end in fire or ice?" We can now give an answer. The latest evidence shows that the universe is not slowing down, but it's speeding up out of control. And the universe, we think, will die in ice trillions upon trillions of years from now. Empty space itself has energy. In every little cubic centimeter of space, whether or not there's stuff, whether or not there's particles, matter, radiation, whatever... there is still energy, even in the space itself. And this energy, according to Einstein, exerts a push on the universe. What is the weird stuff that's accelerating the universe? We call it 'Dark energy'. And this stuff is the dominant stuff of the universe almost 3/4 of the matter-energy content of the universe is this dark energy and we don't know what it is. Dark energy, unlike matter or radiation, does not dilute away, as the universe expands. This has crucial implications for what the universe is going to do in the future. So, what will be the future of the universe? Well, if the dark energy remains dominant and repulsive, the universe will expand forever. Faster and faster and faster with time - A runaway universe. 70% of the energy of the universe resides in empty space and we don't understand why. But we do know what will happen. If that energy continues to be there, the universe will become cold and dark and empty. That's the future as it might be. We don't know because we don't yet understand the nature of dark energy. until we do, we won't know the future, we won't even understand our own origins and that's why we want to know and study this subject. "Discovering the true nature of dark energy could change our vision of the future dramatically." "If it somehow weakens over time, the universe could collapse under gravity - a 'big crunch'." "Given a boost, it could tear the universe apart at the seams - a 'big rip'." [Black hole era] "Physicists increasingly suspect that there may be multiple universes beyond our own, each with their own unique laws of physics." "Some would harbor the right conditions for life. Others could collapse or be ripped apart." "Others sill could be far more exotic than anything we could imagine." "New pieces to this puzzle are out there somewhere, waiting to be found." The forecast does seem to be for an ever-colder, ever-emptier universe. But then of course we have to ask, "Could that end lead to a new beginning?" And there are ideas, whereby what actually is the end of our universe, could in some sense, lead to the beginning of a new one. "Some speculate that there may be a way to escape our universe before entropy erases everything." "We could create simulated virtual universes, or with enough energy, create another one just like our own." We've worked out the mathematics, the equations, they seem to say that if you have an atom smasher, that can constrict tremendous amounts of energy at a single point, you can perhaps open up a gateway - A 'Baby universe' Facing the death of everything there is this perhaps is their only possibility of escape. And this also raises a very intriguing possibility, sheer pure speculation of course, that perhaps any universe that has intelligent life in it, will create baby universes, will create 'Lifeboats', and will proliferate child universes. and will proliferate child universes. [Last Black Hole evaporates] [Last Black Hole evaporates] So an evolution may take place among universes, [Last Black Hole evaporates] in the multiverse. [Last Black Hole evaporates] Survival of the fittest may take place. So those universes which do not have intelligent life are 'Infertile', they have no children. But those universes that have mild temperatures, stars like ours, would create civilizations that could open up child universes and they would then proliferate. "If there is no way to escape the universe, then entropy will march on, destroying the last remaining supermassive black holes." "As the last one explodes and dies, it bathes the universe in light one last time." [Black Hole era] "As the last one explodes and dies, it bathes the universe in light one last time." [Last Black Hole evaporates] "As the last one explodes and dies, it bathes the universe in light one last time." THE END. After an unimaginable length of time, even the black holes will have evaporated, and the universe will be nothing but a sea of photons gradually tending towards the same temperature as the expansion of the universe cools them towards absolute zero. Once the very last remnants of the very last stars have finally decayed away to nothing, and everything reaches the same temperature, the story of the universe finally comes to an end. "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS" For the first time in its life, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS" the universe will be permanent and unchanging. "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS" "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS" Entropy finally stops increasing, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS" because the cosmos cannot get any more disordered. "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS" "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS" Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS" Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, E Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ET Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETE Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETER Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERN Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNA Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNAL Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNALL Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNALLY Nothing happens, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNALLY. and it keeps not happening, "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNALLY. "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNALLY. forever... "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNALLY." "TIME BECOMES MEANINGLESS, ETERNALLY." "Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence... ...and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content." - Helen Keller CRAFTED BY MELODYSHEEP Supported by: Supported by: Protocol Labs Protocol Labs Protocol Labs What will you discover? Protocol Labs What will you discover? How will you change the future? What will you discover? How will you change the future? Featuring the voices of: Featuring the voices of: David Attenborough Featuring the voices of: Craig Childs Featuring the voices of: Brian Cox Featuring the voices of: Neil Degrasse Tyson Featuring the voices of: Michelle Thaller Featuring the voices of: Lawrence Krauss Featuring the voices of: Michio Kaku Featuring the voices of: Mike Rowe Featuring the voices of: Phil Plait Featuring the voices of: Janna Levin Featuring the voices of: Stephen Hawking Featuring the voices of: Sean Carroll Featuring the voices of: Alex Filippenko Featuring the voices of: Martin Rees Thanks to: Juan Benet & my supporters on Patreon Patreon.com/melodysheep MELODYSHEEP.COM | @MUSICALSCIENCE For Ash
B2 中上級 日本語 米 宇宙 ホール ブラック 膨張 太陽 エネルギー TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time (4K) 39 5 陳彥廷 に公開 2021 年 06 月 09 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語