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  • China is holding Brazil hostage

  • After President Bolsonaro criticized the CCP.

  • China's “Vaccine Diplomacy

  • is calculated terror.

  • Welcome to China Uncensored, I'm Chris Chappell.

  • The coronavirus has become the greatest weapon  

  • of the Chinese Communist Party. That's one  reason I've been calling it the CCP Virus

  • As I mentioned in the episode that came outfew days ago, there's growing evidence the global  

  • pandemic that killed millions worldwide  accidentally leaked from a Chinese lab.

  • The Communist Party spent the crucial first  6 weeks of the outbreak covering it up.  

  • They used that time to hoard medical supplies.

  • And now, the Chinese Communist Party is using  vaccine diplomacy to further strongarm the  

  • world, particularly in Latin America. The efficacy of Chinese vaccines is not high.  

  • Especially compared to the other  first-generation coronavirus vaccines.

  • But there aren't yet enough high-quality  American and European vaccines for every  

  • country, so a lot of countries have no choice  right now but to rely on Chinese vaccines.

  • According to Jason Marczak, director of the  Latin American Center at the Atlantic Council  

  • think tank, “From a public relations standpointChina has sought to shift the narrative from  

  • China being at the center of the Covid problem to  China being at the center of the Covid solution.”

  • Which could very well be the greatest  turnaround in history. After Superbowl  

  • 51—when the Patriots were down 28-3 going into the  second half, and ended up winning it in overtime.

  • In other words, China's  strategy is to be Tom Brady.

  • Or more like Evil Tom Brady. Because  China's plan for a turnaround  

  • involves *selectively* giving out vaccinesonly  to countries that do what Beijing wants.

  • Brazil is a great example.

  • Brazil has been wary of giving  Chinese telecom company Huawei  

  • access to the Brazilian market. You knowbecause of serious security concerns.

  • US Officials have said using Huawei technology  opens the door to Chinese spying and censorship.

  • But with the Brazilian people  suffering from the CCP Virus,  

  • President Jair Bolsonaro felt he had no  choice but to make a deal with China.

  • Back in January, in exchange for China speeding up  the procedures that would give Brazil the vaccine,  

  • Bolsonaro's government signaled  it would allow Huawei to bid  

  • in the 5G auction later this year. The  contract is worth around 30 billion US dollars.

  • So Bolsonaro had to acceptpotential Chinese security threat  

  • later, to stop a deadly Chinese virus now.

  • But it turns out, the deal  also comes with censorship.

  • In May, President Bolsonaro seemingly criticized  

  • China for taking advantage of the coronavirus  for its own gain. He said, “It is a new virus,  

  • nobody knows if it was born in a laboratory or by  some human being that ate an inadequate animal.  

  • But it is there. The military knows what  chemical, bacteriological and radiologic war is.  

  • Aren't we facing a new war? Which country  grew its GDP the most? I won't tell you.”

  • He's talking about China. Obviously. But come on,  a new war? Isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?  

  • No. Because China does see it as war.

  • Not long after Bolsonaro's comments, China  stopped sending vaccine ingredients to Brazil.

  • Brazil uses those vaccine  ingredients to make the final  

  • vaccine that it distributes to its population.

  • But with China cutting these ingredients off,  

  • it puts Brazil in a dangerous situationEspecially as Brazil's Covid death toll spirals.

  • Only about 7% of Brazilians have been fully  vaccinated. More than 420,000 Brazilians have  

  • died. Again, from a disease the Chinese  Communist Party is responsible for.  

  • Possibly for a lab leak, and certainly for their  6-week coverup that allowed it to spread globally.

  • So the Communist Party is taking advantage of  Brazil's desperation for the vaccine. A rival  

  • to Bolsonaro, São Paulo's Governor João Doriacriticized Bolsonaro's government saying, “How can  

  • they attack those who supply us with raw materials  and vaccines to save Brazil's population?”

  • I bet China likes this guy. Maybe he could be  the next president! Doria also said he spoke  

  • with Brazil's Chinese Ambassador who said, “[The  Sinovac] raw material is ready and available  

  • in refrigerated containers, just waiting for  the authorization of the Chinese government.”

  • In other words, there is no shortage  of ingredients for the Chinese vaccine.  

  • The Chinese government is just  sitting on it until Brazil begs.

  • And Governor Doria begged.

  • So after Doria met with Chinese officialsChina released a new batch of vaccine supplies.

  • And this is how the Chinese government is forcing  Brazil to play its game. With moves like that,  

  • no wonder it can pull an Evil Tom  Brady and win every Superbowl.

  • And this isn't just happening in Brazil.

  • It's happening all over Latin America.

  • Latin American officials say China  has pushed their countries to cut  

  • ties with Taiwan in return for  badly needed Covid-19 vaccines.”

  • Only a handful of countries in the world still  recognize Taiwan as a country. China is trying  

  • very hard to change that. Since 2017, three  Latin American countriesPanama, Dominica,  

  • and El Salvadorhave broken ties with Taiwan  in favor of China. That's becauseChina has  

  • invested in ports, roads, dams and railways, often  offering loans to Latin American governments,  

  • and made big purchases of minerals  and agricultural commodities.”

  • But countries like Honduras and Paraguay, which  still recognize Taiwan, don't get all that nice  

  • economic development. And guess which countries  aren't getting Chinese coronavirus vaccines now?  

  • Unless of course, they cut ties with Taiwan.

  • Now keep in mind, China is not donating  these vaccines. They're selling them. Yeah,  

  • when you get the world sick and then sell  them a cure, you can make a lot of money.

  • And this is what's at stake  if the Chinese Communist Party  

  • dominates global supply chains. It can hold  the world hostage to its political demands.

  • And now is the time when I answer  a question from one of our fans.  

  • Normally, I take a question  from our supporters on Patreon.

  • But today, I want to give a special  thank you to the folks who watch our new  

  • Portuguese channel. Yes, we havePortuguese channel. The link is below.

  • And so today I'll answer a question  from one of our Portuguese-speaking  

  • YouTube subscribers in Brazil.

  • Daniel H P Carvalho asks: “Hello Chris. In what ways do you think  

  • Brazil can help in the fight against China? I know  that China depends a lot on exports from Brazil  

  • to feed its population. Could this dependency  be useful for Brazil as a negotiation tool?”

  • Good question, Daniel.

  • China does depend on Brazil,  

  • especially on soybeans. About three quarters  of China's soybean imports are from Brazil.

  • But that's not good enough leverage  for Brazil. The Chinese Communist  

  • Party is always willing to endure  short-term losses to punish others.

  • For example, a few years ago, after  the trade dispute with President Trump,  

  • China tried to punish American farmers  by cutting off American soybean imports.

  • And then China increased imports from BrazilIn other words, Brazil is just a pawn to them.

  • The key to not being China's pawn  is to not play their game at all.

  • Brazil is a great country, and it was great  before it started working with the Chinese  

  • Communist Party. The key for Brazil is to build  up its own manufacturing economy, and to work with  

  • trusted alliesand gradually reduce dependence on  China in all respects. If the Brazilian government  

  • continues to deepen its relationship with ChinaBrazilians will become less and less free. You're  

  • already losing your freedom to Chinese-imposed  censorship. And that's just the beginning.

  • So the best way Brazilians can help  

  • is to vote for politicians who will  stand up to the Chinese Communist Party.

  • Thanks for your question, Daniel.

  • And thank you for watching. And please, tell  everyone you know who speaks Portuguese to  

  • check out our new Portuguese channel, run by  my colleagues in Brazil. The link is below.

  • I'm Chris Chappell. Thanks  for watching China Uncensored.

China is holding Brazil hostage


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China PUNISHES Brazil with Coronavirus Terror

  • 8 0
    zijun su に公開 2021 年 05 月 30 日