字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント What do we have here Sarah? サラ 何見つけた? My favorite color. Your favorite color, huh?! - 好きな色! - そうだね Oh, pretty! Oh my goodness! - 可愛いね - 凄いわ! Look how long it is! 凄い長さ! Wow! Oh my stars! 確かに凄い! Look at that! 見て! It goes all the way down there and it starts way down here. この全部が滑り台だね OK, let's go. 行こう! [Life in Japan Theme Song] 青梅市花木園の ローラー滑り台に来ました We've come to Kabokuen Park in Ome city to check out a big roller slide. とにかく長いです This thing is absolutely ginormous. 丘一面が滑り台です It goes all the way down there from all the way up here. サインがある! 211メートル! Do you see that sign? It's 211 meters! 211メートル? 211 meters? OK. 凄い! Holy cow! 準備できた? Alright, you guys ready? 行くよ! Let's go! パパより速いね! You guys are faster than me! パパ 大丈夫? Daddy are you ok? パパは遅いみたい Yeah! It's too slow, I don't have a sled. ライター家は日本の滑り台が 大好きです! Our family loves a good roller slide, and Japan is full of them. 今日は日本最長の滑り台に行きますが Today we're on a mission to go try Japan's longest roller slide, その前に別の滑り台に寄り道です but before we go there we're stopping by to try this impressive slide along the way. 乗るには登らないと It's a ways up you have to go. タダでは乗れません If you want to ride the ride, you have to pay the price. パパの電話で 子供の目線をお届けします I've got daddy's phone. Now I'm going to show you how it feels like being a kid. ベッカが来ました! 撮影中です Here comes Becca, she's been filming! いいね ベッカ! Alright Becca! 次はそりを使ってみます OK, this time I have a sled. We'll see if that helps, huh Becca? 狭そう!パパできる? It's so narrow! Is he going to do it? 行くよ 今回は良さそうだ Here goes nothing Becca... oh yeah, this is better already. 押さないと進めません! I do have to push myself along though. スピード!もっと! Speed speed! More speed! No! ちょっとした運動です This is a work out. 片手で押しています I have to pull with one hand. ベンとイジーです! There's Ben and Izzy yeah! 大丈夫 パパ? Oh what happened, Daddy? ちょっと押す? Daddy, do you need a little push? パパは遅いよ! Oh my goodness, it's so slow for me honey! 一番面白いビデオ! This is the funniest video — ever. - OK - ダメだったね OK It did not work. - 残念! - バイバイ! Oh! I got out. Bye bye! これで進める! Now Daddy's not in the way. イジーです! There's Izzy! Hi Izzy! 楽しかった?大変? So, was that fun? Was it a lot of work? 良いマッサージだね That was a lot of work and a great massage on the...body. 花木園の滑り台は 丁度良い長さとスピードです Long but never too fast, the roller slide at Kabokuen Park is perfect for kids of all sizes. 子供達は大満足!大人も楽しみました Our kids had a blast there! The adults did too! 今朝最後のスライドです Here's the last slide of the morning! 到着! Here they come! The big finish! ワーオ! Whoa! 東京でも有数の ツツジを見に行きます Ok we're going to the biggest Azalea place in all of Tokyo, from what I understand その後で 日本最大の滑り台に行きます It's right on the way to Japan's biggest roller slide. 登ります Going on up. 年代物の屋根です Look at the super old roof. 草も生えています There's like grass growing on it and everything. - 屋根に草が生えてるよ! - ゼルダみたい There's grass growing on the roof! 到着したようです It's like Zelda. ジョシュア 写真撮るわよ I think we found the place—look at this! 絶好の写真スポットです! Hey Joshua come, let's take a picture right here. 色彩が豊かです Yeah, that's a good place for a picture! 消えてみる There is a lot of colors here, my goodness! ツツジの中に? I will disappear. - ベッカとアナ - 写真を撮ります Disappear into the azaleas? Ah! ベッカに寄って Becca and Anna come... Oh, we're going to take a picture. ジョシュアも All close to Becca. All close to Becca. 1・2・スマイル! One—I can't see Joshua— One, Two— smile though ハイキングだね Hiking up the mountain. 蜂? A bee?! [screams] ちょっと大袈裟 That was a little excessive! - もうすぐ - 良い場所だ We're almost there. It's nice and cool over here. 日陰がある It is, it's in the shade. 富士山が見えるよ You can see Mt Fuji over there, guys. やっと下り坂です This is the moment we've been waiting for: the downhill walk. 今日はここに来ました Today this is where we came. Life in Japan も撮影中 良い天気です! Wow! Of course filming, huh, with Life in Japan having fun in the sun! - クレイジーヘアの日は? - 何もしない What are you going to do for crazy hair day dude? Nothing. 何もしないそうです You're not? Nothing, he says "nothing." 考えてるけど秘密 I know what I'm going to do but I'm not going to tell you. OK Oh, ok! I'm going to do a secret. イジー 疲れた? 車に戻ろうね Do you... oh, are you tired Izzy?! Ok, let's get to the car. 鐘を見つけました We found the bell making all the noise. 何か食べようか Now it's time to find a bite to eat. 1つよ うちに1つとベンおじさんにも Get one. One for us and Uncle Ben will pick his. - どう? - 甘い食べ物よ What's it like guys, let's see! It's sweet, it's got sugar on it. - 砂糖?塩も? - 砂糖よ It's got sugar on it? And salt? It's sugar. 塩船観音寺でツツジを楽しみました After a fun time seeing the Azaleas at Shiofune Kannon-ji, 多摩川を更に1時間ほど登ります we headed another hour up the Tama River way up into the mountains. 丹波山村には長さ247mの 日本最大のローラー滑り台があります! Here in the village of Tabayama is Japan's biggest roller slide, 247 meters in length! 行こう! Here we go! 本格的です So this place is serious. 専用のそりとグローブを使います They give you a sled and gloves that you have to use. ブレーキ用 For braking 登ります! OK, we're going to go on up. Here we go! ベン 本格的だね! Well Ben, this looks legit, man! そうだね! It's legit! 長い登りです It's a good long walk up. 頂上かな?まだでした Did we make it to the top? Oh, no not yet. ママちゃんが来ました Here comes momma-chan. Momma chan! 橋の下を通って 下まで続いてるよ You go under this bridge and then go around. Whoa! 凄い! My goodness! お城?スタート地点? This is a castle here? We're going to take off from a castle? 丹波山の山頂は美しいです We are up above Tabayama. What a beautiful place, huh? 絶景と巨大滑り台! What a beautiful place...for a big slide, huh? 楽しい日だね! Gorgeous day! 準備良い? You ready? You holding on? つかまって! Hold on! Ok! 楽しい?! Is it pretty cool? Yeah? ちょっと押すよ Let's pull. We gotta pull through this part. 速くなるよ!準備良い? It's about to go fast. Are you ready? Yeah. 行くよ! OK, here we go! 行くよ! Here we go, here we go, here we go! もうすぐゴールだ! Oh, here's the end, are you ready? - どうだった? - 凄い! Alright Dude! What did you think? Cool! - 凄かった? - もう1回! Was that so cool? I want to try it one more time. そうだね! Yeah, let's do it again. 凄かったね! Dude, that was awesome! That was so cool! 次は皆で一緒に We've got one ride under our belt チームで滑ってみます Which means we're going to try it again and do a massive chain with all of us together. スピードも出て 楽しい事 間違いなしです! They say that's the best way to do it for the best speeds, the most amount of fun, 高まります! Adrenaline up to 10! 軍団がやって来ました Here come the troopers trooping up the hill. - 何とか到着 - お疲れ様! Barely! You barely made it to the top? But you made it! ちょっと休憩? Yes! Gotta take a break before we go? ベンが先頭です Ben's there — he's in front of us. 皆も一緒です And behind us everybody's getting lined up... 楽しみです! This is going to be crazy. あのカーブだ! Whoa, it's nice on those parts, huh? ワーオ! Whoa! 後ろが遅れてます! Oh, they got disconnected! 速く来て! They got disconnected, come on guys! 行くよ! Here we go! ビックドロップ! Here it comes, the big drop! 皆で滑りましたが Well we tried to do a big slide with all of us together 最後にはぐれてしまいました But it didn't work, we all got separated. - 4回目... - 私は5回目 Our 4th time up... Our 5th time 5回目?! Your fifth time! 登りもきついです We're a little slower this time, I think this is going to be it. 大丈夫! No! No?! もうすぐ… 頂上… We're going... we're getting there... let's keep going! もうすぐ… We got this... We got this is right! もうすぐだ! We got this is right! ライター家 準備出来た? 今日最後のライドだよ! Ok Reutter family — alright, you ready to do this? 良い調子!速いね! Yes! It's a good run, it's a good run, we're still moving! 止まらないね! I know, we haven't stopped yet! 遅い場所 This is the slow part... 行くわよ!パパにつかまって! Here we go, hold on. Joshua, hold on tight to Daddy. パパにつかまって!行くよ! Hold on to Daddy, here we go! Life in Japan 公式グッズ好評販売中! ◆詳細は概要欄↓をチェック!◆
A2 初級 日本語 滑り台 パパ ベッカ イジー ベン つかまっ 日本最長のローラー・スライドに乗る|Life in Japan Episode 106 (Riding Japan's Longest Roller Slide | Life in Japan Episode 106) 25 3 Summer に公開 2021 年 05 月 07 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語