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  • hey everyone jennifer from tarle speech with your  pronunciation question of the week it's a very  


  • long question today we have the words sigh to  exhale sign an indication or a notification  


  • sin a transgression science the study of physical  or the natural world since because and conscience  

    罪......違反行為 科学......物理的または自然界の研究......理由と良心

  • your inner voice it's a lot of words all right  let's take a look i tried to break this down  

    あなたの内なる声 沢山の言葉がありますね それでは、私はこれを分解してみました

  • into two columns with the long i and the  short iso let's talk about the long i first  


  • this vowel is going to be tense and you  are going to start with an open mouth  


  • i and move to a smile of course i'm exaggerating  i get comments in some of my videos saying i don't  


  • make my i like that this is for teaching  purposes so again to get your tongue in  


  • the right place you're going to open your mouth  wide in an oval i and then move to that smiling  


  • shape and that's going to get the tongue  tip down low and then high and flat i i i i  


  • next for the short ih sound you're going to relax  your lips my students often confuse this sound  


  • with the long e because they look very similar so  we have e and then relax your lips a little bit ih  

    長めの "e "を使うと、とてもよく似ているので、"e "を使って、唇を少しだけリラックスさせます ih

  • so your tongue is going to be high and flat but  not as high as the e it's going to pop down a  


  • little bit because you are relaxing your cheeks  and your lips and your mouth so we have e ih e ih

    頬や唇、口元をリラックスさせているので、「e ih e ih」となります。

  • so hopefully that helps you get  the difference between those two  


  • vowels we're going to have the letter s the  s sound to start these words um to do this  

    母音 私たちはsという文字を使うことになるでしょう。

  • you are going to just have the tip of your  tongue either pointing down or behind the  


  • top front teeth it is not touching and the air  is going to continue to move out and then for  


  • the n sound nnn the tip of the tongue is going to  touch the back of the top front teeth and the air  


  • will move out of your nose so those are the basic  sounds that we're going to use something else to  


  • keep in mind is that we have some situations  where we have two syllables instead of one so  


  • let's start with the one syllable words and try to  put those all together so we have sigh sigh sigh

    1音の単語から始めて、それらを全部まとめて、sigh sigh sighにしてみましょう。

  • sign sign sign sign and then the  short i sin sin sin sin and sinse  

    サイン サイン サイン サイン サインとと とと とショート ショート ショート ショート

  • sinse sinse since now for that ns some people  will ask me about this um you're going to touch  


  • the teeth for the n nnn and then pull the tongue  down for that s as you do that make sure that  

    舌を引っ張って "s "を作り、"n "と "nnn "の歯を作り、舌を引っ張って "s "を作ります。

  • the air is moving out of your mouth for thepractice it slowly in two parts n s n s ns ns

    のために口から空気が出るようになっています。 2回に分けてゆっくりと練習します。

  • it's always a great tip take it slow at first  and then speed it up now we have the word science  


  • spelling really confuses people here so we're  just going to have think of the um sounds s-i  

    綴りはここの人々を混乱させるので、um sounds s-i を考えてみることにしましょう。

  • sigh and then we're going to end short  i ins science science science science  


  • and then for conscience you have some options  i've been getting a lot of comments about  


  • is it a short eye is it a short e is it a shortfocus on clarity and just having a short relaxed  

    それは短い目ですか?それは短いEですか?それは短いUですか? 明瞭さに焦点を当てて、ただ短くリラックスしているだけです。

  • vowel sound there to get the word stress correct  for these unstressed syllables so i wrote it as  


  • the short i because we're studying this andthink that lends to the lesson and um it's a  


  • little bit easier to remember if you're learning  but technically it is the short u the schwa sound  


  • you have an option you can either say ns  as the ending or you can do nts both are  


  • acceptable okay so we have conscience conscience  conscience i tend to not say the t but you can say  


  • conscience conscience conscience either is fine  so let's give them all a try sigh sigh sigh  


  • sign sign sign science science science sin sin sin  since since since conscience conscience conscience  

    記号 記号 記号 記号 科学 科学 科学 科学 罪 罪 罪 良心 良心 良心 良心

  • and now for a sentence i don't have one oh my  goodness that means you have to write one down  


  • so since i don't have a since i don't  have a sentence some of you may think  


  • that is a sin it will weigh heavy on my conscience  but science tells me since you all are so smart  


  • that you can leave your sign or your signature in  the comments section and leave a sigh of relief  


  • after you write a sentence give it a try  people are going to know this difference  


  • if you found this helpful we'd love it  like a share and a subscribe check out  


  • our products on google play and itunes and all of  our class options on tarle speech thanks everyone


hey everyone jennifer from tarle speech with your  pronunciation question of the week it's a very  


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