字幕表 動画を再生する
well good morning guys from our hotel room here in rio gallegos today is a travel day
ここにもリオガイェゴス今日で私たちのホテルの部屋からおはようみんなが旅行日 とフル告白
and full confession we are pretty bad planners sometimes like we just forget to check details
である 私達はちょうど 私たちは絶対に我々が するまで持っていた
like departure times and things like that so today we were absolutely convinced that we
had until 4 p.m to kind of like you know stay in the hotel get some work done we even asked for a
late check out because we thought that's when our bus was leaving the city and we thought we were
午後4時からホテルに滞在して仕事を するために、バスが街を
arriving in el calafate santa cruz argentina at 8pm well no it turns out our bus leaves four hours
出発し、午後8時にエルカラファテサンタクルスアルゼンチンに到着する と思ったので 、
earlier at 12. so yeah it's a good thing we decided to check the departure times on our
レイトチェックアウト も依頼しました。 いいえ、バスは4時間 前の12時に出発します。
tickets this morning because now we are basically running around trying to finish work sam's trying
to finish uploading some videos i have to clean up this mess we have behind us i need to take
出発時刻を確認することにしました。 サムは いくつかのビデオのアップロードを完了 しようと
care of the packing and yeah we need to get organized we thought we were gonna have a bit
of a chill work day because this hotel has such a nice lounge area but no we need to get going
which is fine because we are off to el calafate argentina which is probably one of the most
beautiful destinations in all of argentina patagonia it is known for the majestic glacier
私たちは少し 寒い仕事をする つもりだと思いました しかし
perito moreno which we do plan to visit so we're actually super pumped to be heading back inland
、アルゼンチンのパタゴニアで 最も 美しい目的地の 1つであるエルカラファテアルゼンチンに
here we've been in coastal patagonia argentina now we're going to be heading back inland it's
行くので、行く必要はありません。 これは、私たちが
a relatively short bus ride four hours so yeah we're feeling pumped we just need to get started
訪れる予定の 壮大な氷河 ペリトモレノで 知られている ので、私たちは ' アルゼンチンの沿岸パタゴニアに行ってきた ので、実際には非常に興奮して内陸に戻っ てきました。今度は内陸に戻る予定です。 バスで4時間と比較的短いので、気分が高揚している
so some of you are probably going to find this really weird but when i leave a hotel room
ので 、始める必要があります。 おそらくこれは本当に奇妙だ
i have to make the bed and leave the hotel room looking tidy i think maybe it's because as a
child my parents used to run a hotel and i heard the horror stories of like how messy people were
and like the disasters the bedrooms were when some people checked out so i just like to be
a good guest leave things looking good so that's what i'm doing right now i'm
のようなホラーストーリー だから私はちょうど
making the bed perhaps a little weird let me know if you have any quirks with hotel rooms as well
良いゲストになりたいので物事を美しく見せておくのでそれが今私がしている こと です私は おそらくベッドを作っています少し変な場合は私に知らせてくださいホテルの部屋にも癖がある
voila room is clean and tidy sam's packing up the camera
the laptop would given the lack of time we had this morning we got so much done got a
ので、今朝の時間が足りなかっ たので 、 ビデオを 撮っ た
video up so look happy for that i didn't think it was almost like a bit of a mission impossible
ので、私は幸せそうに見えました」ちょっとしたミッションのようでしたが、 今は
now we just gotta hopefully do you got your bus on time please fingers crossed
不可能だと思い ます。バスを時間どおりに到着させてください。指を交差さ
made it to the bus terminal and sam likes a good map there's a fantastic map here so we can give
you kind of a visual of where we've been in the last few weeks so we started off in barloche we
親切に教えてください。過去数週間の様子を視覚的に確認したので 、ここで先に 行っ た
did earlier right here went all the way to elbow zone where we hung out with valentin then we had
ドジョッチで始め ました。エルボーゾーンまで行き、そこでバレンタインとぶらぶらしました。その後 、アサドをスケールで 持ってい
the asado in a scale yeah goodbye to valentine now you gotta zoom out here zoom out so then we went
all the way down to commodore spent a few days there loved it then all the way down to here
コモドールに 行き 、そこで数日過ごしましたそれを愛し、そしてここに 一晩バスで再びリオガレゴスに行きました今私たちはあなたが見ることができるようにエルカラファテに行きます
overnight bus again to rio gallegos now we're going to el calafate as you can see there's the
右ここにエルを訪問する氷河があるように そこに 起こって います チャルテンそしてそこから チリに
there's going to be glaciers to visit right here then el chalten and then from there we're heading
向かい 、トレスデルパイネを訪れ ます。それから 、チリ フェリーの 最後の停留所で
into chile to visit torres del paine and then we're going to punto arenas our last stop in chile
あるプント アリーナに行き 、ティエラデルフエゴの チリ 側に行きます。ウシュアイア と私たちは
ferry to the chilean side of tierra del fuego yeah and then we take the bus all the way to ushuaia
私たちの旅の人たちの 残り の 部分であるバックブエノスアイレスに続いtohuinに向かうことになるだろうとしている、
and then we're going to be heading to tohuin and then back to buenos aires that is the rest
of our trip guys you have revealed the rest i've revealed the secret my oh my
all right guys so we are on the bus we scored some amazing seats once again that's the beauty
。これは、前回の旅行のように事前に旅行を予約する ことの美しさ
of booking your travels in advance on like last trip yeah um we were able to get seats one and
です。ええと 、前の 席で1と 2の 席を確保することができました。
two right at the front um and this is meant to be one of the most beautiful drives ever like the
mountains yeah seriously once we get back to the west side you're gonna be you're gonna be pulling
山ええ真剣に私たちが西側に戻ったらあなたは ズームカメラから 引き抜くつもりです
out of the the zoom camera too yes double camera action and before i forget to mention the prices
そうですダブルカメラアクションそして 私が通常これを する
because i usually do this was hundred and eighty pesos per person twenty dollars twenty us dollars
ので 価格を言及するのを忘れる前に これは180でした1人あたりのペソ20ドル20米ドル
it's a four hour bus ride and yeah sam also got us a little picnic lunch we have some sandwiches
i'll do a little show and tell with that all set for this journey i'll put my passports away
they're so chill here they didn't even ask for my passport they're like yeah yeah okay yeah i
i love the relaxed um way of just life down here yeah especially people are very friendly once you
ここでのリラックスした生活の仕方が大好きですええ特にあなた が小さな都市や町のように入る
get into like the smaller cities and like towns yeah it's it's got a easy going small town vibe i
と人々はとてもフレンドリーです ええそれは簡単なことです小さな町の雰囲気私は
love it love it he loves it lunch time check this out guys this is the ultimate argentine fast lunch
it's you get your um flavored water which is a pear flavored water yeah okay pear juice
phantom shay alva one of my favorites also one of the most sugary yeah it's coated in meringue yeah
ファントムシェイアルバ私のお気に入りの1つも1つ最も甘いええそれ はメリンゲ ええでコーティングされています
and then the sandwich de miga trible which is basically a sandwich ham and cheese it's gonna
be perfect because we won't be having dinner until until later arriving at 4 5 checking
チェック イン に到着するまで夕食を食べないので完璧になるでしょ
in and then wonder like pounding the pavement in search of tours yes search of tours for the
うを求めて舗装を叩くツアーはい 次の日 のツアーを検索している
for the following days so i don't see us eating dinner until probably close to eight and so this
ので、おそらく8時近くまで夕食を食べているのを見ないので、私たち が家の甘い家に到着した
hello guys we have arrived in home sweet home in il oh so nice to be here this is the part of the
この こんにちはみんなここにいるのはとても嬉しいですこれはの一部です
our of our trip to argentina that i've been most looking forward to starting from here onward i
ここから始めるのが一番楽しみだったアルゼンチンへの旅行 の 私たちが
can't wait i'm so excited to be here landscapes seriously oh and it was a good bus ride it was
so we started off we left like maybe 10 minutes late and then there was a special event going on
oh yeah it's like the day of the virgin and there was a procession happening on the highway and a
pilgrimage kind of right yeah it was a pilgrimage so they had closed the highway down to one lane
for traffic and then on the other side people were walking biking riding horses yeah just getting
交通のため に1つの車線に下り 、反対側では人々が自転車に乗って馬に乗って歩いていましたええ
to the cross and to the virgin any way they could it was a long way let me tell you yeah there were
people i could you could tell they were struggling on their journey they were kind of hobbling a bit
other people took their dogs and then as as it was getting closer to the to the site there were
他の人が犬を連れて行って、それがサイトに近づくにつれて 、丘を上る階段 があり
a set of stairs that led up a hill yeah i was actually eavesdropping on the conversation next
ましたええ、 私は実際 に私の 隣の会話を盗聴し ていました。巡礼をしていた
to me because the guy was saying that he had done the pilgrimage he was telling his
girlfriend who's not from around there um and he said he would go drinking with his buddies
に言って いたのですが、彼は仲間と飲みに行くと言ってい
stay out till five in the morning and then when they were all drunk at like 5 a.m they
ました。朝5時まで外に出て、午前5時 くらいに 酔っ払っ
would start like stumbling down the highway start their pilgrimage towards the virgin and
they would get there at like 11 in the morning so that's a lot of walking and yeah exactly and then
to to make us a little bit more late we were randomly picked for a police and a
私たちをもう少し遅くするために私たちは警察と 警察と軍隊に ランダムに選ばれました
police and military check yeah the whole bus was checked the whole bus was checked so we ended up
arriving half an hour late we're at our place closer to five now we arrived at about 4 30
、30分遅れて到着しました。5に近い場所に到着しました。今は約4 30に到着しました
but it's still still a good time um it'll be it's a perfect time actually to go organize our tours
yeah siesta hour is over and there may be some restaurants that have gringo hours
ええシエスタアワーは終わりました、そして 通常ディナーは8 時な ので
because normally dinner's at eight but i think we can eat a little bit before then and also we need
グリンゴアワーがあるレストランがあるかもしれませんが それまでに少し食べることができると思いますそしてまた
to give you guys a little cottage tour because this is our first a-frame like alpine style
これはあなたたちに小さなコテージツアーを与える 必要があり ますアルパインスタイルの 居心地の良いシャレーの
cozy chalet so i think it's gonna be nice i mean we can hear the wind howling and like rattling but
ような最初のaフレームな ので、風の遠吠えやガタガタ音が聞こえるのはいいと思います
you know what's also really nice is that sunset isn't going to be till like 10 p.m
が、日没が午後10時 くらい になることはない
so we can go eat and get our tours booked and then we'll show you the tour at the very end
okay i think someone's hungry i i get it so i get the hint all right let's go eat let's go
well guys welcome to el calafate it is time to eat lunch so we found a pretty cool restaurant
みんな元気に 行きましょう。 エルカラファテへようこそ。我々は それはイザベルと呼ばれています
it's called isabel and they specialize in comida disco that's food cooked in like this
かなりクールなレストランを見つけたので、昼食を食べ て、彼らは それのための単語が、彼らは
round pan i don't know if there's a word for it in english in the menu they've translated it as
すき として、それを翻訳してきたメニューに英語であるかどうかはわからない
plow but that somehow doesn't sound right in my head so yeah we ordered the trout with
の食品はこの ラウンドパン のように調理することをCOMIDAディスコに特化 します しかし、それはどういうわけか私の頭の中で正しく聞こえないので、ええ、私たちはo
a blue cheese cream sauce and we also added pasta to it ravioli and i'm so pumped for this like sam
ブルーチーズのクリームソース でマスを rdered、 我々はそれにも追加パスタはラビオリとサムは、 このSAMのためにポンピングされる ように私がそのように、このために汲み上げてる
is pumped for this sam also went into the cellar yeah and picked out a really nice wine for us
yeah miguel mini we haven't tried this one cheers malbec 2017
it's really smooth oh i love it it has a rich violet color yeah and like um like a berry aroma
それは本当に滑らかですああ私はそれが豊かな紫色を持っているのが大好きですええそして それがモリスブラックベリーとプラムのように私に思わせるような ベリーの香りの
like it makes me think of morris blackberries and plums i don't know maybe maybe it's just me but
よう なええと 私は多分それはただかもしれません私ですが 、いくつかのモバイルよりも少し滑らかに感じ
it feels a little smoother than some some mobile i like it i love it try the bread tell us how it is
ます私は それが好きです私はそれが大好きです パンを 試してみてくださいそれは バター入りのパンです
bread with butter it's fresh out of the oven it's so warm oh man i'm so ready to eat bread i love
それは オーブンから出たばかりですそれはとても暖かいですああ男私はパンを食べる準備ができています私は どのように 大好きです
how in argentina they don't make you wait they know you're hungry they give you your bread and
your wine here's your bread here's your wine get at it i love that my friends my friends my friends
あなたのワイン を与えます ここに あなたのパンがあり ますここにあなたのワインが あり ます私は私の友人が大好きです私の友人私の友人
what has arrived this beautiful pot this beautiful disco as they call it locally
この美しい鍋に到着したものこの美しいディスコ彼らはそれを地元で そう 呼んでいる
yes there's the fish which we sprinkled cheese on top look at that dude the trout
beaut what a beautiful thing look at that stringy cheese so that comes with
um some parmesan cheese sprinkled on top but also blue cheese that's what's in it so much and
we have the papa's fritos the potatoes oh my gosh there's so much there's so much trout
that it's actually encroaching on the on the potato portion rustic potatoes
rustic potatoes and guys we we paid a little extra to get some raviolis all on the plate
素朴なポテトと私たちが少し余分に支払ったみんなは、プレート上のすべてのラビオリ を美味しそうに
looking delicious you know what i'm gonna put a little more cheese on there why not right
見せるために 私がもう少しチーズを置くつもりだと知っています
you never have enough cheese can you not when you're samuel jeffrey
oh my goodness very strong blue cheese in a good way in a great way in a great way um
なぜ ですか。 私の良さ非常に強いブルーチーズは、素晴らしい方法で素晴らしい方法で素晴らしい方法で
lingering aftertaste oh look at this ravioli is loaded with spinach spinach and ricotta
長引く後味です。このラビオリにはほうれん草のほうれん草が たくさんあり ます。そしてリコッタ
this is delicious this is the high calorie food you need for all the hikes you're
これはおいしいですこれは あなたがここにいる間にあなたがする
gonna do while you're here we're gonna be outside exploring all day so we need some
hearty food in the evening to sustain us for the next day's adventure okay
私たちは一日中外を探索するつもりなので 私たちは夜に私たちを維持する ためにいくつかの 心のこもった食べ物 が必要です
you nobody likes them though this is terrible
n EXTの日の冒険 これはひどいですが、
no oh my god
大丈夫 、あなたは誰もがそれらを好きではない オハイオ州ノー こんにちは 私の神
hello people greetings from the field the future new outfits new day yeah exactly um sorry we
didn't uh we we didn't update you guys after after dinner such a good dinner we kind of just bottled
back here and then went out for a little quick beer we should tell you about the price point yes
ここに戻って ボトルに入れ て、少し簡単なビールを飲みに出かけました。価格について教えてくださいはい
so what was it it was it was a pretty affordable meal honestly so the fish dish the comida al
it was 23 total yes and it's a dish for two people yeah keep in mind i think that was
でした23でした合計はい、それは2人用の料理ですええ覚えておい てくださいそれはあなたがええええ得ることができるより高価なものの1つだった
one of the more expensive ones that you could get yeah yeah so aside from fish they also had chicken
と思う ので魚以外にも彼らは あなたが本当にあらゆる種類の異なるものを見つけることができるような
beef lamb like you can really find all sorts of different what a vegetarian one yeah so
チキン ビーフラムを 持っていまし たベジタリアン1ええ 異なるCOMIDAのアルディスコのすべての種類
all sorts of different comida al disco and then we got a wine that was eight dollars it was a
ので 、その後、我々は それが とても滑らかで、私はまだ私はまだ して良かったことそうそう
really nice wine it was so smooth and i still i still can't stop thinking about the bread
oh yeah that was nice with lots of butter yeah we really picked out it was such a good meal
だった8ドルだったワインを得ました たくさんのバターええ、私たちは本当にそれを選びましたとても美味しい食事
i i could go back there again there was a couple items there was one called the bondiola
でしたii再びそこに戻ることができましたいくつかのアイテムがありました 豚肉で
which is pork and it was done napolitano style so i would have had a tomato sauce and cheese and
あるボンディオラ と 呼ばれるものがありましたそして それは ナポリターノ スタイルで行われたので私はトマトソースとチーズと
bacon yeah oh my goodness one thing i did notice like some first impressions of walking through the
ベーコン を持っていたでしょう 町 を歩いた最初の印象のように気づいたの
town was that there are a lot of restaurants that the center is beautifully maintained
reminds me a little bit of vijaya langustura also banff in canada yeah just very very well
kept beautiful buildings lots of restaurants lots of shops lots of interior agencies so
it's great we also went and organized some tours as well we sure did so we've booked two tours so
far we're honestly playing it a little bit by ear because the weather here changes constantly
までに 2つのツアーを予約しました 。ここの天気は絶えず変化し
and like even the tour agencies told us you know what it's better to just book like a day or two in
、ツアー代理店は、 天気が良くなり、雨が降るようなものではないように
advance so that you are getting good weather and it's not like raining as a great example of that
、1日か2日前に予約する方がよいことを知っていると言っていまし た。これは
already within a day the weather has changed for tomorrow yes so it looked like tomorrow
、天気が1日以内にすでに発生 していることの良い例です。 はい、明日のために絞首刑にされたので、明日
was gonna be windy and rainy and i was going to be beautiful and so what i ended up doing
is i ran back to the tour agency to book a tour for us tomorrow because it is one of the one of
はツアー代理店に戻って明日ツアーを予約しました。 晴れた日の
the sunny days that we're going to get we're going to be on a boat tour um we're go tonight
1つは 、ボートツアーに参加する予定です。今夜
we're going to an estancia and we also want to do some ice tracking while we're here so those
are the three mosques and then there's also a viewing deck but you can go to there any day
and apparently you get you get the glacier views no matter what the weather is so i'm not so i'm
、天気に関係なく氷河の景色を眺めることができるようですので、私は それほど心配し
not so concerned about that but for the boat ride and for the ice trekking we do want to have nice
て いませんが、ボートに乗って、そしてアイストレッキングのために、私たちは 天気の 良い 日
weather yeah so those are the three main tourists we want to do the boat trip to see the glacier and
を過ごしたい ので、これらは私たちが氷河を見るためにボートトリップをしたい3人の主な観光客です
then a little bit of ice trekking on the glacier and then the estancia which is happening today so
we're super pumped for that i'm doing that in a few hours yeah we'll be another start
getting ready for that we'll take you along for that journey but right now we wanted to give you
興奮し ていますええ、私たちは別のスタート ゲットに なるでしょう
the cabin tour that we promised you yesterday so we'll do it got some daylight let's make it happen
その準備ができたら、その旅に連れて行ってあげますが 、 今は 昨日約束したキャビンツアー を提供したかった
oh sam's going to be behind the camera you ready yeah well this is home sweet home for the week
ので、日光を 浴びて、サムがカメラの後ろにいる ことを実現しましょう。 あなたは準備ができていますええ、これは今週の家の甘い家です
we rented a cute little a-frame a little alpine style cottage i've got to tell you for me
私たちはかわいい小さなフレームを借りました小さな高山スタイルのコテージ私は これが非常に基本的なコテージであるよう に私に
personally like this is a very basic cottage and i would say it's like one step up from camping just
個人的に あなたに言わなければなりません そして私はそれが一歩のようだと思います これが合板のようなものであるという理由
because this is kind of like plywood and then i hope they have some insulation and then like a tin
だけでキャンプから上がって 、それから彼らがある程度の断熱材を持っていて、それからブリキの
roof but it's been so windy like abnormally windy that it feels like the roof is going to fly off we
屋根の ようであることを願ってい ますが、異常に風が強いので屋根が飛んでいくように感じます私
had to we were sleeping upstairs but it was just it was unbelievably loud it felt like we were out
and out and see with the storm so we had to come down here there's a there's a pull-up mattress i
、外に出て嵐を見ている ように感じた ので、ここに降りなければなりませんでした。そこに
slept on there yeah this is our sofa but it turns into a bed and there's another mattress down here
寝てい たプルアップマットレス があります。これは私たちのソファですが、ベッドとここに別のマットレスがある
so that's where we slept last night because it was so loud everything was rattling and shaking that
we were like we're not gonna get any sleep um so that was our first night's experience here in this
私たちは眠りにつくつもりはないようでした。それがこの コテージ での最初の夜の経験でした。
cottage um apparently the wind is gonna die down over these next few days so we'll see how this
どうやら この 数日で風が弱まるでしょう。だから、この コテージが
cottage holds up but i just kept thinking of the story of the three little piggies
どのように 持ちこたえる かを 見ていき
you know the one that built his home with straw with wood the wolves did the wolves didn't come to
ますが、 私は あなたが知って いる3つの小さなピギーの話を考え続け
blow it down but the patagonian winds yes yeah yes um so yeah well this is kind of like the living
ました。 patagonian winds yes yeah yes um so yeahこれは、リビング
slash dining area which you know we've converted it into our little office for the time being
スラッシュダイニングエリアの ような ものです。当分の間、小さなオフィスに改造しまし
and then we've got a little kitchen so yesterday after we ate our delicious meal we also went to
た。昨日、食べた後、小さなキッチンがあります。おいしい食事私たちは 匿名でスーパーマーケットに
the supermarket to la anonymous and we stocked up on some fruits yeah here we got some avocados
も行きまし たそして私たちはいくつかの果物を買いましたええここ で私たちは高カロリーの伝統的な アルゼンチンの食事の
trying to eat a little healthy pears apples bananas in between our high calorie traditional
間に少し健康的な梨リンゴバナナを食べようとして いるいくつかのアボカドを手に入れました
argentine meals well there's also cheese and salami like hiding in the fridge so not that
よく隠れているようなチーズとサラミもあります 冷蔵庫はそれほど 健康的で はありません
healthy um but yeah they left us like a little kettle with some tea bags some coffee hot cocoa
um we don't actually have a stove here but we do have one of those like electric elements that you
ええと私たちは実際にはここにストーブを持っていませんが私たちはあなたが 差し込む 電気要素のようなものの1つを持ってい
plug in and you can cook right here there's this little microwave a microwave it's like a toaster
ますここで調理できますこの小さな電子レンジがあります電子レンジそれ は大きなトーブオーブン
oven that's a big toaster oven yeah yeah so we do have a toaster oven and a microwave
のようなものです そうそうそうそう私たちはトーストオーブンと電子レンジを持っています
but i have a feeling we'll also be eating in town because we've just seen too many places that are
が私たちはちょうどあまりにも多くの場所で 私たち
tempting us yeah and at least half of the days we're here we're gonna be out on tour anyways
を 誘惑して いるのを見て 、少なくとも半日はここにいる
yeah so yeah so yeah and then just off the kitchen we've got a little bathroom it's tiny so i don't
ので、 とにかくツアーに出かけるつもりです。 そうそうそうそうそうそう、そしてキッチンのすぐそばに小さなバスルームがあります。私は あなたがここに収まると は 思わ ない
think you're gonna fit in here i mean this is an a-frame so we've got our toilet no bidet you can
see the a-frame uh against the shower there it's got a shower a little sink oh no there
はシャワーに対してa-フレームを見る ことができ ます ビデ
is a bidet what am i saying this is argentina of course there would be a hair dryer a hair dryer
があり ますこれはアルゼンチンですもちろんヘアドライヤーがありますヘアドライヤー
i didn't notice this i was looking for a hair dryer upstairs although you mentioned this place
私はこれに気づいていませんでしたw 2階のヘアドライヤーを探しているので、この場所
is like camping it has everything you need it has a good wi-fi yeah that's true it doesn't work
it just doesn't have uh it doesn't have a good soundproofing system yeah the winds which is
揃っています。システムええ、風が 大丈夫にハウリングしている夜に問題 と なる風そして今私はあなたを
problematic at night when the winds are howling all right all right and now i'll take you upstairs
寝室に 連れて行きます これは最初の寝室ですこれらの階段は非常に急です彼らは本当に
to the bedroom this is the first sleeping quarter these stairs are very steep they are they really
are i'm gonna try not to chill myself coming up here i'm gonna hand you the camera audrey okay
私はあなたが 私の後ろ を見れば 、あなたの目の前に小さな棚があります
it's like climbing into an attic yeah so i suppose i'll finish things off here yeah um if you look
ええと、ええ、私はここに物事をオフに終了しますと仮定して 大丈夫 、それはええ屋根裏に登りのようなものだ
behind me there's a little shelf in front of you the front of me i should say in front of me this
、ここつもり手をしていますまで来て冷やすしません 私の前に私はこれ が彼自身である
is himself there's extra bedding which we ended up taking downstairs yeah an electric heater which
と言うべきです私 たちが階下に連れて行った余分な寝具がありますええ電気ヒーター
would obviously come in very handy in the winter months we're here in the late spring almost summer
so we don't need it but then yeah we have a bed enough perfect for it's good enough for two people
and uh you really see the a-frame portion like as soon as you get out of bed you're at risk for
です。ベッドから出るとすぐに 、頭 を ぶつける 危険性があるように、フレームの部分が実際に表示されます。
bumping your head you are unfortunate i haven't done that yet but i'm sure it'll happen before
残念ながら、まだ行っていませんが、私はそれは 旅行の終わりの 前 に 起こると確信しています
the end of the trip and then you have we have a tv this is going to be our place for for a week
and uh it's gonna be great i mean we have good internet which is what we need we have a good work
desk honestly we're gonna be this is a destination where we're gonna be out and about almost all the
time i don't see us spending too much time here a little bit of work and sleeping and that's
it and so this will be this will be just just good enough for for what we need it for so yeah guys
thanks for watching this episode and we're gonna have some very exciting episodes from here we're
gonna be visiting glaciers and yeah this is one of the most epic places in argentina patagonia by far
氷河を訪れ ます。 アルゼンチンのパタゴニアで最も壮大な場所です
so please stay tuned for those episodes and we will see you soon
ので、これらのエピソードにご 期待 ください。すぐに お 会いしましょ