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  • This is what the bare earth looks like, the bones of our planet revealed as the skin of

    これは裸の地球がどのように見えるかであり、 植物の皮が剥がさ

  • vegetation is peeled back.

    れたときに私たちの惑星の骨が明らかになりました 。

  • Despite the lack of life, these landscapes nonetheless inspire us with their stark beauty.


  • A product of endless sunshine and droughts, life yet still finds a way here, for plants

    果てしなく続く太陽の光と干ばつの産物であり 、これらの地域 で植物 が生き残る

  • to survive in these regions have gotten smart.

    ための方法はまだここにあり ます。 サハラ砂漠からソノラ 砂漠、

  • One of the most extreme biomes on our world, from the Sahara to the Sonora, the Gibson

    ギブソン 砂漠からゴビ砂漠 まで、私たちの世界で最も極端なバイオームの1つである

  • to the Gobi, these are the deserts of planet Earth.

    これらは、地球の砂漠です。 砂漠は

  • Deserts are among the most open form of country on earth,


  • where vegetation is sparse or effectively absent.

    、地球上で最も開かれた国の1 つです。

  • The cause of this is simple enoughit's just a lack of water.


  • Plants, like all forms of life, need that universal solvent, and when it's sparse,


  • they struggle, and in order to survive, they must get creative.


  • Deserts exhibit some of the most interesting and strange forms of plant life to be found

    砂漠は 、世界のどこにでも 見られる最も興味深く奇妙な形の植物を示し

  • anywhere in the world.

    ています。 この

  • The strict definition of deserts in the biome classification system we're using in this

    シリーズで 使用しているバイオーム分類システムでの砂漠の厳密な定義は

  • series, known as LONS08, is any biome containing bare earth, either in part between grasses,

    、LONS08と呼ばれ、草、 低木、樹木の 間に部分的に 、または完全に裸の、

  • shrubs or trees, or completely bare.

    裸の地球を含むバイオーム です。

  • This distinguishes the deserts from other desert like biomes, such as scrub, since the

    これにより、砂漠 は、低木の間の地面レベルで常に草が完全に覆われる

  • latter will always have a complete covering of grass at ground level between the shrubs.

    ため、スクラブなどのバイオームのような他の砂漠と区別されます 。

  • But while shrubs and grasses, and occasionally even trees, are also often present in deserts,


  • they are separated by sections of bare earth.


  • Deserts occur over extensive parts of the continental surface of the earth, present

    砂漠は、地球の大陸表面の広範囲に存在し 、すべての大陸に

  • on every continent, and are in fact the largest biome in terms of land area.

    存在 し、実際、陸地面積の点で最大のバイオームです。

  • They are basically subdivided into four forms, hot and cold, arid and semi-arid.


  • Arid deserts have practically no vegetation, while semi-arid regions contain a mix of plants


  • separated by bare earth as described a moment ago.

    、少し前に説明したように、裸の地球によって分離された 植物の混合物が含まれて います。

  • Hot deserts occur in the subtropics and are characterised by mild winters and very hot


  • summers, while cold deserts occur in the temperate latitudes and although they still have relatively

    夏が特徴です。一方、寒い砂漠は温帯で発生し、 夏 は比較的

  • hot summers, experience winters that can be brutally cold.


  • These elements, hot and cold, arid and semi-arid are mixed up in various ways to produce biomes


  • that are unique within the greater sphere of deserts.

    、砂漠のより広い範囲内でユニークな バイオームを生成します 。

  • The correlation between hot and cold deserts and their corresponding Koppen climate zones


  • is very clear.


  • Hot desert areas occur in regions defined by the Koppen Hot Arid (BWh) and Hot Semi-Arid

    暑い砂漠地帯は、コッペンの暑い乾燥(BWh) ゾーン と暑い半乾燥 (BSh)ゾーンで

  • (BSh) zones, while cold deserts are found in the Koppen Cool Arid (BWk) and Cool Semi-Arid

    定義される地域で発生し 、寒い砂漠は、コッペンの涼しい乾燥(BWk

  • (BSk) zones.

    )ゾーン と涼しい半乾燥

  • The climate phenomena and causes of these four basic types are discussed at length in

    (BSk)ゾーンで見られます。 これらの4つの基本的なタイプの気候現象と原因について

  • the two episodes of my Secrets of World Climate series that relate to deserts, which you'll

    は、 右上にリンクさ れている砂漠に関連する「世界の気候の秘密」シリーズの2つのエピソードで

  • find linked top right.

    詳しく説明して います 。

  • If we consult our Holdridge Lifezones chart, we can find the deserts at the extreme left

    Holdridge Lifezonesチャートを参照する と、図の 左端 にある

  • of the diagram, where rainfall is at its lowest.

    砂漠を見つけることができます 。ここでは、降雨量が最も少なくなっています。

  • Note that the deserts span every latitude of earth, from the tropics to the poles.


  • Although parts of Antarctica are the driest on Earth, these regions are classified within


  • the Ice biome since the perpetually cold temperatures on that continent are considered to be the

    、その大陸の永続的な低温 が降水の局所的な欠如に対する決定的な特徴である

  • defining characteristic over any localised absences of precipitation.

    と考えられているため、氷バイオーム 内 に

  • The aridity indexthe ratio of evapotranspiration to available water - is at its highest anywhere

    分類されます 。 乾燥指数(蒸発散量と利用可能な水との比率)は

  • on earth in the hot deserts of the subtropics, where searing temperatures combine with a

    、亜熱帯の暑い砂漠の地球上の どこでも最も高く 、灼熱の気温

  • near-absence of rain to make any plant growing extremely difficult.


  • The deserts are the only biome where, mostly or completely devoid of vegetation, the bones

    砂漠は、ほとんどまたは完全に植生がなく 、私たちの惑星 の骨 がむき出しになっ

  • of our planet are laid bare.

    ている唯一のバイオーム です。

  • These "bones" come in many forms.


  • Astronomically, earth is regarded as a rocky planet, and beneath any vegetation, or oceans,

    天文学的には、地球は岩石の惑星と見なされており、植生や海の下で は 、

  • its crust is some form of rock, usually oxides of silicon mixed with other minerals.


  • These other minerals, and the way in which these rocks were formed beneath the earth,


  • give them different colours.


  • So where you see deserts, these exposed rocks reveal their many colours, from the white

    したがって、砂漠を見ると、これらの露出した岩 は、ナトリウム塩とカルシウム塩の

  • of sodium and calcium salts, to the red of iron, the black of basalt, and the beige of

    白から、 鉄の赤、玄武岩の黒、そして 砂漠に最も一般的に関連する色 である

  • sandstone, the colour most commonly associated with deserts.

    砂岩 のベージュ まで、多くの色を示しています。

  • Lacking cloud cover, deserts have high ranges in temperature from night to day.


  • In a process called weathering, these temperature changes stress the rock where it is exposed,


  • and eventually break it up, depositing it in heaps of shattered rock below, known as scree.


  • Additionally, with little root vegetation to hold onto it, desert winds, laden with

    さらに、それを保持するための根の植生がほとんどなく、 砂 を積んだ砂漠の風が

  • sand, further wear at the rocks to create more sand, and in places, this sand gathers


  • in enormous dunes.

    巨大な砂丘に 集まり ます。

  • Dunes spread out over a wide area are referred to as ergs, and some of these ergs can stretch

    広範囲に広がる砂丘はエルグと呼ばれ、 中央アジアのタクラマカン砂漠に見られるような

  • for thousands of square kilometres, such as those found in the Taklamakan desert of Central Asia.

    、これらのエルグのいくつかは 数千平方キロメートルに及ぶ 可能性 があります。

  • Salt is a common feature of this biome.


  • Rivers running into deserts very often end there, due to evaporation from the intense

    砂漠に流れ込む川は、強い 太陽 からの蒸発のためにそこで終わることがよくあり、

  • sun, and as they dry out, they deposit any salt dissolved within.


  • In geological times past, ancient seas once connected to the oceans were cut off, and,


  • within the parched desert climate, dried out to form salt lakes.


  • So very often the soil is salty, and as a consequence many desert plants have adapted

    非常に多くの場合、土壌は塩分が多く、その結果、多くの砂漠の植物は 耐塩性が高くなる

  • by becoming highly salt tolerant and such plants are called halophytes, after the Greek

    ことで適応 し、そのような植物はギリシャ 語の塩の「ハラス」に ちなんで塩生植物と呼ばれ

  • wordhalasfor salt.

    ます。 一方、大規模な干ばつに耐えることができる植物は

  • Plants that can withstand extensive droughts, on the other hand, are called xerophytes,


  • after the Greek wordxerosfor dry.

    植物と呼ばれ ます。

  • The mechanisms of how such plants deal with drought is numerous, but all centre around


  • retaining as much moisture as possible from the infrequent rains that might come their way.


  • Moisture in plants is lost through leaves, and in particular through stomata, the breathing

    中心に しています。 植物の水分は葉を通して、特に気孔を通して失われます。気孔は、

  • holes in leaves that exchange CO2 for oxygen.

    CO2を酸素と交換する葉 の呼吸 穴です。

  • Since sunlight is readily available in deserts, small leaves are standard for desert plants,


  • since these leaves provide enough for photosynthesis, but are kept small to reduce moisture loss.


  • Others keep their stomata closed during droughts, preventing growth, but also greatly reducing

    他の人々は干ばつの間気孔を閉じたままにして成長を防ぎますが、 水分の損失を

  • moisture loss.

    大幅に減らし ます。

  • Another adaptation is storing as much water as possible within the plant itself, and this


  • is the defining characteristic of the class of plants known as Succulents, which have

    は多肉植物として知られている植物のクラスの決定的な特徴です 。そして

  • thick fleshy stems and leaves.

    、それは 厚い肉質の茎と葉 を持ってい ます。

  • The most well-known sub-class of the succulents is, of course, the cactus family.


  • Despite being only found only in the Americas, cacti are regarded as the iconic desert plant,


  • and could be mistaken for naturally occurring throughout the world, when they are not.


  • Cacti's excellent ability to store water is well-knownin the case of the Saguaro


  • cactus, one of the largest, a fully grown specimen can soak up to 200 gallons of water

    サボテンの 場合 、最大の完全に成長した標本の1つは、 降雨後に

  • after rainfall.


  • In these brief interludes between the long droughts, when rain comes to the desert, the

    ます。 長い干ばつの間のこれらの短い間奏で、雨が砂漠に来るとき、

  • plants therein frantically attempt to reproduce, and so a desert will bloom in a riot of wildflower

    その中 の 植物は必死に繁殖しようとします、そしてそれで砂漠は

  • colour after a rainstorm, transforming the landscape overnight.

    暴風雨の後 に野生の花の 色の 暴動で咲き、 一晩で風景を変えます。

  • So where in the world do we find the deserts?


  • Starting in North America, in the Western half of the United States we have the extensive

    北米を皮切りに、米国の西半分に はネバダ州とユタ州の

  • Great Basin cold desert of Nevada and Utah, while further south, and at lower altitudes,

    広大な グレートベースンの冷たい砂漠があり、さらに南に

  • we have the hot deserts of the Mojave, Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts extending from Southern

    は、モハーベ砂漠、ソノラ砂漠、チワワ砂漠の暑い砂漠があります。 カリフォルニア

  • California, through Arizona and New Mexico, down into most of north and western Mexico.

    南部 、アリゾナとニューメキシコを通り、メキシコ北部と西部のほとんどに至る。

  • In South America, we have two principle desert regions.


  • Practically the entire long coastline of Peru is extremely arid desert, second only to the


  • Atacama of Chile, the driest of all deserts.

    すべての砂漠の中で最も乾燥しているチリ の アタカマに

  • Further south and on the opposite side of the Andes, we have the hot semi-arid deserts

    次ぐもの です。 さらに南にあり、アンデスの反対側には、

  • of North-western Argentina that continue south down to the tip of that continent as the cold

    アルゼンチン北西部の 暑い半乾燥砂漠 が あり、パタゴニアの 冷たい 砂漠

  • desert of Patagonia.

    としてその大陸の先端まで南に続いています 。

  • Skipping across the South Atlantic and we reach Namibia and Western South Africa, where


  • the arid Namib desert of the coast extends inland to the more semi-arid landscapes of

    は、海岸の乾燥したナミブ砂漠が内陸に広がり 、カラハリ低木

  • the Kalahari bushland.


  • Heading north, and in Europe, we can find some localised semi-arid regions in Eastern

    ています。 北に向かって、そしてヨーロッパでは、 スペイン 東部

  • and Southern Spain, while the Canary Islands to the south west are mostly desert at the

    と南部に いくつかの局所的な半乾燥地域を見つけることができます

  • lower elevations.


  • East of the Canaries and we arrive at the world's largest, and most famous desert,

    低地の 砂漠 です。 カナリア諸島の東に行くと、世界最大で最も有名な砂漠で

  • the Sahara.

    あるサハラ砂漠 に到着し ます。

  • Most of this hot desert is so dry that it supports almost no vegetation, with semi arid


  • conditions occurring on the northern and southern fringes.

    、北と南のフリンジ で半乾燥 状態が発生しています。

  • This desert continues east into the Horn of Africa, and the Arabian and Syrian deserts

    この砂漠は東にアフリカの角まで続き 、中東の

  • of the Middle East, which have alternately arid and semi arid conditions.

    アラビアとシリアの砂漠 は、交互に乾燥と半乾燥の状態にあります。

  • This region is further connected to the Iranian plateau where cool deserts are found, and


  • east again into the Baluchistan desert bordering Pakistan and ending in the Thar desert of

    パキスタンと国境を接し、 北西インドの タール砂漠で終わるバルチスタン砂漠に再び東に向かってい

  • North-west India.


  • Connected to the North of this region are the cool deserts of Central Asia, with the


  • Karakum of Turkmenistan being among the most arid.

    、トルクメニスタン の カラカムは最も乾燥している地域の1つです。

  • The semi arid conditions north of here encompass most of Kazakhstan and where these merge into


  • the Russian steppes defines the actual border of these two large countries.

    ロシアの草原に 合流する場所 は、これら2つの大きな国の実際の国境を定義します。

  • East over the Altai mountains, and we find the Taklamakan desert of Western China, one


  • of the most forbidding of all deserts, such is its aridity and freezing winter temperatures.

    、すべての砂漠の中で最も禁止されている砂漠の 1つ であり、その乾燥と凍えるような冬の気温です。

  • This desert is connected to the north east to the most famous of cold deserts, the Gobi

    この砂漠は北東に最も有名な寒い砂漠、 モンゴル

  • of Mongolia and northern China.

    のゴビ砂漠 と中国北部に つながってい ます。

  • Lastly, in Australia, the driest of all continents, we have semi-arid conditions making up most

    最後に、すべての大陸の中で最も乾燥しているオーストラリアでは 、この国の 大部分を占める半乾燥状態にあり

  • of this country.


  • Extending from the coasts of Western Australia, through thered centreto the fringes


  • of the savannahs that run down the eastern side of the continent.

    、大陸の東側を走るサバンナ の周辺まで伸びてい

  • In contrast to the isolated regional development of species in the Shrublands that we discussed

    ます。 前回のエピソードで 説明した低木地の種の孤立した地域開発とは対照的に

  • in the last episode, deserts have much more extensive contiguous ranges, allowing individual

    、砂漠ははるかに広い隣接範囲を持っており、個々の 種が広い地域に広がる ことを可能にし ます。

  • species to spread over wide areas.

    デイジーファミリー やフランケニアファミリーの顕花低木

  • Several plant families have colonised most of the globe including that of the Daisy family


  • and the Frankenia family of flowering shrubs.

    。 Artemisiaファミリーは、セイジブラシ

  • The Artemisia family are found across all northern hemisphere deserts, including sagebrush

    やよもぎ を含むすべての北半球の砂漠で見られますが

  • and wormwood, while the Chenopodium and Atriplex families are both referred to, rather confusingly,


  • as saltbushes, and are found in every continent.

    、ハマアカザ と呼ばれ、

  • If we look at regional variants, and firstly in South America, west of the Andes along

    すべての大陸で見られます。 地域の変種を見ると、最初に南アメリカ、 ペルーの海岸に

  • the Peruvian coast and down to the Atacama desert of Chile, rainfall is so minimal that

    沿っ て アンデスの西 、チリのアタカマ砂漠に至るまで、降雨量は非常に少ないため、

  • practically nothing grows.


  • East of the Andes in Patagonia, however, we have extensive semi-desert populated by low-lying


  • shrubs such as Nassauvia and Chuquiraga, along with Brachyclados daisies and Burkartia.

    ブラキクラドスのヒナギクやブルカルティアに加えて、ナッソービアやチュキラガなどの低木 が生息する広大な半砂漠が あります。

  • The largest contiguous desert region connects the Sahara of Africa to the Middle-East, Central


  • Asia and India, and so species here tend to be spread across this region, always on the


  • fringes of the extreme desert interiors where very little grows.


  • Wormwood (Artemisia), Tamarisk and Nitre bushes are the most common shrubs, while Bean caper,


  • Atriplex and Feathergrass make up other common species.


  • Date Palms are perhaps the most significant, being one of the few sources of food for humans

    ナツメヤシはおそらく最も重要であり、 何千年もの間、中東の砂漠地帯にいる

  • in the desert areas of the Middle East, as they have been for thousands of years.

    人間にとって数少ない食料源の1つです 。 南西アフリカのナミブ砂漠とカラハリ砂漠には、アロエディコ

  • In the Namib and Kalahari deserts of South-West Africa, we find many aloes including the Quiver

    (Aloidendron dichotomum)やミルクブッシュ(Euphorbia virosa)、独特の奇妙な

  • tree (Aloidendron dichotomum) and Milk Bush (Euphorbia virosa) and the uniquely strange

    ウェルウィッチ アなど、多くのアロエが

  • Weltwischia.


  • In Australia, in addition to Spinifex grasses that were mentioned in the Shrublands, we


  • find the Bush tomato, the Cabbage palm (Livistona mariae), and the Desert Oak (Allocasuarina decaisneana).

    、ブッシュトマト、キャベツヤシ(Livistona mariae)、デザートオーク(Allocasuarina decaisneana)があります。

  • Lastly, in North America, we find perhaps the most iconic of all desert plants.


  • While Sagebrush (Artemisia) is found all across the Great Basin of the American cool desert,


  • further south we find the Saguaro Cactus ranging from Arizona down into the Sonoran desert

    いたるところに見られますが 、 さらに南にはアリゾナから メキシコの ソノラ砂漠 に

  • of Mexico.


  • And then there's the Blue Agave, now grown commercially for its juice that powers that

    ます。 そして、現在 、メキシコのすべての飲み物の中で最も有名なテキーラに

  • most famous of all Mexican drinks, Tequila.

    電力を供給するジュースのために商業的に栽培されているブルーアガベがあり ます。

  • In parts of Califonia we find the Joshua Tree, a type of Yucca, while Creosote Bushes are


  • extensively ranged across the hot deserts in this region.


  • Clonal colonies of Creosote Bushes are among the oldest living organisms known, with one


  • colony, deriving from a single plant thought to be over 11,000 years old.


  • Talking of age, and the high altitude desert of California is home to the oldest trees

    年齢について言えば、カリフォルニアの高地の砂漠に は、世界で 最も古い木

  • in the world.


  • The Bristlecone Pine is incredibly hardy, and one individual tree, known as Methuselah,


  • is believed to be almost 5,000 years old.


  • Just think about that for a secondit was already a thousand years old when the

    ちょっと考えてみて ください。エジプト の ファロアが目立つように

  • Pharoahs of Egypt rose to prominence, three millennia old when Ancient Rome was at its

    なったのはすでに1000年 前、古代ローマが ピークに達した ときは3千年前

  • peak, and four and a half thousand when Europeans first travelled to the Americas.

    、ヨーロッパ人が最初に南北アメリカに旅行した ときは 45 、 000 年前 でした 。

  • When it comes to age, we are truly humbled by the trees of this world.


  • Due to the limited supply of vegetation, deserts do not support a large amount of wildlife,


  • and that which is present is mostly in the form of snakes, scorpions and the like.


  • Something to bear in mind if you're camping out in the desert, and have some unwelcome


  • guests snuggling up in your warm sleeping bag at night, or making a home of your boots

    夜に暖かい寝袋に寄り添ったり、 翌朝 ブーツ の

  • the following morning.

    家を作ったりする場合は、注意 が必要です。

  • Despite the suppression of plant life by the arid conditions of deserts, this biome has


  • a special place in the minds of so many of us, possessing a beauty that is both stark

    私たちの多くの心の中で特別な場所を 持っており

  • and so different to the rest of the much greener biomes.

    、他のはるかに環境に優しいバイオームと はまったく 異なる

  • Deserts have inspired artists and writers for centuries, from the Arabian Nights that

    美しさを持ってい ます。 砂漠は、 西部劇の文学 を 形作っ たアラビアンナイトから、

  • shaped western story literature, to the innumerable books, TV series and movies of the Western

    西部劇の無数の本、テレビシリーズ、映画に 至るまで、何世紀にもわたって芸術家や作家に影響を与えてき

  • genre, and as such, the deserts are the only biome to have become the central feature of


  • a whole class of popular culture.


  • And that is the deserts.


  • I hope you enjoyed this journey into the parched lands of our planet.


  • If you did, please like and share this video, and let me know your thoughts in the comments.


  • Don't forget to subscribe, so you don't miss future episodes.


  • Thanks again for watching, and for the next episode, it's time to giddy-up, as we venture

    ご覧いただきありがとうございます。次のエピソードで は、草原の

  • into the horse latitudes of the grasslands.

    亜熱帯高圧帯に足を踏み入れて、目がくらむ時間 です。

This is what the bare earth looks like, the bones of our planet revealed as the skin of

これは裸の地球がどのように見えるかであり、 植物の皮が剥がさ


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