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  • There is a chart that is worrying

  • that is involved in the Covid vaccine rollout here in the US.

  • And it is this one.

  • This shows the number of people getting shots every single day.

  • And until recently it was a source of great pride

  • in the country, peaking earlier this month at an average

  • of 3.4m doses every single day.

  • But look what has happened since.

  • The number is falling just as quickly as it rose and now

  • stands at more like 2.3m doses a day.

  • So what's going on?

  • One explanation is that people have become more nervous

  • about getting vaccinated since a handful of people

  • encountered serious illness after getting vaccinated

  • with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

  • And it is certainly true that the beginning of the drop-off

  • coincides with the point at which US regulators put the J&J

  • vaccine on pause while they investigated further.

  • But while confidence in J&J's particular vaccine

  • does seem to have dropped, the overall willingness

  • of Americans to get vaccinated does not, polls suggest.

  • Instead, what seems to be happening is

  • we're simply reaching the end of the group who

  • are most eager to get vaccinated, those people who

  • are willing to drive for hours to do so.

  • Instead, the US is now trying to vaccinate

  • people who are more cautious, who definitely don't want it

  • at all, or simply don't see the reason to,

  • given that they're are low risk of suffering from serious Covid

  • effects at all.

  • In response, the Biden administration

  • is trying to make it easier for people to get vaccinated.

  • Today, we know that many adults have not

  • been vaccinated because they have found

  • it too confusing, or too difficult, or too inconvenient

  • to get a shot.

  • So for those having trouble finding a location

  • or making an appointment, we're going

  • to make it easier than ever.

  • It's setting up mobile vaccine clinics.

  • It's urging pharmacies to allow people to get vaccinated

  • without prior appointment.

  • And it's spending hundreds of millions of dollars

  • on a campaign of education and outreach

  • to make sure that people have all the information they

  • need to make the right choice.

  • But some experts believe that there are now

  • parts of the country opening up where

  • vaccination rates are just going to be lower than other places.

  • And that will open up gaps for the virus to reappear, albeit,

  • hopefully, in a much more localised and less serious way.

There is a chart that is worrying


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Why US Covid-19 vaccination rates are slowing | DC Diary

  • 25 4
    joey joey に公開 2021 年 05 月 23 日