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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • There's a yellow rose in Texas

  • I'm going there to see

  • No other Feller knows her

  • Nobody known to me

  • She cried so when I left her

  • It's like to broke my heart

  • And if we ever meet again

  • We'd never walk apart

  • She's the sweetest little rosebud

  • That Texas ever knew

  • Her eyes are bright as diamonds

  • They sparkle like the dew

  • You may talk about your Clementine

  • And sing of Rosalee

  • But the Yellow Rose of Texas

  • Is the only gal for me

  • When the Rio Grande is flowing

  • The stars are shining bright

  • She walked along the river

  • On a quiet summer night

  • She said if you'll remember

  • We parted long ago

  • I promised to come back again

  • And not to leave her so

  • She's the sweetest little rosebud

  • That Texas ever knew

  • Her eyes are bright as diamonds

  • They sparkle like the dew

  • You may talk about your Clementine

  • And sing of Rosalee

  • But the Yellow Rose of Texas

  • Is the only gal for me

  • Now I'm going back to find her

  • My heart is full of woe

  • We'll sing the songs together

  • We sang so long ago

  • I'll play my bango gaily

  • And sing the songs of yore

  • The Yellow Rose of Texas

  • Will be mine forevermore

  • She's the sweetest little rosebud

  • That Texas ever knew

  • Her eyes are bright as diamonds

  • They sparkle like the dew

  • You may talk about your Clementine

  • And sing of Rosalee

  • But the Yellow Rose of Texas

  • Is the only gal for me

There's a yellow rose in Texas


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B1 中級

テキサスのイエローローズ (The Yellow Rose of Texas)

  • 457 16
    Daniel Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日