字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント The Japanese school bag, or Randoseru, is the staple of elementary education in Japan. ランドセルは小学生の鞄ですが But companies have recently begun to make them for adults too. 最近は大人用ランドセルもあります Will these bags be practical and stylish for grown-up use, or are they still just for kids? 果たして実用性はどうでしょうか? We'll find out in this episode of Life in Japan! 一緒に見てみましょう! OK, I've got my Hako bag and we're ready to rock 'n roll! ランドセルで出掛けます! [Life in Japan Theme Song] どうしたの? What is going on Momma chan? 粗大ゴミの日よ Today is sodaigomi day, glorious day. 待ちかねたわ The garbage gets taken away! 粗大ゴミを捨てるぞ! Get rid of the big big trash! 車を出した方がいいかも Ok Daddy, you need to move the car... Good morning Sarah! 自転車を並べるから We're going to put our bikes in one line... - 自転車がゴミ? - 違う! We're not getting rid of your bikes, are we? No! やっと捨てられるね Big garbage day is a glorious day indeed. 8時に回収よ 8 o'clock, hopefully sayonara! - スローで撮って - いいよ Slow motion, ok? We're going to make it slow motion. 3・2・1 3, 2, 1... スローモーションだね! Oh, you guys in slow motion! すごい Oh my goodness! 通学の時に鞄をのせます So everyday going to school we load up the bikes. ビタミン! Vitamins! 何? What?! - これ好き - ビタミンだね! I like this one. Vitamins, get your vitamins! ビタミン苦手? Sarah, you don't care for your vitamins? - 頑張れ! - 私は好きだよ Just do it! I kind of like it. 好き? You kind of like it? - 私は苦手 - そうなの? I do not like it. You don't like it either? 大丈夫 Oh! I have no problem 鞄をのせて Ok let's put your bag in. 学校に行きます Loading up, ready for school. ランドセルものせました Got all of your Randoseru's in here. じゃあ行こう! Alright, rock 'n roll, here we go. 通学時は私が ランドセルを途中まで運びます I'm the mule. 春の大掃除です! I get to cart all the girls backpacks with me as I walk them to school. 断捨離します! It's time for some Spring cleaning! 掃除を続けよう! We're going to get rid of stuff, here we go! これ大好き! Well the great home clean-out continues! これは? This? I love this! グミだけど この味 苦手だったわね What is this? 沢山ね Oh these are gummies, but you guys don't like these gummies. 以前ランドセルを紹介しました My goodness. 今回は特別版 Do you remember our randoseru video, the video about the kids' backpacks? "HAKO" というブランドが 大人用のランドセルを贈ってくれました Well we have a special treat for you これからレビューします The people at Hako sent us a couple randoserus for adults to try out ヤッター! We're about to open them and see what they're like. Here we go. ランドセルなの? Yea! Yea! - 箱は小さいね - そうね It's just like a randoseru Is this how they come? ワーオ With a little package like this? Yeah. - 凄い! - パパとママのだよ Whoa, Oh wow 見てごらん! Whoa! But this is for mommy and daddy... - とても綺麗! - 凄いな! Look at these! I can't see! - ワーオ! - 試してみたい They're beautiful! Oh my goodness! - いいわね - 格好良いね Whoa! I want to try it! 開けるよ Wow - this is really nice. This is really pretty. カードがある Ok we open it from over here... "HAKO" からね Oh wow, there's a card. - 面白いわ - 収納? From Hako, thank you! Yep, there it is. 開けてみるわ That's interesting. You can put something in there? - 分かるよ - バックルがあるね Maybe, let's see how it opens. ランドセルと同じ? I know, Oh, it's got a little buckle there huh? ワーオ! Is that just like yours, guys? 小さなポーチと PC用のスペース Wow 横を開いて 物が取れるわ! It's got a little pouch here you can put your laptop so it's protected... Yes 簡単ね Oh, the sides unzip so you can have access. いいね! Easier access in and out. ここにも収納があって Oh nice! - 繋がってる? - うん And then side- you have side zippers. - いいな! - 柔らかい革ね Does it go all the way through? Yes. ママ 使えそう? Very nice! It's such soft material. 近いうちに使うわ Are you going to use it? いい色だね Yes, of course I'm going to use it someday. 学校に行くみたい! It's a nice color. こっちはパパ用かな I feel like I'm going to school! こっちは黒ね This might be mommy's, this might be daddy's 綺麗! Hako Oh the black is beautiful. パパのだね! Oh that looks like daddy's! 何を入れようかしら Now we got to fill it up with stuff. 気を付けて! Whoa! He almost fits in it! 女の子のランドセルと There's a girly randoseru and then... 大人用は少し背高でスリムです The adult one is a little taller and a little thinner. どうかな Oh yeah, huh 楽しそうだね Well it looks like they found something to do with the boxes, huh? ギリギリ入る! I can barely fit! Oh my! ジョシュアもだね! Oh Joshua, yea Dude! 詳細欄で ”HAKO” のリンクを 紹介しています! Thanks to the Hako for sending us these bags これを犬小屋にするの Check it out, the link is in the descpriton. サラの犬? This is going to be my dogs home. これから作る! A home for your dog, huh Sarah? ニトリで何買うの? I'm going to decorate it. Oh nice. 絨毯と収納用具よ What are we getting at Nitori today? 絨毯と収納用具 探しに行こう! I need to buy a rug and some storage containers. どうかな? A rug and some storage containers— let's go for it! - 青の商品が多いね - ニトリはそうだね Here we go, what do we see? 青とグレー There's a lot of blue. I know, they do, they like blue, don't they? - 140×160 - このグレーはいいね Blue and gray. 絨毯の次は収納です! 140/160 That gray is nice. - どうかしら? - いいよ! We got our mat and now we're looking for some containers. ジョシュアはどのランドセルで 小学校に行きたい? Oh look, I match! There you go! 赤?好きな色だね Joshua, which one are we going to get for you when you start elementary school? - 大人用ランドセルは? - 本が入れやすいわ A nice red one! Yea, you like red, don't you? 容量は大人1人に十分 So, what do you think? 収納はママバックと比べるとシンプル This bag is super nice for carrying books 子育て以外で活躍しそう! And just—if you're going out by yourself. いいわね It's not necessarily a mom bag, there's not enough pockets for a mom bag, - ニトリもスポンサーしてくれるかな? - それ最高 But otherwise, if I didn't have my kids with me, great bag. お気に入りよ Nice. きっと素晴らしいわ So when's Nitori going to sponsor us, do you think? こうかしら? Yeah right! Hopefully soon! 出来たね It's one of my favorite stores. 柔らかいです The thing is going to be great. 犬小屋は出来た? Do you want it this way? Nope. 良い感じ Oh here we go. - 飾りつけしたの - いいね Very soft to walk on — I like it! ジョシュアも前に 幼稚園で作ったの Hey guys, let's see! How are the dog houses going? いいね! Good. Good? 準備はどうかな We're decorating. Oh, you sure are! いいね! Joshua made this at school so I noticed we can put it in the dog house. アナも準備中 Oh cool. サラはどう?いいね! Oo, it looks like we're coming together nicely, huh? ランドセルで出掛けます! Very good! プレゼントタイムです! Anna-cakes also getting in there. Alright! "お母さんが大好き" うれしいわ Sarah, how's it going? Good? Ok! 母の日ね! OK, I've got my Hako bag and we're ready to rock 'n roll! Here we go. "大好きなママ" Time for the official card presentation! "ママは世界一凄い人 大好きだよ" To mom from Anna, I love you. Thank you mom. Oh that's beautiful! "大好きなママ" Happy Mother's Day, yea! すごい! To Mommy—Oh my goodness! サラ 素敵なカードね ステッカーも見て You are the best mom in the whole world, I love you, from Becca. みんな 最高の母の日だね To Mommy Sarah's is so cool. 僕は? Oh wow! ジョシュアもハグして Mother's Day. Aw Sarah, that's so good. Look at these cute little stickers. 母の日のビックハグ! Aw, you guys did such a good job with your Mother's Day cards—all of you girls! 最後はパパの番だよ Can I unpause? もう一回 No Joshua, you need to give mommy a big hug. 母の日です! 教会に向かっています Big hug for Mother's Day! Big hug and kiss! 子供のダンスがあります And it's your turn Daddy to give her a Mother's Day... Awww! 母の日のメッセージです Aww, Mmmmm 教会かオンラインで参加できます (Everyone cheers) 母の日のお祝いです! Let's get one more 礼拝が始まります! Yeah! 母の日のメッセージです It's Mother's Day! We're heading to Paz Church 草むらを抜けます There's going to be a special kids' presentation today, ママに気を付けて A special message for the mothers. It's going to be a great day. ここで見てるわ You can check it out online or come in person if you're close. 大きい石投げようか? Our Mother's Day celebration is just about to begin! 前でやって People are coming, the worship team is ready to go! Whew yes! 人生をランドセルで例えるなら Talking about Mother's Day and mothers! 良い物も入れられますが It has gotten thick in here! Oh, there we go. ネガティブな事を詰め込むと 大変かもしれません Careful, don't hit your mother! 香りする? OK, you throw and I"ll watch you. ママにあげる? OK, should Daddy throw the big ones now? 遠征に行くの? No, not behind me, go in front of me. "遠征" って? Life is like a Randoseru, you only get out of it what you put into it. 遠くまで探検する事! If you put good things in, you'll get good things out, 手を上げているだけだよ but if you put negative things in, well…, don't expect to get positive results! ジョシュアはどこだ? Smell it, Joey Joey? みんな来たね Can you give this to momma? ジョシュアは? Is it like an expedition? どこかな? I don't know what's expedition. わぁー! And expedition, like an adventure through the woods! Yeah! そこにいたのか! I'm just holding my hands up so I don't get my hands... ブーケが出来たね Where's Joshua? Oh! 素敵だね They come, bringing in the sheaves! 9... Do you see Joshua, Joey Joey? レンガ持ってる?誰も? Where is he Joey Joey, where's Joshua? 無いみたい AHHHHHHH!!!!! 誰が勝ちそう? There he is! 6!ブロックされたわ! Run Joey Joey, run! 大人用ランドセルは興味深かったです Is your wild bouquet ready? Just about. 大人がお洒落に使える ランドセルでした That's pretty! Wow. ビジネスマンや大学生に ピッタリだと思います Nine... 書類や本 ノートPCも収まります Who has brick? No one? ご視聴ありがとうございます! "チャンネル登録" を是非お願いします! No one. No one?! また次回お会いしましょう Special card then 誰の勝ち? Yes, alright, go ahead. - 誰かしら - アナ Who's going to win the game? Me. - ベッカは? - 負けてる Six! Man, I'm blocked. We had a lot of fun this video trying out these randoserus for adults. It was quite a cool experience. They've made them so stylish, so nice to use. In our little bit of time using it, I think it would be best suited in like a business or school kind of situation. Where you have documents or books you're taking with you. Maybe a small computer. Thanks for watching Life in Japan. If you like this video please subscribe, turn on the bell And until next time we'll see you on Life in Japan. Oh boy, who's winning? No one. Anna. Anna? Or Becca? I'm losing.
A2 初級 日本語 ジョシュア いい 大人 サラ パパ ママ 大人のためのランドセルに挑戦!日本のリュックサック)|Life in Japan Episode 109 (We Try A Randoseru for Grown Ups! (Japanese Backpack) | Life in Japan Episode 109) 29 1 Summer に公開 2021 年 05 月 28 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語