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  • China's richest man is a Communist!

  • A top executive from Huawei gets arrested in Canada.

  • And finally,

  • the Pope's deal with the devil has gone sour.

  • Who would've thought?

  • This is China Uncensored.

  • Welcome back to China Uncensored,

  • I'm your host Chris Chappell.

  • You know, as I always say,

  • just because you're a communist,

  • doesn't mean ya can't make a little profit.

  • And that's why I applaud Jack Ma.

  • The billionaire founder of Alibaba Jack Ma

  • was accidentally outed as a Communist Party member

  • by Party mouthpiece People's Daily

  • in a list it published of “100 Chinese people

  • who had made extraordinary contributions

  • to the country's development over the last 40 years.”

  • Now Ma had always been a bit vague about

  • his relationship with the Communist Party.

  • In fact, Ma even gave the advice to his employees

  • that when dealing with the government,

  • Love them, don't marry them.”

  • Easier said than done.

  • I'd be his Christopher Robin any day.

  • Now as a Party member,

  • Jack Ma would be required to put

  • the Party's interests above all else.

  • And of the Party's interest, is interest!

  • Party members have to pay Party dues—2%.

  • And since Ma is worth over 35 billion dollars,

  • that's a lot Party interest.

  • Ma isn't alone.

  • “A recent survey found that one-third

  • of China's private-sector entrepreneurs

  • are party members.”

  • The question is, why did Jack Ma get outed now?

  • Earlier this year,

  • Jack Ma announced he was retiring as Alibaba CEO,

  • leading many to speculate he was being forced out by the Party.

  • Which I get.

  • The only thing more common than a rich Communist,

  • is a purged Communist.

  • And in Xi Jinping's anti-corruption campaign,

  • a lot of people who used to be untouchable have been taken down.

  • Though typically the way it works is

  • you don't go for the big guy,

  • you go for smaller people and work your way up.

  • So I wouldn't worry too much about Ma.

  • Unless lower level guys in Alibaba were getting arrested and...

  • Oh.

  • Well, stay tuned to China Uncensored for updates.

  • Speaking of rich Chinese people,

  • the CFO of Chinese tech giant Huawei has been arrested in Canada.

  • Her name is Meng Wanzhou.

  • She's the daughter of Huawei's founder.

  • The US wants to extradite her to face charges in New York.

  • She's suspected of violating US trade sanctions

  • by shipping US-made items to Iran.

  • Canadian authorities apparently nabbed her

  • while she was transferring flights at the Vancouver airport.

  • Which is why you should always fly nonstop.

  • Meanwhile, in Australia,

  • a well placed member of parliament

  • turned out to have some pretty shady connections

  • to the Chinese Communist Party.

  • This is West Australia's Labor MP Pierre Yang.

  • He said that when he was filling out

  • his parliamentary register of interests

  • heoverlookeddeclaring his memberships

  • in the Northeast China Federation Inc

  • and the Association of Great China.

  • He even was a legal adviser

  • for those groups until August 2017,

  • several months after his parliamentary term

  • started in May of 2017.

  • The problem is,

  • both of those organizations

  • are linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

  • And this follows a disturbingly similar pattern of the Party

  • getting people who share its interests into

  • the Australian government and society.

  • And not everyone in the Australian government

  • believes that Yang merely overlooked his membership.

  • “I find Mr Yang's excuse that he 'overlooked' his membership

  • of two associations which promote the foreign policy interests

  • of the Chinese Government to be highly improbable.

  • All incoming members of Parliament are briefed

  • by the clerks about their disclosure responsibilities.”

  • It's even less likely since he was

  • the Government's whip in the Legislative Council.

  • So he should have known the laws.

  • Now, West Australia's Premier Mark McGowan

  • has says he vouches for Yang's character.

  • But recently, two other Australian government officials

  • were revealed to have connections to the same group.

  • Over the last two years,

  • more and more evidence has come out that

  • the Chinese Communist Party is trying to influence

  • politics in Australia.

  • But I mean, I understand.

  • Chinese money is very tempting.

  • And no one knows that better

  • than Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

  • While the rest of the European Union

  • is scrutinizing Chinese investment,

  • China's Belt and Road initiative has found support in Portugal.

  • And when Chinese leader Xi Jinping came to visit this week,

  • president de Sousa was literally drooling over Chinese money.

  • Let's see that again.

  • But it's not just Australia and Europe

  • the Chinese Communist Party is trying to influence.

  • According to this new report

  • from top China experts in the United States,

  • Beijing is trying to do the same in the US.

  • The report says, “While Americans are well acquainted with

  • China's quest for influence through the projection of diplomatic,

  • economic, and military power,

  • we are less aware of the myriad ways Beijing

  • has more recently been seeking cultural and informational influence,

  • some of which could undermine our democratic processes.”

  • The goal is to not only

  • redefine China's place in the world as a global player,

  • but they also have put forward the notion of a 'China option'

  • that is claimed to be a more efficient developmental model

  • than liberal democracy

  • I mean, I've only been saying that for the past six years.

  • And they didn't cite me at all.

  • But hey, it's cool.

  • But even as China tries to influence America,

  • it's still the US that brings home the bacon.

  • China is suffering from a severe case of swine flu.

  • This little piggy went to market,

  • this little piggy stayed home,

  • and this little piggy became patient zero and had to be shot.

  • Now even though China has put tariffs on US pork

  • as retaliation for the trade war,

  • China is dealing with a major shortage of pork.

  • And Chinese people love pork.

  • The written character for family is literally a pig in a home.

  • China imported almost 10 thousand tons of American pork

  • just for the week of November 22.

  • This represents a 72 percent share of all

  • U.S. pork export deals during that week.”

  • Although it makes sense when you realize the pork shortage

  • could also be due to the large number of Uighur Muslims

  • under surveillance who now love eating pork.

  • Twitter is banned in China,

  • but that hasn't stopped some Chinese netizens

  • from having personal Twitter accounts.

  • But recently,

  • Chinese Twitter users have been invited to tea with police,

  • and then forced to close their accounts.

  • The good news is, this ban does not include

  • the Twitter accounts belonging state-run media,

  • like China Daily, People's Daily,

  • Xinhua, Global Times, and CGTN.

  • And finally, hey Vatican,

  • you know how you made that deal with the Chinese Communist Party

  • that has been persecuting Christians since, like the beginning?

  • It might have been a bad idea.

  • In September, Pope Francis agreed to recognize 7 bishops

  • appointed by the officially atheist Chinese Communist Party.

  • In exchange,

  • the Party said it would recognize the authority of the Vatican.

  • Well, guess what?

  • The Party lied.

  • And now one of the bishops the Pope appointed

  • has beendisappeared.”

  • Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal.

  • You know I feel like I get to use that clip a lot on this show.

  • Look, I know the Pope is a Liberation Theologist,

  • which is sort of a synthesis between

  • Christian theology and Marxism.

  • But it seems the Vatican is learning the hard way

  • that a deal with the Communist Party

  • might just be a deal with the devil.

  • What do you think?

  • Leave your comments below.

  • And before you go,

  • now is the time when I answer questions from fans

  • who support China Uncensored

  • on the crowd funding website Pateron..

  • Evan Rillera Marsh asks,

  • Hey Chris, Is china uncensored biased?

  • Are there any rules you guys use

  • when making videos to try and minimize bias?”

  • Of course I'm biased!

  • I'm biased in favor of freedom,

  • and against authoritarian regimes

  • lying and killing their own citizens.

  • But this is a good question, Evan.

  • Even when you're biased like me,

  • it's important to look at all the facts.

  • But that doesn't mean giving equal weight

  • to the side that always lies.

  • The Chinese Communist Party says

  • there is no human rights problem in China.

  • That's a lie.

  • The Chinese Communist Party says it lifted

  • millions of people out of poverty.

  • That's another lie.

  • And I prefer to directly tell you when someone is lying,

  • rather than hide behind language

  • that gives equal weight to both sides.

  • That being said, on China Uncensored,

  • we strive to be rigorous with our facts.

  • We can back up any claim we make.

  • And when some other media get things wrong,

  • like the reporting on China's social credit system,

  • we do our best to make sure we tell the whole story.

  • Of course, that doesn't mean we're infallible

  • and we never make mistakes.

  • But we do our best.

  • Also, if you ever see a mistake on China Uncensored,

  • just know that the person who made the mistake was not me.

  • It was my producer, Matt.

  • And we're able to keep doing what we do

  • thanks to support from the fans of the show.

  • So thanks for your question, Evan.

  • And if you'd like to support China Uncensored,

  • consider supporting the show

  • with a dollar or more per episode

  • on the crowd funding website Patreon.

  • Link is below or on the endscreen.

  • Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

  • Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell.

  • See you next time.

China's richest man is a Communist!


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China’s Richest Man Is a Communist | China Uncensored

  • 8 1
    zijun su に公開 2021 年 05 月 21 日