字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント You don't always have to go away to have a good time 外出できない時には there's a special type of vacation that you can only do when you're at home. お家時間を楽しみましょう! Pitch your tent in the living room and grab a sleeping bag リビングにテントを張って it's time for some Home Camping Life in Japan style! ホームキャンプの始まりです! Oh my goodness! 楽しそうだね! [Life in Japan Theme Song] 郵便? What do we have here guys? - 何かしら - 知ってるの? Something... Do you know what it is? そうね Oh! I do... 待って OK wait これ何? What is that? What is that?! 寝袋? That looks like a sleeping bag! 寝袋よ It is a sleeping bag! 普通の寝袋じゃないよ It's not just any sleeping bag—I bet you have never ever seen a sleeping bag like this. スペインのダウン It's white duck down—Spanish white duck down. - 何? - 日本製だわ! What's that? Oh, it's made in Japan! 綺麗な色! Oh, it's a beautiful color! すごい! Oh my goodness! 腕が通せるの! It's got arms! 試して You try it out first mommy! ちょっと待って Hang on, Mommy's going to try it out. 僕も! Can I try it?! すごくいいわ Oh this will be great when we're camping 寝袋被ったまま コーヒーが飲めるわ And I need a cup of coffee outside but I'm too cold to get out of bed... 歩くベッドね! I can just take my bed with me! ベッドを着てる! You're wearing your bed! フードはある? Do I have a hood? あったわ Oh it's in here... Yea yea there you go 信じられない! Holy guacamole! - 気持ちよさそう? - とても Do I look comfy? Yes! 試したい! I want to try it on now! - 柔らかい! - グースダウンだからね Oh it's so soft! I bet! It's goose down. 気に入ったわ Oh, I think it's mommy's! アナには大きいね I think it's a little big for Anna! 私の番! Now my turn! - 調節できるわね - 着てみて Oh, you tighten it here. Oh there you go. - 探検に行けるね - 閉めて Becca, you look ready for an expedition. Can you zip it up? 私の番! My turn! ベイマックスだよ! I'm Baymax - whoo whoo. ママの繭よ Step into Mommy's cocoon... ママの物になったかな Oh, see? Mommy has claimed it as her own. - 寒い日にいいわね - パパも使いたいな Although Daddy gets super cold when he's camping. So it might be daddy's. - どこかな? - 何かあるわ! She's in there somewhere. Oh! I figured something else out! Get up! ここも開けられるわ Oh I can unzip from down here! There you go. できたわ! There we go! ここで留められるよ Oh oh! I know. Yea yea yea- it clips on right to here. 涼しくなったわ! Oh my stars! This gets cooler by the moment! ETみたい You look like E.T. とても気に入りました! This is nice — I like this! ZenPlusさん ありがとうございます! Thank you so much ZenPlus for sponsoring this video. 概要欄に寝袋のリンクがあります Go to the link in the description to see this sleeping bag and pick one up for yourself, it's great! いいね! Oh my goodness! Yea! イジーも入って! Here's Izzy — Izzy, squeeze in there! Squeeze! - 笑って! - いいね! Smile Oh look at that! ルースを見て! 1, 2... look at Tia Ruth, look at Tia Ruth! Look at these cousins! 1・2・3 エビーもこっち見て! 1, 2, 3... Eva, look at me! 巨大な噴水だ! Check this out, massive fountain! すごい噴水だね! That's awesome, huh? What a fountain! こっちおいで! Come Eliana! - どう? - 素敵! What do you think? I love this! 相模原浅水公園は 見所満載です! Nearby Sagamihara Asamizu Park is full of attractions. 庭園・遊び場・展望台・動物園があります Beautiful gardens, playgrounds, observation towers, obstacle courses and a petting zoo, this park has it all. 家族での時間に最適です! It's the perfect place to kick off our mini vacation before heading back home to camp! 大きな塔です! All right, big tower time! My goodness! - ラプンツェルがいるかな - そうだね Rapunzel's at the top. That's right. 良い景色だね Wow Whoa, you can see a lot. 噴水が見えます Fountain garden over there... 綺麗な景色です What a beautiful view. 立つ場所が決まってる? When in Japan, you gotta stand on the footprints, huh? ちゃんと立ててる? There we go, I got it right. Did you get yours right, Dude? 後ろ向きで出ないとかな? It's just going to be tricky— when the door opens we'll have to walk out backwards. 準備できた? Here we go - here we go! Big big step! できた! I did it! ベンと同じように He did it, he did it! OK, walking backwards! 上手! Good job! Good job! Whew, we made it! 楽しそうだね! Whoa, good job guys! 上手! You're doing good! サラが来ました Here comes Sarah. Alright Sarah! ジョシュアも来ました! Here comes Joshua. Com'on big guy, you got this! サラ すごいね! Whoa Sarah, Good job! こっちに戻って Back down this side. 気を付けて降りて Careful how you come around, then you got to climb down the net. 足を引っかけて そう!上手! Put your feet in it. There you go, good job! Awesome! バランス感覚いいね! The balance beam, wow, good job! What's balance? 上手にバランス取って! You have to keep your balance on it. Whoa! Whoa! Keep your balance! おっと! Whoa no! アナは? How- how's life up there Anna? Fun. 楽しい! Fun. Fine? 楽しいよ! I said "fun!" Fun! OK. 皆来ました 可愛い犬もいます And the crew is all done. Look at those dogs! Beautiful dogs. お昼ご飯にしよう! Now we're on a mission to find some lunch. アイスがいい! No, ice cream. Hee hee. 可愛いね! Oh my cuteness! ホームキャンプの準備はいい? Who is ready for some house camping?! うん! Me! テントをたてるよ Yes, ok time to set up the tent! 狭いかしら It's going to be tight! Boy, this is going to be tight. 持って! Oh, right here. 新しいリビングだね This is going to be like our whole living room. 開けてみる Let's just open it up. パパ! Hey Dad! パパ! Hi Daddy! 寝るのに最適な暗さです There we go. Wow, it's nice and dark in there for sleeping. どうしたの? Oh my goodness, what's going on in here guys? お店ごっこ! It's a store game, store game, store game! 何のお店? There's a store? Yeah. 病院・靴・おもちゃ Doctors, shoes, toys. - 遊んでる? - おもちゃ屋さん You're playing in there? Right here is the toy store. 男の子か女の子か聞いて You tell me if it's a boy or girl and I put out the boy and girl stuff. おもちゃを選ぶの And pick a toy and they pay me. - これがお金 - なるほどね This is money. Oh, ok. 何してる? So, what's going on down here? - ここで休憩だね - テーブルに行けないから This is our retreat now, huh? Well, we can't even get to our table. テントで塞がれちゃったわ! It's totally blocked by a huge tent! ポール テント貸してくれてありがとう Thanks Uncle Paul for letting us borrow your 6-man tent. 家のじゃ大きすぎて Our 12 person tent— no way! There's no way it would have fit! 6人用テントで何とか入ったね A six one barely fit. ベッドの準備だね Time to get ready for bed, huh? ジョシュアどこ? Oh! どこいった?! Come here Dude! Where's the Dude? サラもいるね! Where's the Dude?! - どう? - 気持ち良い And the Sarah Bear! おやすみ Hey Sarah Bear! テントを解体したんだね How's it going? Good. チーズサンドだよ! Night night everybody! 美味しそう Oh my goodness, the tent's down and look what's happened now. 新しいテントかな? Here's my grilled cheese! ここに1つと向こうにも Oh, very nice, huh? ジョシュアとアナのテント? Boy, we took one tent down and now we have one going up over here... - うん! - いいね! There is one. Then it extends over there. チーズサンド食べるの! Here we have another tent with Joshua and Anna? - テントで食べるの? - 私も Yep! Oh very nice. 美味しそうだね! And also I'm going to have my grilled cheese. - 何するの? - パパジョーと話すの Oh, you're going to have your grilled cheese? With me. ひいおじいちゃんの誕生日! OK guys, you can get your grilled cheese now. パパジョーの誕生日?何歳? What are we waiting for? What's going on? For Papa Joe. - 100歳! - 100歳 すごいな! Because it's Papa Joe's birthday! パパジョー! Papa Joe's birthday?! How old is Papa Joe? パパジョー! 100! 100 years old, oh my goodness! - ルース! - こんにちはパパジョー! Say "Hi Papa Joe!" Hi Papa Joe! ♪ ハッピー バースデー ♪ Say "hi" Hi Papa Joe! 火を消すよ Hi Ruth! Hi Papa Joe! 1・2・3! (Singing "Happy Birthday") みんなで出来たね! Yeah! "1921年に神は私を造られた" Let's blow out the candles together... かっこいい! Here we go 1, 2, 3... 1921年?! But nobody pass out! さようなら! Then in 1921 God made me. デザート食べていい? Whoa cool! I love it! いいわよ 1921!? 100歳だなんて! Say bye! パパジョー100歳の バースデーケーキ? Oh! Mommy, can I eat the dessert now? Yes? 美味しそう! OK ルースの祖父のジョーは Wow guys, 100 years old! どんな時も喜びに満ち溢れている 素晴らしい模範です What do we have here? Is it some Papa Joe 100 Cake? ジョーからは神様への感謝を聞いても 文句を聴いた事がありません Oh yum! 物質主義の時代にあって 私達も見習いたい姿勢です Ruth's Grandpa Joe is an example for us コロナ禍でのホームキャンプのように どんな状況でも幸せを見出せるように he's been through so much in his life and yet he continues to be a person full of joy and energy. ホームキャンプの思い出がありますか? コメントで教えて下さい! You don't hear a negative word come from his mouth, but only thankfulness to God for his life and family. Life in Japan 公式グッズ好評販売中! ◆詳細は概要欄↓をチェック!◆ This kind of heritage is precious and something we desire to live out in our generation. When people are valued over possessions, you end up with a rich and full life. It's the kind of life that can make the best of any situation, whether you're exploring new frontiers or camping at home. Do you have any favorite memories camping at home? Comment below, and until next time, we'll see you on Life in Japan. Bye bye.
B1 中級 日本語 テント パパ ジョー キャンプ ルース ママ ニアホームの冒険:ホームキャンプ|日本の生活 第107話 (Adventures Near Home: Home Camping | Life in Japan Episode 107) 7 0 Summer に公開 2021 年 05 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語