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The 1950s and 60s are often in the early 1970s
hijackings of flights originating from the US
were quite literally out of control.
When the US government passed the anti hijacking act of 1974
it was a direct response to what is now sometimes called
the golden age of skyjackings.
In fact, between 1960 in 1974 there
were 240 hijackings or attempted hijackings between the US
and Cuba alone.
So today we're going to take a look at the Golden age of plane
But before we get started, be sure to subscribe to the Weird
History channel and let us know in the comments
below what other aviation related topics
you would to hear about.
Now if you look at the center of your screen
you'll notice this Weird History explainer video.
On May 1st, 1961 and Antulio Ramirez Ortiz
took over the cockpit of a national Airlines flight
on his way to Key West, Florida.
He had a gun and a knife and he demanded to be taken to Cuba.
So he could warn Fidel Castro of an assassination plot
against him.
Ortiz said he was a Castro loyalist who
left Cuba looking for work but now wanted
to return to his native land.
When the plane arrived in Cuba.
Castro returned it the crew and the other passengers
within a day.
Ortiz stayed in Cuba two years later
Ortiz tried to leave again.
However, this time he was arrested.
And in 1965 he was sentenced to three years
in prison for espionage.
When he got out of prison he tried to leave yet again
and wound up spending another three years in prison
in the early 1970s.
He finally made it out of Cuba again in 1975.
His triumph was short lived however,
because he was immediately arrested for the 1961 hijacking
upon arrival in the US.
He spent four years in prison in the US.
Although it's hard to believe now
at the time of Ortiz hijacking the US
had no official policies regarding air piracy.
So instead, he was charged with assault
and transporting a stolen aircraft across state lines.
The late 1960s and early 1970s were characterized
by an epidemic of hijackings and most of the planes
were taken in the US and then redirected to Cuba.
The reasons for these hijackings varied widely
with the perpetrators wanting everything
from being able to study communism
to getting some decent free holli's that's not a bad joke.
Seriously a guy hijacked an airplane for free holli's
hijacking for pizza I get free holli's
that's more of jaywalking.
The US Congress decided to take action
and as a result of Senate hearings
the Federal Aviation Administration
set up a task force to explore counter hijacking techniques.
Previously pilots had been given guns
but obviously that wasn't too effective.
Now operating under the theory that the best offense would
be a good defense the government mandated
that airline passengers were to be
sent through metal detectors.
Additionally, the first hijacker profile was established.
If there's one thing the world has learned from social media
and internet comments it's that everyone thinks they're
an expert on everything.
So when hijackings became a problem and the FAA
decided they wanted to take action.
You can bet your house the average airline passenger had
a few ideas on what should be done
and they weren't afraid to say so.
Passengers understandably wanted to protect themselves.
So they chimed in and offered suggestions
ranging from cartoonishly impractical booby traps
to screening processes rooted in bigoted paranoia.
Some of the more memorable examples
of passenger suggestions included,
installing trapdoors outside cockpits,
arming stewardesses with tranquilizer darts,
and playing the Cuban national anthem before takeoff
and then arresting anyone who knew the lyrics.
Lucky for everyone the FAA decided
to listen to the experts.
Although it may not be the most exciting or gratifying strategy
simply giving in to an armed skyjackers
demands was the safest, most practical option
for airline pilots.
So that's what they were told to do cockpits were equipped
with maps of the Caribbean, pilots
were told about the landing facilities
at Havana's Jose Marti International Airport,
and they were given cards with rudimentary Spanish
so they could communicate with any potential hijacker.
An official Cuba hijack phone line
was installed at Miami air traffic
control in the Swiss who were the US
is diplomatic intermediaries created
a form that could be used to request the return of planes.
Castro for his part was really more interested
in embarrassing the US than anything else.
So most of the planes were eventually returned albeit
with a heavy fee attached
Raffaele Minichiello, skyjacked a flight in October of 1969 one
that had several stop offs before reaching
its final destination.
He flew from Los Angeles to San Francisco
where he hijack a plane and demanded
to be taken to New York guys racking up the miles.
The plane stopped in Denver and the passengers were released.
After refueling in New York FBI agents
tried to keep Minichiello from taking off again.
Born in Italy, Minichiello wanted to go home
and after firing his gun was allowed to continue on a flight
to Rome.
He escaped capture when he landed in Rome
but was later tracked down by police and taken into custody.
Italy refused to extradite him and tried him in Rome instead.
His actions woke up FAA and FBI officials as well as
highjackers to the possibility of taking flights to a location
other than Cuba which was something they had never really
considered for no reason other than it had almost never come
up before.
So why was Minichiello so mad?
What drove him to do it?
Well he said he was shorted $200 in one of his paychecks
as a US Marine you guys don't rip off a Marine.
Most of the planes hijacked in the late 1960s and early 1970s
were relatively small carrying about 100 passengers
on average.
In 1973 however, when a hijacker identified as R
Campos commandeered American Airlines flight 299
from New York to San Juan.
He took a plane with 379 passengers on board to Cuba.
The plane landed safely in Cuba and was greeted by Fidel Castro
Castro chatted with a pilot Captain Augustus Watkins
and inspected the 747 while assuring him
that the plane would be able to take off Despite its size
and a lack of appropriate runway space at the Cuban airport
What can't Castro do?
The plane did take off shortly after landing
and made its way to Miami after FBI agents debriefed Watkins
the 747 departed for San Juan arriving only about
seven hours late.
Most all hijackers up until this point had been men
but not all hijackers are men.
Take Catherine Marie Kerkow who along with fellow Black Panther
Roger Holder hijacked Western Airlines flight
701 from Los Angeles to Seattle by claiming to have a bomb.
They demanded $500,000 and let the plane land in San Francisco
once on the ground Kerkow and her colleague boarded a plane
to Algeria where they were granted asylum
not cool Algeria.
She was charged with air piracy by a federal court in 1972
and a warrant was issued for her arrest.
In 1975 the two were arrested for trying
to illegally enter France.
They were found guilty and fined and they were released but not
allowed to leave Paris.
Kerkow however, left Holder was extradited to the US but Kerkow
whereabouts are unknown.
She remains on the most wanted list for domestic terrorism.
After hijacking a Pan American flight headed
to Puerto Rico in 1968, Louis Armando Pena Soltren
spent over 40 years in Cuba.
According to accounts Soltren and two accomplices
stormed the cockpit with weapons he snuck
on the flight in a diaper bag.
His fellow hijackers were arrested and sent back
to prison in the US.
But Soltren was protected and he had
a long tenure as a fugitive in Cuba before returning to the US
in 2009.
However, the US doesn't forget hijackers and upon his return
in 2011 he faced air piracy and kidnapping charges
and was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
In 1972 three criminals hijacked a plane in Birmingham,
Alabama shortly after it took off.
They ordered the pilot to fly around the country for a while
and demanded a $10 million ransom.
At one point they even threatened
to have the plane crash into the nuclear facility
at Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Despite the bluster however, the affair
eventually ended thankfully without a nuclear explosion.
But the incident wasn't completely bloodless either.
The first officer was shot and 31 passengers
were held hostage for 29 hours.
In 1974 Samuel Byck hijacked a Delta Airlines flight leaving
Baltimore, Maryland and he had big plans
namely the crashed the plane into the White House.
Byck had a gun and a bomb on board
when he got to the cockpit of the plane
he shot both the co-pilot and the pilot killing the first
and injuring the latter.
Thanks to the unsmart thinking of taking out the pilot.
Byck never got the plane off of the ground
then a police officer pursued him
who shot him while he was still in the plane.
Accounts vary as to whether or not
the cop killed Byck or merely wounded him
before Byck took his own life.
Byck didn't get to carry his plan out
but he did leave his mark on pop culture.
He's a character in Stephen Sondheim's and John wideman's
1991 musical assassins and he was
portrayed by Sean Penn in the 2004 film
the assassination of Richard Nixon.
He's even alleged to be one of the inspirations
for the character Travis Bickle who
was played by Robert De Niro in the 1976 hit film Taxi Driver.
Possibly, the most famous jacker of all time
was the enigmatic Dan Cooper who threw a mistake propagated
by the mass media became known to the world DB Cooper.
Cooper whoever he may have been famously
hijacked a Northwest Airlines flight in 1971
over Washington State.
After the flight landed in Seattle authorities
delivered him $200,000 as well as several parachutes.
He demanded to be taken to Mexico
and the plane took off again.
While heading South Cooper parachuted out
of the plane never to be seen again.
While the FBI believes Cooper likely
couldn't have survived his jump given the weather conditions
and gear he was wearing there are Nonetheless
lots of theories about what happened to him.
There have been no traces of Cooper himself
since the hijacking however, in 1980
three packets of Cooper's ransom money
were discovered in the Sandy river bank of the Columbia
And in 2017 authorities found what
they thought was a strap from his parachute in the Pacific
As the 1970s wore on airplane hijackings
became more brazen, more global, and more extortionist
threatening passengers lives for money
and then using the planes to escape with a preferred
methods of skyjacking.
To end the situation once and for all the FBI
began sending snipers to tarmacs and plainclothes
agents began boarding planes.
Finally, on January 5, 1973 all passengers
began being screened.
While this didn't put an end to hijackings.
It did put an end to the frequent occurrences
that constituted the golden age of hijackings.
So what do you think?
Do you feel safe on airplanes in modern times?
Let us know in the comments below.
And while you're at it, check out some of these other videos
from our Weird History.