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  • Brands are everywhere.

  • Brand is not

  • A logo, corporation Identity, advertising, marketing.

  • Brand is confidence.

  • Passion.

  • Belonging.

  • Action.

  • Security.

  • A set of unique values.

  • Originally, 1650s onwards

  • Branding was for Cattle.

  • A stamp of ownership.

  • Later on

  • Brands are burned on WOODEN CASES.

  • A guarantee of wine.

  • Good source. Good quality.

  • Brands, are big business.

  • In 2010, Coca-cola was valued at $70,452,000,000.

  • That is more than the total GDP of Bolivia, Kenya, Bahrain combined.

  • In 1886, 9 coke bottles were sold.

  • In 2010, 1,600,000,000 were sold.

  • Enough for every person in London to drink 206 bottles of coke each day.

  • Many things can be branded.

  • Products, services, people, places, religions.

  • Brands can take your company and your customers to new places.

  • Even space.

  • When people use your Brand as a Verb, that is remarkable!

  • Google it! Skype your family, photoshop that picture, hoover the carpet.

  • Brands guarantee quality, evoke desire, help us belong.

  • But now, brands work in a different way.

  • Brands are finding(Google) information, sharing(YouTube) films, selling(ebay) stuff, making(facebook) friends, adding to knowledge(Wikipedia).

  • In ways we never could before.

  • These brands say (YouTube, Google, ebay, facebook, Wikipedia)

  • USE ME!

  • SO...

  • Brands are now yours!

  • You make them, you unmake them.

  • They mean what you say they mean.

  • Brands have belonged to...

  • Farmers, manufactures, advertisers, organisations.

  • And now, you

  • 1. The number of Brand Leadership Masters courses in the world.

  • UEA (University of East Anglia.)

Brands are everywhere.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ブランディングとは? (What is Branding?)

  • 5573 454
    林彥君 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日