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  • Hello brains!


  • Welcome to my definitions and answers series, where I explain common terms related to ADHD.

    「定義と答え」シリーズにようこそ。ここでは ADHD 関連の一般フレーズについて説明していきます。

  • Since this is the first video in the series, let's start with the basics.


  • What is ADHD?

    ADHD とは何でしょう?

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is a Neurodevelopmental disorder, as defined by the American psychiatric association in the diagnostic and statistical manual, or DSM.


  • ADHD is currently diagnosed in both children and adults based on the symptoms of inattention, and hyperactivity or impulsivity.

    ADHD は現在子どもと大人の両方に見られ、注意力散漫や多動性・衝動性といった症状が出ます。

  • Two of several signs of inattention include making careless mistakes or having difficulty focusing.


  • A few of the many signs of hyperactivity and impulsivity include fidgeting or restlessness, trouble sitting still, or interrupting and blurting out answers.


  • While everyone does these things sometimes, not everyone has ADHD.


  • An ADHD diagnosis requires at least six symptoms that are beyond what is age-appropriate, that significantly impair multiple aspects of one's life, such as home school and work, that have persisted for at least six months, been present since before the age of 12, and can't be better explained by a different condition.


  • Not everyone with ADHD has the same symptoms.


  • In fact, ADHD diagnoses are separated into three presentations: Primarily inattentive, primarily hyperactive or impulsive, and combined type.


  • There are different levels of severity.


  • And people with ADHD often have co-existing conditions such as learning disabilities, anxiety, or depression.

    ADHD を抱える人は、得てして学習障害や不安感、うつといった症状を併せ持っている事が多くなります。

  • They can also be gifted; The term for this is twice exceptional.


  • While there is no cure for ADHD, it is highly treatable.

    ADHD を完治させることはできませんが、治療は可能です。

  • There is no single treatment that works for everyone with ADHD, but the current recommendation based on a ton of research is Multimodal treatment.

    ADHD 患者全員に効く治療法はありませんが、多くのリサーチに裏付けられた現在推奨される方法はマルチモーダル療法と呼ばれるものです。

  • Medication to manage symptoms, and behavioral therapy to develop the skills and strategies necessary to minimize impairment.


  • Those with ADHD often struggle with everyday tasks, and are at a higher risk for negative life outcomes such as divorce, job loss, accidents, and addiction.

    ADHD 患者は日々のタスクを上手くできないので、離婚や失職、事故や中毒症状などのマイナスのイベントに陥る可能性が高くなってきます。

  • At the same time, many people with ADHD credit their success to the unique ways in which their brain works.

    それと同時に、ADHD を抱えている人の多くが、自分の脳の働き方が他人と違うために成功を収めたと自覚しています。

  • ADHD symptoms such as impulsivity and distractibility can translate into creativity, curiosity, a willingness to take risks, and an ability to think outside the box.


  • Fun fact: the name ADHD has only been around since 1987, but the condition itself has been described by physicians at least as early as 1798.

    面白い事実として、ADHD 名前自体は 1987 年あたりから使われるようになりましたが、症状自体は少なくとも1798年というはるか昔から医者によって認識はされていました。

  • So, it's nothing new, and our understanding of ADHD is constantly evolving.

    ですから、特に真新しい物でもなく、ADHD に対する知識は常に成長を遂げています。

  • What it is? What causes it? How it affects us? And how to address it?


  • For example, you might hear many experts refer to it as an executive function disorder, and while this isn't listed in the current DSM, emotional dysregulation is also a well-researched aspect of ADHD.

    例えば、専門家の多くが遂行機能障害と結びつけることもありますし、現行の DSM には記載されていませんが、感情の調整不全というのもADHD の側面として深くリサーチされています。

  • As we learn more and more about ADHD, the definition will definitely be updated in both the DSM and the ICD, which is the other major reference for medical definitions.

    ADHD について解明が進む中で、その定義は間違いなく DSM ともう一つの主要医療定義参考文献である ICD においてアップデートされていくことになります。

  • Whatever we call it, and however we define it, those with ADHD experience its impact on many aspects of their lives.

    呼び方は何であれ、定義が何であれ、ADHD を抱えている人というのは人生の中で多くの場面においてその影響を受けています。

  • If you'd like to learn more about ADHD check out my ADHD essentials playlist here.

    さらに詳しく ADHD の事を知りたい方は、ここから ADHD 基本動画をチェックしてください。

  • And if you'd like to support this work, consider donating to Howtoadhd on Patreon.

    そしてこのプロジェクトのサポートを考えていただける方は、PatreonのHowtoadhd に寄付をお願いします。

  • The brain advocates shown here, and all the Patreon brains, are the reason we can create content that helps ADHD brains, and hearts who love them, learn to work with their brains, not against them.

    ここに名前の載っている方や Patreon のサポーターの皆さんのおかげで、ADHD を理解して、愛情を持って接することで敵対するのではなく一緒に協力して進むことができるためのコンテンツを作ることができているんです。

  • Let me know what you think of this new series, and let me know what definitions I should do in the future then go... watch more videos!


  • Unless you need to sleep, or eat, or study.


  • Then you should probably do that. I should probably do that. Bye brains!


Hello brains!


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